North of Milverton, Leamington Spa
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48270
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Sharon Cawthorne
Disagree with Development on Green Belt Land - what makes Leamington so special and take away the country walk from Northumberland Road to Old Milverton and the Saxon Mill.
Level of housing seems huge for the amount of land to be developed on.
Current infrastructure already struggles and will not cope with more pressure.
The North Leamington Relief Road would have damaging results on Old Milverton.
I am writing to object to the new local plan and the proposal to build on "green belt"
My objections are because of
* Loss of local amenity - we live near the cricket pitch and use the green space regularly - often sitting and watching the cricket
* I disagree with development on green belt land - that is what makes Leamington so special. One of our favourite walks, particularly in winter is to stroll over the field behind Northumberland Road over to Old Milverton and to take have well earned refreshments in Saxon Mill
* The level of housing provision seems huge for the amount of land to be developed on
* Traffic and Infrastructure - the current infrastructure struggles already and is not appropriate to cope with any more pressure. The effect of the proposed North Leamington Relief Road would have severe damaging results on Old Milverton
I do hope these plans do not go ahead
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48271
Derbyniwyd: 31/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Ms Kathie Johnson
Objects to the development of greenbelt land at Old Milverton and Blackdown. The Council should revisit the housing figures to remove any 'padding' and examine existing resources in terms of the sites identified in the 2009 Core Strategy, white, brown and green wedge land, existing road infrastructure, M40 access and industrial sites with employment opportunities. The Council should also revisit guidelines for the preservation of greenbelt land as the land at Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of greenbelt set out in the NPPF. It is also good agricultural land and has great recreational value.
I am writing to oppose the District Council's plans to develop on Green Belt Land as shown in its 2012 Preferred Options booklet.
Accurate data
My first request is that you revisit the figures that have been used to create the projection of the number of houses that are needed and remove any 'padding'
Existing resources
My second request is that you examine the resources which are currently available.
Those you identified in your 2009 core strategy plan
White, brown and green wedge land
Existing road infrastructure, M40 access and industrial sites with employment opportunities
The National Planning Policy Framework
My third request is that you revisit this framework which gives very clear guidelines on the criteria for the preservation of Greenbelt land
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF
Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town)
Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land
In addition, it generates good crops, grain which would be totally lost and need to be resourced elsewhere, abroad and at what cost?
It has great recreational value being enjoyed by many walkers, runners, riders and cyclists, all at no cost.
Having read all the various statements I am left wondering how on earth can the short term paltry gain for a very limited number of developers be considered to outweigh the loss of such a rich environment for future generations of multiple users?
Whilst I totally understand the need for a plan, please reconsider your preferred options in light of the total development cost in monetary terms and huge debt to future generations who would be permanently deprived of the richness of this precious strip of North Leamington countryside
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48273
Derbyniwyd: 09/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Liz and Ian Jones
Nifer y bobl: 2
Development in North Leamington will:
reduced the open attractive countryside in the area, already under threat from HS2 and possible expansion of Coventry Airport.
swallowing up of the green space separating Leamington from Kenilworth and subsequent loss of identity.
I wish to record our objection to these proposals for development in North Leamington on the following grounds.
1. the reduction in open attractive countryside in an area which is already under threat from the proposals for the High Speed Rail Link and possible expansion of Coventry Airport.
2. The "swallowing up" of the green space seperating Leamington from Kenilworth and subsequent loss of identity.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48284
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Lewis and Sarah Clarke
Nifer y bobl: 2
- This area is enjoyed for cycling, jogging and walks
- National Planning Policy Framework section, section 9 seeks to protect Green Belt Land
- The proposals would not prevent urban sprawl and the openness and permanance of this green belt land will be lost forever
- The council's proposals do not appear to highlight any exceptional circumstances, and previous planning proposals in the South of Leamington were not consuming green belt land
I am writing to object to the planning proposals put forward by Warwick District Council to build on green belt land in the Old Milverton and Blackdown areas of North Leamington.
I have grown up in the area and lived in both North and South Leamington. In the past year my wife and I moved with our young family into Garway Close knowing full well the development of Sir Frank Whittle Gardens was about to commence to build a mix of 58 new properties, and the Castel Froma 78 bedroom residential home. In other words we fully recognise the need to build new homes on the site of the old North Leamington School, making good use of a brown field site.
My family and I enjoy cycling, jogging and walks in this area where my wife and I explain to our children that this is the countryside where things are different from the garden or a walk in town or around our local neighbourhood.
Now I would like to draw your attention to the National Planning Policy Framework section, section 9: Protecting Green Belt Land. There appears to be a number of contradictions between this policy and the councils proposed developments within green belt. I have referred to only two sub-selections.
79. The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open; the essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence.
* The council's proposals would not prevent urban sprawl. It is far more likely to exacerbate the problem as the proposals would consume currently isolated Old Milverton and Blackdown, and take the Northern Leamington Spa 'urban sprawl' a step away from consuming Hill Wotton and migration with Kenilworth.
* The council's proposals will not maintain the characteristics of green belts, their openness or indeed any permanence, it will be gone forever.
83. Once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances"
* The council's proposals do not appear to highlight any exceptional circumstances, and previous planning proposals in the South of Leamington were not consuming green belt land.
I would like to reiterate our objections to the proposed planning and look forward to your reconsideration of development within green belt land, given the reason listed above.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48296
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Polly Hawkes
Enjoy walking in this idyllic area.
Old Milverton has a unique appeal so must be protected.
The boundary between Leamington and Kenilworth will be blurred.
Contrary to NPPF as no exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated as there is land in South Leamington which the Council previously felt would be easier to develop.
I am writing to voice my disagreement with the decision to build on the green belt land and around Old Milverton in North Leamington. In the eight years that I have lived in the north of the town myself, family and friends have walked these fields regularly - at least twice a week and on these walks we have seen many others enjoying this idyllic area. I feel strongly that villages such as Old Milverton, which have a unique appeal, must be protected or they will be swallowed up forever. The boundary between Leamington and Warwick is already blurred and if you develop here the same will be the case for Leamington and Kenilworth.
As you are aware, the Government's National Planning Policy Framework requires there to be "very special circumstances" for development in the Green Belt.. According to Warwick District Council the special circumstances are that there is nowhere else for the homes to be built. But this is not the case as in 2009 the Council identified land in South Leamington which they felt would be easier to develop. The North of Leamington will no benefit from the development as outlined, it will be spoilt.
Please consider my views and reconsider the location that you chose for future development.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48298
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: H.D McQuarrie
The proposals will reduce the open gap between Kenilorth and Leamington. There would be extra traffic on route to Kenilworth causing safety concerns and cogestion
The North Leamington Relief Road might take as it involves Old Milverton Village and its environments, an area of some historical interest, the crossing of a river, and its environmently valuable flood plain.
