Q-B8.1: Do you agree that the plan should include a policy avoiding development on the best and most versatile agricultural land, unless it can be demonstrated that the harm to agricultural land is clearly outweighed by the benefit of development?
Agricultural land: I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia
I also feel very strongly about losing 2 tenanted farms . British Farmers are in gret need of them. How else can the young farmers get land if they don’t inherit or marry it !
Agricultural land: I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia
Agricultural land: I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
Ni roddwyd ateb
When considered climate change, biodiversity and economic wellbeing, built form which is no longer viable in its current use should be prioritised over other uses in rural areas.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
Agricultural land: I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food July has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict
The policy should be to avoid development on ALL productive agricultural land, keeping it for food production. There should be a focus on food security and no trade-off.
Q-B8.1: We support the intention to review development on agricultural land where the harm would be outweighed by the benefit of development.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict
I feel all agricultural land should be deemed as the best and most versatile when it is tenant farm land as this provides a much needed route for young farmers or other new entrants to start work in this nationally important industry creating food security for the nation and County. This need for food security has been shown to be even more important in the post-Brexit era and the current Ukraine/Russia conflict.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Yes need additional protection and buffers on the river Avon, Leam and their tributaries, Local Wildlife Sites and PLWS’s, Local Nature Reserves, SSSIs, Ancient woodland, Local Green Spaces, Ecosites etc. Councils need to reassess their Potential Local Wildlife Sites as a matter of urgency, as particularly in the south there are huge gaps in this very important evidence base.