GT07 Land at Stoneleigh Road

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Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55703

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Samantha Taylor

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Baginton is a small village with not enough facilities so unable to support this development. Will children miss out on school places? Will there be additional doctors' surgeries in the area? Will there be a permanent police presence? Local team of police already struggling to assist us. Local business will suffer and villages will fear the risk of crime. CCTV throughout the village would help.
Already three other developments close to Baginton so this is not distributing these sites fairly across the District.
The site is on green belt land. Surely there are better options?
Will our house prices suffer - more than likely?
It is very, very unfair on the area.

Testun llawn:

I wish to strongly oppose decisions being made about the development around Baginton.
The Gateway being the first joke amongst it all - no new construction is going to make the area richer - it may create a few jobs here and there but thats about it, there are numerous site like the gateway in the surrounding 5 mile radius that are not thriving now after being built for numerous years - units left empty, business going under, vandalism so why will this new development be any different. I dont feel it was a fair vote on whether it is good for the area or not - more like a back hand deal or two to ensure the casting decision was made with 'yes' votes. And to take away more of the green belt is disgusting - why not revamp current business parks and get them to full capacity first.
Housing proposed for baginton - 70-90 - where is the requirement for such a number of new homes - surely this number should be lower - an increase of that many houses is totally unnecessary and probably now wanted by most of us that already live in Baginton.
And finally the proposed Gypsy site just a short walk from my home in Oak Close????? We are a small village with not enough facilities at present, how on earth does the council intend to support this development with additional facilities or will the parish of Baginton miss out on school places to the travellers, are we getting additional doctors surgeries in the area? Will you be providing a permanent police presence if this development goes ahead? We already have three other developments close to Baginton so can you please explain why Baginton yet again is being dumped on - I cannot see how WDC are distributing these sites fairly across the District. The new proposed site is again on green belt land???? Surely there are better options that are not on green belt land.
I have never been more disappointed in WDC than I have over the last few months, The Gateway will never work, too much housing will turn Baginton into a small town not a village and another traveller site will ruin us all together. Security in the village alone will be majorly compromised. We have over the last year and a half had a major increase in crime, with the local team of police struggling to assist us all as the distribution in numbers of the police is very poor considering the increase we have had, the current team do their best but we already need a bigger police presence than budgets can allow so with all this growth it will only increase - an easy target to thieves. CCTV throughout the village would of helped deter but we seem to of been forgotten in Baginton and thats very, very sad indeed. I'm not financially well off, just an average person trying to live day to day, single mum (not out of choosing) working to keep my family going and I myself am in debt due to my burglary last year because of all the additional security I had to put in place and now with all this proposed development I feel we will be even more at risk of crime, local business will suffer and the Baginton I have lived in for 13 years will go downhill. I chose to live in a village because it is a village, will our house prices suffer even more due to all the development - more than likely, who in their right mind would want to buy a home near to a traveller site.
Please, please, please consider all the current residents in Baginton before you just green light proposals, I think the scale of development will just ruin Baginton and is very, very unfair on the area as much of it is on green belt land.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55704

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013

Ymatebydd: I E Kettley

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Totally unreasonable considering the size of the site and small size of Baginton. Represents significant increase in population without any increase in local facilities. Existing village children cannot access their first choice of school without the number of children increasing.
It would decimate property values.
Already three sites within 2 miles of Baginton.
From previous experience crime would increase.

Testun llawn:

Gypsy & Traveller Site Proposed in Baginton
Reference GT-07-smiths nurseries

I feel that this is a totally unreasonable proposal considering the size of the site and the relatively small size
of the village of Baginton.
1 It would mean a very significant increase in the total number of inhabitants without any increase in the
local facilities.
2 It would also mean a large increase in the number of children of school age with many existing village
children being unable to obtain access to their first choice of school.
3 With such a large site located within a small village it would decimate property values.
4 I believe that there are already at least three sites available within about 2 miles of the village of Baginton.
5 From experiences elsewhere it would, inevitably, result in an increase in local crime.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55705

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013

Ymatebydd: John Claridge

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Opposed to a gypsy/traveller site at this location.

