GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55900
Derbyniwyd: 18/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Debra Osmond Cook
Visual impact on approaches to Harbury, Fosse Way and Chesterton Windmill.
No utilities - water supply, mains electricity, gas.
Effect on wildlife and habitat.
Serious flooding on junction of Fosse Way and adj fields.
Fosse Way extremely busy with poor accident record. Increase accident risk. Adjacent crossroad one of the most dangerous junctions on Fosse Way. Adverse road conditions (semi-blind corner, poor visibility for crossing, 60mph , stationary cars waiting to turn.)
No public transport. Increased accident risk if buses stopping, accelerating or turning. Pedestrians would be at risk waiting for transport.
No footways and cycling extremely dangerous.
Nearest surgery at capacity with no availability for increase.
Primary, secondary and junior schools at capacity.
Recent and proposed development already straining resources of Harbury (parking, shops and facilities)
I am writing to object to the proposal to establish a Gypsy Traveller Site on the Fosse Way under Reference GT03.
My concerns are:
Rural and Environment
That the proposal will visually impact the approach to Harbury and the Fosse Way, in addition to visualy impacting the approach to the Harbury Fields Campsite, an established business in very close proximity to the proposed site and also the approach to Harbury Rugby Club, in the same vicinity.
The proposed site has no utilities such as Water supply, Mains Electricity or Gas
Wildlife will be affected by this proposal, and their habitat damaged
Perhaps most importantly, any resident of Harbury will confirm the serious flooding that occurs annually at that junction of the Fosse Way and in the adjoining fields, at exactly the point where the site is proposed. The water level can be between 6 to 12 inches across the road and into those exact fields, and is slow to drain.
The Fosse way is an extremely busy A road with a poor accident record. The increase in traffic from the site directly accessing the road would increase the accident risk on this section. Jaguar Land Rover is close by, with a consequent high traffic volume.
There is no public transport, bus etc, accessible from the site. Having fast moving traffic suddenly stopping on the Fosse way to wait for a bus to stop, or to turn out of GT03 as above and have to accelerate will lead to accidents.
There is no path or pavement anywhere in that area, along this busy A road, and cycling would be extremely dangerous.
Pedestrians and in particular children would be at risk standing at the side of this road waiting for transport to school.
The nearest Doctors surgery is operating at full capacity, with no availability for a substantial increase in new patient numbers.
Local primary, secondary and junior schools are also at capacity.
Harbury has already seen a large number of new homes built on the village boundary with more to come. This is already straining the resources of the village in terms of parking, shops and facilities.
In summary I feel that due to the Environmental concerns, Safety concerns and in addition the flooding risk as above, it would be entirely inappropriate to establish any kind of site in this location, and I would ask that you give my concerns your most serious consideration.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55905
Derbyniwyd: 18/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Charles Cook
Visual impact on approaches to Harbury, Fosse Way and Chesterton Windmill.
No utilities - water supply, mains electricity, gas.
Effect on wildlife and habitat.
Serious flooding on junction of Fosse Way and adj fields.
Fosse Way extremely busy with poor accident record. Increase accident risk. Adjacent crossroad one of the most dangerous junctions on Fosse Way. Adverse road conditions (semi-blind corner, poor visibility for crossing, 60mph , stationary cars waiting to turn.)
No public transport. Increased accident risk if buses stopping, accelerating or turning. Pedestrians would be at risk waiting for transport.
No footways and cycling extremely dangerous.
Nearest surgery at capacity with no availability for increase.
Primary, secondary and junior schools at capacity.
Recent and proposed development already straining resources of Harbury (parking, shops and facilities)
I am writing to object to the proposal to establish a Gypsy Traveller Site on the Fosse Way Harbury Lane junction under Reference GT04.
My concerns are:
Rural and Environment
That the proposal will visually impact the approach to Harbury and the Fosse Way, in addition to visually impacting the approach to Chesterton Windmill, an established site in very close proximity to the proposed site.
The proposed site has no utilities such as Water supply, Mains Electricity or Gas
Wildlife will be affected by this proposal, and their habitat damaged
Perhaps most importantly, any resident of Harbury will confirm the serious flooding that occurs annually near that junction of the Fosse Way in the adjoining fields, at exactly the point where the site is proposed. The water level can be between 6 to 12 inches across the road and into those exact fields, and is slow to drain.
The Fosse way is an extremely busy A road with a poor accident record. The increase in traffic from the site directly accessing the road would increase the accident risk on this section. Jaguar Land Rover is close by, with a consequent high traffic volume.
Please note that the cross roads directly next to the site and providing access is one of the most dangerouus junctions on the Fosse Way. There have been multiple accidents at that point due to the nature of the Fosse Way immediately before, effectively a semi blind corner, and it is also very difficult to see oncoming traffic when trying to cross. The traffic is also travelling at 60 mph at this point as the semi blind junction is preceded by a relatively straight section of the a road. This junction is considered dangerous enough for the council to have been obliged installed a speed camera on one side of the approach specifically to try to reduce the number of accidents.
Approaching the junction from the south, traffic also approaches another semi blind bend just beforehand, but this time with ther are often cars stationary in the road waiting to turn right. The Fosse Way is narrow and there is nowhere to go. This has resulted in multiple rear end collisions and injuries.
There is no public transport, bus etc, accessible from the site. Having fast moving traffic suddenly stopping on the Fosse way to wait for a bus to stop, or to turn out of GT04 as above and have to accelerate will lead to accidents.
There is no path or pavement anywhere in that area, along this busy A road, and cycling would be extremely dangerous.
Pedestrians and in particular children would be at risk standing at the side of this road waiting for transport to school.
The nearest Doctors surgery is operating at full capacity, with no availability for a substantial increase in new patient numbers.
Local primary, secondary and junior schools are also at capacity.
Harbury has already seen a large number of new homes built on the village boundary with more to come. This is already straining the resources of the village in terms of parking, shops and facilities
In summary I feel that due to the Environmental concerns, Safety concerns and in addition the serious safety concerns of the Fosse Way Harbury Lane junction as above, it would be entirely inappropriate to establish any kind of site in this location, and I would ask that you give my concerns your most serious consideration.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55926
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Peter Algate
Concern at impact on availability of school places; existing problems highlighted in media will get worse.
Also increasing pressure on health provision; increased waiting times and staff demands.
Policy criteria is to avoid placing undue pressure on infrastructure and services.
Site fails to meet virtually all criteria.
Reference: GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way - Proposed Sites for Gvpsies and Travellers
I write to object to the proposed site GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way for Gypsies and Travellers.
I am particularly concerned about the impact on the availability of school places. Existing problems have been highlighted recently on regional television and in the press: oversubscribed schools, siblings unable to attend the same schools, children being offered places well away from their local area, etc. These problems will get significantly worse, especially with the additional massive housing developments proposed for the area.
There is also ever increasing pressure on health provision in the area. Increased waiting times for existing patients and unreasonable demands on staff are inevitable.
One of the key policy criteria in the Sites Allocation Development Plan Document is that the site: "avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services."
In fact, this site fails to meet virtually all aspects of the criteria outlined in the document. Consequently, there can be no justification for its inclusion as one of the site options.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55931
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Nigel Pugh
Concern that sites being forced on small communities unable to defend local wishes.
Very remote from major developments
Access on major road with no means of pedestrian access.
Could place undue pressure on infrastructure and services.
School always at capacity and may not be able to provide for needs.
Dear Sir,
As a resident of Bishops Tachbrook, I wish to place on record my strong objections to the proposed plans within the area near to Bishops Tachbrook. As a council tax payer I hope that my objections will be heard and taken into consideration as there are potentially seven sites within the local area which seems very un- proportionate. Are the district council trying to force unwanted sites on small local communities which may be unable to defend the locals wishes?
In accordance with the considerations for site requirements I would comment as follows.
Site 4) Is very remote from major developments.
Site 5) Has access only on to a very busy road, no pedestrian access and a potential visual impact on the approach to Historic Warwick. Listed Buildings are also on the site.
Site 6) Very remote from main Centres and no means of pedestrian access.
Site 9) Has access only on to a very busy road, no pedestrian access and a potential visual impact on the approach to Historic Warwick. Listed Buildings are also on the site.
Site 10) Close to guide dogs for the blind national breeding centre with potential disruption to valuable life changing work done by this organisation.
Site 15) Site located on the banks of the Tachbrook which could lead to a potential chance of contamination, given that the proposed Gypsy Traveller site may be used as a place of work.
In general these plans being looked to be forced upon the residents of Bishops Tachbrook are unsuitable due to the remoteness of the sites, away from major centres. The access are on major roads with no means of pedestrian access. The site could place undue pressure on infrastructure and services. Bishops Tachbrook School is always at capacity and may not be able to provide the infrastructure required to support the needs.
I wish to strongly object to these plans and place my views on record.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55939
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Hannah Steen
Concern that travellers unlikely to integrate with and be sympathetic to the population of Harbury.
The village does not have sufficient resources to easily accommodate vastly increased numbers of residents and will be stretched detrimentally. Concern at potential lack of contribution to local economy. Site has no other local facilities.
Dear Warwick District Council
I am writing to voice my objection about the proposed traveller site in Harbury.
My personal experience of travellers joining a new community is that have a tendency to act disrespectfully towards pre-established communities. As Harbury is a village with a large representation of elderly residents, the arrival of a new group of travellers with an aggressive attitude to joining new groups who are unsympathetic to the needs of elderly and vulnerable people could become particularly problematic for Harburys community.
