Q-P1.1: Do you agree with the proposed broad content of the Part 1 plan?
The Councils propose that the SWLP will take the form of a Part 1 Plan to deal with the Vision and Strategic Objectives, Growth Strategy and Strategic Policies, followed up by a Part 2 Plan setting out detailed policies (in one or more Development Plan Documents) and Area Actions Plans. However, this approach is unnecessary and will lead to greater uncertainty for local communities, landowners and developers, possibly delaying the positive planning of new development allocations and supporting infrastructure. The implication of this is the potential for housing and employment growth in South Warwickshire to be inhibited, particularly as the SWLP is proposing to include the majority of strategic and non-strategic site allocations in the Part 2 Local Plan with only certain strategic site allocations and broad locations to be identified in the Part 1 Local Plan. A single consolidated SWLP should therefore be produced. This may result in the respective Councils not being able to demonstrate a positive Five Year Housing Land Supply position. The SWLP should be mindful to provide sufficient allocations to mitigate any slippage or unexpected change in circumstances.
No further comments.
No further comments
Ni roddwyd ateb
There is a fundamental flaw in the approach that has been adopted so far and the Part 1 plan is built on a false premise which assumes that Green Belt development is necessary. This premise is false because: 1. It is not in line with current Government policy. 2. It is not based on a realistic and current assessment of housing need. 3 The evidence generated to support the premise is derived from desktop studies which do not reflect local realities or the value placed on an area by a local community. 4. It uses data from the part 1 consultation in a misleading way to suggest local support for Green Belt development. 5. It fails to recognise and value the contribution of Green Belt land. 6. It fails to recognise and value the contribution of high quality agricultural land at a time of food insecurity. 7. It gives no visibility or weight to options which would avoid Green Belt development. To reiterate earlier response the SWLP planning process should be halted while the background and options are revisited in light of the national policy direction on the Green Belt.
There is concern that too much of the plan is based on sites coming forward from opportunist developers, rather than a view of the district and what it should be like for residents and visitors. The plan is reactive rather than leading.
Yes, Rosconn Strategic Land support the allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development. These sites should include those already allocated for development within the Draft Site Allocations Plan, such as the land north of Collingham Lane, Long Itchington (Proposal SCB.5 of the SAP). This site has been allocated as a site to deliver 10 self-build and/or custom-build. Its suitability, availability and deliverability has therefore been assessed, and found to be acceptable. The requirement to allocate sites for self-build and custom-build across the District should be confirmed within the South Warwickshire Local Plan Part 1 Document.
Definitely not. The approach is deeply flawed by creating a detailed 'vision' for places such as Warwick, Leamington and Stratford only after the allocation of growth has been made. Part of the 'vision' must be to decide how much growth is optimal and local residents and businesses need to see the outcomes being proposed very clearly. The outcome for Stratford where the 5 different options produce the same development outcome is ridiculous- it means that there is effectively no choice and that the long-winded planning exercise has served no purpose.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Yes, Rosconn Strategic Land support the allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Yes, Rosconn Strategic Land support the allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development. These sites should include those already allocated for development within the Draft Site Allocations Plan, such as the land north of Idlicote Road, Halford. (Proposal SCB.4 of the SAP). This site has been allocated as a site to deliver self-build and/or custom-build. Its suitability, availability and deliverability has therefore been assessed, and found to be acceptable. The requirement to allocate sites for self-build and custom-build across the District should be confirmed within the South Warwickshire Local Plan Part 1 Document.
Yes, Marriott Estates support the allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development. These sites should include those proposed to be allocated as reserve sites within the Site Allocations Plan, such as the land at John Taylor Way, Moreton Morrell (Site MM.C). This site has been allocated as a reserve site for 20 dwellings, although it should be noted it has capacity for up to 35 dwellings on account of the fact the land available includes 1.17ha of open space to the south (see call for sites submission from 2021). Its suitability, availability and deliverability has therefore been assessed, and found to be acceptable. The site is to be released for development when required by the District Council. The requirement to allocate sites through the South Warwickshire Local Plan should be the trigger to release the reserve sites within the Site Allocations Plan, and this should be confirmed within the South Warwickshire Local Plan Part 1 Document.
Flooding is a strategic issue and should be included in Part 1. Development of SUDs for new schemes should be included from the outset of any plans, and by putting this into part 2 it gives the wrong signals to developers.
Yes, Rosconn Strategic Land support the allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development. These sites should include those already allocated for development within the Draft Site Allocations Plan, such as land east of Skylark Road. (Proposal SCB.2 of the SAP). This site has been allocated as a site to deliver 20 self-build and/or custom-build. Its suitability, availability and deliverability has therefore been assessed, and found to be acceptable. The requirement to allocate sites for self-build and custom-build across the District should be confirmed within the South Warwickshire Local Plan Part 1 Document.
Yes, Bloor Homes support the allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development.
Yes, Rosconn Strategic Land support the allocation of other sites as necessary for short-term development. These sites should include those already allocated as reserve sites within the Development Plan, such as the land east of Warwick Road, Wellesbourne (Area 1 within Policy WW7 of the Neighbourhood Plan). This site has been allocated as a reserve site for 25 dwellings and community open space. Its suitability, availability and deliverability has therefore been assessed, and found to be acceptable. Policy WW7 states the site is to be released for development when required by the District Council. The requirement to allocate sites through the South Warwickshire Local Plan should be the trigger to release the reserve sites within the Neighbourhood Plan, and this should be confirmed within the South Warwickshire Local Plan Part 1 Document.
Ni roddwyd ateb