GT20 Land at Junction 15 of M40

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Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55743

Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Vaughan & A B Rees

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Dispute need for permanent sites as "traveller" implies itinerate nature and not of a fixed abode.

Eric Pickles recently restated the need for "overriding and compelling reasons to put traveller sites on the Green Belt". What compelling reasons are there to use food producing land in the Green Belt?

Less than 2 1/2 miles by road, a site has been identified and planning permission granted for a Gypsy/Traveller

Existing site adjacent to Stratford Garden Centre approved by Stratford District Council is less than 2.5 miles away so 'need' already addressed in Sherbourne area.

Council need to be aware that:

This issue is already negatively impacting property prices. Compensation to local residents may have to be considered.

From personal experience aware Barford School is already oversubscribed.

Are Traveller children to be given preferential treatment in accessing local schools in the area?

More than a coincidence that the last time Travellers were in Sherbourne area the crime rate increased eg all the drain covers were stolen in Sherbourne. This will not allow peaceful and integrated co-existence with the local community.

Access and egress to and from this site to the heavily utilised road network would not be safe.

Would lead to an unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment, rendering the site unviable.

Site fails to meet Rural Area Policies, especially RAPs 1 (New Housing), 6 (New Employment), 10 (Safeguarding Rural Roads) and 15 (Camping and caravan Sites).

Will have a material adverse effect on the landscape and will harm very fragile visual amenity of this site.

Testun llawn:

To whom it may concern.

We refer to the sites that WDC have identified as potential sites that could be used to make permanent accommodation for Gypsies & Travellers. We specifically refer to site 20 identified as being on either side of the B 4465 Hampton Rd. in Sherbourne Parish.

Firstly we would dispute that there is a need for permanent sites. The word "traveller" implies that this community is of an itinerate nature and not of a fixed abode.

Eric Pickles the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government made the following statement to the media on or about the 4th July this year. "There must be overriding and compelling reasons to put traveller sites on the Green Belt"

What compelling reasons are there to accommodate travellers on food producing land within the Green Belt in Sherbourne Parish?

Less than 2 1/2 miles by road, a site has been identified and planning permission granted for a Gypsy/Traveller site by Stratford District Council. We refer to the site on Warwick Road, Black Hill Stratford, adjacent to Stratford Garden Centre. So the need has already been addressed in the Sherbourne area.

Should you be minded to ignore Mr Pickles statement you should consider the following:

Already Traveller sites are being introduced into the equation when properties are being sold in this area. Negatively impacting on vendors selling prices. Compensation to local residents may have to be considered.

From personal experience our son and daughter in law who between them have resided in Warwick District well in excess of 60 years were unable to secure a placement in their local school (Barford) for their children, due to Barford School being already oversubscribed.

WDC have stated that Traveller children need to have a permanent domicile, to access local services. I hope WDC are not suggesting that Traveller children are to be given preferential treatment in accessing local schools in the Barford/Sherbourne area?

We think it is more than a coincidence that the last time there was an influx of Travellers in the Sherbourne area the crime rate increased. We refer specifically to all the drain covers being stolen in Sherbourne. To date no one has been apprehended by the police for the theft. This incident had the potential of becoming a fatality, Mr Rees a blind resident of Sherbourne, it was his good fortune not to fall down the holes that were exposed, and being killed.

. Site 20 - vehicular access to this site is from an already heavily utilised road network. Access and egress to and from this site to the highways network would not be safe.

. Site 20 - development would lead to an unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment, rendering the site unviable.

. Site 20 - WDC have disregarded their own Rural Area Policies, especially RAPs 1 (New Housing), 6 (New Employment), 10 (Safeguarding Rural Roads) and 15 (Camping and caravan Sites). In all respects the site fails to meet the policy criteria to allow any form of development.

. Sites 20 - the development of this site could not take place without a material adverse effect on the landscape and could not be integrated without harming the very fragile visual amenity of this site.

. Site 20 - is not a location which allows peaceful and integrated co-existence with the local community. e.g.. stolen drain covers and the intimation that there may be preferential schools admission in favour of traveller children.

Our comments regarding site 20 apply in some respect to all sites you have identified.

We would respectfully request that you rethink and revise your ill advised scheme.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55756

Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2013

Ymatebydd: Ms Laura Parker

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to proposal for Traveller Sites in the Chase Meadow area and near M40 junction 15.

Testun llawn:

I hereby submit my opposition to the proposal for the Traveller Sites in the Chase Meadow, Warwick area and near to M40 junction 15


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55759

Derbyniwyd: 02/08/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Patrick Houghton

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

As a resident of Chase Meadow estate, strongly object to this proposed site.

Testun llawn:

I'm contacting you in reference to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller sites at the Land of Budbrooke Lodge, Southbound A46, Northbound A46 and at J15 M40/A46.

As a resident on the Chase Meadow estate I would like to highlight my major objection to any of these proposals and sites.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55776

Derbyniwyd: 02/08/2013

Ymatebydd: Ms Erica Sibley

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to traveller sites across South Warwickshire as local community will be seriously impacted by excess cars, caravans etc

Testun llawn:

I wish to register my objection to the traveller sites across South Warwickshire as I believe that the local community will be seriously impacted due to the excess cars, caravans etc


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55833

Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Joe & Rebecca Gill & Lewis

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Believe WDC should look outside Green Belt for all of its sites but if this is not possible, suggest using Green Belt sites which have previously been developed. This site would be more suitable than Kites Nest Lane. It has excellent access to main roads. It is large enough to provide good integration into the landscape. A significant number of pitches could be created to accommodate large Gypsy family groups.

Testun llawn:

Dear Mr Elliott,

We write with reference to the consultation for gypsy and traveller sites currently taking place.

We have considered the potential sites that have been put forward by the Council. We are extremely concerned by the inclusion of Kite's Nest Lane as a possible site (GT13). AS you are undoubtedly aware, this site has been the subject of two planning applications for use as a Gypsy and Traveller site. WDC have now decided twice that development of this site is inappropriate. The Secretary of State has also deemed it unsuitable for any form of development of this kind; even one Gypsy pitch would be inappropriate.

This site is in Green Belt: it is therefore inappropriate development. The site has been found not to be in keeping with its surroundings, which is open countryside. It is down a narrow country lane, with no footpaths or easy access to a main road network. These, and many other reasons, which have been discussed in detail at two Planning Inquiries, make it completely unsuitable. Of equal concern, however, is the fact that this site has been included at all. Significant resource has been expended by WDC already and the site has now, on two separate occasions, been found to be unsuitable. It is clear to us, therefore, that the Kites Nest Lane site should not be under consideration at all and we suggest it is withdrawn immediately and object in the strongest terms to any form of development there.

We believe that WDC should be looking outside of the Green Belt for all of its sites. However, we understand that a large part of the District is Green Belt. If it is not possible to identify enough sites outside of the Green Belt, we would suggest using Green Belt sites which have already had buildings on them. An example of this given in the consultation would be the Oaklands Farm site (GT19).

We have commented on the sites with which we are familiar and given reasons as to why we feel these would be suitable below.

GT15: This site is close to amenities and could easily be landscaped to integrate into its surroundings. It would be possible to provide appropriate access to the site.

GT17 and GT18: Taken together these two sites would provide a substantial number of pitches. This land has previously had buildings on it for many years and could easily be converted to providing Gypsy pitches without burdening Warwickshire Green Belt with additional development. They have good access to the main road network, which we believe is a requirement of the Gypsies and Travellers. Utilities will already be set up and these sites are close to Warwick town for access to services. Several houses lie along the A46 so clearly there would be no noise issues and the current design of the land means there is plenty of room for pulling on to and off the sites (there may even be slip roads already in place).

GT20: This site would provide excellent access to main roads and would be large enough to provide substantial integration of a Gypsy site into the landscape. A significant number of pitches could be created here, allowing Gypsies the chance to live in their extremely large family groups, as they often wish to.

Despite the positive features of these four sites, we still feel that land outside of the Green Belt should be the focus of this search. WDC has stated previously that any Gypsy Site allocations it makes do not necessarily have to be in Green Belt and we would urge WDC to carefully consider its position with regards to protecting the Warwickshire Green Belt. Indeed, the Secretary of State has recently announced his intentions to further protect Green Belt from Gypsy and Traveller developments and WDC should also be looking to safeguard its Green Belt from any kind of development.

We can confirm that this as our formal response to the consultation, and trust that WDC will consider this as appropriate.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55859

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Avtar Bains

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to proposed sites close to Chase Meadow.