I also believe that Harbury itself does not have sufficient resources to easily accommodate vastly increased numbers of residents and will therefore stretch our limited resources detrimentally. This is of particular concern if the travellers are not contributing financially to our local economy by employment, taxes etc and given that the proposed location of the site has no other local facilities.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55942
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Joanna Weatherall
This part of the Fosse Way is a dangerous road with warning signs and speed cameras attempting to slow traffic down. An increase in slow moving traffic will cause delays and result in more accidents. Additional development proposed in the Revised Development Strategy will also result in increased traffic volumes in this area. Therefore this site does not meet the criteria of having a safe access to the road network.
Will be clearly visible from the Chesterton Windmill, which is visited all year round by the local community and visitors and offers wonderful views of open fields and remains of a Roman settlement.. Therefore the site cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area. This site would also fail to meet the Revised Development Strategy principle of protecting high quality landscapes, heritage assets and other areas of significance.
Dear Sir/Madam
Sites for Gypsies and Travellers (Local Plan Document June 2013)
I write to object to the plan to establish Gypsy and Traveller sites as outlined in the above document. I have detailed the reasons for my objection below.
Warwick District Council has not provided any evidence that these sites are actually needed or any evidence as to why so many sites are needed. In fact the documentation supplied on your own website 'Evidence of Local Needs and Historic Demand for Gypsy and Traveller sites in Warwick District' and 'Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment: Warwick Final report' suggests that 2-3 TEMPORARY sites of 15 pitches for the WHOLE of Warwickshire would be sufficient to cater for the needs of Gypsies and Travellers.
I refer to sections 5.2 and 5.3 of 'Evidence of Local Needs and Historic Demand for Gypsy and Traveller sites in Warwick District:'
Section 5.2 states the "figures demonstrate that, even when organised events are included, the average number of days spent in the district is low. The average number of days per visit overall is 6.2 and the average number of vans per encampment at any time is 8.7.
Section 5.3 states "All gypsies and travellers recorded were transitory and either moving from one part of the country to another, visiting family locally or attending an organised event, after which they left the district."
Section 5.5 includes a table of responses provided by 8 Gypsies and Travellers in which they were asked whether they would prefer a permanent or temporary site. Only 2 of the 8 responses indicated that they would like a permanent site.
So why are you proposing mainly permanent sites of at least 15 pitches when the above evidence quite clearly shows that permanent sites of this size are not needed.
I refer again to section 5.5 which states "The district council's own records comprise questionnaires completed or partially completed by gypsy and traveller groups when they arrived in the district. Since February 2008, eight such questionnaires, all from Irish travellers, have been collected. It is very difficult to get them completed since there is reluctance on the part of the travelling community to give information and distrust of council representatives. Information is also difficult to obtain for each of the families or individuals travelling together and sometimes one person will answer on behalf of the entire group. The questions posed assess the welfare needs of the individual, but some questions are pertinent to their more general needs. One of the questions asked relates to the desirability of a permanent site and where this would best be located for this specific group of travellers."
Q1. Why has WDC spent considerable time, money and resources formulating a plan based on evidence that is not statistically robust as it is based on responses provided by only eight people. This plan should be dismissed on these grounds alone.
Q2. Why has WDC spent considerable time, money and resources formulating a plan to benefit a group of people who clearly are not interested as they are unwilling to co-operate enough to even complete a questionnaire?
In section 5.6 it states "Advice obtained from the Gypsy and Traveller Officer at Warwickshire County Council based on the above information, indicates that a transient site would need to be made available, of an adequate size for ten vans to ensure that there would be sufficient space to accommodate a figure higher than the average number of vans recorded historically in the district at any one time."
This document concludes "From the data collected, it can be concluded that demand is low and transitory in nature. Even given the highest average number of days spent in the district this is no higher than 12 days. The average number of vans per visit is less than 9. To ensure that a site is provided of sufficient size to accommodate more than this average and accommodate the majority of encampments, it is concluded that there is a need for a transitory site to accommodate 15 vans. It is not considered necessary to accommodate the highest number of vans that has been recorded as these are extreme events and not a regular occurrence."
Q3. Why has WDC spent considerable time, money and resources producing a plan that proposes mainly permanent sites when the advice of your own Gypsy and Traveller Officer is that only ONE TRANSIENT site is required.
I refer to section 3.5 of the document entitled 'Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment: Warwick Final report.' This includes a table that presents an estimation of the size of the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople population and 'states using the best information available we estimate that there are at least 124 individuals or thirty-three households in the study area' i.e. Warwick District.
This document is based on a study sample of only 43 families. Again this is not statistically robust.
Q4. Why has WDC spent considerable time, money and resources formulating a plan that proposes 31 sites when the current population of Gypsies and Travellers is so small?
Statistics from the 2006 Irish census in the Republic or Ireland also does not support the need for so many sites. In the census only 22,369 people identified themselves as Irish Travellers. Of these, only 1,460 lived in urban areas, a clear indication that Irish Travellers do not actually want to live in rural locations. Yet despite this, the majority of proposed sites are in rural locations.
From the location of the proposed sites, it is also clear that Warwickshire District Council has not consulted with Stratford-Upon-Avon District Council. You are proposing six sites within the small parish of Bishops Tachbrook which does not take into account the fact that due to the amount of identified green belt land within the Stratford-Upon-Avon district; the majority of their 52 proposed sites will have to be located to the north west of their district which borders very close to the parish of Bishops Tachbrook.
This plan also does not take into account Warwickshire District Council's own Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013 which proposes 12,000 new homes, the majority of which are located South of Warwick and Whitnash. The impact of this will be a significant increase in traffic and noise pollution in the very locations where you are proposing to put the Gypsy and Traveller sites.
With reference to all the above information I have provided I request that Warwick District Council provide evidence to justify both the location and number of proposed sites.
Site GT03 Land at Barnwell Farm, Harbury Lane
Site GT04 - Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way
Road Safety/Road Access - The area of the Fosse Way close to these two sites has already been identified as a dangerous road. Road users are warned of this by signs that inform them of how many people have been killed on the road and speed cameras have been installed in an attempt to slow traffic down. Road users will often travel at high speed and take risks due to the relative straightness of the road. An increase in slow moving traffic such as caravans on this road will only result in more accidents. The intersection of Harbury Lane and the Fosse way is particularly bad and traffic will back up here at peak times of the day.
The volume of traffic south of Warwick and Whitnash where this site is located will also increase greatly as outlined in the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required, "Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;"
Visual Aesthetics - These two sites will be clearly visible from the Chesterton Windmill. This site is visited daily by members of the local community and visitors to the area who enjoy this peaceful site with wonderful views of open fields. This wonderful view changes with the seasons meaning the site is visited all year round.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required, "Sites, which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area."
The view from Chesterton Windmill also looks out over the remains of a Roman settlement.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 3.5 of the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013 where a specific principle under the key element of Environment is to protect high quality landscapes, heritage assets and other areas of significance.
Site GT05 - Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road
Road Safety/Road Access - The Banbury Road is a very busy road and at peak times, traffic will back up and it can be very difficult to make a right hand turn onto this road from either the Oakley Wood Road or Mallory Road. Adding slow moving traffic such as caravans onto this road will increase the risk of incidents and add to the current traffic problems.
Today whilst travelling along the A46, I found myself in a long queue of traffic, travelling at less than 10mp for approximately 15 minutes. The reason for the build-up of traffic was three traditional style Gypsy caravans and horses on the road.
The volume of traffic south of Warwick and Whitnash where this site is located will also increase greatly as outlined in the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013.
There is also no pedestrian access to this site.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required, "Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;"
Noise Pollution - The south of Bishops Tachbrook village suffers from noise pollution from the M40. This site would lie even closer to the M40 so would suffer from even worse noise pollution.
Noise pollution as a whole will also increase greatly in this area due to the impact of the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2012 that proposes thousands of new homes within the same parish of Bishops Tachbrook.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required. "Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and other disturbance;"
Visual Impact - Mallory Road is the main road into the older original section of Bishops Tachbrook village.
Banbury Road is the main road used by visitors approaching from junction 14 or 15 into Warwick which is a historical town attracting visitors from all over the world.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document, that states the following is required "Sites, which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area."
Schools - Bishops Tachbrook nursery and primary school run at full capacity and already have a waiting list. With six Gypsy and Traveller sites proposed for this small area, it would be impossible for the school to take on the significant number of extra students that would come from these sites.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.4 of the document that states the following is required to fully comply with provisions for sites "avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;"
Site GT06 Land at Park Farm, Spinney Farm
Road Safety/Road Access - This site is situated very close to the Banbury Road, Warwick bypass and junction 14 of the M40. All of these roads are extremely busy especially at peak times of the day when drivers experience long tailbacks. There is also no pedestrian access to this site.
The volume of traffic south of Warwick and Whitnash where this site is located will also increase greatly as outlined in the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013
The site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required. "Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;"
Noise Pollution - This site would suffer from noise pollution due to its close proximity to junction 14 of the M40.
