Q-V3.1: Do you agree that the Vision and Strategic Objectives are appropriate?
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
Chapter 3 – Vision and Strategic Objectives Q.V3.1: The Vision The Vision outlined in the Draft Plan is appropriate, as are the objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities. Delivery of the SWLP should be achieved in a sustainable way that responds to the climate emergency and meets the five overarching objectives. This will ensure that the right development will be delivered in the right places. The Strategic Objective Chapter 3 – Vision and Strategic Objectives Q.V3.1: The Vision The Vision outlined in the Draft Plan is appropriate, as are the objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities. Delivery of the SWLP should be achieved in a sustainable way that responds to the climate emergency and meets the five overarching objectives. This will ensure that the right development will be delivered in the right places. A number of the Strategic Objectives identified in the Draft Plan are appropriate and should be translated in to policy in the following way. • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time – New housing and employment allocations often require new infrastructure to support their development. There is the opportunity to include allocations in the SWLP that will deliver infrastructure that supports not just the proposed development, but also delivers onsite facilities that can benefit the local area as a whole. For example, the provision of new public open space that will be to the benefit of the local area as a whole. • Developing opportunities for jobs is an entirely appropriate objective. – There are a number of large villages in the plan area, such as Bishop’s Itchington, that have employment sites, services and facilities that create job opportunities. The plan should look to direct housing allocations to these locations to ensure that there is a workforce available. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities. –Allocations should be focused at sustainable locations, or locations that can be made sustainable through the introduction of new services and facilities as part of the development. While the focus should be larger strategic allocation that can make meaningful contributions to the housing need, smaller allocations will still be required to allow smaller settlements to meet their needs. • Contributing towards a net zero carbon target – Development opportunities that can provide significant amounts of green infrastructure and have access to services and facilities by sustainable means, such as train stations, and which can incorporate Active Travel should be preferred locations for allocations. • Connecting people to places – This is an important objective that will increase and improve access by sustainable and active travel modes. Allocations that are located close to public transport opportunities, educational facilities, green spaces, and employment opportunities, or can provide these opportunities on site, should be preferred. • Protecting and enhancing environmental assets – The SWLP should look to support allocations that can provide significant biodiversity net gain opportunities and high quality green infrastructure that will benefit not only the residents of development, but the environment as a whole.
Chapter 3 – Vision and Strategic Objectives Q.V3.1: The Vision The Vision outlined in the Draft Plan is appropriate, as are the objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities. Delivery of the SWLP should be achieved in a sustainable way that responds to the climate emergency and meets the five overarching objectives. This will ensure that the right development will be delivered in the right places. The Strategic Objective A number of the Strategic Objectives identified in the Draft Plan are appropriate and should be translated in to policy in the following way. • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time – New housing and employment allocations often require new infrastructure to support their development. There is the opportunity to include allocations in the SWLP that will deliver infrastructure that supports not just the proposed development, but also delivers facilities that can benefit the local area as a whole. For example, the introduction of a primary school as part of a wider development next to a village that has limited primary school capacity, or no primary school at all, is an example of how this objective could be met. • Developing opportunities for jobs is an entirely appropriate objective – Delivering employment opportunities alongside new residential development proposals is an important way of creating job opportunities in sustainable locations. Furthermore, making residential allocations in locations that have easy access to employment opportunities by sustainable transport modes, such as rail and bus, should be the preferred approach in planning to support economic development. Residential and mixed use sites that can provide facilities to help and encourage people to work close to home should be supported. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities –Allocations should be focused at sustainable locations, or locations that can be made sustainable through the introduction of new services and facilities as part of the development. While the focus should be on larger strategic allocation that can make meaningful contributions to the housing need, smaller allocations will still be required to allow smaller settlements to meet their needs. • Contributing towards a net zero carbon target – Development opportunities that can provide significant amounts of green infrastructure and have access to services and facilities by sustainable means, such as train stations, and which can incorporate Active Travel should be preferred locations for allocations. • Connecting people to places – This is an important objective that will increase and improve access by sustainable and active travel modes. Allocations that are located close to public transport opportunities, educational facilities, green spaces and employment opportunities, or can provide these opportunities on site, should be preferred. • Protecting and enhancing environmental assets – The SWLP should look to support allocations that can provide significant biodiversity net gain opportunities and high quality green infrastructure that will benefit not only the residents of development, but the environment as a whole.