House prices will fall/houses will become hard to sell as has happened in other areas where traveller sites are located eg 3+ acre plot of land in Pathlow, Stratford upon Avon which has not sold despite reduced price for over two years.

The view into Warwick from Calverdon direction will be negatively affected which could affect tourism.

Local doctors' surgery is very busy and Chase Meadow is expanding. Will it be able to cope with additional families?

Can you confirm how much Council Tax traveller site families will pay and if this will be consistent with other residents?

Testun llawn:


I am very much against the proposal for Gypsy and traveller sites in Warwickshire, in particular close to Chase Meadow, for the reasons sighted below:

1. House prices will fall / houses will become hard to sell, this is notable from looking at some national statistics where traveller sites are located, just look at the 3+ acre plot of land in Pathlow Stratford upon Avon, this plot has planning permission, however as it's located near a traveller site it's been on the marker over two years at a reduced price, elsewhere this would have commanded twice the asking price.

2. It will be detrimental to the incoming view of Warwick when coming in from Calverdon direction, this could affect local tourism.

3. The local doctors surgery in Warwick is very busy already, will it be able to cope with additional families, don't forget the Chase meadow is expanding.

4. finally, can you please confirm how much council tax the traveller site families will pay? will this be in accordance with other residence that utilise the services in Warwickshire.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 55923

Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Edwards

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Adjacent to historic landfills so may still have the potential to release greenhouse gases and are unsuitable for any form of permanent habitation and occupation.
Vehicle access is from a heavily utilised road network. Access and egress to the highways network would not be safe.
Cannot access local community facilities (schools, doctors etc) on foot or bike via a pedestrian footpaths or cycle routes, or by bus which is unsustainable and places further pressure on local highway infrastructure.
Lead to an unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment, rendering site unviable.
Fails to meet Rural Area Policies, especially RAPS1 (New Housing), 6 (New Employment), 10 (Safeguarding Rural Roads) and 15 (Camping and Caravan sites).
Material adverse effect on the landscape and will harm the visual amenity of the site.
Will not allow peaceful and integrated co-existence with the local community.

Testun llawn:

* Site 16 - is actually the flood compensation area from the Barford bypass build and contains a permanent central pond and is unsuitable for any form of development

* Sites 12 and 16 - sit within (part) and otherwise immediately adjacent to areas identified by the Environment Agency as having significant flood risk and are unsuitable for any form of permanent habitation and occupation.

* Sites 12 and 16 - a number of residents have reported the existence of water voles in and immediately adjacent to these sites. Water voles are, of course, now a legally protected species.

* Sites 12 and 16 - there is inadequate pedestrian crossing facilities for safe access into the village.

* Sites 6 and 9 - These sites are situated on historic landfills which though closed may still have the potential to release greenhouse gases and are unsuitable for any form of permanent habitation and occupation.

* Sites 10 and 20 - These sites are situated adjacent to historic landfills which though closed may still have the potential to release greenhouse gases are unsuitable for any form of permanent habitation and occupation.

* Sites 6 and 9 - sit immediately approximate to the Asps which Warwick District Council decided, after further research regarding the landscape and transport impact of development, that site should remain open due its value as a backdrop to the historic Warwick Castle Park. The Revised Development Strategy, therefore, excludes the Asps and should also exclude the adjoining sites 6 and 9 for the same reasons.

* Sites 6 and 9 - there have been a number of reported wild deer sightings on this land and there is a population of deer that roam freely across the Castle grounds on to these 2 sites and beyond.

* Sites 12 and 16 - vehicular access to these sites is from the A429 trunk road which was constructed as a bypass to Barford. It is a 60 mph speed limit road and there have been a significant number of accidents on it since its opening, including a fatality. The existing access into the sites is entirely inadequate.

* Sites 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 - vehicular access to these sites is from an already heavily utilised road network. Access and egress to and from these sites to the highways network would not be safe.

* Sites 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 - the sites are not sustainable in terms of multi modal accessibility. None of the sites offer the ability to access local community facilities (schools, doctors surgeries etc) on foot or on bike via pedestrian footpaths or cycle routes, or by bus. The only means of accessibility is by car which would place further pressure on the local highway network infrastructure and is unsustainable.

* Sites 5, 6, 9, 12, 16 and 20 - development would lead to an unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment, rendering the isolated sites (eg site 12) totally unviable.

* Sites 5, 6, 9, 10, 12 and 16 - development would have a material negative impact on the capacity of Barford St. Peter's School, especially given the village's status as a "Secondary Service Village" and it's likely requirement to provide 70-90 new dwellings during the Plan period.

* Sites 5, 6, 9, 12, 16 and 20 - WDC have disregarded their own Rural Area Policies, especially RAPs 1 (New Housing), 6 (New Employment), 10 (Safeguarding Rural Roads) and 15 (Camping and caravan Sites). In all respects the sites fail to meet the policy criteria to allow any form of development.

* Sites 5, 6, 9, 12, 16 and 20 - the development of all of these sites could not take place without a material adverse effect on the landscape and could not be integrated without harming the visual amenity of the sites.

* Sites 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20 - are not locations which allow peaceful and integrated co-existence with the local community.

* Availability - only 3 of the sites listed are available, namely sites 15, 17 and 18. By definition the remaining sites are not deliverable.

* WDC should have identified brownfield sites within the existing urban areas of Kenilworth, Warwick and Leamington for Gypsies and Travellers. These sites would be more suitable and sustainable, and would enable better integration in to the local community. Despite such sites existing, they are all being proposed for redevelopment for more valuable uses.

* WDC should be requiring Gypsy and Traveller sites are delivered within the proposed major new housing developments in Kenilworth, Warwick and Leamington. This would ensure that the sites could be properly designed in a sustainable fashion and be fully integrated into a local community which will provide facilities such as a school, a doctors surgery and shops which are accessible on foot, on bike, by bus and by car.

* Ecology and Environment - all of the sites have some ecological value and environmental issues which does not appear to have been assessed.

* WDC should revisit its Greenbelt Policy and release sites to the north of Warwick and Leamington which would reduce the pressure to allocate land for Gypsies and Travellers during the new Local Plan period to the south of the District.

* WDC should consider allocating an area of land to the south of Warwick and Leamington including The Asps and Sites 5, 6, 9, 10 in the Revised Development Strategy for the Sites for Gypsies and Travellers
as Greenbelt to provide a 'buffer' to the proposed developments to the south of Warwick and Leamington and/or to extend the proposed Bishops Tachbrook Country Park as far as the Banbury Road near to Warwick Castle Park. This would ensure the villages in the south of the District retain their identity and are not 'swallowed up' by Warwick and Leamington over time.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56153

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Nolan Robertson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to proposed traveller pitches at Little Chef on the A46 and at the Hampton Road/ Chase Meadow locations.
South West Warwick has undergone significant development over past 10 years with Chase Meadow Estate and Tournament Fields Business Park. This is already placing an overburden on the area, roads and the schools have/are undergoing extensive works to cater for the increased volumes.

Testun llawn:


I object to the proposed traveller pitches at Little Chef on the A46 and at the Hampton road / chase meadow locations.
The area of SW Warwick has undergone significant development over the past 10 years with the Chase Meadow Estate and Tournament Fields Business Park. This is already placing an overburden on the area, roads and the schools have/are undergoing extensive works to cater for the increased volumes this brings.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56171

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Glen Hook

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to proposals for Gypsy and Traveller sites, particularly in Chase Meadow area.

Extensive development over the past decade has placed a huge burden on local infrastructure and amenities. Current/future development on Chase Meadow Estate will increase burden on already stretched local schools, doctors, roads and recreational/social facilities. This would be exacerbated by locating Gypsy and Traveller sites nearby.

Major concern for current/future residents is the potential impact of hard standing on the flood plain. Further excavation will increase risk of flooding in the area including the land bordering the proposed location owned by the racecourse. The racecourse provides significant income to the area and businesses and much needed employment opportunities. Loss of a race meeting due to flooding could have negative long-term effects on local residents and the economy.

The views of the Warwick population should be considered seriously so that this historical town remains a wonderful place to live and raise families.

Testun llawn:

Dear Sir / Madam:

I am writing to express my objections to the suggestions contained within the New Local Plan, specifically the proposals in respect of provision for Gipsy and Traveller sites within the Warwick area.

Following extensive development in the local area over the past decade particularly in the Chase Meadow area a huge burden has already been placed on the local infrastructure and amenities.