Noise pollution as a whole will also increase greatly in this area due to the impact of the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2012 that proposes thousands of new homes south of Warwick and Whitnash resulting in a substantial increase in the volume of traffic in the area.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required. "Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and other disturbance;"
Visual Impact - The Banbury Road is the access road to the historic town of Warwick.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states that the following is required. "Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area;"
Schools - Bishops Tachbrook nursery and primary school run at full capacity and already have a waiting list. With six Gypsy and Traveller sites proposed for this small area, it would be impossible for the school to take on the significant number of extra students that would come from these sites.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.4 of the document that states the following is required to fully comply with provisions for sites. "avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;"
Site GT09 Land to the north east of M40 and south of Oakley Wood
Road Safety/Road Access - This site is surrounded by the M40 and Warwick Bypass (A452), all of which are very busy roads and there is no pedestrian access to the site.
The volume of traffic where this site is located will also increase greatly as a result of the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013 which proposes 12,000 new homes south of Warwick and Whitnash, many of which we are told are required for people who will work in Coventry and therefore travel on these roads on a daily basis.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required. "Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;"
Noise Pollution - This site would suffer from noise pollution due to its close proximity to junction 14 of the M40.
Noise pollution as a whole will also increase greatly in this area due to the impact of the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2012 that proposes thousands of new homes south of Warwick and Whitnash resulting in a substantial increase in the volume of traffic in the area.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required. "Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and other disturbance;"
Visual Impact - The Banbury Road is the access road to the historic town of Warwick.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states that the following is required. "Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.;"
Schools - Bishops Tachbrook nursery and primary school run at full capacity and already have a waiting list. With six Gypsy and Traveller sites proposed for this small area, it would be impossible for the school to take on the significant number of extra students that would come from these sites.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.4 of the document that states the following is required to fully comply with provisions for sites. "avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;"
Site GT10 Land at Tollgate House and Guide Dogs National Breeding Center
Road Safety/Road Access - This site is bordered by both the M40 and the Banbury Road. There is also no pedestrian access to the site.
The volume of traffic in the area where this site is located will also increase greatly due to thousands of new homes proposed to be built south of Warwick and Whitnash as outlined in the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013.
This site proposed does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states that the following is required. "Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;"
Noise Pollution - The site would suffer noise pollution from the M40. Noise pollution as a whole will also increase greatly in this area due to the impact of the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2012 that proposes thousands of new homes south of Warwick and Whitnash resulting in a substantial increase in the volume of traffic in the area.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required. "Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and other disturbance;"
Visual Impact - The Banbury Road is the access road to the historic town of Warwick.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required. "Sites, which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.;"
Business Impact - This site holds the national breeding centre for guide dogs. There is a risk of their breeding dogs being introduced to and infected by diseases carried by pets belonging to the Gypsy and Travelling communities.
Site GT15 Land to east of Europa Way
Road Safety/Road Access - This site is located near to Europa Way. This is a very busy road and at peak times experiences long tail backs in both directions. This road is so busy that there is a proposal to turn this into a dual carriageway road. There is also no pedestrian access to this site.
The volume of traffic where this site is located will also increase greatly as identified in the Local Plan - Revised Development Strategy Document June 2013 which proposes thousands of new homes in the area south of Warwick and Whitnash bringing with it a huge increase in the volume of traffic in the area.
This site does not meet the criteria laid out in Section 7.3 of the document that states the following is required, "Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;"
Environment - This site is located close to the Tachbrook and as the sites are also designated as places of work, there is the risk of pollution from this site into the Tachbrook.
I request that you register my objection to the above sites and review your current Local Plan.
Please acknowledge receipt of my letter by return post and keep me informed of this matter.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55977
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Ocean Power Technologies Limited
Nifer y bobl: 2
Why allocate this site for people without a local connection or pressing need when there is existing demand from locals for low cost housing and housing for elderly residents?
Removing an existing business by compulsory purchase is inappropriate.
This is a very busy road. Further entrances and traffic is likely to increase the number of accidents.
Harbury School is at capacity and other local schools are at near capacity. Who will fund the additional costs of getting these children to school?
Object to development of the green belt.
Development will damage wildlife habitats and have an adverse visual impact on the village.
Will site occupants have their rates and utility bills subsidised?
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 55996
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Anne Steele
Object for the following reasons:-
The nearest doctors' surgery has no capacity for new patients.
The nearest primary junior and secondary schools are already at capacity.
The site is on a High Risk travel route with more than 12 serious accidents in last 3 years.
No bus stop is available on the Fosse Way and providing one would be unsafe for road users.
The Fosse Way is already busy and dangerous, especially from increased Jaguar/Land Rover traffic to and from Gaydon.
No path or pavement to walk anywhere and cycling is dangerous on busy commuter routes.
Children cannot be allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school.
The proposed site will have a visual impact from Harbury and The Fosse Way.
The proposed site has no mains gas, mains sewerage or drainage.
Damage to wildlife habitat.
It is a flood risk area often flooding at the end of Middle Road, Harbury Lane and fields.
FROM Anne Steel
No capacity at nearest doctors' surgery.
Primary and secondary schools at capacity.
High Risk travel route with history of accidents. Now bus stop and no safe location. Fosse Way busy and dangerous. No footways and cycling dangerous. Dangerous for children to wait for school transport.
Visual impact from Hanbury and on Fosse Way.
No mains gas, sewerage or drainage.
Damage to wildlife habitat.
Flood risk.
Reference: Site GT02 - Land abutting the Fosse Way at its junction with the B425
For the following reasons:-
1. Convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
This site is in excess of 1.5miles from any GP surgery. The proposed site is outside of the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest surgery is the Croft Medical Centre in Sydenham which is 3.3 miles away which I understand is full. The next surgery is the Cubbington Road Surgery which is 4.7 miles distant and is not served by direct public transport so there is no convenient access to a surgery.
The position with regard to schooling is similar with Radford Primary School being almost fully subscribed and if the additional hundred houses are built in the village it will be full. This is outside of the Harbury catchment area and Harbury Primary School has had recent issues with too many children already.
The public transport whilst satisfactory is largely irrelevant as the residents are unlikely to use anything other than their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 however there is no pedestrian links from that to the potential site.
2. Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
The proposed 15 pitch site will contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements daily. It is on the junction of two major roads and access into the traffic flow will possibly need highway improvements. It is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction and it will certainly add significantly to existing peak time delays. GT02 is sited on the junction of two main roads with high traffic flows and the Fosse Way in particular sees fast traffic despite the nearby speed camera and is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council.
3. Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and disturbance
This site is adjacent the Fosse Way a very busy and noisy main road.
4. Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities waste disposal etc);
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
5. Avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important, features of the natural and historic environment;
This choice of site overlooks the fact that at this point the Fosse Way, as the original Roman road built nearly 2000 years ago is known, is on its original alignment and there is likely to be considerable archaeological remains in the area which will be destroyed by the development. There was also a tollhouse at this point in the 17th and 18th centuries and remains have been found. Nearby there are traditional historic Woodlands which contain rare species so this criteria is not met.
6. Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and if the Enfusion (consultants) recommendation to include working space is adopted this would possibly increase to 6 times the area of the Exhibition Centre. There will be a large variety of caravans and vehicles on the site so, being in the bottom of the valley, it cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area.
7. Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community;
In this respect the local community forms two distinct sections. There is a very small community of some 20 houses within half a mile of the site along the Fosse Way and the far greater community in the village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away. It will be difficult to integrate the residents into the local Fosse Way community as with up to 120 residents on site rather than integrate they will actually absorb the local community. This does not meet the criteria of a peaceful and integrated co-existence.
8. Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56007
Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Wendy Carpenter
Object for following reasons:
Amenities: nearest doctor's surgery has no capacity for new patients and nearest schools are at capacity.
Travel: site is on High Risk route with more than 12 serious accidents in last 3 years. No bus stop on Fosse Way and providing one would be dangerous. Fosse Way already busy and dangerous, especially with increased Jaguar/Land Rover traffic. No path or pavement and cycling is dangerous. Not appropriate for children to wait on busy road for school transport.
Rural Environment: Would have visual impact from Harbury and Fosse Way. Site has no mains gas, sewerage or drainage. Could damage wildlife habitat and is in area which regularly floods (end of Middle Road, Harbury Lane and fields).
Objection to proposed Gypsy and Traveller sites near Harbury - Site GT02
I wish to object to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site at site GT02 and consider it to be inappropriate for the following reasons:
Access to Local Amenities
The nearest Doctor's surgery has no capacity for the influx of new patients
The nearest primary, junior and secondary schools are already at capacity
The site is on a High Risk travel route with more than 12 serious accidents in the last 3 years
No bus stop is available on the Fosse Way and providing one would be unsafe for road users
The Fosse Way is already busy and dangerous, especially from increased Jaguar Land Rover traffic
No path or pavement to walk anywhere and cycling is dangerous on busy commuter routes
Children can not be allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school
Rural environment
The proposed site has no mains gas, mains sewerage or drainage
Damage to wildlife habitat
Yours faithfully
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56018
Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Rachael Roberts Gimsom
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56033
Derbyniwyd: 13/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Andrew Jones-Owen
Nearest doctors surgery has no capacity.
Local primary and secondary schools are at capacity.
No safe means of pedestrian access and buses stopping here due to the high level of traffic on the Fosse Way.
Site is in a flood risk area and often floods.
The Fosse Way is a high risk travel route with more than 12 serious incidents in the last 3 years. Can be difficult to cross this road and it's not wide enough to allow cars and cyclists.
Will have a visual impact from Harbury and the Fosse Way.
No mains gas, mains sewerage or drainage. Using local stream will impact on local habitat.
Cycle route might be part of the travellers' site which could inhibit passage and encourage cyclists to use the Fosse Way which is dangerous.