Testun llawn:

Hello Lorna,
Many thanks for your swift reply.
Since receiving this I've done some further research off my own bat and talked to some of the inhabitants of Baginton Village......I've yet to find a "happy camper".......forgive the pun!!!!
I am sorry to relate that any proposed gypsy / travellers site at this location I would be opposed to, so would respectfully ask how best my objection + reasons can be registered officially.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55706

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013

Ymatebydd: R A Inchley

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The site will become a dominant feature within Baginton dramatically increasing the population without increasing amenities.
Existing village children cannot access their first choice of school without the number of children increasing.
The mere perception of crime will reduce property values.
Combined with the, this is too
Has been too much development (Coventry and Warwickshire Gateway) far too quickly. This will strain community relations and reduce quality of life for gypsy/traveller and villagers.

Testun llawn:

I am not a resident of Baginton but I have every sympathy with their extremely valid concerns. I can do no better than quote their reservations.
1. The size of this site will result in its becoming a dominant feature within Baginton dramatically increasing the size of the village population without increasing amenities.
2. There will be a significant number of children requiring places at the Baginton catchment area schools. Even now children are denied their first choice and therefore increasing the child population is inapprpriate.
3. The link between gypsy/traveller sites and crime is hotly debated, however its mere perception will cause the value of property in the village to decrease dramatically.
4. Combined with the Coventry and Warwickshire Gateway, this is too much development, far too quickly, for a small community. This will result in strained community relations and a reduction in the quality of life for both gypsy/traveller residents and those who currently live in Baginton.

For these reaons I would support their objection.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55707

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Margaret Birch

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site is wholly inappropriate:

Will be dominant feature within the village dramatically increasing village population but not the amenities.

Children will require school places children already find it difficult to be accepted at their first choice of school in the area.

Perception of the site will cause the property values to decrease dramatically.

Combined with Coventry and Warwickshire gateway, it's too much too quickly and will strain community relations and reduce in quality of life villagers and travellers.

Testun llawn:

Reference GT-07 - Smiths Nurseries

Dear Sirs,

We wish to register our objection to the proposed development of a permanent site for gypsies and travellers in the village of Baginton. We feel this site is wholly inappropriate for such a small village for the following reasons:

a) The size of the site will result in it becoming a dominant feature within the small village of Baginton. It will dramatically increase the size of the village population without increasing the amenities needed to cover this increase in population.

b) There will be a significant number of children requiring places within the Baginton catchment area of schools. As the Baginton village children already find it difficult to be accepted at their first choice of school in the area, it would certainly not be appropriate to significantly increase the number of children requiring such places.

c) The link between crime and traveller sites is much talked about and debated, but just the perception of the site will cause the property values in the village to decrease dramatically.

d) Combined with the Coventry and Warwickshire gateway, this development is far too much and in too short a time for such a small community. The result of this development would be strained community relations and a reduction in quality of life for both the current village inhabitants and also the gypsies and travellers residing at the proposed site.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55709

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Stephen Asplin

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Baginton will be totally dominated. Current services insufficient to support this proposal.
Increase in school places cannot be supported as local children already get bused to another school.
Will severely affect property prices.
With the Coventry and Warwickshire gateway development & Toll Bar Island development this will be excessive development in this area and will create even more traffic congestion.
Road not large enough to support the increased traffic of large vehicles and so constitutes a health and safety hazard.

Testun llawn:

To whom it may concern

Dear Sirs,

Re: Objection to above proposal reference GT-07 - Smiths Nurseries

I understand you are proposing to build a Gypsies and Traveller site in Baginton.

I must strongly object to this proposal on the following Grounds:-

1. Baginton is a small village and will be totally dominated by this proposal, as the current services are not sufficient to support this proposal.

2. There will be significant increase in children requiring school places at a school that cannot support the present number children who live in Baginton, &nbs! p;
people currently have to bus their children to another school now.

3. The mere presence of this site will severely affect property prices in Baginton, Finham and surrounding areas.

4. When the Coventry and Warwickshire gateway development gets off the ground this will be excessive development in this area, not to mention the
disruption we will have when the Toll Bar Island development goes through as well; this will create even more traffic congestion.

5. The road which passes Smiths Nurseries is not large enough to support the increased traffic of large vehicles, this constitutes a health and safety hazard.

I URGENTLY await you confirmation of cancellation of this proposal.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55723

Derbyniwyd: 21/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Karen Walker

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Proposed G & T site inappropriate as already dealing with the gateway proposal and development will have an adverse effect on village life as all amenities would be completely stretched.