The Chase Meadow estate with the current and planned future development will place a further burden on the local schools, doctors, roads and recreational / social facilities which already struggles to cope.

There is currently already a 3-4 day lead time at the Doctors surgery without the currently planned development which would only be further exacerbated by the locating of Gypsy and Traveller sites in close proximity to this estate.

Another major concern for those resident in the surrounding area as well as for those who plan to reside there themselves should be the potential impact that the location of hard standing could have on the flood plain.

Further excavation can only increase the risk of flooding in the surrounding area including the land bordering the proposed location owned by the race course.

The racecourse provides significant income to the surrounding areas and business's through it's many events as well as providing much needed employment opportunities.

The loss of a race meeting due to flooding could have negative long term effects on the local economy and in addition the local residents.

I do hope that the views of the Warwick population are considered seriously during this review that the historical town of Warwick can continue to be the wonderful place it is to live and raise families.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56205

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Budbrooke Parish Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Is green belt, outside main development, particularly dangerous location on bypass A46, M40, and Junction 15, considerable air and noise quality issues, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure/facilities and it floods.

Testun llawn:

Gypsy & Travelers sites

I have considered this consultation and agree that Warwick District Council needs to address the matter and identify suitable sites. Rather than consider all the available sites, because each will have a local context I have considered the 6 sites that WDC has identified that are nearest to and that would impact on my parish and its residents.

These are our views:

* Budbrooke Lodge [Site gt11] although this area sometimes floods, it has particularly good access to local shops and Warwick town centre, by public transport [bus stop adjacent to Budbrooke Lodge] and reasonable access to the main arterial roads. Servicing the site will be potentially low cost. Not sure if this is green belt site.
* Norton Lindsey [site gt14] is green belt, outside main development, dangerous location on a busy road, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure /facilities.
* A46 [sites gt17 & gt18]- green belt, outside main development, particularly dangerous location on bypass, considerable air and noise quality issues, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure /facilities
* Oaklands farm [site gt19] access is an issue identified by Warwickshire Highways Authority on numerous planning applications, proximate to canal so would impact on tourist, walkers and canal users, dangerous access on Birmingham Road and Ugly Bridge Road, both busy roads, loss of greenbelt, previous refusal because of business needs & hazardous sites.
* Watery Lane [site gt20] is green belt, outside main development, particularly dangerous location on bypass A46, M40, and Junction 15, considerable air and noise quality issues, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure /facilities it floods.

The Local Plan
I have carefully considered the paper by Ray Bullen, which was supported by Rural Parish Councils, and the response from WDC on 18th July 2013. I regard the overall estimated residential development growth in the Local Plan to be significantly out of proportion to the local need; unrealistically high and untenable.

The District Council as failed to acknowledge, address or take account any of the issues identified in Budbrooke Parish Council's response to the first consultation in this second document. [1]

In respect to development in Budbrooke:
* All proposed development is in the green belt and there are no special reasons for using the green belt [reference: NPPF 2012 development in green belt is inappropriate.]
* Taking land out of green belt for development, I.e. re-drawing green belt boundaries, is tantamount to a gross misapplication of NPPF 2012. To do so is not a special reason.
* Loss of green belt will mean a loss of prudent use of land potential loss of value to special/ high landscape value
* Identifying potential sites in green belt, when there is other unused land outside the green belt and outside the local plan, constitutes a breach of NPPF 2012, referenced above.
* Budbrooke Parish Plan has not identified any significant demand for development locally.
* Hampton Magna is surrounded by high grade agricultural land
* Negative effects on strategic siting such as increased levels of traffic
* Air, Light & noise pollution will increase especially in the construction phase
* Presence of Railway will be a nuisance to potential development

People live here because they like the area, any development, and in particular an up to 25% increase, will have a significant impact on the nature and locality. This issue must be considered as it has previously been accepted by WDC in its dealings with other councils.

Capacity of the Infrastructure
Hampton Magna was built on the site of an army barracks in 1960s to the standards that prevailed at that time. Little or no improvement has been made since the site was first built on, and none since I came here in 1979.
* Minor cosmetic road improvements were made to accommodate a substantial increase to traffic due to the building of Warwick Parkway Station. Car parking since originally built has increased 3 fold with no change to roads or traffic management.
* Consequently, traffic is already extremely heavy. Approaches - Birmingham Road, Old Budbrooke Road, Woodway, Church Hill and roads to Hatton via Ugly Bridge, and through Hampton on the Hill. Any additional development will have a considerable negative impact on roads and traffic
* Traffic issues have not been addressed or even assessed
* Sewage arrangements is a major concern of the PC - Although adopted, prior to privatisation the system falls below the standard normally required.
* The main local electricity supply arrangements area the same as those for the barracks which left nearly 50 years ago. Supplies into the village are subject to frequent fluctuations and outages.

Budbrooke School, with only around 50% children resident in Hampton Magna, already draws traffic from surrounding areas -Hatton, Hatton Park, and Chase Meadow - and the county lanes are increasingly congested and hazardous. Increasing the size of the school to accommodate the 25% increase increases the congestion and hazard, and fails to address the Green Agenda unless additional resource is allocated in the current catchment areas, which idea has been discounted.

The argument that additional development will help address the sustainability of local facilities and services is flawed. There is no evidence is provided to show that this would be the case.

Without the publication of specific sites. I can make little assessment of the local internal impact of any development other than to state that in my judgment all development will have a significantly high negative affect on the community and community facilities. I challenge the council to draw up any development plan that doesn't have a negative effect on residents.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56211

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr John Fraser

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Situated adjacent to historic landfill site with potential to release noxious gases.
Roads are heavily used so access and egress would not be safe. In addition, the sites are not sustainable in terms of multi modal accessibility. No access to local community facilities (schools, doctors' surgeries etc) on foot or bike or by bus, placing further pressure on local highways. This is unsustainable and doesn't allow peaceful and integrated co-existence with the local community.
Represents an unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment, potentially rendering the site unviable. In addition cannot meet Rural Area Policies, especially RAPs 1 (New Housing), 6 (New Employment), 10 (Safeguarding Rural Roads) and 15 (Camping and caravan Sites) as development has a material adverse effect on the landscape and will harm the visual amenity.

Testun llawn:

General Observations

WDC should have identified brownfield sites within the existing urban areas of Kenilworth, Warwick and Leamington for Gypsies and Travellers. These sites would be more suitable and sustainable, and would enable better integration in to the local community. Despite such sites existing, they are all being proposed for redevelopment for more valuable uses. WDC should be requiring Gypsy and Traveller sites are delivered within the proposed major new housing developments in Kenilworth, Warwick and Leamington. This would ensure that the sites could be properly designed in a sustainable fashion and be fully integrated into a local community which will provide facilities such as a school, a doctors surgery and shops which are accessible on foot, on bike, by bus and by car.

Ecology and Environment - all of the sites have some ecological value and environmental issues which does not appear to have been assessed.

WDC should revisit its Greenbelt Policy and release sites to the north of Warwick and Leamington which would reduce the pressure to allocate land for all forms of development during the new Local Plan period to the south of the District.

WDC should consider allocating an area of land to the south of Warwick and Leamington including The Asps and Sites 5, 6, 9, 10 as Greenbelt to provide a 'buffer' to the proposed developments to the south of Warwick and Leamington and/or to extend the proposed Bishops Tachbrook Country Park as far as the Banbury Road near to Warwick Castle Park. This would ensure the villages in the south of the District retain their identity and are not 'swallowed up' by Warwick and Leamington over time.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56244

Derbyniwyd: 29/08/2012

Ymatebydd: Lisa Daniels

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to proposed Gypsy/Traveller sites adjacent to Chase Meadow and the Forbes Estate as follows:

Pressure on local schools, Doctors surgeries and amenities. Chase Meadow is a growing estate putting pressure on local primary schools who are already struggling to provide places. Doctors surgery covers Chase Meadow, Forbes estate and surrounding areas.

The settled community and travellers would not be able to live peacefully together and become integrated, as shown by the reactions at Aylesford School meeting in July. This requirement for locating sites will not be met.

Testun llawn:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to raise my objections to the proposed Gypsy/Traveller sites that are adjacent to Chase Meadow and the Forbes Estate (GT11).

Firstly there will be too much pressure on local schools, Doctors surgeries and amenities. Chase Meadow is an already growing estate with new builds currently extending the estate, this already puts pressure on the local primary schools who are already struggling to provide places this year. The Doctors surgery already has to cover the Chase Meadow estate, the Forbes estate and surrounding areas in Warwick. With one of the proposed Gypsy/Traveller sites being across the road from Chase Meadow and the Forbes, and being one of the larger proposed sites I feel it is unacceptable and unfair to place the site in that location, so close to an already heavily populated area. It will also cause house prices in the area to decrease and prospective buyers will be put off by the traveller sites being in such close proximity.