Risk that children will get access to main Cross Country rail line. This risk will need to be mitigated.
I am writing to lodge an objection to the proposal for a travellers site GT04 at the end of Middle Road on land off the Fosse Way. I do not believe that this land meets the local authority policy criteria:
** Convenient access to a GP surgery, school, and public transport;
The nearest doctors surgery has no capacity for the level of additional patients that will need access to a GP surgery.
The local primary and secondary schools are already at capacity.
Although there are bus services that pass this site there is real safe means of the buses stopping in this location due to the high level of traffic on teh fosse way. Any off Fosse bus stops would require the use and crossing of an unpaved very busy road that already has a significant accident record.
** Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding;
This is a flood risk area and often floods. There is a river running to the North of the site that can regularly breach and would flood the land.
** Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
This area of the Fosse Way is a high risk travel route with more than
12 serious incidents in the last 3 years. Being a regular cycling to
work I sometimes find myself waiting for up to 10 minutes to cross this
road in the morning due to the high level of traffic travlling to the
Jaguar LandRover Gaydon site. I also avoid cycling along the Fosse as
it is not wide enough for cars and cyclists and use the National Cycle
route to the North of the proposed site a a safe means of getting to
Radford Semele via Whitnash.
** Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and other
The proposed site will have a visual impact from Harbury and from teh
Fosse Way.
** Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities, waste
disposal, etc);
The proposed site has no mains gas, mains sewerage or drainage. The
nearest water source is a stream which is the opposite site of the
National Cycle route. This stream may be the used as a source of water
and also as a drainage/waste means and in this case there will be a
risk to teh health of the travellers and also there will be an imoact
on the local habitat. This will also result in the cycle route
becoming part of teh travellers site which could inhibit passage and
require people using this route safely to use the Fosse Way and thus
increasing the risk to teh local community of any accidents on the
Fosse Way.
** Avoiding areas where there could be adverse impact on important
features of the natural and
historic environment;
See above for potential damage to the water course.
** Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the
character of the area
The site will have a visual impact from Harbury and the Fosse Way.
This site is also close to the main Cross Country rail line with high
volumes of rail traffic. Althouggh Network Rail have reasonable
boundaries then there is the possibility that these boundaries may not
be robust and that children could get on to the rail lines. The
Council would have to assess these boundaries and complete a risk
assessment to ensure that this risk is mitigated.
If this land had to be used then a suggestion would be that the land to
the South East of the Leamington Golf and Country club is more
appropriate in this vacinity. It can be accessed safely from Golf
Lane, has safe access to a number of schools in both Whitnash and
Sydenham. This land is not over looked and will have less visual
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56034
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: j jordan
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded andHarbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56035
Derbyniwyd: 13/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Ted Crum
Living close to Harbury Lane and the Fosse Way would be dangerous given amount of traffic using them. To allow more traffic into an already hazardous situation, seems perverse and insensitive. Without major alterations it will become an accident waiting to happen.
There are less busy and safer sites available, which are also adjacent to mains services unlike this site.
I wish to lodge an objection to the proposal to build a travellers site near the junction of Harbury Lane and the Fosse Way. As a frequent user of both roads, I am well aware of the amount of traffic using that route, and I shudder to think of the danger to the travellers (and particularly their children) if they are expected to live and play so close to such an intersection. There have been several accidents already on these two roads, and to deliberately allow the development of a residential unit so close to a busy and dangerous junction, injecting a whole new cohort of traffic into an already hazardous situation, seems perverse and insensitive. Without major alterations to the roads to allow safe access, I fear that this would become an accident waiting to happen, and with other less busy sites available (many of which are already adjacent to mains services which would have to be extended to the Harbury Lane option), I feel impelled to urge those responsible for this decision to reject this option and find the travellers a safer place to stay.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56044
Derbyniwyd: 14/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Sally Hutchinson
Cost of putting in drainage, electricity and telephone connection will be a huge and unnecessary expensive.
Area floods as it's a flood plain.
Is a dangerously fast road with no pavements.
Schools are at capacity! Doctor's surgery is stretched so adding more patients would be detrimental.
Local economy will suffer if business close because of compulsory purchase order.
I strongly object to the GT04 land being converted to a gypsy and traveller site for the following reasons
1. Cost on all accounts putting in appropriate drainage, electricity and an adequate telephone connection will be a huge and unnecessary expense.
2. This area floods! It is a flood plain.
3. This road is a dangerously fast road despite speed signs being introduced recently, with no pavements, I wouldn't want to wak this road even with pavements.
4. Local amenities, the schools are at capacity! Doctors appointments are clearly stretched as we already have to wait an unsatisfactory time to get an appointment, adding more patients to this list would be detrimental.
5.local economy will suffer if a compulsory purchase is made. We need these businesses.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56046
Derbyniwyd: 15/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Antonia Rodriguez
Strongly object.
Whitnash is already at capacity so site will have an adverse impact on the area.
Local primary schools are well over-subscribed meaning local children might miss out. same true of nearest secondary schools.
Local doctor's surgery could not cope with the influx of new patients.
Will have a visual impact on the surrounding villages.
May affect house prices.
No gas or sewerage/drainage.
Area has flooding issues during heavy rain.
I would like to strongly object to a gypsy traveller site here (GT03) as the local town of Whitnash is at capacity and the creation of this site will have an adverse impact on the area.
The local primary schools are already well over-subscribed and could result in existing local children not being offered a place. The same can be said for the nearest secondary schools.
I would like to strongly object to a gypsy traveller site here (GT04) as the local town of Whitnash is already at capacity and the creation of this site will have an adverse impact on the area.
The local primary schools are already well over-subscribed and could result in existing local children not being offered a place. The same can be said for the nearest secondary schools.
The local doctor's surgery also could not cope with the influx of new patients.
It will also have a visual impact on the surrounding villages and may affect house prices.
The site has no gas or sewerage/drainage and the area along the road already has flooding issues
The local doctor's surgery also could not cope with the influx of new patients.
It will also have a visual impact on the surrounding villages and may affect house prices.
The site has no gas or sewerage/drainage and the area along the road already has flooding issues when there is heavy rain.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56048
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Timothy Satinet
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56069
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr John Latto
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56090
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2013
Ymatebydd: John Broomfield
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56109
Derbyniwyd: 22/07/2013
Ymatebydd: June Eaves
Site more than 1.5miles from any GP surgery (outside Harbury catchement and no convenient access to Warwick Gates Family Health Centre which is full).
Similarly schools. Outside Harbury Primary catchment (already issues with too many children). Schools at Whitnash (2 miles away) have limited capacity.
Very limited public transport.
Fosse Way a very busy road designated a High Risk Route and site would generate hundreds of vehicle movements daily. Delays at intersection already at peak times and crossing is dangerous due to high speeds.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity a limited rural line.
Too far from Whitnash phone interchange for adequate service; internet will be poor and slow. Mobile service mediocre at best.
Will be a prominent landscape feature that will not be integrated and will damage landscape character.
I wish to register objections to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller Sites ref GT04 on the following grounds: -
The site is more than 1.5 miles from any GP surgery. It is outside the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest is Warwick Gates Family Health Centre to which there is no convenient access and in any case I believe to be full.
The situation is similar for schools. The site is outside the catchment area of Harbury Primary which already has issues with too many children. There are schools in Whitnash (2 miles away) but with limited capacity.
There is very limited public transport.
The occupancy of the site is likely to generate hundreds of vehicle movements daily, many of which will aim to join or cross the Fosse Way.
This is a very busy road and is designated as a High Risk Route. Delays at the intersection are already a problem at peak times and the crossing is dangerous due to the high speed of traffic (despite speed cameras).
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas, and electricity is a limited rural line. BT considers the site too be too far from the Whitnash interchange to provide an adequate telephone service - internet connection will be poor and slow. Mobile phone services are mediocre at best.
The size of the site and number and variety of caravans and vehicles will make the site a prominent landscape feature which in no way can be regarded as integrated, and will damage the whole character of the landscape.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56116
Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Network Rail
Directly adjacent to operational railway. Therefore requires 1.8m high trespass proof fence, avoidance of damage or encroachment onto railway land/property etc. Sets out various other construction/development issues and requirements should the site be developed.
enhancements necessitated by third party commercial development adjacent to the railway.
Network Rail is the "not for dividend" owner and operator of Britain's railway infrastructure, which includes the tracks, signals, tunnels, bridges, viaducts, level crossings and stations - the largest of which we also manage. All profits made by the company, including from commercial development, are reinvested directly back into the network.
With regards to the proposal Network Rail has the following comments to make, which are from a desktop study of the document only.
Sites GT04 (land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way) and GT11 (land at Budbrooke Lodge, Racecourse and Hampton Rd) are directly adjacent to Network Rail and the operational railway.
We would therefore request that any site option includes provision (at the applicant's expense) for a minimum 1.8m high trespass proof fence adjacent to Network Rail's boundary and make provision for its future maintenance and renewal without encroachment upon or over-sailing of Network Rail land. Network Rail's existing fencing / wall must not be removed or damaged and at no point either during construction or after works are completed on site should the foundations of the fencing or wall or any embankment therein be damaged, undermined or compromised in any way. Any vegetation on Network Rail land and within Network Rail's boundary must also not be disturbed. Any fencing installed by the applicant must not prevent Network Rail from maintaining its own fencing/boundary treatment. Any existing Network Rail fencing at the site has been erected to take account of the risk posed at the time the fencing was erected and not to take into account any presumed future use of the site, where increased numbers of people and minors may be using the areas adjacent to the operational railway. Therefore, any proposed residential site option development imports a risk of trespass onto the railway, which we would remind the council, is a criminal offence (s55 British Transport Commission Act 1949). As the applicant has chosen to develop a proposal next to the railway, they are requested to provide a suitable trespass proof fence to mitigate any risks imported by the proposal.