Apart from the obvious narrowing of the green belt between Leamington and Kenilworth, I am also concerned about the effect of the ensuing extra traffic on the local roads, and on the lives of their residents, that this development will generate.
Guy's Cliffe Avenue, Beverley Road and Northumberland Road are already used as "by-passes" to Kenilworth Road. At certain times this extra weight of traffic can be very dangerous on roads that were not built to carry it.
This culminates in a "bottle-neck"at the junction with Kenilworth Road. With the proposed plan this could only get worse.
Another cause for my concern is the route that the North Leamington Relief Road might take as it involves Old Milverton Village and its environments, an area of some historical interest, the crossing of a river, and its environmently valuable flood plain, as the road heads towards the junction at Leek Wooton and its access to the A46.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48301
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Carly Wheatley
There would be a loss of recreational opportunity for local people
I object to the proposed development in old milverton and blackdown.
Myself and my family regularly go walking across this piece of land it would be absolutely awful If we were no longer able to do so.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48306
Derbyniwyd: 18/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Christine & Ingo Lyle-Goodwin
Nifer y bobl: 2
- No justification for the need to increase local housing supplies
- Many houses/flats have already been developed in teh South of Leamington and Warwick
- Extending the suburbs of Leamington and Kenilworth will enclose and dominate the area
-Worries about an increase in traffic
- Concrens already about existing road safety in Old Milverton
I live in Old Milverton with my 12 yr old son.
My son and I wish to add our strongest protests against the proposal to build on Green Belt Land in Old Milverton, Blackdown and Kenilworth.
We have yet to see any justification for the need to build so many houses in the area. Many flats and houses have been built opposite Leamington Station and on the site of the old Potterton factory off Emscote Rd in Warwick that have yet to be filled. The huge amount of houses proposed just creates another suburb of leamington/kenilworth and dominates the area. I feel greed is playing a part here.
Despite assurances from the council District council that a road will be built to the A46 it is inevitable that there will be a huge increase in traffic through our village. We live alongside the Old Milverton Rd and already find it is treated as a rat run several times a day, I would be appalled to have that increased, especially with my young son starting to cycle to school. The speed bumps further up the rd are a complete pain and just encourage drivers to speed up when they reach Old Milverton, or damage cars.
We are also deeply concerned that if we start filling the green belt land that there are no guarantees from the council about filling the in the remaining small gap that will remain between us and leamington or kenilworth.
We love Old Milverton and its unique tranquility, this needs protecting not overwhelming with unnecessary buildings.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48312
Derbyniwyd: 27/09/2012
Ymatebydd: Alfonso Pacitti
- The proposals presented contradict the national Greenbelt Policy to protect urban sprawl
- The justification for the development on the greenbelt, particularly north of Leamington Spa, does not meet the 'very special circumstances' set out in national policy
- Appears that they have been placed there as there is nowhere else
- Land to the south of Leamington (not in the greenbelt) is still available with ease of development and better infrastructure
-2009 Core strategy contradicts the new plans
- Should not consider developers finanical gain as justification
I wish to object to the current plans to build on the Green Belt area north of Leamington Spa.
I understand that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt policy as set out in the Government's National Planning Policy Framework is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Proposals as they currently stand appear to me to contradict the laid down terms of reference for such developments viz.
1. The Government's National Planning Policy Framework requires there to be "very special circumstances" for development in the Green Belt. It also requires the harm caused to the Green Belt by the development to be outweighed by the benefit of the development. According to Warwick District Council the special circumstances are that there is nowhere else for the homes to be built.
2. However, in the "2009 Core Strategy" (the previous plan adopted by Warwick District Council) land south of Leamington (not in Green Belt), was identified and is still available, for development. The assessment performed by Warwick District Council itself shows that this land is easier to develop and already has a substantial amount of infrastructure (roads etc) to support the development, and the new residents who will live there. It is close to the M40 and there are existing employment opportunities South of Leamington as well as existing out of town shopping facilities and good access to the town centres.
3. Therefore, the previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy) provides direct evidence that there are alternative areas for development other than the Green Belt. This indicates and that the "special circumstances" put forward by Warwick District Council are invalid.
4. Warwick District Council argues that the land in the South of Leamington is not as attractive to developers because concentration of development in that area may result in the developers making less profit. Consideration of the developers' financial gain is NOT a "very special circumstance" to permit unnecessary development in the Green Belt.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48316
Derbyniwyd: 27/09/2012
Ymatebydd: mrs susan morris
1: Housing Requirement
- The new plan identifies the need for 6986 dwellings over the suggested period but indicates it will deliver 8360, an over provision of 19.6%
2 : Exceptional Circumstances for greenbelt development not met
- Because of the over-provision of housing the development in the greenbelt cannot be justified
- Does not comply with national policy
- The plan does not use 'lower value' greenbelt land first
3 : Inconsistency with NLP Objective
- Milveston shown as both medium and high value land
- Environmental concerns with site
Re: Objection to Warwick District Council Local Plan preferred options
I am writing to register my objection to the development of site identified as East Milverton within the proposed Warwick District Council (WDC) Development May 2012.
Whilst acknowledging the need for additional housing during the period 2014-2029 and the overall approach; the Preferred option in its current form, (i) goes beyond identified housing need at the expense of the
Green Belt, (ii) ignores national planning policy guidelines for development of Green Belt, and (iii) does not recognise other development opportunities that are better suited to development and more consistent with WDC's own stated sustainable growth objectives and evidence base.
Objection 1: Housing requirement.
The New Local Plan (NLP) Preferred options May 2012 Page 19 (7.22) identifies a requirement for 6986 dwellings not including windfall sites over the period of the plan. In its current form the Local Plan indicates
it would deliver 8360 dwellings, equal to an over provision of 1370 (19.6%) dwellings.
Objection 2: Exceptional circumstances and planning conditions for developing the Green Belt have not been met
2.1 As identified in Objection 1, the WDC plan overstates the need for housing development by 1370 dwellings during the period of the plan invalidating any exceptional need for the redrawing of the Green Belt.
2.2 The development of East Milverton does not comply with National Planning Policy Framework March 2012 guideline chapter 9, Paragraph 85, point 6 as it its fails to provide clearly defined permanent boundaries for Green Belt and would enable and likely lead to the future coalescence of Milverton village, which would be in direct contravention of three of the five stated purposes of Green Belt.
2.3 In the event that a policy of limited encroachment/coalescence to encompass East and West Milverton were to be considered, then this too should be rejected. Areas such as land adjacent to Bishops Tachbrook, not designated Green Belt, should be required to be developed prior to any redrawing of the Green Belt under the test of "exceptional circumstances".
2.4 The NLP page 9 (4.11.7) 'seeks to ensure that new developments are appropriately distributed across the district and designed and located to maintain and improve the quality of the built and natural environments, particularly historic areas and buildings, sensitive wildlife habitats and areas of high landscape value'.