Testun llawn:

We moved to Baginton over 22 years ago as it had real village atmosphere. It was close enough to larger locations such as Coventry or Leamington but isolated enough to be a village. We have loved living here all this time & not considered moving. That is until now. We feel this proposal for gypsy site seems so inappropriate as we are already dealing with the gateway proposal & all this development would have an adverse affect on village life, as all amenities would be completely stretched.

I hope you view this opposition favourably & understand our concerns.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55735

Derbyniwyd: 24/08/2012

Ymatebydd: Baginton Parish Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Eric Pickles has announced that no gypsy sites on green belt land so why is WDC proposing one? Currently 3 gypsy sites within 1 mile of Baginton, such sites should be distributed across the district. Site is not near a school, a doctor's surgery, a hospital or good local bus services. Will harm the business potential of local employer. Non green belt land is more appropriate.

Testun llawn:

After carefully reading your proposals for the local plan I wish to comment as follows.
The Gateway is totally inappropriate development on green belt with NO special circumstances. The green belt was set up to prevent city sprawl into the countryside. I request that you take all reference to Gateway out of the local plan.
It is encouraging that WDC have at long last agreed that small housing developments in local communities should be allowed. Small growth sustains local amenities like shops and post offices. In order to protect the character of our village it is important to have a balance between market and affordable houses and it is good to see this incorporated in the proposal. However to suggest 70 - 90 houses over such a short time frame an this is totally unacceptable. The minimum should be deleted and left with just a maximum number and the final number should be in line with local needs and wishes.
Gypsy Sites.
Eric Pickles has announced that no gypsy sites will be built on green belt land so why is WDC proposing one on land opposite Coventry Airport which is in our green belt? We currently have 3 gypsy sites within 1 mile of Baginton and the guidelines require that such sites should be distributed across the district. The guidelines also require sites to be near a school, a doctor's surgery, a hospital and good local bus services; Baginton does not meet any of this criteria!. One of the proposed Baginton sites is on land owned by Smith's nursery; this is causing a very negative reaction locally which could harm the business potential of this local employer. WDC have identified other potential sites within Warwickshire that are not on green belt land which are more appropriate.

Please take my views into consideration when creating the next stage of the drafting process.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55737

Derbyniwyd: 21/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mehnaz Khan

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No valid need for an additional site in this area on green belt land.

Insufficient facilities eg GP Surgery for existing population.

Insufficient resources eg parks and gardens for existing population.

Travellers may attract crime and burglaries to the area.

Travellers will create an over-concentration of people and over populate the small village.

Testun llawn:

As a long standing resident of Baginton Village, I feel it is most important that I write to you in view of my rejections and valid points to oppose the proposed Traveller Site at the village.

You will be aware of alternative sites within the locality already having been designated to travellers and their community. There is no valid need for an additional site on green belt land.

Further factors do not meet the already populated village, where we require further enhancements to facilities, yet await developments to include a much sought after doctors practice and more.

The village is already trying to tackle crime and burglaries in the area, and this will certainly be exacerbated by the travellers who are factually known for attracting crime and participating within it. The village does not have the resources, such as Lucy Price Gardens small park, to accommodate the number of families that you would otherwise expect to settle in the village.
This small amenity barely meets the needs of the few hundred households existent in the village. The Parish council has raised funds to enhance the Garden to a reasonable standard so local villager families can utilise the play equipment comfortably and safely according to ratios.

The permitting of countless travellers will attract am over-concentration of persons, additional to their visiting traveller communities to over populate the small village.

I urge you to respectfully consider the opinions being made and to welcome this constructive feedback which is for the benefit of both parties; existing villagers and the travellers community.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55849

Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Historic England

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Unable to determine if this site is inconsistent with paragraph 7.3 of the document and will affect the Adjacent to Baginton Castle, associated settlement remains, ponds and mill sites. Therefore more assessment is necessary when/if the site is considered further to assess these possible impacts and whether any undesignated assets of importance or wider historic landscape matters are also affected.

Testun llawn:

An intention to avoid areas where there could be adverse impact on important features of the natural and historic environment is to be welcomed (para 7.3) as this echo's the requirements of the NPPF.