Network Rail is a publicly funded organisation with a regulated remit; it would not be reasonable to require Network Rail to fund boundary works, fencing and boundary enhancements necessitated by third party commercial development adjacent to the railway.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56118
Derbyniwyd: 22/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mike McBride
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
Site GT02 - Land abutting the Fosse Way at its junction with the B425
What is the nature of your representation? Object
* Convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
This site is in excess of 1.5miles from any GP surgery. The proposed site is outside of the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest surgery is the Croft Medical Centre in Sydenham which is 3.3 miles away which I understand is full. The next surgery is the Cubbington Road Surgery which is 4.7 miles distant and is not served by direct public transport so there is no convenient access to a surgery.
The position with regard to schooling is similar with Radford Primary School being almost fully subscribed and if the additional hundred houses are built in the village it will be full. This is outside of the Harbury catchment area and Harbury Primary School has had recent issues with too many children already.
The public transport whilst satisfactory is largely irrelevant as the residents are unlikely to use anything other than their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 however there is no pedestrian links from that to the potential site.
* Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding
No comment
* Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
The proposed 15 pitch site will contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements daily. It is on the junction of two major roads and access into the traffic flow will possibly need highway improvements. It is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction and it will certainly add significantly to existing peak time delays. GT02 is sited on the junction of two main roads with high traffic flows and the Fosse Way in particular sees fast traffic despite the nearby speed camera and is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council.
* Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and disturbance
This site is adjacent the Fosse Way a very busy and noisy main road.
* Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities waste disposal etc);
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important, features of the natural and historic environment;
This choice of site overlooks the fact that at this point the Fosse Way, as the original Roman road built nearly 2000 years ago is known, is on its original alignment and there is likely to be considerable archaeological remains in the area which will be destroyed by the development. There was also a tollhouse at this point in the 17th and 18th centuries and remains have been found. Nearby there are traditional historic Woodlands which contain rare species so this criteria is not met.
* Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and if the Enfusion (consultants) recommendation to include working space is adopted this would possibly increase to 6 times the area of the Exhibition Centre. There will be a large variety of caravans and vehicles on the site so, being in the bottom of the valley, it cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area.
* Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community;
In this respect the local community forms two distinct sections. There is a very small community of some 20 houses within half a mile of the site along the Fosse Way and the far greater community in the village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away. It will be difficult to integrate the residents into the local Fosse Way community as with up to 120 residents on site rather than integrate they will actually absorb the local community. This does not meet the criteria of a peaceful and integrated co-existence.
* Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Reflects the extent to which traditional lifestyles (whereby some travellers live and work from the same location thereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability.
No comment
Other issues which I consider should be taken into consideration
Local Business/Employment
There are several businesses located at GT 02 in addition to the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre. They include salad producers, specialist storage, event management and publishing. Collectively they employ between 50 and 60 people and the site would cause significant difficulties for all.
Should this site be chosen, then due to the PERCEPTION of event organisers it is estimated that within two years the Exhibition Centre would lose sufficient events to make it impossible to continue operating and the company itself would cease to exist resulting in upwards of ten permanent job losses and a further 30 event staff losses.
Tourism and the wider economic situation
It is anticipated that the Exhibition Centre will contribute in the region of £5 million to the local economy in hotel accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, bus and taxi usage over the coming four years. Events attract visitors from a wide area and it is often the case that husbands/wives/partners will use the exhibition bus service to go shopping in Leamington Spa whilst spouses enjoy the exhibitions. This would all be lost if the Exhibition Centre were to close.
Archaeology and Heritage
GT 02 is located right next to the historic Fosse Way. The road now known as the Fosse Way was built following the Roman invasion in AD 43, nearly 2000 years ago, and has been a major highway throughout the centuries. There was a tollhouse on the junction of the Fosse Way and Southam Road in the 17th and 18th centuries. If GT 02 is approved it is important that a major archaeological dig should take place prior to site work so that the archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded.
GT 02 will involve considerable infrastructure in addition to the actual site. Its proximity to the roundabout may require traffic control and road widening to provide a right turning lane for access. Further features could include bus shelters and a pedestrian crossing and more street lighting would be needed.
At present the proposed GT02 site is part of an area of some 50 acres of good quality, extensively farmed land. Unauthorised intrusion from GT 02 into the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and this together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
Rural Landscape
The area surrounding GT 02 is rural and agricultural in aspect and the proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area. If the site is built, the council will be ill placed to prevent further 'ribbon' development.
Animal Welfare
Located close to GT 02 are Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs, a business breeding these rare breed livestock. The Alpaca herd numbers 30 animals and the owners are extremely conscious of bio security and the need to protect the animals from diseases such as foot and mouth, bovine TB and Parro virus. These diseases can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between GT 02 and the Grand Union Canal.
Ecology and Habitat
GT 02 is close to two historic traditional Woodlands, which provide a habitat for birds and small mammals that would be greatly affected by the proposed site and the possible intrusion and activities of younger residents. It is known to be a habitat for Pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) and also great crested newts (Triturus cristatus), amongst other species.
Site GT03 - Land at Barnwell Farm
What is the nature of your representation? Object
* Convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
This site is in excess of 1.5miles from any GP surgery. The proposed site is outside of the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest surgery is the Warwick Gates Family Health Centre which approximately3 miles away which I understand is full so there is no convenient access to a surgery.
The position with regard to schooling is similar with GT03 being outside of the Harbury catchment area and Harbury Primary School has had recent issues with too many children already. There are several schools in Whitnash (over 2 miles away) with limited capacity.
The public transport whilst satisfactory is largely irrelevant as the residents are unlikely to use anything other than their own transport. There is a bus stop on the Harbury Lane however there is no pedestrian links from that to the potential site.
* Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding
The area is prone to flooding. Fields are often under water and livestock and ponies moved accordingly. The area is effectively a flood plain.
Harbury Lane is often flooded and impassable.
* Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
The proposed 15 pitch site will contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements daily. It is on the junction of two major roads and access into the traffic flow will possibly need highway improvements. It is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction and it will certainly add significantly to existing peak time delays. GT03 is sited on the junction of two main roads with high traffic flows and the Fosse Way in particular sees fast traffic despite the nearby speed camera and is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. There have more than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
* Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and disturbance
This site is adjacent the Fosse Way a very busy and noisy main road.
* Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities waste disposal etc);
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the
electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
GT03 is considered by British Telecom to be too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service (They term it as a long line). They will not upgrade the system resulting in poor telephone connections and intermittent (<1mbs) internet service.
GT03 does not have a reliable mobile phone service. There are no mobile phone networks that provide more than a mediocre service.
* Avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important, features of the natural and historic environment;
This choice of site overlooks the fact that at this point the Fosse Way, as the original Roman road built nearly 2000 years ago is known, is on its original alignment and there is likely to be considerable archaeological remains in the area which will be destroyed by the development. There was also a tollhouse nearby in the 17th and 18th centuries and remains have been found. The site would be a blight on the vistas from the Grade 1 Listed building, Chesterton Windmill, which is maintained by Warwickshire County Council. The views from this famous, historic building would be of material consideration should a planning application ever be made.
* Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is larger than Barnwell Farm and if the Enfusion (consultants) recommendation to include working space is adopted this would possibly increase to 1.5 times the area of the farm. There will be a large variety of caravans and vehicles on the site so, being in the bottom of the valley, it cannot be integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area.
The site is also very visible from Chesterton Hill and would undoubtedly harm the character of the wider surrounding area.
* Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community;
In this respect the local community forms two distinct sections. There is a very small community of some 20 houses within half a mile of the site along the Fosse Way and the far greater community in the villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away.
It will be difficult to integrate the residents into the local Fosse Way community as with up to 120 residents on site rather than integrate they will actually absorb the local community. This does not meet the criteria of a peaceful and integrated co-existence.
* Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Reflects the extent to which traditional lifestyles (whereby some travellers live and work from the same location thereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability.
No comment
Other issues which I consider should be taken into consideration
Local Business/Employment
There are many businesses that operate from GT03 site and the surrounding area and will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead. For example:
1. Will Russell - Farm land being fully utilised for sheep
2. Bob Wright - land being used for arable farming
3. Fosse Garage
4. Rollason Fencing
5. Barnwell Chicken Farm
6. MH Polo Ltd - teaching people to ride ponies
7. Fosse Paddocks Ltd - farming and ponies
8. Warwick Reclamation
9. Mallory Court Hotel
10. Harbury Lane Breakers Yard
11. There are many others.
Archaeology and Heritage
GT 03 is located right next to the historic Fosse Way. The road now known as the Fosse Way was built following the Roman invasion in AD 43, nearly 2000 years ago, and has been a major highway throughout the centuries. There was a tollhouse on the junction of the Fosse Way and Southam Road in the 17th and 18th centuries. If GT 03 is approved it is important that a major archaeological dig should take place prior to site work so that the archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded.
GT 03 will involve considerable infrastructure in addition to the actual site. Its proximity to the roundabout may require traffic control and road widening to provide a right turning lane for access. Further features could include bus shelters and a pedestrian crossing and more street lighting would be needed.