Secondly, the Hampton Road site is on a flood plain and given the amount of rainfall we have had in recent years it would be very likely that it would flood.

Thirdly, I do not believe that the settled community and traveller community would be able to live peacefully alongside each other and become integrated given the amount of discord amongst the local community as shown in the consultation that took place at the Aylesford School meeting on the 15th July. This is one of the requirements for such sites and I don't believe that this can be met.

I hope that my concerns will be taken into consideration when deciding which sites will go ahead.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56281

Derbyniwyd: 20/08/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Hundal

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object in strongest possible terms to the proposed development of permanent traveller sites in the proximity of the Chase Meadow Estate.

This is a quiet, well regarded neighbourhood and the proposed development of traveller sites will be a permanent blight on the community, significantly affecting residents' quality of life.

Infrastructure is not in place to accommodate traveller communities: GPs and schools are at or over capacity and traffic is a problem at peak times. But overriding concern is the impact on the community. It is illogical to locate a traveller site next to a built-up, well-established and respectable residential area.

Would urge councillors to see sense and locate the sites away from established residential areas and avoid the inevitable conflicts, concerns and issues which would otherwise result.

Testun llawn:

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed development of permanent traveller sites in the proximity of the Chase Meadow Estate in Warwick. This has been a quiet and well regarded neighbourhood for a number of years and the proposed development of traveller sites, especially the GT11 land at Budbrooke Lodge, Racecourse and Hampton Road (as well as sites GT20, GT17 and GT18) will be a permanent blight on the community, significantly affecting the quality of life for residents of this respectable area.

The infrastructure is not in place to accommodate traveller communities. GPs and Schools are already at or over capacity and traffic is a problem at peak times in this area. But my overriding concern is the impact on our community. Locating a traveller site next to an already built up, well established and respectable residential area is illogical - why would the council consider locating a traveller site in this area is beyond me, and I wish to formally lodge an objection, urging councillors to see sense and locate the sites away from established residential areas and avoid the inevitable conflicts, concerns and issues which will result if the sites are located near here.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56288

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Chris Hastie

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The high level of noise from the M40 will adversely impact on the amenity of residents of any site here

Testun llawn:

I support the area of search at GT11 (Hampton Road). This is a sustainable site with good access to GPs and both primary and secondary schools. There is adequate separation from the settled community to avoid issues of noise from the site affecting the settled community, whilst the site is close enough to minimise isolation and potentially promote a better understanding between the two communities. However, the western end of the site is too close to the A46 and noise levels are high. Trailers cannot be soundproofed to the same level as houses so this part of the area will not provide reasonable accommodation for the travelling community.

Other sites offering reasonable access to existing facilities, particularly primary schools, include GT12 and GT05, particularly the northern end of GT05. In the case of GT12 the difficulty of crossing the
A429 Barford bypass should be considered, however.

I object to the site at GT20 (Junction 15, M40) because the high level of noise from the M40 will adversely impact on the amenity of residents of any site here.

Similar comments can be made for large parts of GT09

The Fosse Way sites (GT03 and GT04) appear to have nothing to recommend them in terms of access to facilities. The level of isolation of the sites is also unlikely to promote inclusion. GT06 suffers from similar problems.

GT15 (Europa Way) relates well to the proposed areas of growth and might be a suitable site in the long term, although its size and shape makes the provision of internal open space with good casual surveillance difficult. Noise from Europa Way could also be a problem.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56300

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Prime Brokeridge Cash & Payments

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Recently moved with young family to Warwick Chase estate and concerned about proposals for Gypsy and Traveller Sites in and around Warwick. Can already see impact on surrounding roads, Doctors and local facilities from significant development over last few years and large number of people moving into the area. Particularly concerned about schools and how difficult it might be to get my daughter into school due to high number of applicants. Allowing these sites will exacerbate these issues. Local infrastructure will not support one or more of these sites and this appears to be in direct conflict with Council policy.

There is an overriding feeling of strong objection among neighbours and shared widely across the local area.

Testun llawn:

I am writing to you this morning to express my concerns and dissatisfaction regarding your proposals for Gypsy and Traveller Sites in and around the Warwick area - in particular, the proposed site on Hampton Road by the racecourse.

I am a resident in Warwick Chase estate, located extremely near to this proposed site. I have only recently moved into the area in the last year and have a small family (my daughter was born last October).

Whilst I'm extremely happy with the local facilities in terms of their close proximity and convenience, I can already see an impact on surrounding roads, Doctors and local facilities due to the large number of people moving into the area. This area has undergone significant development over the last few years and there is definitely an overburden on the area.

I'm particularly concerned regarding schools too - it won't be long before I send my daughter to school and I am already concerned about how difficult this may become due to the higher number of applicants.

I'm extremely concerned that allowing these sites will only exacerbate the issues I've just outlined. I believe the local infrastructure will simply not be able to support one or more of these sites and after reading your planning policy, this appears to be in direct conflict with the policy.

Also, the proposed site on Hampton Road is extremely close to green belt land and sits within part of the flood plain. I believe green belt land should be protected where possible and also, any further building work / hard standing within that area is likely to exacerbate the current issues with the flood plain and put that area at further risk - severely impacting us local residents.

Taking all of these reasons into account, I strongly object to your proposals and would ask that you take serious thought in re-considering / reviewing your original proposals.

After having talked to many people I know living locally, I can assure you their sentiments are the same - there is an overriding feeling of strong objection and this is shared widely across the local area.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56303

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Michael & Alicia Evans & Turmo-Betorz

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

It will place increase pressure on local infrastructure eg GP services, schools etc. The new homes being built are already adding to the demand for these services. Site is also far too close to a large housing development and will create tension with a population that has invested in living in a nice area.

There will be an increase in crime if travellers settle in Warwick. Even if there is no difference in crime levels between travellers and the general population, crime is lower than average in the District of Warwick and so crime levels will rise.

Proposals will make a very attractive and pretty town look bad and on how the town will be viewed. This will negatively impact on tourism and the businesses which rely upon it.

If traveller sites are needed they should be remote, to avoid tensions and negatively affecting the quality of life of people. It will cause less stress to the travellers too. Kites Nest Lane site exists and counters the suggestion they need to be near facilities. Not everyone can have everything close by and residents of these sites are travellers by nature.

Local MP opposes this and so Council should listen to the MP. Proposal should be withdrawn immediately, otherwise it will show Council do not care about resident opinions.

Testun llawn:

Dear Sir/Madam

We write to you in response to the above consultation document. We object in particular to the following proposed sites in the consultation document: GT11, 17, 18 and 20. We also object in principle to the plan to put any sites in Warwick District.

In paragraph 1.1, you state that the Council is required to meet the needs of the population in the area. The placing of these sites will encourage travelers from outside of the area to settle in the area, therefore the whole premise of your proposal is wrong. What about the needs, quality of life and standard of living of the population of Warwick that is already here, and pays you Council Tax? You should be putting our rights ahead of those that do not live here, and do not wish to live in a manner that is compatible with 99.7% of the population.

We object to the proposal on the basis of a likely increase in crime:-
At the meeting at Aylesford School on 15th July, a question was made from the floor about the issue of crime that travellers bring. The member of the council responsible for Gypsy and Traveller sites stated that there is no evidence to say that there is a difference in crime between travelers and the general population. This generalised comparison given by the council member compared travellers to the entire population. This is not relevant, the comparison should be made to the District of Warwick, where crime is lower than average, therefore it follows that if there is no difference in crime between travellers and the total population, then there must be a difference in crime between the travellers and Warwick District, and therefore there will be an increase in crime if you allow travellers to settle in Warwick.

We also object to all proposals on the basis that they will make a very attractive and pretty town (except for Barrack Street car park and the Council offices in Market Square), look bad. Warwick is the most historic town in Warwickshire. The sites will have a negative impact on how the town will be viewed, and would have a negative impact on tourism which is the lifeblood of the town and upon which a lot of businesses rely. Furthermore, site GT11 will also have a negative impact on Warwick race course which is also vitally important to the town, and also a key element of the local community given the other events that it hosts throughout the year.