The following brief observations relate to those sites with the potential to be inconsistent with this objective. Further more careful assessment should be considered to understand how the proposed G&T sites relate to the significance of the heritage assets affected and whether the G&T developments would harm that significance. As I have been unable to consider whether any undesignated assets of importance or wider historic landscape matters are affected (Warwickshire Historic Landscape Characterisation, WCC) you should consider such matters when/if assessing the sites further.

GT03 Roman settlement close by at Windmill Hill. Issue of setting and potential for related archaeology.
GT05 Circa 17C barn. Impact on significance?
GT06 Adjacent to Grade 1 Castel Park (please refer to my comments to you re RDS July 2013).
GT07 Adjacent to Baginton Castle, associated settlement remains, ponds and mill sites.
GT09 Close to Warwick Castle Park; and includes West Lodge and Greys Mallory listed buildings
GT10 Potential for undiscovered archaeology relating to Oakley Wood Camp.
GT12/16 Setting of Barford Conservation Area. Potential for undiscovered archaeology.
GT15 Consider historic association with Castle Park.

I look forward to a refined version in due course. Please do contact me to discuss further if that would help.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55907

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Lenco Investments

Asiant : RPS Planning

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

As Coventry CC cannot meet their housing requirement within their boundary, the shortfall will need to be met from sites on the periphery of Coventry. The LENCO site at Baginton could deliver approx 1000 dwellings - including the GT07. Infrastructure improvements associated with the Gateway will support housing development in this area. It is important that new housing is provided close to new employment and being close to Baginton, with access to Coventry, this is a sustainable location. This means this is an ideal site for housing.
The provision of a gyspy and traveller site in this area may preclude residential development on the rest of the site thereby losing the opportunity.
The Council has been inconsistent with its evidence base arguing this area is not suitable for housing in the SHLAA, at the same time arguing it may be suitable for the gyspy and traveller site. RPS believe this is a sustainable location for housing, but that a gyspy and traveller site should not be promoted here due to the potnetial for this to preclude a larger housing scheme

Testun llawn:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55915

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Rob & Penny Hawkins

Nifer y bobl: 2

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Strongly object and aware of considerable local opposition.

Testun llawn:

We strongly object to this proposal and are also aware of the considerable weight of support against this proposal from large sections of the community


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55922

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Pat Cormack

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Against a gypsy encampment in the Bagington area. Already struggling with crowded schools and do not need more young children coming into the area. Increasing the population is inappropriate in a small village.

Testun llawn:

I wish to register my objection to the proposed Gypsy site in Bagington. The area is too small to absorb such an influx. I agree with other objectors about School places being inadequate. It would totally destroy the friendly ambience of this peaceful village.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55930

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: George Whitehouse

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Don't understand allowing gypsies to settle in Baginton as they bring nothing but trouble and would ruin the community and Coventry Golf club. Previous experience (from nuisance to theft of personal belongings) suggests having them near a prestigious golf club is a foolish idea.
Having permanent site makes no sense. Would spoil a lovely area of the West Midlands.

Testun llawn:

The fact that you even considered allowing gypsies to settle in such a wonderful little village like Baginton is beyond me, I certainly wouldn't let my child go to the same school as any travellers, they bring nothing but trouble. I would move. They would certainly ruin the community of Baginton and The Coventry Golf club. Us golfers have all experienced gypsies on one or another course they cause havoc, ranging from just being a nuisance to theft of personal belongings, having them near such a prestigious golf club such as Coventry golf club is a foolish idea. Especially as the proposed site is permanent (which makes no sense in my head). The move would spoil a lovely area of the West Midlands, Nobody wants gypsies anywhere near them.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55935

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Robert & Marilyn Stuart

Nifer y bobl: 2

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Strongly protest. There are many more suitable sites in the North of the City and well away from residents of Baginton and South Coventry.

Testun llawn:

Please note my objection to the proposed Gypsy site -there are many more suitable sites in the North of the City and as a resident of South Coventry and Warwickshire I strongly protest and ask for the suggestion/decision to be revoked and a more suitable site well away from rate and tax paying residents of Baginton and South Coventry


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55943

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Andy Healy

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Registers an objection and strenuously opposes the site as it's proximity to golf club presents a serious risk of trespass and damage.