In the event that Green Belt land should be required, the current proposal does not rescind Green Belt on a lowest value first basis. East Milverton has been identified as possessing higher landscape value than other deliverable areas in the district such as the Kenilworth sites (K18 & K19) bounded by Glasshouse Lane and Crewe Lane (inc. Woodside Management Centre) where development is also more consistent with the National Policy Framework guidelines and WDC stated Local Plan objectives. These sites however are not included within the proposed Local Plan.
Objection 3: Failure to ensure new developments are appropriately distributed across the district
The NLP page 9 (4.11.7)
I broadly support Option 2 detailed in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment but believe that this rebalancing growth towards a) Kenilworth and b) South Harbury Lane, Leamington Spa offers significant benefits compared to the proposed East Milverton preferred option.
3.1 The benefits of developing Kenilworth
A strategy of developing Kenilworth through the development of available, suitable, and deliverable sites at Glasshouse Lane/Crewe Lane (K18) and Woodside Training Centre (K19) would be beneficial as on the following grounds:
* Consistent with Broad Option for Growth Option 2 favoured by WDC
* Consistent with the identified need to greater diversify the demographic profile of Kenilworth
* Develops a better geographical distribution of housing (and business) in the district
* Offers the ability to develop clearly bounded (low value) Green Belt
* Offers greater sustainability for developing transport links to potential Site of Regional Importance
for Employment at the Gateway, Warwick University and Stoneleigh.
3.2 The benefits of developing South Harbury Lane
South Harbury Lane offers significant advantages compared to the East Milverton preferred option.
* South Harbury Lane is non-Green Belt land and has been identified as the second most favourable site for development within WDC and significantly outscores East Milverton.
* The favourability report recognises significant benefits accruing to South Harbury Lane in particular:
- the reduced need to travel
- it better enables sustainable transport
- is more favourable to health and well being
- offers more favourable access to services
Furthermore the Strategic Transport Assessment Overview Report identifies that development of part of the South of Harbury Lane site (close to Europa Way) would have no impact on transport infrastructure needs beyond that already required by other development. Indeed, housing in this location would facilitate better access for those working south and north of Leamington (Jaguar Land Rover or Birmingham) and needing access to the M40. Not all residents of Leamington will choose to work within the locality, particularly if seeking to attract those working in high value industries with regional and national footprints.
Objection 4 Developing East Milverton is not consistent with NLP objective (4.12.4). help the public access and enjoy open spaces...reduce the risk of flooding; keep the effects of climate change (including the effects on habitats and wildlife) to a minimum, and support healthy lifestyles.
4.1 The Strategic Housing Land Availability Site Assessment for Leamington Part 1 identifies North Milverton (L07) is a Green Belt site of medium value. Other assessment referred to within the Landscape Character Assessment for Land South of Leamington and Warwick show the North Milverton Green Belt as being of high value, in contrast, for example, to part of the Blackdown site adjacent to Sandy Lane (referred to as WL6a/b in this document and shown to be of medium value). The Milverton site is enjoyed by a wide section of the community, it is an important asset in supporting healthy lifestyles for residents and visitors of all ages - whether it be walking, running or cycling. The public footpath that transverses the site provides a valuable access point from Leamington to the Warwickshire country side and should be protected.
4.2 There are strong grounds for environmental concern regarding proposed development of the site.
The Strategic Housing Land Availability Site Assessment for Leamington Part 1 identifies that:
* a part of the site falls within a flood zone 3A and implicitly should not be developed;
* it contains a Water Source Protection Zone and an area of Groundwater Vulnerability, which would require consultation with and permission from the Environment Agency before any encroaching development. We know from a past pollution incident from the Nuffield Hospital, and related correspondence, that the Environmental Agency view this Zone/area with extreme seriousness.
* it would result in the extensive loss of Grade 2 agricultural land which both contributes to a sustainable economy and to the character of the landscape.
Hopefully from the objections and suggestions I have made, coupled with a further review of the WDC evidence base, you will recognise that there is no justification for developing East or West Milverton and should flexibility in the plan be required, other more suitable sites for development exist within the District.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48317
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: T and J Walter
Loss of the green belt at Old Milverton and Blackdown would mean losing valuable allotment land, there would be traffic congestion and the infrastructure would struggle to cope.
A more appropriate site has already been identified on the Heathcote as it would reduce the need to build on the green belt and exceptional circumstances for developing on the green belt has not been demonstrated.
Here are my comments on Warwick District Council's proposals to build on Greenbelt land to the north of Leamington Spa.
I believe that building on greenbelt land to the north of Leamington Spa (Milverton and Blackdown) is the wrong location for development in this area, though well done in listening to the local community in respect of not including the hugely valuable allotments. Building houses on this scale in this location will produce further chaotic traffic congestion in the north of the town where the existing road system is unable to cope already. The proposal to build the new link road from Blackdown to the A46 probably only stands up if the rest of the program is to be implemented but it would help relieve congestion as a stand-alone project. In conjunction with the volume of proposed new houses, it would exacerbate the bottlenecks in the road system on the Kenilworth Road and Northumberland Road, neither of which have significant scope for widening or other "improvement".
The previously identified development land to the south of the town at Heathcote would reduce the need to develop on green-belt land and is much preferable in terms of links with existing road networks. It is also the right side of town for access to the railway station and existing employment areas.
Please reconsider this proposal and spare the greenbelt. Greenbelt is there for a purpose and there are no exceptional circumstances that would justify its loss, particularly when there are suitable, more sensible alternatives.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48319
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr James Rainford
The Green Belt should be preserved to avoid encroachment between Leamington and Kenilworth. The area is used for recreation and its loss would detrimental impact to amenity value of land.
Sites identified in the 2009 Core Strategy are less expensive to implement as new infrastructure would not be required.
I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Council's Preferred Options for the Local plan. The Green Belt land in the north of Leamington should be preserved to stop the potential merger of Leamington Spa and Kenilworth and safeguard the countryside from encroachment.
The area around Old Milverton and Blackdown is used by both residents and visitors for recreational purposes such as walking, running, cycling and riding. It provides a countryside environment close to the centres of Leamington and Warwick. If the proposed development and Northern Relief road were to go ahead this would substantially reduce the amount of land available to be enjoyed and have a detrimental impact on the ambience and, therefore, the amenity value of the land.