We also object to the proposal in particular on site GT11 as it will place increasing pressure on local infrastructure. There are already further new homes being built which is adding to the demand on, amongst other things, GP services, schools etc. Site GT11 is also far too close to a large housing development. The location of travellers here will create tension with a population that has only recently invested in living in a nice area.

Chris White, MP for Warwick and Leamington, supports us in our opposition to site number GT11 and the fact that you should listen to residents, please see attached letter. I hope you will listen to the MP.

If traveller sites are needed at all, they should be somewhere that is remote from the rest of the population to avoid tensions and avoid negatively affecting the quality of life of the people who have worked hard to buy a nice place to live in a nice area, and equally will cause less stress to the travellers. I believe that there is already one site that is out of the way on Kites Nest Lane. This site also counters your point made at the 15th July meeting that sites need to be near facilities. Not everyone who works hard has the luxury of being able to live next door to everything that they may need on a particular occasion. As the sites are proposed for travellers, perhaps you should take into account the fact that they like travelling.

I hope you realise the amount of concern amongst existing residents your proposals have caused. At the meeting on 15th July, which was predominantly attended by Chase Meadow residents, it was clear that almost 100% of those in attendance were against the proposals. I only heard one voice all evening in defence of the proposal from the floor. You will be making a massive error if you go against the residents. Therefore I hope you will withdraw your proposal for a site at GT11 immediately, because it will show you just do not care about resident opinions if you persevere with this site and others.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56465

Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2013

Ymatebydd: Budbrooke Parish Council

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Watery Lane [site gt20] is green belt, outside main development, particularly dangerous location on bypass A46, M40, and Junction 15, considerable air and noise quality issues, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure /facilities it floods.

Testun llawn:

Budbrooke Parish Council has considered this consultation and agrees that Warwick District Council needs to address the matter and identify suitable sites. Rather than consider all the available sites, because each will have a local context the council has considered the 6 sites that WDC has identified that are nearest to and that would impact on the parish and its residents.

These are our views:

* Budbrooke Lodge [Site gt11] although this area sometimes floods, it has particularly good access to local shops and Warwick town centre, by public transport [bus stop adjacent to Budbrooke Lodge] and reasonable access to the main arterial roads. Servicing the site will be potentially low cost. Not sure if this is green belt site.
* Norton Lindsey [site gt14] is green belt, outside main development, dangerous location on a busy road, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure /facilities.
* A46 [sites gt17 & gt18]- green belt, outside main development, particularly dangerous location on bypass, considerable air and noise quality issues, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure /facilities
* Oaklands farm [site gt19] access is an issue identified by Warwickshire Highways Authority on numerous planning applications, proximate to canal so would impact on tourist, walkers and canal users, dangerous access on Birmingham Road and Ugly Bridge Road, both busy roads, loss of greenbelt, previous refusal because of business needs & hazardous sites.
* Watery Lane [site gt20] is green belt, outside main development, particularly dangerous location on bypass A46, M40, and Junction 15, considerable air and noise quality issues, no public transport, not easy access to infrastructure /facilities it floods.

Summary, if any of these sites are chosen Budbrooke Parish Council would support GT11.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56502

Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Georgina Farndon

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Development of a service station at J15 M40 was dismissed at inquiry and presumably all the reasons still stand.
Site is inconvenient for access to a GP surgery, school and public transport with no footpaths into Hampton on the Hill or Warwick. There would be safe access to the road network for vehicles. Investment to provide utilities (water, waste disposal, etc) would be necessary.
The two nearby water courses are important features of the natural environment which could be adverse impacted.
extra resource for local infrastructure and services improvements including school and dentist provision would be needed to enable peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community

Testun llawn:

General comments
I have lived in Warwick for over 20 years, and as a child grew up in Chesterton, Warwickshire. As a teenager I gave evidence to the Barn Hill Service Station inquiry; objecting to the loss of part of Chesterton Wood and the environmental impact to the hamlet of Chesterton and its wildlife. Obviously we lost that battle (thanks to Mr Heseltine) but I can drive past the M40 services knowing that I used the full process available to state my concerns at the time.

My reasons for comment on the Gypsy and Traveller site options follow that same logic; sites are needed but some sites are wholly unsuitable.

Also, my parents own 9 acres of land close to Middle Farm, Bishops Tachbrook which we use as a family for leisure purposes. The land has been planted with trees and native plants as a sanctuary for wildlife including foxes, badgers, deer, birds of prey as well as bees, butterflies and many birds.

Site Suitability - GT03 Land at Bamwell Farm, Harbury Lane COMMENT

I do not consider this suggested site to be convenient to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
there would be undue pressure on local infrastructure and services. It would be unsafe for pedestrian access to Harbury or Whitnash.

Site Suitability - GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way COMMENT

I do not consider this suggested site to be convenient to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
there would be undue pressure on local infrastructure and services. It would be unsafe for pedestrian access to Harbury or Whitnash.

Site Suitability - GT05 Land at Tachbrook Hill Farm, Banbury Road OBJECT

I do not consider this suggested site to be convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
The Banbury Road is still a very fast and busy road and there would not be safe access to the road network. It would be too dangerous for pedestrian access into Bishops Tachbrook to catch public transport or attend the GP surgery.
There would be adverse impact on the landscape and character of the area into historic Warwick. Also there are listed buildings on the site which would be adversely affected by building work.
I don't believe that this proposed site could be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
This proposed site would place undue pressure on local infrastructure and services.

Site Suitability - GT06 Land at Park Farm Spinney Farm OBJECT

I do not consider this suggested site to be convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
The Banbury Road is still a very fast and busy road and there would not be safe access to the road network. It would be too dangerous for pedestrian access into Warwick until the pavement starts at the junction with Barford Hill.
There would be adverse impact on the landscape and character of the area into historic Warwick.

Site Suitability - GT09 Land to the North East of M40 OBJECT

I do not consider this suggested site to be convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
The Banbury Road is still a very fast and busy road and there would not be safe access to the road network. It would be too dangerous for pedestrian access into Bishops Tachbrook to catch public transport or attend the GP surgery.
There would be adverse impact on the landscape and character of the area into historic Warwick. Also there are listed buildings on the site which would be adversely affected by building work.
I don't believe that this proposed site could be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
This proposed site would place undue pressure on local infrastructure and services.

Site Suitability - GT10 - Land at Tollgate House and Guide Dogs National Breeding Centre OBJECT

I do not consider this suggested site to be convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport;
The Banbury Road is still a very fast and busy road and there would not be safe access to the road network. It would be too dangerous for pedestrian access into Bishops Tachbrook to catch public transport or attend the GP surgery.
There would be adverse impact on the landscape and character of the area into historic Warwick.
I don't believe that this proposed site could be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area.
This proposed site would place undue pressure on local infrastructure and services.

There is the potential for noise and disturbance to the Guide Dogs National Breeding Centre and Tollgate Farm. This would not p
romote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community. I would question the viability of the businesses already at this location should the site be developed as proposed.

Site Suitability - GT11 - Land at Budbrooke Lodge, Racecourse and Hampton Road COMMENT

This site would give convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport; and s
afe access to the road network.

There could be
adverse impact on important features of the natural and historic
environment as the Racecourse has varied habitats and ground nesting birds. It is difficult to know if the s
ite can be integrated into the landscape without harming the character of the area. It is also hard to decide if
peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community could be promoted. I am not sure if there would be
undue pressure on local infrastructure and services (including GP, dentist and school places)

I would question if this site is in a flood area. There is
the potential for noise and other disturbance.

Site Suitability - GT12 - Land North and West of Westham Lane OBJECT

This site may give convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport but I am not sure if this would be without undue pressure on the local infrastructure and services in Barford.

I would be surprised if this area does not have a high risk of flooding being so close to the Avon which certainly floods along the A429 towards Wellesbourne.

If there was inadequate GP, dentist, School provision then it would be difficult to promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community.

Site Suitability - GT14 - Warwick Road, Norton Lindsey OBJECT

This site may give convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport but I am not sure if this would be without undue pressure on the local infrastructure and services in Norton Lindsey. If there was inadequate GP, dentist, School provision then it would be difficult to promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community.

The access to the Warwick Road would be dangerous with blind bends and a notorious dangerous cross roads (New Road and Brittons Lane). It would be dangerous for pedestrians to walk into Norton Lindsey or Warwick along this road as the pavements don't start for some distance.

I would question the impact to the viability of the poultry business if this site was developed as proposed.