Testun llawn:

I would like to register my objection to the above planning reference. I am a local resident and a member of the adjacent golf course.

I feel that a site so close to our golf club would present a serious risk of trespass and damage and as such I would strenuously oppose any grant of planning approval.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55945

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Clive Taylor

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Totally opposed.
Mere presence of gypsy/traveller site will decrease property values.
Combined with the Gateway development, it's too much development too quickly for small community.
Will strain community relations and reduce quality of life for all parties involved.
Will have a dramatic effect on local amenities e.g. schools, services etc with no or very little contribution.

Testun llawn:

I am totally opposed to a Gypsy site in this location :- Ref GT- 07 - Smith's nurseries.

The link between gypsy / traveller sites and crime is an issue, and there mere presence will have the effect of decreasing the value of property in the surrounding area.

Combined with the Coventry and Warwickshire Gateway, this is too much development far too quickly for a small community. The result of
this development will be strained community relations and a reduction in Quality of life for all parties involved.

This proposed influx of people to the area will have a dramatic effect on local amenities e.g. schools, services etc with no or very little

This is not a good idea. I strongly oppose this developement.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55948

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Peter Long

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site is totally unsuitable given proximity to village. Will have overpowering influence on local amenities, cause social disruption and have detrimental effect by being directly in line with airport runway flight path.

Testun llawn:

Having just read the proposal regarding Gypsy sites I consider that the above sit in Baginton is totally unsuitable for this purpose due to close location to the village and the overpowering influence it will have on the local amenities, the social disruption and also the detrimental effect of the site being directly inline with the airport runway flight path.
I cannot believe it will seriously be considered as suitable.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55952

Derbyniwyd: 10/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Lyn Willetts

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objects because there are no schools in or around Baginton and no doctors in the area.
Also concerned about crime within the village.
This will be another blot on the landscape for Baginton.

Testun llawn:

I wish to object on the above proposed site in Baginton for several reasons.
* There is no schooling in or around Baginton.
* There are no doctors in the area.
* I am very concerned about crime within the village, in the last year travellers were prosecuted for stealing a caravan from a drive.
This will be another blot on the landscape for Baginton.
I hope these objections will be duly noted


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55958

Derbyniwyd: 10/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Day M

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Most unfair to Baginton Village given everything else that is going on eg airport expansion. Surely somewhere else could be chosen. The heart of the village has been taken; don't take its soul too.

Testun llawn:

It is most unfair to place a traveller site in or near Baginton Village with everything that is going on at the moment. Surely with a county

as big as Warwick somewhere else could be chosen ,With the airport
obtaining planning permission to expand you have taken the heart

out of our village please please do not take the soul as well


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55960

Derbyniwyd: 10/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr David Willetts

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Baginton being eroded with too many projects. It's a community and the facilities will not cope.

No schools in Baginton for the children.

Will have an adverse effect on the perception of village.

Site's size is totally disproportionate to the size of Baginton.

Traffic calming on Coventry road and Mill Hill is totally ineffective. Site will make Baginton's traffic situation unbearable.

Testun llawn:

I wish to make my objections known regarding the above proposed site.
1.The VILLAGE of Baginton is slowly becoming eroded away with too many projects being proposed such as Coventry and Warwickshire Gateway, Plymouth Bretheran School and now this . Baginton is too small a community and the facilities will not cope.

2.There are no schools in Baginton to take the increase in children.

3. The link between gypsy/ traveller sites is a debatable subject, but it's perception will have an adverse effect on the perception of this green belt village.

4. The size of the proposed site is totally disproportionate for the size of the village.

5. Once again, the subject of traffic is high on the agenda. Coventry road and Mill Hill have already become a rat run for people working on Siskin Drive. With totally ineffective traffic calming devices that have recently been put on to these roads, the extra traffic that this site will produce will make Baginton's traffic situation unbearable.

I hope these, and other peoples points of view, will be taken into consideration when a decision is being made.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55964

Derbyniwyd: 11/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Joanne Strachan

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Size of the camp will have an impact on the village and the surrounding area. Increased competition for school places without increasing number of places on offer is a concern.

This proposal on top of the Gateway project is too much for the village. Increased demand for amenities is of no benefit to anyone.

It will have an effect on the perception of the area so selling of houses will be harder.

