Q-H6: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire
Issue H6: Pitches and Plots for gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople Do not seek a mix of option H6a and H6b but to ensure delivery of pitches to address the needs , robustly apply Option H6a only. In addition need to clarify or address the need for transit and emergency pitch provision. This does not prevent Option H6b approach from being considered but only on basis Option H6a has been applied and direct sites are being provided.
Q-H2-1: What is the best way to significantly increase the supply of affordable housing across South Warwickshire? NWBC Response – Agree with Option H2.2a primarily for Plan consistency but consider potential to include elements of H2-2b referenced within a planning policy. This provides for a consistent approach across the Plan area with the policy able to provide reflection of urban and rural settlement situation or circumstances across the two authorities. No further comment. Q-H3: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – Agree Options H3b, H3c and/or H3d may be appropriate subject to viability testing, to provide consistent acceptable minimum standards across the Plan area. No further comment. Q-H5: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – North Warwickshire Local Plan applies an approach similar to Option H5b to help enable delivery of serviced self-build sites. Options H5a and H5c rely on sites coming forward either through the Call for Sites or similar and may not provide the certainty of site delivery during plan period. Identification or recognition of pdl/brownfield sites (farm prior notices for instance) as self-build/custom build opportunities within a specific policy may also be an opportunity to consider (expected numbers based on past windfall pdl sites coming forward). Issue H6: Pitches and Plots for gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople NWBC Response – Recommend Option H6a only as providing best potential to address Gypsy and Traveller needs but focussing on small family group pitch numbers as a preference. Inclusion of small family group pitches on small sites in addition to larger 15 pitch/ strategic site allocations has been indicated by the travelling community as the preferred approach, but sites are in short supply and delivering larger sites of 15 or more pitches in size would provide an element of certainty of delivery. Option H6c, using a criteria based policy, is not considered robust enough approach to address needs and requirements with any certainty. In addition the Plan should clarify or address the need for transit and emergency pitch provision. Showpeople needs (if identified) may be difficult to include within Option H6b in relation to their larger site requirements for equipment etc.
Q-H3: It should be noted that NPPF footnote 49 states that policies may also make use of the nationally described space standard (NDSS), where the need for an internal space standard can be justified. In relation to the NDSS the PPG (Paragraph: 020 Reference ID: 56-020-20150327) identifies that LPAs need to take account of need, viability and timing. In relation to the M4(2) and M4(3) standards the PPG (Paragraph: 007 Reference ID: 56-007-20150327) there is a need for LPAs to give regard to: the likely future need for housing for older and disabled people (including wheelchair user dwellings); size, location, type and quality of dwellings needed to meet specifically evidenced needs (for example retirement homes, sheltered homes or care homes); the accessibility and adaptability of existing housing stock; how needs vary across different housing tenures; and the overall impact on viability. The evidence base needs to be made available to clearly justify inclusion of these additional technical standards.