I urge you to look at alternative sites for the development that are not on precious Green Belt land. The plans that were prepared in 2009 for the Core Strategy Plan would have been much less expensive to implement as they did not require the extravagance of a whole new infrastructure, which we do not need.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48321
Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr James Hosking
Objects to the use of greenbelt land in North Leamington to build over 2000 houses. The aim of greenbelt as set out in the NPPF is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. There is land available outside the green belt to the South of Leamington as identified in the previous Core Strategy, with existing infrastructure and employment opportunities. The Council has not demonstrated the very special circumstances to justify development in the greenbelt. The proposals ignore the green belt studys assessment of the area and that it fulfills the five purposes of the green belt set out in the NPPF. The 'green lung between Leamington and Kenilworth will be reduced to less than 1.5 miles, encouraging their merger and loss of independant identities. The land is enjoyed by many walkers, runners, riders, and cyclists providing access to the countryside close to the towns. Old Milverton is one of the last surviving villages close to Leamington that has not been absorbed into the greater conurbation. Turning the A452 between Leamington and Kenilworth into dual carriage way will not help traffic flows, building more homes will simply increase congestion. A "Northern Relief Road" (budgeted cost £28m) is not required. Traffic flows tend to be north to south rather than east to west. The road will serve no purpose other than to take new home owners quickly on to the A46 and to jobs and shopping opportunities away from our Towns. The relief road would create a natural barrier encouraging further development and would have to be built across the flood plain violating an important nature corridor.The road network south of Leamington could be upgraded at a far lower cost. Out of town retail will affect independant traders taking trade away from the towns. There will be a loss of a significant amount of high quality agricultural land in Blackdown and Old Milverton. There is no need to include this land if the Council removes the 1400 house buffer
I am writing to strongly object to Warwick District Council's New Local Plan, which outlines plans to develop substantial new housing on North Leamington Greenbelt sites
The fundamental aim of Greenbelt policy as set out in the Government's National Planning Policy Framework is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Government's National Planning Policy Framework requires there to be "very special circumstances" for development in the Green Belt. It also requires the harm caused to the Green Belt by the development to be outweighed by the benefit of the development. According to Warwick District Council the special circumstances are that there is nowhere else for the homes to be built.
However, in the "2009 Core Strategy" (the previous plan adopted by Warwick District Council) land south of Leamington (not in Green Belt), was identified and is still available, for development. The assessment performed by Warwick District Council shows that this land is easier to develop and already has a substantial amount of infrastructure (roads etc) to support the development, and the new residents who will live there. It is close to the M40 and there are existing employment opportunities South of Leamington as well as existing out of town shopping facilities and good access to the town centres.
Therefore, the previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy) is direct evidence that there are alternative areas for development other than the Green Belt and that the "special circumstances" put forward by Warwick District Council are wrong.
Warwick District Council argues that the land in the South of Leamington is not as attractive to developers because concentration of development in that area may result in the developers making less profit. Consideration of the developers' financial gain is not a "very special circumstance" to permit unnecessary development in the Green Belt.
The Green Belt
The proposals ignore Warwick District Council's study of the Green Belt land at Old Milverton and Blackdown, which concluded that these areas had high Green Belt value
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out five purposes for Greenbelt land. In summary these are:
* To prevent urban sprawl of built up areas
* To prevent neighbouring towns merging, to protect the country side from encroachment
* To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns and to assist urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of urban land.
* The Greenbelt land identified for development in the Preferred Option does carry out these purposes and its development would therefore be contrary to the NPPF.
The proposals will reduce the" Green Lung" between Leamington and Kenilworth to less than 1 1/2 miles encouraging the merger of these two towns and their loss of independent identities.
Recreation Value of Old Milverton and Blackdown
The land at Old Milverton and Blackdown is enjoyed by many walkers, runners, riders, and cyclists. It provides a countryside environment close to the centres of Leamington and Warwick. Both the proposed building development and the "Northern Relief Road" would substantially reduce the amount of land that is available to be enjoyed and have a detrimental impact on the ambience and hence the amenity value of the land. Turning some of it into a maintained park land would detract from, rather than enhance its value.
Old Milverton is one of the last surviving villages close to Leamington that has not been absorbed into the greater conurbation. If the proposals go ahead it is only a matter of time before it is also absorbed by Leamington.
Proposed New Roads
Turning the A452 between Leamington and Kenilworth into dual carriage way will not help traffic flows. At peak times the delays on the A452 result from commuters wanting access to the Town centres.
Building nearly 3000 houses north of Leamington will simply increase the congestion.
The dual carriage way will have a detrimental effect on the picturesque northern gateway to Leamington and southern gateway to Kenilworth.
A "Northern Relief Road" (budgeted cost £28m) is not required. Traffic flows tend to be north to south rather than east to west. The road will serve no purpose other than to take new home owners quickly on to the A46 and to jobs and shopping opportunities away from our Towns. If the development does not go ahead the road will not be required.
A "Northern Relief Road" will form a natural barrier and encourage further development in the green belt up to this new road. It will need to be built across the flood plain (at considerable cost) and will violate an important nature corridor along the River Avon.
If the proposed development is concentrated in the South of Leamington there is an existing road network that could be upgraded at considerably lower cost than the £28m allocated to construct a "Northern Relief Road".
Loss of Agricultural Land
There will be a loss of a significant amount of high quality agricultural land in Blackdown and Old Milverton
Number of Homes included in the Forecasts
Warwick District Council has added nearly 1400 homes to the number that it anticipates will be required so as to include a "buffer" in the forecasts. If this "buffer" is removed from the forecast there is no need to include the land at Old Milverton and Blackdown in the proposals
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48322
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Duane Atkins
The land is prime agricultural land and has use for recreation.
Some very good local allotments would be lost which have been passed on generation to generation.
The Green Belt helps protect the area from the sprawl of Leamington and Kenilworth and exceptional circumstances have not been justified.
There are more suitable sites elsewhere such as the Morrisons site and empty industrial buildings.
I would like to protest in the strongest terms possible, the intention to build in the area of Blackdown and Old Miverton.
The intended area has long been prime agricultural land but also has provided an area of open space for the North Leamington community to enjoy recreationally.
I have an allotment that opens out to this land, I see many many families walking along the foot paths in this area. I see joggers and cyclists. I am often very surprised at the high numbers of people that use the land in harmony with the farms that grow the crops in the same area. This symbiosis has existed in this area over generations of my family from my great grandfather, grandfather and father who also had allotments near to where mine is today.
This green belt land has for many years stood as a boundary to Leamington maintaining and preventing the sprawl and eventual merger of villages and towns, Old Milverton and Kenilworth in this case.
I understand that new home must be built but there is land available else ware that is not green belt. Developers if forced to could become far more imaginative in the use of many spaces within Leamington that could be developed. As an example why do we need yet another supermarket (Morrisons) if living space is a premium.
There are many empty industrial buildings and spaces in and around Leamington that should be considered for development. It is only when every single piece of land that could be developed has been that green belt should then be considered. I believe this a long way off.
I do not acknowledge any special circumstances that allows the disgraceful destruction of this beautiful open recreational and agricultural land.
I implore you, my council, to prevent this madness from occurring.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48325
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Keith Hillyard
The area is too congested already as many of the existing roads are already busy. This would be exaggerated by any further growth.
The infrastructure north of Leamington would require large scale invesment in order to sustain additional housing (schools, roads).
This land has always been green belt and this has been maintained over the years, to stop the urban sprawl. Without it, Leamington may end up merging with Kenilworth.
What about existing housing stock? Are all options being examined?