Testun llawn:

I am writing this email to object to the Gypsy & Traveller site proposed at Smiths Nurseries (reference GT07).

We are new to the area having recently moved to the village of Baginton and one of the draws was the semi rural community that this village has to offer. If the proposed site is preferred then the size of the camp will have an impact on the village and the surrounding area. One area that concerns me is the school allocations as we have two small children, one of whom will be starting school in Sept 2014. Increased competition for places , without increasing the number of places on offer, concerns me.

When we decided to move to Baginton we knew of the Gateway Project and what this could bring, although not in favour of this we were happy to move to the area and start the next chapter of our family life. With this proposal on top of the Gateway project it seems too much for a village to be asked to cope with. There will be an increase in demand for amenities from the Gateway project and the proposed site for no benefit for anyone, gypsy & travellers included.

Finally, having just moved in I am concerned over the value of the house we have just moved into. It may or may not have an effect on the value of the house, but it will have an effect on the perception of people who may not wish to move to the area and therefore the selling of houses in the area is going to become harder.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55968

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Phil Weaver

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Will spoil the local environment and blight this part of the countryside.

Village does not capacity or amenities to cope. Demand for schooling and potential for crime to increase makes it totally inappropriate.

Testun llawn:

I wish to register my objection to the proposed Gypsy & Traveller site reference GT-07 proposed location Baginton Village.

The proposal I find profoundly disturbing as without doubt it will spoil the environment of the area and blight this part of the Warwickshire countryside as we know it.

The village does not have either the capacity or amenities to cope with such a proposed influx of new dwellers. Furthermore with schooling and the undoubted potential for crime to increase this proposal is totally and utterly inappropriate and I strongly oppose it.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55972

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Martin Cooper

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site is wholly inappropriate.
Site will become dominant feature in the village because of its size and with the Airport AND Gateway development, will completely ruin Baginton and surrounding area.
Perceived link between gypsy/traveller sites and crime will cause property values to fall.
Will strain community relations and a reduction in quality of life for all concerned.

Testun llawn:

The size of this site will result in it becoming a dominant feature within the Village, which together with the Airport AND the proposed Gateway development, will completely ruin Baginton and surrounding area. Not everything should be 'dumped' into our area.

The link between gypsy / traveller sites and crime is often debated, however its mere perception will cause the value of property in the village to decrease dramatically.
The result of this further development will be strained community relations and a reduction in quality of life for both the gypsy and travellers
taking residence at the site, and the current village inhabitants.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55973

Derbyniwyd: 17/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Bob Weatherall

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Strong Objection to site in Baginton - a small village with limited facilities.

Testun llawn:

I would like to register my strong objection to the proposed traveller site in Baginton. Baginton is a small village with limited facilities.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55976

Derbyniwyd: 17/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Jane Weatherall

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site will have a detrimental effect on the village of Baginton.

Testun llawn:

I would like to register my objection to the proposed traveller site as it will have a detrimental effect on the village of Baginton.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55978

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Chris Cook

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to this development.

Testun llawn:

gypsy site at baginton i object to this development


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56025

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Margaret Knights

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Resident of Baginton since the 1950s.
Plan is nothing short of ridiculous. Baginton is a small village with limited space, facilities are limited from schooling to transport, access and parking. The site is too large for the village and will stretch facilities beyond breaking point. It is of no advantage to travellers or villagers.

Testun llawn:

The plan in itself is nothing short of ridiculous. Baginton is a small village with limited space. Even now our facilities are limited in everything, from schooling to transport, access and parking. Placing the site in Baginton will stretch these facilities beyond breaking point.

Now in my 80s, I understand that things have to change however, placing this site in the middle of a rural village is of advantage to any none concerned , travellers and villagers alike.
We are a small village! There is no room for a large traveller's site.



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56038

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr. David Edwards

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objects to the proposed traveller site.

Testun llawn:

I write to object to the proposed traveller site in Baginton.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56039

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr David Burton

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to this site. Baginton does not have the infrastructure to support the number of proposed families. It will be alien addition to the village environment.

Testun llawn:

Please note that I have a strong objection to the proposal to site a Gypsy and Travellers camp at Smith's nurseries in Baginton Village. This site will not have the infrastructure to support the number of families proposed, and is alien to the village environment.