Radford Semele
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 52521
Derbyniwyd: 26/06/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Stan Sabin
It is difficult to do anything else but object in a broad manner, as there are no specific sites upon which one can comment.
The minimum of 100 houses is likely to produce somewhere in the region of 200 cars. The roads are congested already and 200+ cars attempting to access the A425, is unacceptable. Para. 4.4, RDS5 is an outline planning application seeking permission from interested parties. That being the case, and in the true interests of democracy, I place my objection on record.
Paragraph 4.4 Housing Allocations
It is noted that since the June/July 2012 Consultation, the housing allocations in the Category 1 villages have risen from 500 to 600. Radford Semele along with the other 6 villages has had it's allocation increased from 100, to 100-150. The Cat.1 villages have identical allocations and should the maximum be pursued then the total would be 750. This figure would be 150 in excess of the 600 as stated in Paragaph 4.4.
It is difficult to do anything else but object in a broad manner, as there are no specific sites, numbers etc. upon which one can comment.
The village infrastructure would find it difficult to cope with such an amount of development and still retain it's village identity. Minimal school places available, flooding in certain areas, foul drains unable to cope, traffic congestion, lack of parking. In this day and age, the minimum of 100 houses is likely to produce somewhere in the region of 200 cars. The local roads are congested already and the possibility of 200+ cars attempting to access the A425, Southam Road, at peak times is, quite honestly, incomprehensible. Para. 4.4, RDS5 is in reality an outline planning application seeking permission from interested parties. That being the case, and in the true interests of democracy, I place my objection on record.
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 54608
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr John Latto
Requests additional details regarding proposed sites to accommodate between 100-150 dwellings in Radford Semele, as would like to carry out own assessment against Council's criteria under section 4.4.3 of the above Strategy Document.
Particularly concerned at the density and aesthetic of any new development, as this is often where there is a conflict between design guidance and developers maximising their margins.
In addition, does not believe the current infrastructure (schools, health provision and utilities) to be sufficient to cater for such scale of population increase, without significant investment.
thank you very much for your advice and clarification.
I have particular concern at the density and aesthetic of any development, as this is often where there is a conflict between design guidance and developers maximising their margins.
In addition, I do not believe the current infrastructure (schools, health provision and utilities) to be sufficient to cater for such scale of population increase, without significant investment.
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 54650
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lesley Carter
Objects to the housing allocation for Radford Semele on the basis that the sites shown in the accompanying documentation appear to extend the village envelope.
A number of sites potentially involve access via School Lane where the road itself, and in particular the junction with the main Southam Road, is not suitable to service further development. There are also restrictions on the other infrastructure notably the sewerage system.
A number of the options involve building on the important green and recreational space between Radford Semele and Whitnash/Leamington Spa which will be particularly important in view of the proposed developments at Whitnash. Other options involve extension into the countryside to the east of Radford Semele
I wish to object to the housing allocation for Radford Semele on the basis that the sites shown in the accompanying documentation appear to extend the village envelope. A number of them potentially involve access via School Lane where the road itself, and in particular the junction with the main Southam Road, is not suitable to service further development. There are also restrictions on the other infrastructure notably the sewerage system.
A number of the options involve building on the important green and recreational space between Radford Semele and Whitnash/Leamington Spa which will be particularly important in view of the proposed developments at Whitnash. Other options involve extension into the countryside to the east of Radford Semele
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 55425
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
Asiant : Stansgate Planning
Support the identification of Radford Semele as one of the five Primary Service Villages as:
-Radford Semele is one of the largest villages in the District with a population of nearly 2000, and just over 800 dwellings.
-It lies close to Leamington Spa but is physically separate from it, having its own identity and its own community.
-As a settlement it is largely self sufficient for day to day things, having a Post Office, local shop, newsagent, hairdresser, primary school and nursery.
-There are some employment opportunities within the village, but also good public transport links to both Leamington Spa and Southam where a wider range of employment is available, together with further shopping facilities.
-There is a good variety of social activities available within the village which encourages community spirit and limits the need or desire to travel elsewhere for entertainment (i.e. White Lion Public House, Recreation Ground, Church).