Having been a resident of Leamington Spa for over 60 years I do believe that the current proposal for the construction of 2200 new house will be detrimental to the residents of the town.
On a more general point the town and out of town centres are congested, on most days now it is difficult to access these areas due to the volumes of traffic. The road infrastructure in Leamington is confined by current development and residential roads, for instance, such as Northumberland road are now treated by drivers incoming to Leamington as part of the main road.
The A452 from Ryton is constantly congested at peak times and it's a similar story on the Myton , Radford and Tachbrook Roads. These roads have not changed in my time in Leamington and any further development will just exaggerate the problem.
Specific to the North Leamington Development.
Infrastructure. Traffic—The A452 or Leicester Lane is not coping with the amount of traffic that is currently using it. There is now a constant stream of traffic on this road not just local traffic but also many heavy commercial vehicles. There are constant jams which extend from Sandy Lane island to the island at Westhill. The turning at Telford Ave is a source of vehicle shunts and many near misses . Also on some day I can smell the fumes from this traffic, please don't poison us any more or could we be a LEZ?
We have just had many years of disruption with new gas, sewer and water having been upgraded as it catches up with development add on. Will this have to be upgraded again and at what cost.
Police, Fire Ambulance. We are now reading of all the cuts and reduction in services. Police Headquarters closed, Ambulance merged with Fire service. Aren't we already at breaking point?
Schools Has the county council the resources to provide the extra required, I understand we are also in another baby boon which will stretch existing resources.
This land has always been green belt and this has been maintained over the years, to stop the urban sprawl. With this development, are we not far from merging with Kenilworth?
Is this level of housing needed, there appears to be lots of houses for sale and rent in the local newspaper. Have all the spare areas been developed? What about empty properties?
With the local job market support this amount of people. Will the local council be able to support the 40% of social housing with their needs?.
On all these point I object to green belt development in North Leamington.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48327
Derbyniwyd: 19/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mark Aynsley
- Living in an urban area feels the greenbelt land is an ideal space for recreation/leisure persuits
- this area promotes the importance of an active lifestyle to young people
- The greenbelt is set aside to protect urban sprawl and as the local towns are close together already may begin to merge
I am saddened to hear about the plans to develop the Green Belt land in North Leamington. I urge you to reconsider these plans and leave this area as protected land.
I am a resident of Warwick and as I live in an urban area, I particularly value this land as an area of recreation during evenings and on the weekends. I enjoy walking/running, cycling, and also fishing on the river and it is an area that I can reach conveniently, without the use of my car. I fear that if you develop this land as you plan, I and many others will be unable to enjoy this beautiful landscape.
In addition to my own enjoyment of the area, I am a PE teacher at a local secondary school and I promote the importance of an active lifestyle to young people in the area. I know that many of the young people that I teach together with their families enjoy this particular piece of Green Belt land since it is easily accessible for them from Warwick and Leamington. I fear that without this land, the young people of the area will have even less places to enjoy and exercise, decreasing the quality of their lives. This is an area of land that needs to be protected for future generations to enjoy.
I am concerned that the Green Belt land was set aside to protect urban sprawl. Leamington, Warwick and Kenilworth are already in such close proximity with each other that leaves little countryside. If the land is developed then the distance between Kenilworth and Leamington and Warwick will be reduced even further. Whilst I understand that there is a need to build more houses for future generations, I understand that there are other more appropriate sites in the South of Leamington that were proposed in the 2009 Core Strategy Plan. These sites already have road networks and infrastructure that would more effectively support development and I urge you to reconsider these.
Building on this Green Belt Land would be an appalling waste of the countryside that we all enjoy.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48329
Derbyniwyd: 18/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Sue Newton
- Will merge Kenilworth, Leamington and Milverton removing their unique identities
- Greenbelt should not be used when other land is available in Leamington and should only be used in exeptional circumstances
- The proposed land is important for local recreation/leisure
- Infrastructure would not be able to cope with the increase in demand
I would like to object to the proposed development of land to the North of Leamington.
The development of this area will lead to Leamington Spa, Old Milverton and Kenilworth merging into each other. This should be avoided so that they all continue to have their own unique identity.
The Green Belt land between them should not be developed when other suitable land is available in Leamington for development. Surely there needs to be exceptional circumstances in order for you to build on Green Belt land.
The land proposed for development is an important and well used area for exercise, dog walking etc.
I am not sure how the infrastructure would cope with all the extra people in the proposed houses. It would need considerable investment and possibly additional land to provide the necessary infrastructure. The proposed expensive Northern Leamington Relief Road would ruin the beautiful village of Old Milverton for ever and I'm sure the money could be put to much better use elsewhere.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48330
Derbyniwyd: 21/06/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs J Bradley
Objects to development of the green belt up to Old Milverton Lane. The claim that Old Milverton can remain a rural settlement cannot possibly be upheld. The road will become a suburban one, and proposals for a main road to the North of the village crossing the Avon valley would create more traffic and traffic noise. The area is used extensively for recreation and development would destroy the rural nature of this area and destroy amenity. Converting the A452 to a dual carridgeway would not alleviate congestion as was proved in the 1980s when the proposal was rejected by ministers. Building a road across the north of Old Milverton would destroy wildlife corridors and habitats and is not consistant with reducing carbon emissions. Investment in safe, continuous cycleways between towns would be a better alternative. The Former Fords site could have accommodated many of the houses needed.
I am writing to notify my objections to your plan to build in the green belt north of Leamington.
Building up to Old Milverton Lane is not acceptable. This is a rural lane leading to a small village. Your claim at last week's meeting that Old Milverton can remain a rural settlement cannot possibly be upheld. The road will become a suburban one, and proposals for a main road to the North of the village crossing the Avon valley would create more traffic and traffic noise
Referring to Section PO13:-This area is extensively used for recreational walking and cycling by residents of a wide area of North Leamington. These planning proposals would effectively destroy the rural nature of this area and lead to loss of amenity.
Referring to Section PO14:- The conversion of the A452 road to Kenilworth to dual carriageway would do nothing to alleviate congestion between that town and L/Spa as was comprehensively proved back in the 1980s when the proposal was thrown out by the Minister. More traffic would be produced and tail backs would be as great if not greater than now. Building roads creates more traffic as is shown time after time.
Referring to Section PO15:- The Avon Valley is a notified corridor of Special Wildlife Importance. Building a new road across the valley North of Old Milverton would destroy a large undisturbed section of this wildlife corridor with detrimental effects on biodiversity. Chopping up wildlife areas into little chunks runs counter to all the researched evidence and flies in the face of the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust's endeavours to create Living Landscapes -- ie extensive areas of one habitat type, which all research shows is needed to prevent further loss of our diminishing biodiversity.
Ref. Section PO13:- These proposals for new and upgraded roads are not consistent with reducing carbon emissions. A serious investment in safe, continuous cycleways between towns, and between housing and work sites would meet the criteria you set out.
