Q-P1.3: Do you agree with the selection of policies to be addressed in the Part 1 plan?
The Parish Council has identified policies it considers are inappropriate or being addressed in the wrong place.
The Parish Council consider this area to be almost totally absent from the document.
The wording in Tables 20 and 21 are too brief to state that Caddick Land agrees with the selection of policies to be addressed in the Part 1 Plan, specifically in relation to the key aspects of policy, especially considering the associated explanation listed in Table 19 states that it could mean adjusting or re-working a policy, or creating a new policy on the same subject. Caddick Land is strongly concerned Table 20 has been generated based on the evidence conducted to date, greater information and evidence base should be generated to underpin the Part 1 Local Plan. In addition, all policies should be viability tested, to ensure they are deliverable and achievable. In addition, those policies stated as some elements to be addressed in Part 1, with the remaining be Part 2, it is unclear which elements are to be addressed where and why. 10.3 Caddick Land reiterates that the Part 1 Local Plan should be based upon strategic policies only, to set out where and how much development should take place across South Warwickshire, with detailed policies to follow within Part 2.
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As per option B1b, Policy CS.13 Areas of Restraint should be removed and considered by other means. Policy FW2 Sustainable Drainage to be addressed in Part 1, as it should provide the necessary guidance and requirements for proposals within strategic sites at this stage.