Site Suitability - GT15 - Land East of Europa Way OBJECT

This site would be inconvenient for access to a GP surgery, school and public transport. The nearest would be Heathcote/Warwick Gates/Whitnash. There is already a huge problem with the lack of school places as Warwick Gates has not had the school built that was required. This would put undue pressure on services and not promote the peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local communities.

With the Tach Brook so close is the area at risk of flooding and could there be an adverse impact on the natural environment if the site was used for domestic and business operations. Europa Way is a busy road and it would be unsafe to access the road network on the gradual bend. There is no pedestrian access.

Site Suitability - GT16 - Land West of A429 Barford OBJECT

This site may give convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport but I am not sure if this would be without undue pressure on the local infrastructure and services in Barford.

I would be surprised if this area does not have a high risk of flooding being so close to the Avon which certainly floods along the A429 towards Wellesbourne.

If there was inadequate GP, dentist, School provision then it would be difficult to promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community.

Site Suitability - GT17 - Service area west of A46 Old Budbrooke Way COMMENT

I am not sure if this site would give convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport. If this was from Hampton Magna or Warwick the pedestrian access would need to be improved. Although there is a footpath across the A46 this is so busy it would be too dangerous for pedestrians especially children. I think the A46 is prone to flooding on the west side. There would be safe a
ccess to the road network for a vehicle to join the A46 from the garage slip road.

This site would only promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community if there was no
undue pressure on local infrastructure and services. Budbrooke School in Hampton Magna already has a problem with over-subscription because the new Hatton Park housing estate has never had a school built.

Site Suitability - GT18 - Service area East of A46 Old Budbrooke Way COMMENT

There is possible convenient access to a GP surgery on the Woodloes or Cape Road and schools/public transport in Warwick. Pedestrian access through the Racecourse would be a possibility. School, dentist and GP places would have to be increased in Warwick otherwise there would be undue pressure on local services and it would not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.

There would be safe access to the A46 road network for a vehicle, There could be an impact on the natural environment of the Racecourse wildlife and habitat.

Site Suitability - GT19 - Land off Birmingham Road, Budbrooke, Oaklands Farm COMMENT

This site would provide convenient access to a GP surgery, school and public transport either in Hampton Magna or Warwick. There is pedestrian access along the Birmingham Road into Warwick and Hampton Magna. The speedlimit is lower on this stretch of the Birmingham Road to make the access to the road network safe. I do not know if the site is prone to flooding with the Gog Brook and Canal close by. There could be environmental concerns but businesses with high risk of pollution (farm/petrol station) operate from this stretch of the Birmingham Road at the moment.

To promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community there would have to be improvements to service provision, particularly schooling provision in Warwick or Hampton Magna as Hatton Park Estate already over-subscribes Budbrooke School.

Site Suitability - GT20 - Land at Junction 15 M40 OBJECT

20 years ago development at J15 M40 for a service station was dismissed by Mr Hesletine. I can't remember all the reasons but presumably they still stand for any type of development at this location.

This proposed site is inconvenient for access to a GP surgery, school and public transport. There are no footpaths into Hampton on the Hill or Warwick. There would be safe access to the road network for vehicles. Substantial investment for the provision of utilities (running water, toilet facilities, waste disposal, etc) would appear to be necessary for this site. There could be adverse impact on important features of the natural environment with the two water courses close by.

Peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community would not be achieved unless there is extra resource for local infrastructure and services improvements including school and dentist provision.

GT01 / GT02 / GT07 / GT08 / GT13
I don't have sufficient knowledge of the locations to comment.

I do not have any other suggestions for suitable land in the District


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56617

Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Graham Pidgeon

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Planning policy advocates that any site should provide integration with local community but this would not be the case in the vicinity of Chase Meadow. Any nearby site would be in direct contradiction to this policy and should not be considered. This is the consensus among neighbours who have witnessed the aftermath of travellers' presence.

Testun llawn:

The planning policy advocates that any site should provide integration with the local community! If the proposed sites in the vicinity of Chase Meadow goes ahead this would not be the case! Speaking to neighbours of several years on the Chase Meadow Estate and we have witnessed many occasions of the aftermath of travellers presence, any accepted nearby site would be in direct contradiction to this policy and therefore should not be considered!!


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56632

Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Clive Edwards

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to proposed gypsy and traveller sites in SW Warwick.

Infrastructure cannot handle more pressure on roads especially as Chase Meadow development ongoing and not to be completed for several years. Most households have at least one car and further traffic especially on Stratford Road and Hampton Road would create a tremendous burden. Race days already cause traffic and parking problems, especially side streets and verges.

Local schools and Doctors' surgeries already under pressure and more strain would stop them working efficiently.

Warwick is a beautiful historical old town. Its popularity with visitors would be blighted by a traveller site and its implications, thereby affecting local businesses.

Air pollution from increased traffic is already a problem in this area.

Concerned about environmental effects on wildlife, possible pollution problems on Gog Brook, and risk of transferable disease from unvaccinated animals to race horses.

Testun llawn:

I would like to register my objections to the proposed gypsy and traveller sites in SW Warwick;

1. The infrastructure just cannot cope with even more pressure on it's roads especially as Chase Meadow is still under construction that will not be completed for several more years.As most homeowners have at least one or more cars per household the extra pressure on our roads especially Stratford Road and the more problematic Hampton road any further traffic from this area would create a tremendous burden .Race days already cause problems with traffic and parking,especially side streets and verges.

2. The local schools and Doctors surgeries are already under pressure and should not be put under any more strain to enable them to work efficiently.

3. The site proposed on Hampton road has parts which are on the local flood plain and should not be built on.

4.Warwick. is a beautiful old town.It' popularity with visitors should not be blighted by the fact that a traveller site with all it's implications stands within a fantastic historical area.I feel this would deter visitors from the town thereby affecting local businesses.

5.Air pollution is becoming a real problem in this area due to fumes from increased traffic.

6. I am also deeply concerned about the environmental effects on the wildlife and possible pollution problems on Gog Brook,also potential risk of transferable disease from unvaccinated animals to animals in the surrounding area i.e race horses.

I hope all of my objections and concerns will be taken into account at the next meeting to discuss the planned sites.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56659

Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Paresh Chauhan

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Concerned about saleability of property as the number of buyers will drop dramatically if there is a gypsy encampment across the road. Chase Meadow estate will become a much less desired area to live in. prices will have to drop in order to sell properties.

also concerned it will create immense friction between local residents and gypsies. Better if gypsies buy current low cost housing that is already built in the Warwickshire area and integrate, thus avoiding a them-and-us situation. Being from an Ethic minority background understand the issues and work hard to integrate into a mixed community.

Local infrastructure (local schools, doctors, surrounding roads and social facilities) is unable to support one or more of these sites.

The current discord the issue has created demonstrates that peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community is not possible.

The development SW Warwick over the past 10 years (Chase Meadow Estate and Tournament Fields Business Park) already placing a burden on roads and schools with extensive works to cater for the current increased volumes.

Site would have a dramatic and adverse impact on how the town is viewed and will negatively impact tourism to the local area, particularly the Racecourse, and many local businesses who heavily rely on it for trade.

The Council's sustainability audit questions the living conditions the site will place on the Travellers and their families given the proximity to busy major interchanges and major arterial roads.

Testun llawn:

Dear Development Policy Manager,
Below are some reasons for my objections to having Gypsy and Traveller site being built in Warwickshire.

a) I am concerned about the saleability of my property. I as the seller can keep the price at market value but can guarantee that the list of buyers will drop dramatically when they find out that there is a gypsy encampment across the road from me. As the buyer list will be much smaller I will have drop the price in order to sell quickly to the limited number of potential buyers. Once buyers find out that there is a gypsy site close by, the Chase Meadow estate will become a much less desired area to live in.

b) I am also concerned about the fact that separating a community like the gyspies into their own village/cummunity will create immense friction between the current local residents and gypsies. I would rather see the gypsies buying current low cost housing that is already built in the Warwickshire area and allow them to integrate with us, thus avoiding a them and us situation. I am from an Ethic minority background so have felt the pain historically and have worked very hard to ensure I intergrate and live with the local people, to be part of a MIXED community.