Finally two points:- There was a large brownfield site available in a convenient location near the town centre and with shops and transport links available nearby,(the old Ford site) You chose to give it over to a supermarket which is not needed (there are two very close). If you had built houses there it could have accommodated many of the houses needed and avoided building on green belt land. This is disgraceful short term expediency.
Secondly the government requires extremely good reasons for building on greenbelt land; bearing in mind my above comments, I do not think your plan will meet the criteria. You are trying to turn L/Spa into a town ringed by dual carriageway roads like so many others. Let's keep its unique character. I reject this vision for Leamington's future.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48331
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Patrick & Edwina McConville
Nifer y bobl: 3
Exceptional Circumstances has not been demonstrated.
Boundaries such as the Green Belt are necessary to help limit sprawl.
Location of supermarkets in south of Leamington will lead to more traffic from north of Leamington.
Where is the incentive for new schools if houses built in batches?
What study has been done into employment opportunities in areas?
Loss of character and town could not support larger population.
Alternative is Heathcote.
We are against the new proposal for the Local Plan for North Leamington for the following reasons:
The District Council has not demonstrated that there are' exceptional circumstances' for the development of Green Belt land as stated in the NPPF, as suitable and available land has been identified within 'white belt' land.
If Green Belt is allowed to be built on where will it end? In future there will be no boundaries to prevent it being built on again.
Residents living in the north of the town will have to cross the town to shop as all the major supermarkets, Sainsbury's, Asda and the new Morrison's are in the south of the town. This will cause more traffic to cross town, thus increasing pollution.
If houses are only to be built in small 'batches', a few each year in different areas, where is the incentive for new schools to be built as there would be insufficient number of school aged children in a mixed development? A new school was promised for Warwick Gates - it was never built and yet there was a sufficient number of primary school children in the area to warrant one.
Has any research been carried out to ascertain what employment opportunities there would be in each area, other than building work?
The character of Old Milverton will be destroyed if a North Leamington Relief Road is built (the estimated cost of £28million is surely a conservative estimate) not to mention the urban sprawl which would cause Leamington to join up to Kenilworth.
Leamington town centre is not big enough to support increased population.
Why not?
Develop the area around Europa Way/Heathcote - building in effect a new town/village as the infrastructure is already there; the M40 and the station is close by; employment facilities already exist on the industrial estates and on Warwick Technology Park ?
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48332
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Emma Wallbank
Land east of Europa Way and south of Heathcote have not been included as sites as this area is available for development the case has not been made to include sites in the Green Belt.
Land north of Leamington has recreational use and the green belt acts as buffer to the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth thus presrerving their identity.
Infrastructure would need large investment to support growth and would result in even more damage to the green belt/countryside.
Please accept this email as my objections to the proposed development of green belt land in Old Milverton/Blackdown, North Leamington.
I find it staggering that green belt land has been earmarked for development given that the Council has identified available land to the east of Europa Way and south of Heathcote which is not included in the Preferred Option sites. It is my understanding that green belt land should only be considered if there are insufficient suitable and available sites outside the green belt. This clearly is not the case in these circumstances as there are other areas which could be developed that are not green belt.
The land to the North of Leamington is an important local amenity for exercise and recreation. Furthermore, any development in this area could lead to Old Milverton merging with Leamington and Kenilworth in the future. I understand that the proposed plan also includes developing beyond the current south edge of Kenilworth, and so exists a risk of Kenilworth and North Leamington merging over time, and a loss of the town's identities.
Any development of the land in the North of Leamington will also require significant further redevelopment of existing infrastructure resulting in the loss of even more green belt land and destruction of valuable countryside not to mention significant expense.
I understand that there is a requirement to provide more housing in the local area. However, these proposals seem short-sighted at best and I would urge the Council to reconsider its approach when considering developing our invaluable green belt land.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48334
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Andrew Brookes
The proposed site at Old Miverton and Blackdown have recreational use, National Planning policy Framework states greenbelts prevent urban sprawl preserving character, sit and setting.
Other sites are more appropriate and were identified in 2009 Core Strategy.
No exceptional circumstnaces exist to develop the Old Milverton and Blackdown sites. There would be implications for future generations.
Re Greenbelt north of Leamington Spa
I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Councils's Preferred Options for the Local plan.
This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It
* Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
* Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
* Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
* Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town)
* Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land
There are other sites which can be developed that are not in the Greenbelt. These sites, which are mainly to the south of Leamington, were included in Warwick District Council's previous plan (the 2009 Core Strategy). Employment opportunities and infrastructure already exists here, and this land should be used in preference to the Greenbelt.
The NPPF states that Greenbelt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances. As there are alternative sites, there are no exceptional circumstances which outweigh the harm caused by altering the Greenbelt boundaries in Old Milverton and Blackdown and allowing development on this land.
The proposed development of Greenbelt is directly in contradiction of an earlier study by WDC which concluded that the Green belt of Old Milverton and Blackdown "has high Greenbelt value".
Whilst not specifically a planning argument, the destruction of productive farmland must be considered in the context of food security, which will become increasingly important to future generations.
Please reconsider your Preferred Options.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48338
Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Francesca Marchetti
Objects to proposed development at Old Milverton and Blackdown. This land has great recreational value to the local community, enjoyed by runners, riders, walkers and cyclists. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) attaches great importance to greenbelts the fundamental aim being to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. Land at Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open greenbelt land for ever. I do feel that there are many other sites that could be used rather than this North Leamington development.
I object to the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown contained in Warwick District Council's Preferred Options for the Local plan.
This land has great recreational value to the local community. It is enjoyed by many runners, riders, walkers and cyclists.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that the Government attaches great importance to Greenbelts and that the fundamental aim of Greenbelt is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open.
The Greenbelt in Old Milverton and Blackdown fulfils the 5 purposes of Greenbelt set out in the NPPF and therefore should remain as open Greenbelt land for ever. It
Prevents the unrestricted sprawl of Leamington to the north
Prevents the merging of Leamington and Kenilworth
Helps safeguard the countryside from encroachment
Helps preserve the setting and special character of Leamington (a historic town)
Helps urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land
I do feel that there are many other side that could be used rather than this North Leamington Development.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48344
Derbyniwyd: 26/06/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Dan Gilks
Objects to development of green belt land in the Old Milverton and Blackdown areas of North Leamington Spa on the following grounds:
The land provides considerable local amenity for exercise and recreation, all the alternatives to the development of green belt have not been exhausted, ie, there is sufficient alternative non-green belt land available, predominantly in the South Leamington / Heathcote area, the existing infrastructure is not capable of supporting the planned level of new housing, particularly the Old Milverton Road/Rubgy Road junction, a road which already has traffic calming measures in place.
I write to object against the planned development of green belt land in the Old Milverton and Blackdown areas of North Leamington Spa.
The grounds on which I make this objection are:-
1.That the land provides considerable local amenity for exercise and recreation.