Chapter 3 – Vision and Strategic Objectives Q.V3.1: The Vision The Vision outlined in the Draft Plan is appropriate, as are the objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities. Delivery of the SWLP should be achieved in a sustainable way that responds to the climate emergency and meets the five overarching objectives. This will ensure that the right development will be delivered in the right places. The Strategic Objective A number of the Strategic Objectives identified in the Draft Plan are appropriate and should be translated in to policy in the following way. • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time – New housing and employment allocations often require new infrastructure to support their development. There is the opportunity to include allocations in the SWLP that will deliver infrastructure that supports not just the proposed development, but also delivers facilities that can benefit the local area as a whole. For example, the introduction of a primary school as part of a wider development next to a village that has limited primary school capacity, or no primary school at all, is an example of how this objective could be met. • Developing opportunities for jobs is an entirely appropriate objective. – Delivering employment opportunities alongside new residential development proposals is an important way of creating job opportunities in sustainable locations. Furthermore, making residential allocations in locations that have easy access to employment opportunities by sustainable transport modes, such as rail and bus, should be the preferred approach in planning to support economic development. Residential and mixed use sites that can provide facilities to help and encourage people to work close to home should be supported. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities –Allocations should be focused at sustainable locations, or locations that can be made sustainable through the introduction of new services and facilities as part of the development. While the focus should be on larger strategic allocation that can make meaningful contributions to the housing need, smaller allocations will still be required to allow smaller settlements to meet their needs. • Contributing towards a net zero carbon target – Development opportunities that can provide significant amounts of green infrastructure and have access to services and facilities by sustainable means, such as train stations, and which can incorporate Active Travel should be preferred locations for allocations. • Connecting people to places – This is an important objective that will increase and improve access by sustainable and active travel modes. Allocations that are located close to public transport opportunities, educational facilities, green spaces, and employment opportunities, or can provide these opportunities on site, should be preferred. • Protecting and enhancing environmental assets – The SWLP should look to support allocations that can provide significant biodiversity net gain opportunities and high quality green infrastructure that will benefit not only the residents of development, but the environment as a whole.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
Issue V1: Vision for the Local Plan Q-V3.1 Do you agree that the Vision and Strategic Objectives are appropriate? 2.1 The Church Commissioners broadly supports in principle the Vision set out within Chapter 3 which states ‘The Vision is to meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs to 2050, while responding to the climate emergency. Where appropriate and agreed, this could include unmet need from neighbouring authorities. The Plan will provide homes and jobs, boost and diversify the local economy, and provide appropriate infrastructure, in suitable locations, at the right time.’ 2.2 In particular, The Church Commissioners endorses the support provided by the Vision that the Plan will provide homes, jobs and appropriate infrastructure, in suitable locations, at the right time. The Church Commissioners also supports the recognition of the potential to meet unmet need from neighbouring authorities. However, it is crucial the scale and distribution of this need should be agreed through the plan making process. This Vision should accordingly evolve and become more specific, once the detail surrounding the scale and distribution of the unmet need is established. 2.3 In addition, clarity should also be provided in respect of what is meant by ‘Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs’. This could be achieved by including specific reference to the scale of housing growth required during the Plan period. 2.4 The Church Commissioners supports Strategic Objective 2 (Providing infrastructure in the right place, at the right time) whereby infrastructure is required to support growth in new homes and contribute towards achieving sustainable development. However, whilst the Objective states infrastructure will be secured through new development, additional work is required in terms of the evidence to demonstrate what infrastructure is needed, in what geographical location, timescales for its delivery and sources of funding. 2.5 Strategic Objective 4 (Delivering homes that meets the needs of all our communities) acknowledges the need for further housing within South Warwickshire, and that a variety of house types, mixes and tenures are required to fulfil wider needs, also contributing towards sustainable development. Whilst this is supported by The Church Commissioners, reference should be made to meeting the unmet needs of neighbouring authorities, in order to align with and support the delivery of the Vision. 