Q-T4: Please provide suggestions for how smart cities technologies could be supported in South Warwickshire

Ffurflenni 211 i 219 o 219
ID Ffurflen: 85337
Ymatebydd: David Wilson Homes
Asiant : Harris Lamb

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Q-T1 – Please select the 20 minute neighbourhood option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Option T1b: Include reference to the principles of a 20-minute neighbourhood or other similar design approach (e.g. Building for a Healthy Life) within a broader overarching policy. National policy does not currently require all developments in all locations to achieve Building for a Healthy Life accreditation or endorse the principles of a 20 minute neighbourhood. The connectivity and context of developments can be determined on a site by site basis.

ID Ffurflen: 85374
Ymatebydd: Mr Stuart GREENWOOD

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Issue T1: 20-minute neighbourhoods: Clear design or master planning of major developments is vital to maximise connectivity and minimise walking distances for residents to key infrastructure such as shops, schools and doctors, right from the early design drawings. Sadly, previous haphazard developments have not done this.

ID Ffurflen: 85406
Ymatebydd: Church Commissioners for England (‘The Church Commissioners’)
Asiant : Barton Willmore (now Stantec)

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Issue T1: 20-minute neighbourhoods Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire The Church Commissioners suggests that Option T1a is pursued on the basis that it is not appropriate to introduce this Policy within the strategic element of the Part 1 Plan, and should therefore be considered at a later date, within the Part 2 Plans. Furthermore, the principle of 20-minute neighbourhoods predominantly relates to the location of development, which will be enacted through allocations. The inclusion of a subsequent policy would therefore be redundant. 8.2 However, if the Councils wish to include consideration to twenty minute neighbourhoods within Part 1, it should be in reference to principles, as Option T1b sets out. However, all principles need to be tested, evidenced and justified and as this Option is not specific enough in identifying the principles, cannot be fully commented upon. Issue T2: Sustainable transport accessibility across South Warwickshire Q-T2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Option T2a should be incorporated into the SWLP, where a Policy is introduced to allow for a hierarchical approach. The Church Commissioners agrees car parking standards should be amended in areas where public transport accessibility is strong, to encourage reliance away from the private car. 8.4 However, sufficient evidence is required to determine what transport infrastructure is required as a result of developments and how the hierarchy varies based upon different geographical locations. As a result, the hierarchy needs to be considered to ensure flexibility, as different geographical areas would have different hierarchies, and therefore Policy needs to ensure flexibility. 8.5 Development also presents an opportunity to deliver additional transport infrastructure, including enhancing off-road pedestrian and cycle connectivity.

ID Ffurflen: 85547
Ymatebydd: St. Modwen
Asiant : Copperfield Land and Planning Land Limited

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8 Issue T1 - 20-minute neighbourhoods 5.18.1 St. Modwen supports the principle of the 20-minute neighbourhoods as a design principle. It is considered beneficial to maximise opportunities for people to meet their regular day-to-day needs near to where they live and to do this within a reasonable walking distance. 5.18.2 St. Modwen questions the principle of the 20 minute neighbourhood being used as a Broad Location or New Settlement selection tool. The application of 20-minute neighbourhood standards should not be applied to site selection for sites of a strategic scale. This is because large sites have the ability to deliver services and achieve a 20-minite neighbourhood criteria without reference to existing services. Land East of Southam proposes a residential led mixed use solution with the opportunity to deliver local services, community use, open space and recreation facilities, doctor’s surgery and local convenience retail along with access to sustainable public transport and non motorised user links to wider services.