2.That all the alternatives to the development of green belt have not been exhausted, ie, there is sufficient alternative non-green belt land available, predominantly in the South Leamington / Heathcote area.
3.That the existing infrastructure is not capable of supporting the planned level of new housing, particularly the Old Milverton Road/Rubgy Road junction, a road which already has traffic calming measures in place.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48348
Derbyniwyd: 29/06/2012
Ymatebydd: Neil McAdam
Objects to the development of green belt land in North Leamington. The gradual erosion of this land will detrimentally affect the overall quality of life for all residents in the local area. Access to similar countryside in the local area would not be immediately available and would require the use of a car. This is not environmentally friendly and would limit access to the wider Leamington population.It is unfortunate that the opportunity has not been taken to develop the area around South Leamington and improve already overstretched amenities and access to the motorway and improve quality of life for Warwick Gates residents.
I would like to voice my opposition to your plan to develop on the North Leamington green belt.
Having reviewed the available information I am concerned that the gradual erosion of the green belt to the north of Leamington will detrimentally affect the overall quality of life for all residents in the local area. I have greatly valued the opportunity to run in and around Old Milverton and I am concerned that once this space has gone, it has gone for good. I feel that access to similar countryside in the local area would not be immediately available and would require the use of a car. This is not environmentally friendly and would limit access to the wider Leamington population.
I think it is unfortunate that the opportunity has not been taken to develop the area around the south of Leamington. The amenities in the Warwick Gates area are particularly over stretched and I feel there is an opportunity that is being missed to improve the schools and amenity access in this area for existing residents. This area has already been developed for industrial and residential purposes and improvement of the motorway access is already critical. Development of this area would not only improve existing businesses and create greater job opportunities and wealth creation it would also serve to improve the living standards of the Warwick Gates occupants who have been under supported with local amenities since the completion of the estate.
I would encourage a review of the the planning proposals with a view to improving existing residents and businesses without the exploitation of our dwindling green spaces.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48350
Derbyniwyd: 30/06/2012
Ymatebydd: Hilary, Hannah and Hannah Phelvin and Geaney
Objects to development at Old Milverton and Blackdown. The Council has failed to demonstrate the 'exceptional circumstances' required in the national guidelines to permit development in this area of Green Belt. The area is beautiful and the footpaths provide the only access to the countryside within direct walking distance of North Leamington, used regularly by walkers and runners. The character of North Leamington and the unique beauty of the village of Old Milverton will be lost forever. The area provides a natural habitat for wildlife and an educational resource for children. Joining up Leamington and Kenilworth would erode the character of these towns. There are alternative sites to the south of Leamington, south of Heathcote towards Bishops Tachbrook. Infrastructure in North Leamington cannot support new development and the cost of providing it does not make economic sense whereas existing infrastructure is in place to the South.
We would like to lodge our objections to the proposed development on greenbelt land to the North of Leamington. Namely , the plans to develop land of outstanding natural beauty at Old Milverton and Blackdown.
We submit that the council have failed to demonstrate the 'exceptional circumstances' required in the national guidelines to permit development in this area of Green Belt.
Our objections are as follows
1. Loss of Amenity
The areas identified as suitable for development in Old Milverton and Blackdown are beautiful and the footpaths provide the only access to the countryside within direct walking distance of North Leamington. The footpaths provide much needed respite from the pavements of the town and provide an opportunity to appreciate peace and quiet . We regularly walk the footpaths ,from Northumberland Road to Old Milverton and the footpaths from Blackdown to Leek Wooton. It is busy with runners , dog walkers and people enjoying the natural beauty and wildlife. The access from the town to this precious piece of country is what makes 'leafy leamington' a joy to live in as opposed to a sprawling conurbation. The Character of North Leamington and the unique beauty of the village of Old Milverton will be lost forever.
The area provides a natural habitat to wildlife and birds that also should be cherished. The loss of habitat by the inevitable destruction of hedgrows , ponds and trees is tantamount to a death sentence for foxes ,badgers, small mammals, hedgehogs birds, newts, frogs etc. . The educational benefits of showing local children the reality of the countryside will be eroded yet again. Where will the children go from Milverton School for their nature walks? To some homogenised country world or nature parks?? The children of North Leamington are lucky to have such close access to real countryside . If the planning proposal go ahead, they are living in yet another built up town restricted to the local cultivated parks, like any other town where the planners have been similarly shortsighted. Children need to see fields planted with crops experience the joy of spotting and investigating wildlife and to see trees and fields.
The land is designated as Green Belt for a reason and the reasons are that the land is the last reminder of the way the countryside was around Leamington . We live in a rural county and by joining up Leamington and Kenilworth you erode the individual character of each town. The fact that we were so close to countryside was one of the reasons I was attracted to come and live in this town in the first place. I moved here to bring up my family and want the character of this town to be preserved for future generations of children. It is a wonderful town to bring up children and part of this is the access to rural parts of the countryside where all can enjoy the sights and sounds of real countryside. This is why we chose to live here as opposed to London.
If the Northumberland allotments are included in these plans, then yet again a precious amenity would be lost. I should add that I am not an allotment holder but everyone in the area knows someone who is. The loss of this valued community spirit cannot be measured. Do we want North Leamington to lose its sense of tradition and community?
To destroy the character of North Leamington by taking away the close access to these lovely stretches of land destroys the character of the whole town.
2. Green Belt Land should not be developed when alternative sites are available in Leamington.
Warwick Council has ignored the national guidelines that state that building on Green Belt is only permitted in 'exceptional circumstances' if there is ''insufficient suitable and available sites outside the Greenbelt'. The Council itself has identified possible available land to the east of Europa Way A452 and south of Heathcote towards Bishops Tachbrook. Why have these areas not been included in the preferred sites? If the planning policy is to 'spread it around' as opposed to identifying the best available land , it does not appear that the council have explained properly why it considers there are exceptional circumstances to permit the development of precious Green Belt land.
Distributing development around the district is not a planning policy as set out in th NPPF but a lazy attempt to be fair.
The council has therefore ignored the importance of the status of Green Belt land and its importance to the character of the town itself. The status of Green Belt land is to prevent urban sprawl and the council have wilfully ignored this in order to appear to be politically correct.
3. The councils projections for the need for new housing are taken from projections that are no longer valid. These projections were taken at a time when the area was at a point of exceptional expansion.
Even if the councils projections for housing needs are accepted, the units proposed for the green belt could be deleted without causing a deficit., even if not alternative sites are substitute.
The village of Old Milverton and it's environs should be protected . It's very nature as a village would be destroyed.
4 The current infrastructure cannot support the proposed new development. The further destruction to the area by the construction of new roads and the cost of providing the new infrastructure does not make economic sense , when areas to the South of Leamington have already been established eg Warwick Gates. For years we were dogged by an inefficient sewage and drainage system caused by expansion and it took years to actually get to the point where the Council acknowledged that development could not be supported by the existing sewage and drainage system. The amount of resources to develop an adequate infrastructure for housing on Green Belt land does not make economic sense.