2.6 Strategic Objective 5 (Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon Targets) seeks to ensure that new development does not cause a net increase in carbon emissions. It proceeds to state that every opportunity should be taken to reduce existing carbon emissions and mitigate against climate harms. Whilst there is a clear and undeniable need to move towards net zero carbon development, this Objective is onerous and the requirement to result in no net increase in carbon emissions is beyond the scope of national policy. It should be made clear that development should reduce carbon emissions where possible, and provide additional mitigation where necessary, in order to contribute towards achieving Carbon Targets. At present, it is unrealistic to state that all new development should not cause a net increase in carbon emissions, and would impact upon development opportunities, restricting both the development of opportunities for jobs (Strategic Objective 3) and Delivering Homes that Meet the Needs of all our communities (Strategic Objective 4). 2.7 Overall, the Councils need to ensure the Strategic Objectives achieve a collaborative approach together to achieve the overall wider Vision and ensure they do not conflict with one another. As such, Strategic Objectives 2 and 5 need to be considered as part of a wider context, such as realistically achieving Strategic Objective 4. 2.8 The Strategic Objectives should also clearly set out how they will meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs, in conjunction with contributing to meeting unmet needs of neighbouring authorities and be clear as to what these needs are.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local areas is of vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt, and especially farmland, should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
The Parish Council consider the vision and objectives put forward are undermined by three aspects of the plan. The Plan is regarded as unrealistically long given the rate of social and economic change. The climate change emergency, and changing work patterns as a result of the Covid pandemic have already changed the way that planning is approached in that short time. The scale of changes over the next three decades to 2050 will on this example be considerable. The SWLP cannot possibly plan for such a long time ahead, and a much shorter timescale is therefore considered more appropriate in these circumstances: not beyond 2035. The very wide scope presented with 16 separate categories and over 100 questions is complex and fragmented. Whilst in the infrastructure section there is a strong emphasis on delivering associated infrastructure, the separate elements are not integrated at all. The development options in the plan are not predicated on the delivery of the necessary infrastructure and rely almost entirely on private sector contributions
Issue V1 – Vision for the Local Plan St. Modwen fully support the ambitions set out in the SWLP Vision Statement. 5.2.2 The plan period to 2050 is considered to be ambitious and acknowledges that a number of Local Plan reviews will be required in accordance with NPPF para 33 which states “policies in local plans and spatial development strategies should be reviewed to assess whether they need updating at least once every five years, and should then be updated as necessary”. Notwithstanding these periodic reviews the need for co-ordinated and long term thinking related to spatial planning matters is very positive. 5.2.3 St. Modwen also support the 5 overarching principles and believes the promotion of land East of Southam development provides an ideal opportunity to deliver in line with the proposed principles and vision for the SWLP. Issue V2 – Vision for Places 5.3.1 St. Modwen notes that Vision for Places is to be moved to other Development Plan Documents. St. Modwen broadly supports the Vision For Places subject to other strategic policies setting clear ambitions for the distribution of new growth aligned with appropriate policy parameters including Green Belt setting out how any distribution links to the overall vision of the SWLP and that the scope of distribution and levels of growth is grounded in good evidence based information. 5.3.2 St. Modwen also supports the preparation of SWLP documents with a view to speeding up the overall allocating and consenting process. Consideration needs to be given to the LDS and publication dates for part 1 and part 2 of the local plan. For applications consideration should be given to inviting early applications and the potential use of Local Development Orders where these are considered appropriate. Issue V3 – Strategic Objectives 5.4.1 St. Modwen supports the Strategic Objectives. Further clarity could be provided through linking new development to enhancing the economy and supporting established local retail centres. Refence to the impact of Covid should be assessed in the context of a 30 year plan period with adoption in 2025 at the earliest. It is not clear that Covid has had any direct specific impacts that would be classified as strategic in nature. St. Modwen agree that the role of Local Centres needs to be assessed and combined with local ambitions linked to the transformation potential of supporting large scale growth. Our ambitions for a 2000 new dwelling urban extension on land east of Southam provides unrivalled opportunity to enhance and support the town centre and ensure that accessibility and town centre sustainability are at the heart of Southam’s role in the SWLP. 5.4.3 St. Modwen fully support that the infrastructure needed to support the growth in new homes and jobs is secured through new development. Our vision for Land East of Southam sees significant green space infrastructure, local primary school provision and sustainable transport links as early infrastructure improvement opportunities serving new residents and existing communities in the town. 5.4.4 St. Modwen strongly supports that every opportunity is taken to reduce existing carbon emissions and mitigate against climate harms. St. Modwen’s vision for land East of Southam could accommodate net zero cardon ambitions and embraces a holistic and integrated approach to climate change that meets the need of future residents. 5.4.5 St. Modwen fully support the strategic objective to create attractive places, protect and enhance our heritage and cultural assets, improve access to sustainable and active travel options and protect and enhance environmental assets. Having assessed land East of Southam against these criteria we are confident that this location represents a good location for growth and would align with the proposed strategic objectives.