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 60195
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
Land to the north of Southam Road, Radford Semele represents the best opportunity to provide further housing growth in the village.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 60196
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
support the identification of Radford Semele as sustainable location for further development.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 60201
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
Supports the identification of Radford Semele as one of the five Primary Service Villages.
The Draft Settlement Hierarchy Report 2013 provides an accurate assessment of the village, and clearly takes into account the importance of various local services and facilities, and the distance people will travel to them by means of transport other than the private car.
Therefore support the approach taken and the conclusions drawn within it, particularly in relation to the designation of Radford Semele as a Primary Service Village.
New housing for Radford Semele
The thrust of the emerging Local Plan recognises national planning guidance that housing should be directed towards the most sustainable settlements, to ensure that sufficient housing is available to meet a growing population and a fall in household size.
Radford Semele, as one of the most sustainable villages, to accommodate additional development in the coming years.
Support the proposed allocation of between 100 and 150 dwellings to the settlement before 2029.
In making this comment note particularly that Radford Semele is not washed over by the Green Belt meaning it is less constrained than many other villages, including the most sustainable ones, within the District.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 60202
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
Land off Southam Road, Radford Semele
Drawing No. 5277/SK001B (submitted) identifies land to the north of Southam Road, Radford Semele which is suitable and available to provide a 5.9ha of residential development (upto 150 dwellings) in the immediate future.
The site is the most appropriately located to meet the housing needs of the village, in accordance with Policy RDS5, noting particularly that it has been excluded from the Area of Restraint because it is a suitable direction for the growth of the village.
It has no constraints (full description of development issues is set out in representation), and is available and can be developed at any time during the Plan period
The land north of Southam Road, Radford Semele should be allocated for 150 houses in the emerging Local Plan to meet the needs of Policy RDS5. If the housing numbers for the District increase then consideration should be given to allocating the site for a greater number of dwellings.
Previous Independent Considerations
The site has been promoted for housing and open space in the past. The Inspector's Report dated November 1994 includes specific reference to the site. The Inspector found there was no need for additional housing at that time and the principal issue was whether the land should be omitted from the Area of Restraint to allow for the possibility of future growth of the village.
He recommended removing the site from Area of Restraint and this was accepted by the District Council such that the current Local Plan shows the land with no designation.
Unfortunately the site was not promoted for consideration in the 2012 SHLAA so there is no recent assessment. A SHLAA type submission was made at the end of 2012 but no feedback has been received
Other Sites around Radford Semele
Although this site was not promoted, the Inspectors Report of 2006 reporting on objections to the current Local Plan refers to other sites around Radford Semele, none of which were supported.
Other locations promoted around the settlement have highlighted constraints.
The latest SHLAA has suggested there are small parts of various sites around the periphery of the village which could accommodate development, but none could provide the level of housing sought by the emerging Local Plan without harm to the character and appearance of the village.
The periphery sites also do not benefit from the same level of connectivity as the land to the north of Southam Road, which is centrally located.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 60410
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Radford Semele Parish Council
Objects to the allocation of 100-150 homes to Radford Semele for the following reasons:
-it takes no account of local needs, the effect on the community or on landscapes.;
- there is no substance to the reason for the village hiearchy;
- the existing road structure in the village will be unable to cope and will require new accesses onto already busy roads;
- there is already a good range and choice of housing;
- the village has no medical facilities, health clubs, leisure facilities or employment and parking and bus services are limited;
- 100 new houses would tip the balance of Radford Semele from being a village to a dormitory suburb
If the Plan does propose new housing in the village, the Parish Council would prefer this to be a reduced number of homes and for them to be located to the east of the village so as to avoid further reducing the gap between Leamington and Radford Semele.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 63385
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: A.C. Lloyd Homes Ltd
Asiant : Delta Planning
AC Lloyd support the allocation of 100-150 dwellings within Radford Semele.
A.C.Lloyd Homes Ltd wish to support the allocation of 100- 150 dwellings within the Primary Service Villages of Bishop's Tachbrook and Radford Semele.