At present the proposed GT03 site is part of an area of good quality, extensively farmed land. Unauthorised intrusion from GT 03 into the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and this together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
Rural Landscape
The area surrounding GT 03 is rural and agricultural in aspect and the proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area. If the site is built, the council will be ill placed to prevent further 'ribbon' development.
Site GT04 - Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way
What is the nature of your representation? Object
* Convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
This site is in excess of 1.5miles from any GP surgery. The proposed site is outside of the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest surgery is the Warwick Gates Family Health Centre which approximately3 miles away which I understand is full so there is no convenient access to a surgery.
The position with regard to schooling is similar with GT03 being outside of the Harbury catchment area and Harbury Primary School has had recent issues with too many children already. There are several schools in Whitnash (over 2 miles away) with limited capacity.
The public transport whilst satisfactory is largely irrelevant as the residents are unlikely to use anything other than their own transport. There is a bus stop on the Harbury Lane however there is no pedestrian links from that to the potential site.
* Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding
The area is prone to flooding. Fields are often under water and livestock and ponies moved accordingly. The area is effectively a flood plain.
The Middle Road/ Fosse Way junction is often flooded
Harbury Lane is often flooded and impassable.
* Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
The proposed 15 pitch site will contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements daily. It is on the junction of two major roads and access into the traffic flow will possibly need highway improvements. It is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction and it will certainly add significantly to existing peak time delays. GT04 is sited on the junction of two main roads with high traffic flows and the Fosse Way in particular sees fast traffic despite the nearby speed camera and is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. There have been more than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
* Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and disturbance
This site is adjacent the Fosse Way a very busy and noisy main road.
In addition this is adjacent the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, causing both noise and a potential danger.
* Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities waste disposal etc);
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the
electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
GT04 is considered by British Telecom to be too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service (They term it as a long line). They will not upgrade the system resulting in poor telephone connections and intermittent (<1mbs) internet service.
GT04 does not have a reliable mobile phone service. There are no mobile phone networks that provide more than a mediocre service.
* Avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important, features of the natural and historic environment;
This choice of site overlooks the fact that at this point the Fosse Way, as the original Roman road built nearly 2000 years ago is known, is on its original alignment and there is likely to be considerable archaeological remains in the area which will be destroyed by the development. There was also a tollhouse nearby in the 17th and 18th centuries and remains have been found. The site would be a blight on the vistas from the Grade 1 Listed building, Chesterton Windmill, which is maintained by Warwickshire County Council. The views from this famous, historic building would be of material consideration should a planning application ever be made.
* Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is larger than the New Windmill Football Ground and if the Enfusion (consultants) recommendation to include working space is adopted this would possibly increase to twice the area of the football ground. There will be a large variety of caravans and vehicles on the site so, being in the bottom of the valley, it cannot integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. The site is also very visible from Chesterton Hilland would undoubtedly harm the character of the wider surrounding area.
* Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community;
In this respect the local community forms two distinct sections. There is a very small community of some 20 houses within half a mile of the site along the Fosse Way and the far greater community in the villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away.
It will be difficult to integrate the residents into the local Fosse Way community as with up to 120 residents on site rather than integrate they will actually absorb the local community. This does not meet the criteria of a peaceful and integrated co-existence.
* Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Reflects the extent to which traditional lifestyles (whereby some travellers live and work from the same location thereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability.
No comment
Other issues which I consider should be taken into consideration
Local Business/Employment
There are many businesses that operate from GT04 site and the surrounding area and will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead. For example:
1. Will Russell - Farm land being fully utilised for sheep
2. Bob Wright - land being used for arable farming
3. Fosse Garage
4. Rollason Fencing
5. Barnwell Chicken Farm
6. MH Polo Ltd - teaching people to ride ponies
7. Fosse Paddocks Ltd - farming and ponies
8. Warwick Reclamation
9. Mallory Court Hotel
10. Harbury Lane Breakers Yard
11. There are many others.
Archaeology and Heritage
GT 04 is located right next to the historic Fosse Way. The road now known as the Fosse Way was built following the Roman invasion in AD 43, nearly 2000 years ago, and has been a major highway throughout the centuries. There was a tollhouse on the junction of the Fosse Way and Southam Road in the 17th and 18th centuries. If GT 04 is approved it is important that a major archaeological dig should take place prior to site work so that the archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded.
GT 04 will involve considerable infrastructure in addition to the actual site. Its proximity to the roundabout may require traffic control and road widening to provide a right turning lane for access. Further features could include bus shelters and a pedestrian crossing and more street lighting would be needed.
At present the proposed GT04 site is part of an area of good quality, extensively farmed land. Unauthorised intrusion from GT 04 into the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and this together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
Rural Landscape
The area surrounding GT 04 is rural and agricultural in aspect and the proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area. If the site is built, the council will be ill placed to prevent further 'ribbon' development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56127
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Helen & Clive Waite
Object to plans as very concerned about proposals within Bishop's Tachbrook area. Made worse by recent presence of (presumably) travellers in nearby Hareway lane, with several vehicles including transit vans. Mess left was appalling yet typical of the reputation travellers have earned from previous visits. Ambience of our beautiful village will be seriously threatened if these permanent sites go ahead. We do not wish to have travellers in such close proximity.
It is ironic and makes no sense that local authorities will not recognise the genuine homeless issue in Leamington Spa yet is obligated to consider offering a permanent base for people whose purpose and lifestyle is to travel.
I am responding to the recent proposals for the above primarily within the bishops Tachbrook area.
My neighbours and ourselves are very concerned about the proposals and our concerns have been compounded recently by the presence of what we assume were travellers in the nearby Hareway lane, where a number of vehicles including transit vans were present. The mess left afterwards was apalling yet typical of the reputation this group of people have earned from visits to the area in the past. The ambience of our beautiful village will be under serious threat if these permanent sites are allowed to proceed. The message is clear that we do not wish to have travellers in such close proximity and wish to formally register our opposition to any such plans.
I find it ironic that local authorities will not recognise the genuine homeless issue within the town of leamington spa yet is obligated to consider offering a permanent base for people whose purpose and lifestyle is to travel. It makes no sense. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and I trust these opinions can be given your conisideration
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56130
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Shirley & Trevor Cotterill & Austin
Object to plans as very concerned about proposals within Bishop's Tachbrook area. Made worse by recent presence of (presumably) travellers in nearby Hareway lane, with several vehicles including transit vans. Mess left was appalling yet typical of the reputation travellers have earned from previous visits. Ambience of our beautiful village will be seriously threatened if these permanent sites go ahead. We do not wish to have travellers in such close proximity.
It is ironic and makes no sense that local authorities will not recognise the genuine homeless issue in Leamington Spa yet is obligated to consider offering a permanent base for people whose purpose and lifestyle is to travel.
I am responding to the recent proposals for the above primarily within the bishops Tachbrook area.
My neighbours and ourselves are very concerned about the proposals and our concerns have been compounded recently by the presence of what we assume were travellers in the nearby Hareway lane, where a number of vehicles including transit vans were present. The mess left afterwards was apalling yet typical of the reputation this group of people have earned from visits to the area in the past. The ambience of our beautiful village will be under serious threat if these permanent sites are allowed to proceed. The message is clear that we do not wish to have travellers in such close proximity and wish to formally register our opposition to any such plans.
I find it ironic that local authorities will not recognise the genuine homeless issue within the town of leamington spa yet is obligated to consider offering a permanent base for people whose purpose and lifestyle is to travel. It makes no sense. Thank you for taking the time to read this message and I trust these opinions can be given your conisideration.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56146
Derbyniwyd: 18/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Miles of Tiles Ltd
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56157
Derbyniwyd: 19/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Ian Macwhinnie
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
Site GT02 - Land abutting the Fosse Way at its junction with the B425
What is the nature of your representation? Object
* Convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
This site is in excess of 1.5miles from any GP surgery. The proposed site is outside of the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest surgery is the Croft Medical Centre in Sydenham which is 3.3 miles away which I understand is full. The next surgery is the Cubbington Road Surgery which is 4.7 miles distant and is not served by direct public transport so there is no convenient access to a surgery.
The position with regard to schooling is similar with Radford Primary School being almost fully subscribed and if the additional hundred houses are built in the village it will be full. This is outside of the Harbury catchment area and Harbury Primary School has had recent issues with too many children already.
The public transport whilst satisfactory is largely irrelevant as the residents are unlikely to use anything other than their own transport. There is a bus stop on the B425 however there is no pedestrian links from that to the potential site.
* Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding
No comment
* Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
The proposed 15 pitch site will contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements daily. It is on the junction of two major roads and access into the traffic flow will possibly need highway improvements. It is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction and it will certainly add significantly to existing peak time delays. GT02 is sited on the junction of two main roads with high traffic flows and the Fosse Way in particular sees fast traffic despite the nearby speed camera and is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council.
* Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and disturbance
This site is adjacent the Fosse Way a very busy and noisy main road.
* Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities waste disposal etc);
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the
electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important, features of the natural and historic environment;
This choice of site overlooks the fact that at this point the Fosse Way, as the original Roman road built nearly 2000 years ago is known, is on its original alignment and there is likely to be considerable archaeological remains in the area which will be destroyed by the development. There was also a tollhouse at this point in the 17th and 18th centuries and remains have been found. Nearby there are traditional historic Woodlands which contain rare species so this criteria is not met.
* Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is four times the size of the Exhibition Centre and if the Enfusion (consultants) recommendation to include working space is adopted this would possibly increase to 6 times the area of the Exhibition Centre. There will be a large variety of caravans and vehicles on the site so, being in the bottom of the valley, it cannot integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area.
* Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community;
In this respect the local community forms two distinct sections. There is a very small community of some 20 houses within half a mile of the site along the Fosse Way and the far greater community in the village of Radford Semele over 1.5 miles away. It will be difficult to integrate the residents into the local Fosse Way community as with up to 120 residents on site rather than integrate they will actually absorb the local community. This does not meet the criteria of a peaceful and integrated co-existence.
* Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Reflects the extent to which traditional lifestyles (whereby some travellers live and work from the same location thereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability.
No comment
Other issues which I consider should be taken into consideration
Local Business/Employment
There are several businesses located at GT 02 in addition to the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre. They include salad producers, specialist storage, event management and publishing. Collectively they employ between 50 and 60 people and the site would cause significant difficulties for all.
Should this site be chosen, then due to the PERCEPTION of event organisers It is estimated that within two years the Exhibition Centre would lose sufficient events to make it impossible to continue operating and the company itself would cease to exist resulting in upwards of ten permanent job losses and a further 30 event staff losses.
Tourism and the wider economic situation
It is anticipated that the Exhibition Centre will contribute in the region of £5 million to the local economy in hotel accommodation, restaurants, entertainment, bus and taxi usage over the coming four years. Events attract visitors from a wide area and it is often the case that husbands/wives/partners will use the exhibition bus service to go shopping in Leamington Spa whilst spouses enjoy the exhibitions. This would all be lost if the Exhibition Centre were to close.
Archaeology and Heritage
GT 02 is located right next to the historic Fosse Way. The road now known as the Fosse Way was built following the Roman invasion in AD 43, nearly 2000 years ago, and has been a major highway throughout the centuries. There was a tollhouse on the junction of the Fosse Way and Southam Road in the 17th and 18th centuries. If GT 02 is approved it is important that a major archaeological dig should take place prior to site work so that the archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded.
GT 02 will involve considerable infrastructure in addition to the actual site. Its proximity to the roundabout may require traffic control and road widening to provide a right turning lane for access. Further features could include bus shelters and a pedestrian crossing and more street lighting would be needed.
At present the proposed GT02 site is part of an area of some 50 acres of good quality, extensively farmed land. Unauthorised intrusion from GT 02 into the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and this together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
Rural Landscape
The area surrounding GT 02 is rural and agricultural in aspect andthe proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area. If the site is built, the council will be ill placed to prevent further 'ribbon' development.
Animal Welfare
Located close to GT 02 are Fosse Alpaca and Kune Kune Pigs, a business breeding these rare breed livestock. The Alpaca herd numbers 30 animals and the owners are extremely conscious of bio security and the need to protect the animals from diseases such as foot and mouth, bTB and Parro virus. These diseases can be spread by human trespass and unvaccinated dogs. The animals graze on fields between GT 02 and the Grand Union Canal.
Ecology and Habitat
GT 02 is close to two historic traditional Woodlands, which provide a habitat for birds and small mammals that would be greatly affected by the proposed site and the possible intrusion and activities of younger residents. It is known to be a habitat for Pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) and also great crested newts (Triturus cristatus), amongst other species.
Site GT03 - Land at Barnwell Farm
What is the nature of your representation? Object
* Convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
This site is in excess of 1.5miles from any GP surgery. The proposed site is outside of the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest surgery is the Warwick Gates Family Health Centre which approximately3 miles away which I understand is full so there is no convenient access to a surgery.
The position with regard to schooling is similar with GT03 being outside of the Harbury catchment area and Harbury Primary School has had recent issues with too many children already. There are several schools in Whitnash (over 2 miles away) with limited capacity.
The public transport whilst satisfactory is largely irrelevant as the residents are unlikely to use anything other than their own transport. There is a bus stop on the Harbury Lane however there is no pedestrian links from that to the potential site.
* Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding
The area is prone to flooding. Fields are often under water and livestock and ponies moved accordingly. The area is effectively a flood plain.
Harbury Lane is often flooded and impassable.
* Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
The proposed 15 pitch site will contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements daily. It is on the junction of two major roads and access into the traffic flow will possibly need highway improvements. It is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction and it will certainly add significantly to existing peak time delays. GT03 is sited on the junction of two main roads with high traffic flows and the Fosse Way in particular sees fast traffic despite the nearby speed camera and is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. There have more than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
* Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and disturbance
This site is adjacent the Fosse Way a very busy and noisy main road.
* Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities waste disposal etc);
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the
electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
GT03 is considered by British Telecom to be too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service (They term it as a long line). They will not upgrade the system resulting in poor telephone connections and intermittent (<1mbs) internet service.
GT03 does not have a reliable mobile phone service. There are no mobile phone networks that provide more than a mediocre service.
* Avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important, features of the natural and historic environment;
This choice of site overlooks the fact that at this point the Fosse Way, as the original Roman road built nearly 2000 years ago is known, is on its original alignment and there is likely to be considerable archaeological remains in the area which will be destroyed by the development. There was also a tollhouse nearby in the 17th and 18th centuries and remains have been found. The site would be a blight on the vistas from the Grade 1 Listed building, Chesterton Windmill, which is maintained by Warwickshire County Council. The views from this famous, historic building would be of material consideration should a planning application ever be made.
* Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is larger than Barnwell Farm and if the Enfusion (consultants) recommendation to include working space is adopted this would possibly increase to 1.5 times the area of the farm. There will be a large variety of caravans and vehicles on the site so, being in the bottom of the valley, it cannot integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area.
The site is also very visible from Chesterton Hilland would undoubtedly harm the character of the wider surrounding area.
* Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community;
In this respect the local community forms two distinct sections. There is a very small community of some 20 houses within half a mile of the site along the Fosse Way and the far greater community in the villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away.
It will be difficult to integrate the residents into the local Fosse Way community as with up to 120 residents on site rather than integrate they will actually absorb the local community. This does not meet the criteria of a peaceful and integrated co-existence.
* Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Reflects the extent to which traditional lifestyles (whereby some travellers live and work from the same location thereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability.
Other issues which I consider should be taken into consideration
Local Business/Employment
There are many businesses that operate from GT03 site and the surrounding area and will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead. For example:
1. Will Russell - Farm land being fully utilised for sheep
2. Bob Wright - land being used for arable farming
3. Fosse Garage
4. Rollason Fencing
5. Barnwell Chicken Farm
6. MH Polo Ltd - teaching people to ride ponies
7. Fosse Paddocks Ltd - farming and ponies
8. Warwick Reclamation
9. Mallory Court Hotel
10. Harbury Lane Breakers Yard
11. There are many others.
Archaeology and Heritage
GT 03 is located right next to the historic Fosse Way. The road now known as the Fosse Way was built following the Roman invasion in AD 43, nearly 2000 years ago, and has been a major highway throughout the centuries. There was a tollhouse on the junction of the Fosse Way and Southam Road in the 17th and 18th centuries. If GT 03 is approved it is important that a major archaeological dig should take place prior to site work so that the archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded.
GT 03 will involve considerable infrastructure in addition to the actual site. Its proximity to the roundabout may require traffic control and road widening to provide a right turning lane for access. Further features could include bus shelters and a pedestrian crossing and more street lighting would be needed.
At present the proposed GT03 site is part of an area of good quality, extensively farmed land. Unauthorised intrusion from GT 03 into the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and this together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
Rural Landscape
The area surrounding GT 03 is rural and agricultural in aspect and the proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area. If the site is built, the council will be ill placed to prevent further 'ribbon' development.
Site GT04 - Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way
What is the nature of your representation? Object
* Convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
This site is in excess of 1.5miles from any GP surgery. The proposed site is outside of the catchment area of Harbury Surgery and the nearest surgery is the Warwick Gates Family Health Centre which approximately3 miles away which I understand is full so there is no convenient access to a surgery.
The position with regard to schooling is similar with GT03 being outside of the Harbury catchment area and Harbury Primary School has had recent issues with too many children already. There are several schools in Whitnash (over 2 miles away) with limited capacity.
The public transport whilst satisfactory is largely irrelevant as the residents are unlikely to use anything other than their own transport. There is a bus stop on the Harbury Lane however there is no pedestrian links from that to the potential site.
* Avoiding areas with a high risk of flooding
The area is prone to flooding. Fields are often under water and livestock and ponies moved accordingly. The area is effectively a flood plain.
The Middle Road/ Fosse Way junction is often flooded
Harbury Lane is often flooded and impassable.
* Safe access to the road network and provision for parking, turning and servicing on site;
The proposed 15 pitch site will contain up to 50 vehicles and generate hundreds of traffic movements daily. It is on the junction of two major roads and access into the traffic flow will possibly need highway improvements. It is possibly unwise to introduce even more traffic turns at this major junction and it will certainly add significantly to existing peak time delays. GT04 is sited on the junction of two main roads with high traffic flows and the Fosse Way in particular sees fast traffic despite the nearby speed camera and is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. There have been more than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
* Avoiding areas where there is the potential for noise and disturbance
This site is adjacent the Fosse Way a very busy and noisy main road.
In addition this is adjacent the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, causing both noise and a potential danger.
* Provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities waste disposal etc);
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the
electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
GT04 is considered by British Telecom to be too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service (They term it as a long line). They will not upgrade the system resulting in poor telephone connections and intermittent (<1mbs) internet service.
GT04 does not have a reliable mobile phone service. There are no mobile phone networks that provide more than a mediocre service.
* Avoiding areas where there could be an adverse impact on important, features of the natural and historic environment;
This choice of site overlooks the fact that at this point the Fosse Way, as the original Roman road built nearly 2000 years ago is known, is on its original alignment and there is likely to be considerable archaeological remains in the area which will be destroyed by the development. There was also a tollhouse nearby in the 17th and 18th centuries and remains have been found. The site would be a blight on the vistas from the Grade 1 Listed building, Chesterton Windmill, which is maintained by Warwickshire County Council. The views from this famous, historic building would be of material consideration should a planning application ever be made.
* Sites which can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
The proposed site will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) which is larger than the New Windmill Football Ground and if the Enfusion (consultants) recommendation to include working space is adopted this would possibly increase to twice the area of the football ground. There will be a large variety of caravans and vehicles on the site so, being in the bottom of the valley, it cannot integrated into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. The site is also very visible from Chesterton Hilland would undoubtedly harm the character of the wider surrounding area.
* Promotes peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community;
In this respect the local community forms two distinct sections. There is a very small community of some 20 houses within half a mile of the site along the Fosse Way and the far greater community in the villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away.
It will be difficult to integrate the residents into the local Fosse Way community as with up to 120 residents on site rather than integrate they will actually absorb the local community. This does not meet the criteria of a peaceful and integrated co-existence.
* Avoids placing undue pressure on local infrastructure and services;
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas so fails to meet the criteria. Also the electricity supply is a limited rural line and will possibly need to be upgraded to meet the very considerable increase in demand.
* Reflects the extent to which traditional lifestyles (whereby some travellers live and work from the same location thereby omitting many travel to work journeys) can contribute to sustainability.
No comment
Other issues which I consider should be taken into consideration
Local Business/Employment
There are many businesses that operate from GT04 site and the surrounding area and will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead. For example:
1. Will Russell - Farm land being fully utilised for sheep
2. Bob Wright - land being used for arable farming
3. Fosse Garage
4. Rollason Fencing
5. Barnwell Chicken Farm
6. MH Polo Ltd - teaching people to ride ponies
7. Fosse Paddocks Ltd - farming and ponies
8. Warwick Reclamation
9. Mallory Court Hotel
10. Harbury Lane Breakers Yard
11. There are many others.
Archaeology and Heritage
GT 04 is located right next to the historic Fosse Way. The road now known as the Fosse Way was built following the Roman invasion in AD 43, nearly 2000 years ago, and has been a major highway throughout the centuries. There was a tollhouse on the junction of the Fosse Way and Southam Road in the 17th and 18th centuries. If GT 04 is approved it is important that a major archaeological dig should take place prior to site work so that the archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded.
GT 04 will involve considerable infrastructure in addition to the actual site. Its proximity to the roundabout may require traffic control and road widening to provide a right turning lane for access. Further features could include bus shelters and a pedestrian crossing and more street lighting would be needed.
At present the proposed GT04 site is part of an area of good quality, extensively farmed land. Unauthorised intrusion from GT 04 into the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and this together with crop damage and possible rubbish deposits could result in the land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
Rural Landscape
The area surrounding GT 04 is rural and agricultural in aspect and the proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area. If the site is built, the council will be ill placed to prevent further 'ribbon' development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56166
Derbyniwyd: 19/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Russell Harris
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56178
Derbyniwyd: 17/08/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Peter Collen
The site is remote from shops, bus routes and pedestrian access. Access is onto a very busy road carrying high volumes of rush hour traffic. It will also put a strain on local middle schools with no places and full Doctors Surgeries.
No footpaths, no lighting, no bus services.
Loss of well established privately owned football club.
Loss of working farms.
The site would result in employment loss i.e. Fosse Exhibition centre and would impinge on the local historic views e.g. Chesterton Windmill.
Also concerned about increased crime and falling house prices.
After reading with trepidation about the huge housing developments proposed for the South Leamington area, the Residents / Rate Payers and Electorate and are now being told to expect 10 permanent Traveller sites in what can only be see as an over the top planning action by the elected councillors of WDC!
Most of the sites appear to be unsuitable for Travellers and far to large for 15 families; a 1/4 of an Acre per family, I only wish my children could have grown up with a full sized football pitch to play on!
The sites proposed at locations 3,4,5,6,9,10,15 are remote from any main amenities, such as shops bus routes and very little in the way of pedestrian access. Also accessing onto very busy A & B roads that carry high volumes of rush hour traffic, including school traffic into Warwick each week day. Some of the sites would result in employment loss i.e. Fosse Exhibition centre & Guide Dogs Breeding Centre. Others sites would impinge on the local historic views e.g. approach to Warwick & Chesterton Windmill, others are prone to winter flooding e.g. Tachbrook, all would put a strain on local middle schools and Doctors Surgeries.
Yes we do worry about increased crime and falling house prices, so the way to limit this is to spread the load more evenly across the district. There must be more suitable locations North, East & West of the Town? But apart from the one site proposal in Cubbington North Leamington is unscathed yet again, because the proposed housing developments have also passed it by? The residents in South Leamington area can only be left to wonder how many serving councillors live it the seemingly protected North Leamington area???
But take heed, councillors are employed because you were elected by the local voters, but if these proposals go through then at the next local election you wont be getting too many votes from South of the River! You were elected to benefit all of the local areas not damage some and favour others.............................. If the Government is bullying you into this Traveller site fiasco then SPREAD THE LOAD FAIRLY AND EVENLY thought the district!
From a very concerned local resident and rate payer over the past 39 years.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56254
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Jones
Have practical and relevant concerns about this proposed gypsy/traveller site.
The site is on a very busy road. The access is at an already dangerous junction with poor visibility and high speed traffic, arising from the Middle Road junction and traffic slowing for petrol station and railway bridge. There is no pavement and Middle Road is unlit at night.
The site has flooded in the last 18 months, including meltwater on the Fosse Way from surrounding fields leading to dangerous driving conditions and a soggy experience for pedestrians. Residents of the nearby caravan site and houses will be able to confirm the extent of this.
The Harbury village school is oversubscribed and has required expanded classes in one-off accommodation that cannot be repeated. This may lead to problems in accommodating further children outside the main village catchment in future.
Dear Sirs,
I write in connection with the proposed gypsy/traveller sites GT03 (Barnwell Farm, Harbury Lane) and GT04 (Harbury Lane, Fosse Way) and would like to register my concerns about the plans.I believe my concerns are practical and relevant.
Both sites are on very busy roads. This site GT03 accesses on to the very busy Harbury Lane and its junction with the Fosse Way. There have been many accidents here in recent years and the suitability of vehicles (especially bulky or slow trailers) exiting on to the road should be taken into account. The access for GT04 is at an already dangerous junction where visibility is poor and traffic speed is high, a combination arising from the Middle Road junction and traffic slowing for the petrol station and railway bridge.
Both roads lack a pavement and having walked along Middle Road myself, including at night, it has no lighting and is very busy, and a pedestrian has to be careful.
In relation to site GT03, I also have concerns about local archaeology connected with the Roman town nearby, the extent of which is not fully documented but which is known to include extensive connected remains across a wide area on either side of the main Roman site. I would request that the Barnwell Farm site should be surveyed properly to establish any such remains (an interesting exercise in any case).
The local village school in Harbury has been oversubscribed in recent years and has required expanded classes in a one-off accommodation that cannot be repeated. This may lead to problems in accommodating further children outside the main village catchment in future years.
Finally, Site GT04 in particular has been the scene of flooding in the last year and a half, including meltwater that spread across the Fosse Way from the surrounding fields and which led to dangerous driving conditions and a soggy experience for pedestrians. The residents of the nearby caravan site and houses will be able to confirm the extent of this.
I hope that the above information can be taken into account when the final plans are being made.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56277
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: K Allen
As long term resident of Warwickshire, feel we should all be concerned about siting any developments of this nature. Specifically object to any site along or near to Fosse Way.
These sites will create concrete jungles/possible dumping areas. Especially concerned about Fosse Way sites despoiling ancient roads and our heritage.
There is now so much traffic on these vital road links and this is already dangerous to motorists and cyclists. Going ahead with the site would mean greater risks of accidents.
I feel as long term resident to Warwickshire..We all should be concerned about siting any developments of this nature.
These sites will create concrete jungles/ possible dumping areas / especially concerned about FOSSE WAY sites despoiling ancient roads, and our heritage..
Also so many now use these vital road links.Therefore greater risks of traffic accidents, on this already dangererous road to all motorists and many cyclists who seem to
abound this area.
So my objection is to any site along / near to Fosse Way.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 56290
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Alan & Pauline Hayes
Object to the proposed use of this site (and site GT03), based on lack of capacity of public amenities eg. schools, medical facilities and traffic congestion. With the expansion of the Gaydon manufacturing site, traffic is already overloaded and dangerous at the two junctions nearby.
Dear Sir,
We wish to register our objection to the proposed use of the above sites.
Our objection is based on lack capacity of public amenities eg. schools, medical facilities and traffic congestion. With the expansion of the Gaydon manufacturing site, traffic is already overloaded and dangerous at the 2 junctions nearby.