Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48602
Derbyniwyd: 22/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Les Dobner
"Sites for gypsies / travellers and other specialised needs."
If these are green sites Please quote the Green Party's Countryside
The need are food, water, air etc. This is a want.
Preferred Options.
Not should be located could be located.
Not should expect would expect
Part 1 Intro
Local Plan, key to help War Dist deliver its vision for next 15 yrs.
Produced with Police, fire and rescue and health and many others
Part2 our vision for district
To make Warwick district a great place to live, work and visit.
Council and partners trying through the Sustainable Community Strategy.
Try means fail. Do there best is what they mean. I make no comment on
how good this is.
This sets out 4 key priorities and 5 cross cutting themes.
Safer Communities
Health and well Being
Economy, Skills and Employment
Cross Cutting Themes
Narrowing the Gaps
Embedding sustainability throughout.
Families at risk
Engaging and strengthening communities
The Sustainable Community Strategy is central to improving life in the
District across all the themes. Supported by series of Delivery Plans
and Locality plans which set out approach to improve areas of the
Local Plan a key element to deliver Sus Comm Strat
Preferred Options for Local Plan have been aligned with Strategy to
ensure it will address these priorities and themes.
Strategy for Future Sustainable Prosperity of District
to deliver vision, Council agreed key principles to develop Local Plan.
These include
Facilitating growth and development of local economy to support a
dynamic, flexible, low carbon, mixed economy
Agreement to pursue the potential for sub - regional employment
site at the Gateway. The need to provide new employment land in and
around the thee main towns to meet local needs encourage creation
of jobs.
the need are food, water, air etc. This is a want.
local needs. If this is the above ok, if not this is a want.
Commitment to maintain and promote thriving town centres
How does building out of town supermarkets achieve the above ?
Commitment to maintain current strengths in districts economy.
Promoting regeneration of more socially / environmentally deprived
areas and support rural economy
Providing for growth and population changes.
meeting housing of the existing / future population of District including
land for around 550 new homes per annum on new allocated sites
Providing for diversity, including affordable homes for elderly and
vulnerable. Sites for gypsies / travellers and other specialised needs.
If these are green sites Please quote the Green Party's Countryside
Please see above
Providing for neighbourhoods that are well designed, distinctive and
based on principles of sustainable garden towns, suburbs and villages.
Providing home and neighbourhood designs that are sustainable,
low cost and carbon efficient.
Distributing development across District.
Avoiding coalescence
Ensuring developments based on principles of sustainable Garden Towns,
suburbs and Villages.
Protecting biodiversity, high quality landscapes, heritage assets and
other areas of significance
They have been reading the Green Party's Countryside Policy
Emphasis on infrastructure
Developing an effective / sustainable transport package
Ensuring parks, open spaces, countryside and areas for wildlife are maintained
and improved
They have definitely read the Green Party's Countryside Policy
Ensuring education is provided for in major new developments
Does this include gypsys and travellers
Ensuring community activities, health services and other key services
are provided for in new developments
Develop sustainable communities with strong local centres and / or
community hubs
Done so far
May 2011 Document of key issues and scenarios for growth published.
This was subject of consultation.
Substantial amount of evidence gathered, to help understand changes
locally and what we need to plan for.
Please see above
This information important in helping develop preferred options
December 20011 Council agreed Future and sustainable Prosperity
of Warwick District. This set out key criteria for Preferred Options
Range of options appraised lead to selection of a preferred option
for each aspect of plan
The Government has published National Planning Policy Framework
This underlines importance of well justified upto date local plans and
means local plans play vital role in shaping future of local areas.
Whilst options can be justified. Important to underline they are
suggestions and not proposals for L Plan. The Council also prepared
Infrastructure Plan to go with Preferred Options. This Plan outlines
transport, schools, health open spaces, which is needed to help new
Please see above
communities prosper. More needs to be done on this, but again,
the Council is keen to hear from all interested parties about
infrastructure requirements.
Please see above
For those interested infinding more why these options chosen see
chapter below or
Following consideration by Executive consultation starts 1st June
to 27 July Council keen to hear from anyone. Consutation is number
of public meetings, exhibitions and roadshows, local press and website.
Following consultation, work undertaken to develop draft Local Plan
with detailed Infrastructure Delivery Plan and Community
infrastructure Levy scheme. Then, approval of Daft Local Plan and
investment strategy, delivery to Council late 2012 early 2013.
Publication of Plan Feb 2013. 6 week consultation March / April 2013
Submission to Secretary of state June 2013
Pre - hearing meeting July / August 2013
Examination Public Hearing October / November 2013
Inspector's report February / March 2014
Adoption Estimated March / April 214.
4 Spatial Portrait, Issues ansObjectives see map 1
Warwick District has a growing, ageing, urban, ethnically diverse
and highly skilled population.