Paragraph 4.4.3 of the supporting text to this policy sets out a number of criteria for new housing within the Primary Service Villages. This includes the need to be located within the village envelope. The previous Preferred Options Local Plan recognised that there is a limited supply of land within the built up area of towns which necessitates the allocation of land outside the built up area on undeveloped land. The current Revised Development Strategy should recognise that there is a limited supply of sites within the current village envelopes and it should identify the need to build on undeveloped land adjacent to the built up area of villages. This will necessitate the altering of the current village envelopes to ensure that new sites can come forward to assist in meeting the District's housing needs.
With regard to Bishop's Tachbrook, Land to the West of Bishop's Tachbrook identified as site R22 within the SHLAA is an appropriate site for additional residential development to assist in meeting this identified Development Plan requirement for the village. The site comprises 2.39 hectares of land and adjoins the north western boundary of the village. The site is located north of Mallory Road and lies to the rear of existing properties along Seven Acre Close, St Chads Road and Rye Close.
The site is not located within either the open Green Belt or the Area of Restraint and it does not lie within the identified floodplain. It immediately adjoins the existing built up part of Bishop's Tachbrook and is in a sustainable location. The local facilities within the village are within a reasonable walking distance (within 2 km) of the site. These facilities include Bishop's Tachbrook Church of England Primary School which is 450m from the site, the Post Office which is 740m from the site, the Church on Mallory Road and the Public House off Oakley Wood Road
The majority of Leamington Spa is within easy cycling distance (5 km) of the site. Facilities in this locality include the local centre within the Warwick Gates development, the southern employment areas, Whitnash, the town centre and the rail station.
The closest bus stops to the site are located on Mallory Road, just to the east of Seven Acre Close only a short walking distance from the site. Routes X15, 77 and 67B serve these stops. They offer services between Stratford and Coventry hourly between Monday and Saturday; Leamington and Kineton between 7-9 trips per day in each direction between Monday and Saturday; and Leamington and Cubbington 2 hourly on Sundays.
In terms of access to the site, this would be from Seven Acre Close. The speed limit of Mallory Road changes from 60mph to 30mph with the presence of a gateway feature into the village. Visibility splays in a westerly direction can be achieved in accordance with the east bound vehicle speeds.
To summarise the site is in a sustainable location, adjacent to the built up area of the village of Bishop's Tachbrook. Access to the site is deliverable within either the existing highway or land controlled by A.C.Lloyd. Future residents of the site would have the opportunity to access every day facilities and key destinations by a choice of transport modes. The site is available and achievable and offers a sustainable solution to assist in meeting the housing requirement for Bishop's Tachbrook.
In respect of Radford Semele, Land South of Radford Semele identified as site R21 within the SHLAA is an appropriate site for additional residential development to assist in meeting this identified Development Plan requirement for the village. The site comprises 2.59 hectares of land and is located on the western edge of the village. The site is bound to the north by residential development with open countryside to the west and south west. Spring Lane marks the eastern boundary of the site which also forms its primary access point. Development of this site for housing purposes, would form an natural extension to the village and would effectively round-off the built form on the western side of the village. The site is not in Green Belt but is identified within an Area of Restraint (AoR) as identified on the Proposals Map of the Adopted Local Plan.
The site formed part of a larger site promoted during the previous Local Plan Inquiry. Whilst the site was not required for development at that time, the Council acknowledged that the development of this site would not erode the gap between Radford Semele and Leamington Spa by virtue of the fact that the site does not extend the urban edge of Radford Semele any closer to Leamington Spa. As such it is considered that the AoR, in the context of this site, does not represent a constraint to development.
The site would be accessed via an extension of Spring Lane/School Lane into the site at the existing turning head. This would accommodate the needs of pedestrians and cyclists as well as vehicular traffic. School Lane forms a priority junction with Southam Road to the north of the site, which provides connections to the remainder of the local highway network.