c) In direct conflict with the 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' the local infrastructure is simply not able to support one or more of these sites, especially the local schools, doctors, surrounding roads and social facilities.
d) In direct conflict with the 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' it should promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community: the current discord the issue has created shows that this requirement would not be met.
e) The area of SW Warwick has undergone significant development over the past 10 years with the Chase Meadow Estate and Tournament Fields Business Park. This is already placing an overburden on the area, roads and the schools have/are undergoing extensive works to cater for the increased volumes this brings.
f) Warwick is the most historical town in Warwickshire. In direct conflict with the 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' these sites would have a dramatic and adverse impact on how the town is viewed and will negatively impact Tourism to the local area,
particularly the Racecourse, and many local businesses who heavily rely on it for trade.
g) The sites are located close to major interchanges and major arterial roads that already take huge numbers of vehicles. The councils own sustainability audit questions these sites for this reason and the living conditions this will place on the Travellers and their families.
h) The Hampton Road (GT11) site sits in part within the Flood plain. There is also particular concern of extremely close proximity of the sites to Green Belt land. Any further hard standing within the area is likely to exacerbate the current issues with the flood plain.
i) The racecourse is a major investor into the town of Warwick and draws a large volume of race goers and holiday makers. This will be adversely impacted by the sites as will most significantly the recent developments the racecourse have made in building a stable block for owners to prepare their race horses as this would be within a short distance from the proposed sites. There are potential risks of diseases being transferred from non-vaccinated animals to thoroughbred race horses.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56722

Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Barford Residents Association

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Extensive area of land exceeds what is needed, therefore assume intend max 15 pitches.
Site is unsuitable, undeliverable and undevelopable. Landowner unwilling to sell or develop.
No convenient access to GP surgery, school and public transport.
Major parts of site flood and groundwater is high in winter with waterlogging.
Safe access not possible and no evidence can be provided. Heavily used road with slow moving vehicles giving unsafe situation.
Noise and disturbance from M40 (north), and A46 (east).
No utilities.
No ecology or biodiversity evidence. Contend unacceptable harm. Therefore contrary to policy.
Greenfield not capable of successful integration into landscape without material harm to character.
Adjacent to former landfill site with potential for gas; therefore unsuitable for occupation.
Site in Green Belt and unmet demand for G & T sites nor very special circumstances; therefore contrary to policy.
Does not accord with Planning Policy for Traveller Sites; does not promote peaceful integrated co-existence or avoid undue pressure on infrastructure and services
Urge no further consideration.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56774

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Kenneth Chapman

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Only three miles from existing site in Stratford district.
Frequent flooding.
Impact on local farms and kennels and compromise use of public right of way.
Green belt and productive farm land the loss of which could impact farmers working it.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56788

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mr Paul King

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Unlikely to have any facilities.
Undue pressure on local infrastructure and scarce services. Not promote a peaceful and integrated co-existence. Not promote a sustainable lifestyle.

Testun llawn:

Dear Sir/Madam

Warwick District Council - Sites for Gypsies & Travellers - Local Plan consultation of preferred options - 14th June to 29th July 2013

I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposal for a Gypsey site off Warwick Rd Norton Lindsey. I have looked at the criteria for selection contained within the documentation and would comment as follows:


* No. of Pitches / Site layout
GT14 has been proposed to accommodate 2 pitches, and is clearly the smallest site amongst all sites proposed. A fewer number of sites accommodating a greater number of pitches would benefit WDC in reducing opposition to the sites proposed and the cost of providing on-going services. The layout of the site is long and thin and does not provide suitable scope for turning articulated vehicles, particularly if the site had existing pitches and vehicles parked. In summary the sites layout and size is significantly restrictive for the proposed use, compared with all of other options proposed. The site currently houses two dilapidated battery hen farming buildings. A recent planning application to reuse the buildings for battery hen farming was refused. The refusal related to many reasons, however, access and the turning for articulated vehicles was included as a valid reason. The Warwick Road does not include a footpath or street lighting and would be dangerous for pedestrians to walk along.

* Access to Public Transport
Norton Lindsey is not included on a regular daily public transport route to provide access to neighbouring towns and villages for regular commutes for employment and or shop. Therefore this site would not be serviced by a public transport system which could promote a sustainable lifestyle and prevent unnecessary car journeys to work or shop. In contracts most of the other options are situated in areas which will provide a regular public transport system to facilitate a sustainable lifestyle.

* Shops & Services
Norton Lindsey does not contain a shop of any description. The public house is now closed (August 2013) and the potential reopening of this facility is uncertain, potentially it may not reopen. Most of the other options have shops within the community the sites are being proposed or are close enough to walk to the facility or public transport is available to enable sustainable travel to the shops and services.

* Employment Infrastructure
As detailed above the village of Norton Lindsey does not contain shops or services. Therefore the employment infrastructure is not available to sustain local employment. The public transport system does not provide a regular daily service and therefore cannot sustain travel to other areas for regular employment. Again most of the other sites proposed have some or significant employment infrastructure or are situated close to and have regular public transport links to employment infrastructure to provide a sustainable lifestyle.

Essential Services

* Health Service (Doctors Dentist Surgery etc.)
The Norton Lindsey site does not have any health service facilities within close walking proximity. As detailed above public transport routes do not service the village regularly and therefore could not provide a sufficient service to access these facilities regularly especially for families with young children whom need access to doctors surgeries on a daily/weekly basis. The closest facilities are situated within the larger towns of Leamington Spa, Warwick, Stratford upon Avon or larger villages of Hampton Magna and Claverdon. In excess of 65% of the other proposed sites are situated in areas providing direct access to these services or are close enough to the larger areas to gain access to these services by walking or via public transport. I.

* Education/Schools
The village of Norton Lindsey does include a small school, with an approximate intake of 15 pupils per year. The ages range from 4-11. The school is currently at full capacity. Most of the other proposed sites have access to larger schooling facilities for a wider age range and with greater numbers of placements available. Access to the school would also be along safer roads (for walking) which is certainly not afforded by the Warwick Road into Norton Lindsey, which would require journeys to be made by private vehicles.

* Services/Utilities
With reference to the previous use, GT14 will include an electricity and water supply and potentially be linked to the sewage system, however, in view of the condition of the buildings on site, the equipment and courses will be dilapidated and require upgrading. It is unlikely that the site will have a gas supply as the Hawkes Hill development situated close by was required to have gas storage tanks installed. GT20 is unlikely to have any facilities due to the sites nature and location. If separate gas tanks are required to be installed or small gas bottles delivered and refuse collected access to the site will be compromised by the two pitches and the delivery vehicles unable to turn on the site. The site would be unserviceable from these perspectives. If Warwick Road deliveries and refuse collection were proposed, dangerous implications would be experienced on Warwick Road. The road is busy and has experienced accidents recently, due to the blind corner upon which the entrance to the site is situated. Most of the other options proposed are located in areas where there are existing services on site, close to site or in areas with significant populations close by where services will be capable of being diverted and supplied.

Impact on the Environment/Landscape

* Visual/Noise Impact
The proposed site in Norton Lindsey is on the main road in Norton Lindsey. There will therefore be a detrimental visual impact on the access to the small country village. The site is also low lying with a number of dwellings sitting above the site and having a direct line of sight onto the proposed pitches. A significant noise impact will also be experienced by local residents due to the elevated position of the surrounding houses. Approximately 80% of the other options proposed are situated on larger sites which can be screened or hidden from view or are located adjacent to major roads and therefore would not impact upon the locality of the areas proposed and therefore not cause a visual intrusion.

* Conservation Areas/Greenbelt/Character of local area
The proposed site is situated in a Greenbelt very close to a conservation area, the use would spoil the character of the immediate local area and that of the village. 70% of the alternative proposed options would be more suited to this type of use and the character of those areas not affected to the degree that Norton Lindsey could potentially experience.

* Access to the Road Network
The entrance to the site is situated on a blind corner on Warwick Road. The junction to the west end of the site is dangerous with poor visibility splays and has experienced a number of accidents as recent as last year. The entrance to the site could not be relocated due to the thin nature of the site. As described above deliveries to the site and access would be impractical, for articulated vehicles and other larger vehicles. Turning into and out of the site will be hazardous due to poor visibility splays. Loading on the Warwick Road will be necessary therefore causing congestion on a blind corner and the potential for further accidents.

Inclusion within established Communities
The proposed siting of pitches at GT14 and GT20 would place undue pressure on the local infrastructure and the scarce services in existence. For the reasons expressed above and the impact this would cause on the locality, the sites GT14 and GT20 would not promote a peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and local community. The proposed sites GT14 and GT20 do not promote a sustainable lifestyle for the proposed use or the local community.

* Flood Impact
The site does not sit within a flood zone, however, the Warwick Road along this stretch of road does suffer severe pooling of water during and following prolonged and heavy rainfall. The pooling impacts upon traffic flow and movements along Warwick Road. Additional hard standing on the site to facilitate pitches would exacerbate this problem.