90% of the 138,800 live in Kenilworth, Warwick, Whitnash Leamington
areas. 10% in small villages. Population grown from 124,000 in
2000 12% increacse, forcast to grow 15% in next 15 years.
Compared to other parts Warwickshire,a higher proportion of
working age. Highest rate expected over 65
District diverse population, high proportion non - white 15% compared
to rest of county.
Notwithstanding current economic downturn, district has strong local
economy with skilled population higher productivity, earnings
compared with reginal / national averages
significant proportion of is designated for environmental or
historic value. To protect and maintain the character of District
Local Plan will balance growth and protecting enhancement of
So it is supposed to be
Areas of historic and environmental importance include 81% 28,000
hectares of Green Belt. 7 sites scientific interest. 15 sites important to
Nature Conservation. 2145 Listed Buildings. 29 conservation areas
4% of District. 11 Registered Parks and Gardens 4% of District.
District faces a number of opportunities and issues, important Local Plan
addresses these. Council consulted on issues facing District during
spring 2011 and thought consultation on following issues identified
important: Effects of recent recession and not knowing economies
House prices limit local peoples ability to buy or rent in area, creating
need to provide more affordable housing in towns and villages in the
Please see above
Threat to economic strength of town centres in Warwick,Leam and
Kenilworth from retail and leisure developments elsewhere.
Size and condition of existing community facilities and services
( particularly schools and health - care ) and whether they can
meet current and future needs. Peoples health and well - being
and the need for people ( particularly teenagers and young
people ) to have access to sport and cultural experiences
such as cinemas and community events.
Road congestion and air polution around main junctions along
A46 and M40, routes into towns and in town centres.
Threat of flooding to homes and businesses in some areas
particularly where surface water may flood towns and villages
and concern that flooding will increase beacause of climate
Areas of poverty in Warwick and Leam
Presure for development threatening the high - quality built
and natural environmets in district, particularly historic
areas and the cost of maintaining historic buildings in the areas.
Crime and the fear of crime, paticularly in town centres and the
need to protect the community from harm.
Governments plan ned high speed 2 rail line and possible
effects on the area (government cosulting on this ).
During consutation in spring 2011, number of objectives
identified. These set out key aims Local Plan will seek to deliver.
Following consultation objectives have ammended to take
account of views received and more recent changes ( such as
publication of National Planning Policy framework ).
Objectives have been used to link Council's Stratergy see above.
Providing sustainable of levels of growth in district.
And balance with housing growth to maintain high levels of
employment and deal with unemployment in deprived areas.
Local Plan will identify and maintain flexible and varied supply of
accommodation and land for right businesses.
Support the growth of knowledge - intensive industries, energy
and the rural economy;
improve business growth to support organic growth of local
Provide a sustainable level of housing balanced with economic
groth to reduce homeless and in unsatisfactory accommodation
to meet needs and help deal with future need for affordable
housing. Local Plan will : identify and maintain
right type, right tenure and in right location.
Make sure that new developments will reduce car use.
this improves air quality and help address climate change
reducing road congestion and carbon emissions, encouraging
people to walk and cycle more. Make sure new developments
are designed and built so they use water more effeciently and
reduce demand for natural resources. Increase renewable
and low carbon sources to reduce emissions.
.Make sure new developments are located, designed and built
so they can deal with the expected effects of climate change
particularly flooding. Make sure new developments are
distributed across district,and located to maintain and improve
the quality of the build and natural environment, particularly
historic areas and wildlife habitats and buildings and
areas of high landscape value. New developments should
respect the integrity of existing settlements. Make sure
new developments are built to high standard in terms of
design and provide incluplacessive liverly and attractive
places where people feel safe and want to live, work and visit
Make sure new developments provide public and private open
spaces where there there is a choice of areas of shade, shelter
and recreation which will benefit people and wild life, provide
flood storage and carbon management.
Make sure , if buildings and spaces particularly in historic
areas need to be adapted to meet the changing needs
Please see above
Check with Police WHITNASH
of the economy a nd to deal with environmental isssues
in a sensitive way 4.12 Enabling infrastructure to
improve and support groth. Enable organisations such
as schools and health service and provide and
maintain improved facilities and services in locations
peopoe can get to and that can meet current and future
needs and support sustainable economic groth in deprived
THIS may be correct, dwellings are another need
Even those sleeping rough go to the Salvation Army
for tents.
areas. Enable energy, communications, water and waste
organisations to improve their infrastructure and services
so they can meet peoples needs. Protect the environment
ALL TOGETHER NOW. Please see above
and contribute towards dealing with causes and contribute
dealing with the causes and mitigating the effects of
climate change.
Enable transport providers to make improvements more
integrated public transport cycling and pedestrians
organisations to improve their infrastructure and services
transport network, support sustainable economic growth.
Enable improvements to be made to the built and natural
environments which will help maintain and improve
historic habitats and their connectivity, help the public
access and enjoy open spaces such as parks and
allotments, reduce the risk of flooding. Keep the effects
of climate change