ID Ffurflen: 85660
Ymatebydd: Taylor Wimpey
Asiant : Turley

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Question T1: Taylor Wimpey is generally supportive of the inclusion of guidance in respect of 20- minute neighbourhood principles in the SWLP. Such principles will guide proposals for a new neighbourhood at Hampton Magna. However, this should not be a policy requirement as the composition and functionality of a neighbourhood is in constant flux. 3.68 Taylor Wimpey therefore support Option T1b, but these must refer to and reflect the principles are already established in the NPPF, PPG, the National Design Guide, which should inform and guide the SWLP. 3.69 Whilst the NPPF does not refer directly to 20-minute neighbourhoods, the SWLP will need to be consistent with national policy to enable the delivery of sustainable development – therefore by virtue of the test of soundness, the SWLP will embed the principles of 20-minute neighbourhoods in its strategic and non-strategic policies.

ID Ffurflen: 85717
Ymatebydd: Caddick Land
Asiant : Barton Willmore (now Stantec)

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Q-T1: Caddick Land suggests that Option T1a is pursued on the basis that it is not appropriate to introduce this Policy within the strategic element of the Part 1 Plan, and should therefore be considered at a later date, within the Part 2 Plans. Furthermore, the principle of 20 - minute neighbourhoods predominantly relates to the location of development, which will be enacted through allocations. The inclusion of a subsequent policy would therefore be redundant. 8.2 However, if the Councils wish to include consideration to twenty minute neighbourhoods within Part 1, it should be in reference to principles, as Option T1b sets ou t. However, all principles need to be tested, evidenced and justified and as this Option is not specific enough in identifying the principles, cannot be fully commented upon. Q-T2: Option T2a should be incorporated into the SWLP, where a Policy is introduced to allow for a hierarchical approach. Caddick Land agrees car parking standards should be amended in areas where public transport accessibility is strong, to encourage reliance away from the private car. 8.4 However, sufficient evidence is required to determine what transport infrastructure is required as a result of developments and how the hierarchy varies based upon different geographical locations. As a result, the hierarchy needs to be considered to ensure flexibility, as different geographical areas would have different hierarchies, and therefore Policy needs to ensure flexibility. 8.5 Development also presents an opportunity to deliver additional transport infrastructure, including enhancing off-road pedestrian and cycle connectivity. This is evidence at Land off Warwick Road, Leek Wootton.

ID Ffurflen: 85739
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

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Finally, on the Issue T1: 20-minute neighbourhoods, there is a need to have an eye to the financial economics and implications of the application of the 20 minute neighbourhood approach. Focussing on future “hubs” or links between close settlement groups (in terms of physical proximity, from which joint service use/provision can be focussed and outreach services provided from) in rural areas may be one way of moving towards or delivering this approach, noting the difficulty caused by lack of public transport services and cycle footway links to and from potential hubs and settlement groups.

ID Ffurflen: 85780
Ymatebydd: North Warwickshire Borough Council

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Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – In predominantly rural areas may be difficult to achieve. Options T1b or c considered most appropriate and applicable. For proposals and policies around rural settlements the availability of and access to services and infrastructure will be critically important. Development opportunities may need to be predicated on availability of infrastructure or guarantee of service delivery/provision (particularly around transport services and connectivity) by and as part of development proposals, to help achieve/address sustainability and viability of settlements based on a ‘20-minute neighbourhood’ approach. No further comments. Focussing on future “hubs” or links between close settlement groups (in terms of physical proximity, from which joint service use/provision can be focussed and outreach services provided from) in rural areas may be one way of moving towards or delivering this approach, noting the difficulty caused by lack of public transport services and cycle footway links to and from potential hubs and settlement groups. Q-T3: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire NWBC Response – Option T3a considered most appropriate and applicable. In addition, any strategic logistics considerations should also address lorry parking provision, for which there is a regional and national shortage of provision and included as part of a policy encouraging more sustainable road-based transport for businesses, in order to manage and service the distribution of freight and other materials. No further comments.

ID Ffurflen: 85862
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Knight Frank LLP

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Q-T1: National policy does not currently require all developments in all locations to achieve Building for a Healthy Life accreditation or endorse the principles of a 20-minute neighbourhood. The connectivity and context of developments can be determined on a site-by-site basis.