Cost & Inclusion as a proposed option
We understand that this site was the only option put forward by a land owner for inclusion within the list of proposed sites. The reason is clear, the land owners application to reuse the site for battery poultry farming was refused due to local opposition. It would therefore provide an unethical base to consider this site as a viable option. The site is also being marketed at a price of £550,000, which is unlikely to be deliverable either privately or by the Council.


I cannot comprehend based on the evidence above just why this site has been selected for consideration? In my opinion the facts above are irrefutable and the debate is a result of mischief making by the land owner with no real benefit identified to either the gypsy community or the local community.

I look forward to confirmation that the site is to be removed from the list of potential options.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56814

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Vanessa Macnee

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Adjacent historic landfill with potential for gas therefore unsuitable for habitation
Not sustainable in terms of multi modal accessibility - no access on foot or cycle to community facilities - only access by car adding to pressure on highways.
Unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment rendering the isolated sites totally unviable
Material negative impact on the local primary schools particularly Barford St Peters
Contrary to Rural Areas Policy
Does not locations which allow peaceful and integrated co-existence with the local community

Testun llawn:

I wish to object against the following sites for gypsies and travellers:-

* Site 6
* Site 9
* Site 12
* Site 16
* Site 20

For the following reasons:-

*Site 16 is the flood compensation area from the Barford bypass build and contains a permanent central pond and is therefore unsuitable for any development.

*Sites 12 and 16 sit within/immediately adjacent to areas identified by the Environment Agency as having a significant risk of flooding.

*Sites 12 and 16 - apparently water voles reside here and immediately adjacent to these sites. These are a legally protected species.

*Sites 12 and 16 do not offer adequate pedestrian crossing facilities for safe access to Barford village.

*Sites 6 and 9 are situated on historic landfills which though closed may still have the potential to release greenhouse gases and are therefore unsuitable for habitation.

*Site 20 is situated adjacent to historic landfills which though closed may still have the potential to release greenhouse gases and are therefore unsuitable for habitation.

*Sites 6 and 9 sit immediately adjacent to the Asps which WDC decided should remain open due to its value as a backdrop to Warwick Castle Park. The Revised Development Strategy therefore excludes the Asps and should also esclude the adjoining sites 6 and 9 for the same reason.

*Sites 6 and 9 - there have been a number of reported wild deer sighting on this land and there is a population of deer that freely roam across the Castle grounds on to these 2 sites and beyond.

*Sites 12 and 16 are accessed by vehicles from the A429 which was constructed as a bypass to Barford village. It is a 60 mph road and there have been a significant number of accidents on it since it opened, including a fatality. The additional traffic will exacerbate this issue due to the inadequate access from this major trunk road.

*Sites 6, 9, 12, 16, 20 are not sustainable in terms of multi modal accessibility. None of the sites offer the ability to access local community facilities (schools, doctors surgeries, shops for site 20) on foot or bike via pedestrian footpaths or cycle routes or by bus. The only means of access is by car which would place further pressure on the local highway network infrastructure.

*Sites 6, 9, 12, 16, 20 - development would lead to an unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment rendering the isolated sites totally unviable.

*Sites 6, 9, 12, 16, 20 - development would have a material negative impact on the local primary schools particularly Barford St Peters with it's requirement to provide 70-90 new homes during the plan period.

*Sites 6, 9, 12, 16, 20 - WDC have disregarded their own Rural Areas policy especially 1 - New Housing, 6 - New Employment, 10 - Safeguarding Rural Roads and 15 - camping and caravan sites. In all respects the sites fail to meet the policy criteria to allow any form of development.

*Sites 6, 9, 12, 16, 20 - are not locations which allow peaceful and integrated co-existence with the local community.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56927

Derbyniwyd: 09/09/2013

Ymatebydd: Anne Joynson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No public transport.
M40 noise.
Difficulty of provision of facilities.
Destruction of landscape and character.
Green belt.

Testun llawn:




Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56933

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Chase Meadow Residents Association

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Local infrastructure is unable to support, especially the local schools, doctors, surrounding roads and social facilities.
Discord demonstrates would not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Adverse impact on view of Warwick and on tourism, Racecourse and local businesses.
Road network takes huge numbers of vehicles - impact on travellers living conditions.

Testun llawn:

I wish to object in the strongest of terms to both the Revised Development Strategy and the siting of Gypsies and Travellers Sites in close proximity to Chase Meadow Housing Estate. I particularly want to object to the locating of Gypsies & Travellers Sites in particular:

* GT 11(Hampton Road)
* GT 17 (Southbound A46)
* GT 18 (Northbound A46)
* GT 20 (M40 Junc 15)

I strongly object to the proposed Options fro Travellers sites as those outlined above are in direct conflict with the 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' as the local infrastructure is simply not able to support one or more of these sites, especially the local schools, doctors, surrounding roads and social facilities. This I know has been supported by letters from both Aylesford and Newburgh Schools.

As recognised within the 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' it should promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community: the current discord the issue has created shows that this requirement would not be met and is in direct conflict with this requirement.

Warwick is the most historical town in Warwickshire and once again, the siting of Gypsies and Travellers Sites as you enter Warwick is in direct conflict with the 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' as these sites would have a dramatic and adverse impact on how the town is viewed and will negatively impact Tourism to the local area, particularly the Racecourse, and many local businesses who heavily rely on it for trade. I am also aware that the sites are located close to major interchanges and major arterial roads that already take huge numbers of vehicles. The councils own sustainability audit questions these sites for this reason and the living conditions this will place on the Travellers and their families.

We have witnessed a worsening situation over recent years with flooding, a situation which shows no sign of changing in future years and the site on the Hampton Road (GT11) site sits in part within the Flood plain. There is also particular concern of extremely close proximity of the sites to Green Belt land. Any further hard standing within the area is likely to exacerbate the current issues with the flood plain.

I hope you look at these views in the round and reject the proposed locations above as they are not suitable and in direct conflict with Planning Policy for Traveller Sites.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56972

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Mary Allanson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Green belt already suffered from M40, by pass and roundabouts.
Not close to GP, school or public transport. Nearest facilities would be put under pressure.
B4463 at capacity with heavy, fast traffic and would be unsafe for access/egress and floods.
No utilities.
Impact on natural environment.

Testun llawn:

see attached


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 56987

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Geoff & Judy Cooper

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Too close to busy main road/motorway; too noisy for occupants and distraction to drivers.

Testun llawn:

Dear Sirs

We wish to object to a number of proposed sites as follows:

GT05, GT06. GT09, GT10 and GT20 - all these sites are too close to either busy main roads/motorways. There would be too much noise for travellers and the sites could cause a distraction to drivers on these nearby roads resulting in accidents.

GT09 and GT10 - safe entry and exit from these sites would not be possible and would be hazardous.

GT05 and GT10 - these sites are in close proximity to Oakley Wood and the Crematorium. Oakley Wood is a public amenity and is currently undergoing major regeneration as outlined in the Woodland Management Plan put in place by Warwick District Council. The Crematorium is a space for reflection and remembrance. Any increased activity from a nearby travellers site could be harmful to the current balance and harmony of the Wood and would almost certainly result in a reduction in numbers using the Crematorium and also the Wood.

GT10 - The Guide Dogs for the Blind breeding centre is a world renowned facility providing an extremely important service. Any disturbance would be counter-productive to the high standard of service provided by the breeding centre.

We are at a loss to understand why new sites, affecting the landscape, need to be found. There are existing caravan sites at Fields Farm Harbury, The Croft Hasely Knob, Heathcote Lakes, Oaklands Farm Budbrooke, Pitts Farm Shrewley and Warwick Racecourse - surely it would be possible to extend and/or convert these to travellers sites.

An area not being considered but which we feel would be suitable is land leading from Europa Way enclosed on 2 sides by Harbury Lane and Heathcote Lane adjacent to Heathcote Industrial Estate. This land is already a popular location and well used with the travelling community.

We wish our comments to be submitted to the public consultation process currently being held.


Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

ID sylw: 57018

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013

Ymatebydd: Richard Taylor-Watts

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Fails to meet criteria.
Access to surgery and school only possible by car; increasing traffic and congestion.
Access from already busy road networks present unacceptable risk without considerable investment in new road infrastructure.
Material detrimental impact on vista and landscape views
Fail to promote peaceful and integrated co-existence; strong local objection.
Site adjacent to previous landfill requires additional validation.
Unacceptable loss of farmland and rural employment.
Site not available.

Testun llawn:

see attached