If new development is needed for housing needs then we would say that it would be better suited to land in other parts of the town. Warwick Gates is at the moment a bit out on its own surely it would benefit newer developments . At present it is rather out on its own developing land nearby and the available sites near Sydenham would enrich these communities and help them develop a sense of community. To vandalise areas of outstanding natural beauty already deemed to be Green Belt is an assault on the whole community's amenity, the individuality of the town of Leamington and Kenilworth and seems to be based on the assumption that development must be spread around the town, when it is clear that there are wide gaping tracts of wasteland to the south of Leamington that would fulfil housing needs without having to destroy the ever decreasing Green Belt to the North.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48367
Derbyniwyd: 01/07/2012
Ymatebydd: John and Jackie Frampton
Objects to development north of Leamington. This is the last area of outstanding beauty much loved and used by residents locally without using the car. The approach to Leamington from Kenilworth is a beautiful drive which will be desecrated by these proposals. Land south of Leamington which has already been developed should be used rather than sacrificing more greenbelt. Urban sprawl to the north must be avoided to retain our future generations enjoyment of this lovely area.
We strongly oppose the proposed development north of Leamington. This is the last area of outstanding beauty not to be spoiled by buildings and is much loved and used by residents, who wish to walk locally and not use the car to drive out to the country. The approach to Leamington from Kenilworth is a beautiful drive which will be desecrated by these proposals.
The area south of Leamington which has already lost much of its beautiful countryside from development is surely the right area to continue developing, as it has already been spoiled!!
As the area around Europa Way has been designated for development, it should continue here rather than sacrificing Green Belt areas.
Urban sprawl to the north of the town MUST be avoided. Please don't spoil our future generations' enjoyment of this lovely area
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48371
Derbyniwyd: 02/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Margaret Demian
Objects to development at North Milverton and Blackdown and plans for a road through Old Milverton. The area allows people to access the countryside for walking and cycling without using the car and development would seriously affect amenity in this area changing it from rural to urban and building on greenbelt where there are alternatives. The area between north Leamington, Kenilworth and the Saxon Mill is varied in character, development would destroy this variety and result in coalescence.
I want to register my objection to the development plan for housing in North Leamington and Blackdown and the plan to build roads through Old Milverton.
We have lived here for the last 17 years and moved here from Birmingham. One of the reasons for enjoying where we live in Leamington is the ease with which we can access green belt land from our doorstep without having to get in the car and add to congestion and polution. When friends visit us they often comment on how lucky we are to enjoy walking access to great shops in Leamington whilst also being able to walk and cycle from our doorstep into countyside.
Your proposal for North Leamington housing and road building will seriously interfere with my enjoyment of the amenity of my immediate environment. I will lose the ability to do my regular walks up towards Old Milverton, past the allotments on the right and then right across fields eventually coming out on Northumberland Road. I also walk down to the Saxon Mill and then come back up via the church at Old Milverton. Your road building will change this environment moving it from rural to urban, reduce my enjoyment of my area and build on green belt when you do have alternatives.
In addition to enjoying walking out from my home I also cycle to work on the Warwick University campus. I use the cycle plath past the Saxon Mill ( thank you for making this) and then up into Leek Wooton , Kenilworth and on to the Uni. If you travel this route you will see that I get access to a great deal of variety ; there are distinct diffferences between the Saxon Mil part of Warwick , Leek and Hill Wotton, Kenilworth - your plans will result in a coalesance of these urban areas. That is such a shame , it really is a prize worth holding onto to be able to live in a district that has such a variety of localities with their own personailitie . You run the risk of being the group of elected Members and Officers who destroyed the difference between these adjoining localities and created one large urban blob. Just what I left behind in Birmingham.
So , I would ask you to note my objection to the local plan to develop housing in North Leamington and Blackdown and road construction in Milverton on the grounds it will reduce my enjoyment of the local area for recreation and make it harder for me to access open green space for walking and cycling . I also object on the grounds of loss of enjoyment because it will result in coalescence of urban areas
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48379
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Hyett
Objects to building on greenbelt land at Old Milverton and Blackdown. This is an area of natural beauty, and an important asset to Leamington Spa. The impact of developing this land would be catastrophic to the wildlife in the area, and to the many local residents who use it for recreational purposes. All possible alternatives should be examined.
I object to any building that may take place on greenbelt land in Blackdown and Old Milverton, as shown in the 2012 Preferred Options Plan.
This is an area of natural beauty, and an important asset to Leamington Spa. The impact of developing this land would be catastrophic to the wildlife in the area, and to the many local residents who use it for recreational purposes.
I implore you to examine all alternatives and take into account the impact on the environment, and the voting public. I find it hard to believe this is the only site suitable for your needs
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48381
Derbyniwyd: 21/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Satty Verbart
Alternatives to developing in the greenbelt should be considered. The countryside is somewhere local people can relax and go walking and running. It helps draw people into the area. Brownfield sites could be reused.
I am really concerned about the proposed development in Old Milverton and Blackdown. One of the reasons my husband and I chose to live here was for the wonderful countryside on our doorstep, great for running and walking, something I only took up since living here. I don't understand why land loved by so many has been selected for development, is there no other option, i.e derelict or urban land that does not get used for running and walking and learning about nature? There must be alternative sites surely?
Please take this as email of objection as my husband and I would certainly consider moving if these plans were to go ahead.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48384
Derbyniwyd: 29/10/2012
Ymatebydd: Georgina Liggins
Objects to development in the Old Milverton / Blackdown area. It would destroy a beautiful area of Warwickshire used by the local community and visitors for walks and other leisure pursuits. It would be a crime to use this for a concrete conurbation when other brown land is available. All boundaries from Coventry to Leamington would be obliterated and it would become just one dense housing estate.
I would like to protest in the strongest possible terms to the plans regarding the above. This action would destroy one of the most beautiful areas we have in Warwicksire and which has been used by both the local community and visitors from far afield for many years for country walks and other country leisure pursuits (including media photography of the beautiful views we have here at the moment, from the village church down to the historic saxon mill, horses and sheep grazing on green fields and swans gliding on the river, how many scenes such as this are left in this country anymore? It would be a crime to swallow up this area for yet more overcrowded urban concrete conurbations, in particular as brown belt land had already been identified and earmarked in the area for this very purpose. All boundaries of the area from Coventry to Leamington would be obliterated and it would become just one dense housing estate. What a legacy for future generations, our childrens' children soon will not know just what the quintessential English countryside ever looked like, let alone experience it for themselves. Wake up Britain before its too late, when it is gone it is gone forever, never to return, is this really what we want the future to be?
In addition to this we also have of course the new high speed train route also carving up the area with a dubious question of need.
So say goodbye to the Warwickshire we know and keep your photo albums for the poor future generstions who have to live in it.
'Carve Paradise' spring to mind?