My belief is that the vision & strategic objectives should state specifically that avoiding any development of greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of plan development. My thoughts are that this in not currently the situation, greenbelt in local areas is able to prevent urban sprawl and keep the land open Greenbelt needs protecting
We note that the document has not benefited from transport specialist input and, therefore, has a number of shortcomings. It seems to make an assumption that the transportation issues can be left for later, are not difficult to solve, and will not identify any major issues that impact upon the deliverability of the plan. We believe it is the other way around - that identifying the transport links that are practicable and affordable is core to shaping large areas of the plan and should be addressed within it. Section 1.2 describes the relatively low population density and the good existing, but mainly long-distance, transport links. South Warwickshire is perceived as rural, affluent, and with better transport links than many other parts of the country. In comparison with, for example, Coventry (urban and with areas of deprivation), East Lancashire (post-industrial decay), or North Yorkshire / South Lincolnshire (rural but with poor transport links), South Warwickshire may struggle to compete for Government (levelling-up) funding. Section 1.8 says that more technical assessments will be commissioned after the Issues and Options consultation has closed. These include a Green Belt Study and Landscape Character Assessment. However these two studies are critical to the allocation of sites process so they are needed as soon as possible.
Caddick Land broadly supports in principle the Vision set out within Chapter 3 which stipulates ‘The Vision is to meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs to 2050, while responding to the climate emergency. Where appropriate and agreed , this could include unmet need from neighbouring authorities. The Plan will provide homes and jobs, boost and diversify the local economy, and provide appropriate infrastructure, in suitable locations, at the right time’. 2.2 In particular, Caddick Land supports the identification of the potential to meet unmet need from neighbouring authorities. However, the scale and distribution of this need should be agreed through the plan making process. This vision should accordingly evolve and become more specific, once the detail surrounding the unmet need is established. Clarity should also be provided in respect of what is meant by ‘Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs’ which is currently absent. 2.3 Similarly, the Strategic Objectives set out to address the Vision are also broadly supported, however further detail is required. 2.4 Caddick Land supports Strategic Objective 2 (Providing infrastructure in the right place, at the right time) whereby infrastructure is required to support growth in new homes, in o rder to fully support the community of South Warwickshire. Strategic Objective 2 contributes towards achieving sustainable places. However, the Objective outlines that infrastructure will be secured through new development, however further work is required to ensure sufficient evidence is available to demonstrate what infrastructure is needed, in what geographical location, the timescales for delivery and sources of funding. 2.5 Strategic Objective 4 (Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communitie s) acknowledges the need for further housing within South Warwickshire, and that a variety of house types, mixes and tenures are required in order to fulfil wider needs, also contributing towards sustainable development. Whilst this is supported by Caddick Land, it is submitted that reference should also be made to meeting the unmet needs of neighbouring authorities, in order to align with and support the delivery of the Vision. 2.6 Strategic Objective 5 (Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon Targets) seeks to ensure that new development does not cause a net increase in carbon emissions. It goes on to state that every opportunity should be taken to reduce existing carbon emissions and mitigate against climate harms. This Objective is considered to be onerous and beyond the scope of national policy. It should be made clear that development should reduce carbon emissions where possible, and mitigate in order to reduce impact further, to contribute towards achieving Net Zero Carbon Targets. At present, it is unrealistic to state that all new development should not cause a net increase in carbon emissions, and would impact upon development opportunities, restricting both the development of opportunities for jobs (Strategic Objective 3) and Delivering Homes that Meet the Needs of all our communities (Strategic Objective 4). 2.7 Overall, the Councils need to ensure the Strategic Objectives achieve a collaborative approach together to achieve the wider Vision and that they do not conflict with one another. As such, Strategic Objectives 2 and 5 need to be considered as part of a wider context, such as realistically achieving Strategic Objective 4. In this regard, Caddick Land acknowledges the movement towards net zero carbon, minimising carbon emissions and the need for the provision of infrastructure, however, the Councils need to ensure that these objectives do not impact upon the deliverability and viability of otherwise sustainable development. 2.8 The Strategic Objectives should also clearly set out how they will meet South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs, in conjunction with contributing to meeting unmet needs of neighbouring authorities and be clear as to what these needs are.
I believe that the Vision and Strategic Objectives should specifically state that avoiding development on greenbelt land will be prioritised at all stages of the plan development. This is not currently the situation with a heavy (unjustified) bias towards development in the greenbelt. The reasoning for this is that the greenbelt in local area has a vital importance in preventing urban sprawl (especially creeping sprawl towards Coventry) and keeping land permanently open. The protection of greenbelt should be given higher priority.
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