The local facilities within Radford Semele are all within close walking distance from the site. These include the Sunbeam Pre-School and Radford Semele Church of England Primary School, playing fields adjacent to the site, the Post Office opposite the Lewis Road / Lay Gardens junction, the church and a Public House. Some of the eastern parts of Sydenham are also within a reasonable walking distance of the site.
The majority of Leamington Spa is within easy cycling distance of 5 km from the site. Facilities in this locality include the town centre, rail station and Whitnash.
The closest bus stops to the site are located on School Lane and Southam Road only a short walking distance from the site. Route 63 operates between Rugby and Leamington. Route 64 provides services between Long Itchington and Leamington via Bishops Itchington. These routes combine to provide a half hourly service Monday to Saturday with Route 63 running four times on a Sunday. The Flexibus 498 runs between Radford Semele and Banbury providing one service each way on Thursdays. There is therefore a frequent nearby bus connection to a number of destinations, including Leamington Spa, Rugby and Long Itchington.
To summarise, the site is in a sustainable location, adjacent to the built up area of the village of Radford Semele. Access to the site is deliverable within either the existing highway or land controlled by A.C.Lloyd. Future residents of the site would have the opportunity to access every day facilities and key destinations by a choice of transport modes. The site is available and achievable and offers a sustainable solution to assist in meeting the housing requirement for Radford Semele.
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 63515
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
Asiant : Stansgate Planning
The Draft Settlement Hierarchy Report 2013 reflects Radford Semele's services, facilities and public transport links and provides an accurate assessment of the village. The assessment clearly takes into account the importance of various local services and facilities, and the distance people will travel to them by means of transport other than the private car. We therefore support the approach taken and the conclusions drawn within it, particularly in relation to the designation of Radford Semele as a Primary Service Village.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 63516
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
Asiant : Stansgate Planning
-The thrust of the emerging Local Plan recognises that National planning guidance identifies that housing should be directed towards the most sustainable
settlements, to ensure that sufficient housing is available to meet a growing population and a fall in household size. It also acknowledges that all settlements should be able to meet their own needs, and provide support for
existing services and facilities.
-Support the proposed allocation of between 100 and 150 dwellings to the settlement before 2029. Radford Semele is one of the most sustainable villages to accommodate additional development in the coming years.
-Radford Semele is not washed over by the Green Belt meaning it is less constrained than many other villages, including the most sustainable ones, within the District. This makes it all the more suitable for accommodating up to 150 dwellings during the Plan period.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 63517
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments
Asiant : Stansgate Planning
-Drawing No. 5277/SK001B identifies land to the north of Southam Road, Radford Semele which is suitable and available to provide a 5.9ha of residential development in the immediate future. The site is the most appropriately located to meet the housing needs of the village, in accordance with Policy RDS5, noting particularly that it has been excluded from the Area of Restraint because it is a suitable direction for the growth of the village. The land north of Southam Road, Radford Semele should be allocated for 150 houses in the emerging Local Plan to meet the needs of Policy RDS5. If the housing numbers for the District increase then consideration should be given to allocating the site for a greater number of dwellings.
-The two parcels of land lie to the north of the A435 Southam Road, within the village envelope, and amounts to approximately 8.35 hectares (Parcel 1 = 7 hectares and Parcel 2 = 1.35 hectares).
-There are existing agricultural accesses into both parcels of land from Church Lane.
-There are bus stops along both sides of Southam Road providing half hourly links to Leamington Spa and Southam.
-There is a pelican crossing across the Southam Road just to the east of its junction with Church Lane. Early master planning work has indicated that around 5.9ha of land is available for residential development, with the remaining land enabling a generous provision of formal and informal open space.
-At a density of around 25 dwellings to the hectare the site can accommodate approximately 150 dwellings.
-If ultimately the housing requirement for the District and for the settlement increase the site could satisfactorily accommodate a higher number of dwellings without any adverse impacts.
-The Planning Inspector (1994) recommended removing the site from Area of Restraint and this was accepted by the District Council such that the current Local Plan shows the land with no designation. The site was not promoted for consideration in the 2012 SHLAA so there is no recent assessment. A SHLAA type submission was made at the end of 2012.
see attached