Leek Wootton
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65649
Derbyniwyd: 23/06/2014
Ymatebydd: The Club Company UK Ltd
Asiant : Hancock Town Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The Plan under allocates housing to Leek Wootton which is a sustainable location. Does not consider that the methodology on which the proposed residential allocations at Leek Wootton are based is sufficiently detailed and site specific to be considered as proportionate and robust.
The number of dwellings allocated to the rural areas have reduced since the Revised Development Strategy therefore the strategy is overwhelmingly urban focused and takes insufficient account of rural housing needs. There is no robust reason for a lower level of housing provision in Leek Wootton compared with similar villages. It appears to be based on the conclusions of the Landscape Study. In relation to land at The Warwickshire the December 2013 report indicated that small scale development in the vicinity of the entrance of the club may be acceptable. This reference was removed without explanation from the April 2014 update. Consideration of potential development is far too broad brush to assess the site specific landscape impact of small scale development. The conclusion that the whole site is of high landscape value has fed into other reports. The SA only considers the larger parcel of land previously put forward in the SHLAA. The Council has therefore not provided any written evidence that it has considered in proportionate detail the reasonable alternatives to the proposed strategy. It has not analysed what is considered to be the advantages of developing a small part of LW07: access to the site is easy and safe via the internal club drive,
15 dwellings could be set back to ensure The Warwickshire's undeveloped frontage is retained, could be accomodated on the lowest lying part of the site, selective tree planting could enhance the landscape, land is well related to the A46, frontage already benefits from street lighting , bus services pass directly outside the site, is well related to the village school. In contrast the proposed allocations highway improvements, visibility at the Warwick road junction is poor requiring the need for improved safety. Concerns are exacerbated by the uncertainty over the future of the Police HQ. Does express strong support for the development of the proposed housing site H37 Car Park East of The Hayes.
See attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 65653
Derbyniwyd: 23/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Leek Wootton & Guy's Cliffe Parish Council
The reduction in the number of proposed dwellings to 45 from 85 in the 2013 consultation document represents a more realistic expansion of the existing housing stock. The proposed village inset boundary as drawn represents minimial incursion into the Green Belt. The Parish Council is aware of various proposals to include further Green Belt land around Leek Wootton for prospective new housing, but feels that these must be firmly resisted in order to preserve the integrity and separation of the village. The boundary for Hill Wootton is agreed and it is welcomed that the hamlet will continue to be washed over by the Green Belt. Continues to be concerned about the potential future development of the Warwickshire Police Headquarters buildings. This would add significantly the number of new dwellings proposed for the village impacting on infrastructure.
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 66143
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Bloor Homes Midlands
Asiant : Marrons Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
The majority of the land allocated for development in Leek Wootton is predominantly to the west of the village in the historic half of the settlement as opposed to land of no historic value elsewhere in the village. Three of the four sites (H34, 35 and 36) form part of the historic area within the setting of the conservation area and Woodcote Grade II listed building and locally listed park and garden. The landscape sensitivity study confirms the sites are constrained by the Conservation Areaand that there are visual and functional links between the sites and the heritage assets. The village sites appraisal matrix casts doubts on whether these are suitable and deliverable. According to paragraph 129 of the NPPF the Council should provide evidence that it has identified the significance of the asset which may be affected by a proposal. This has not been undertaken as part of the evidence base, the available evidence is inconclusive. The Local Plan has therefore failed to demonstrate that the proposed allocations are justified in being the most appropriate strategy for Leek Wootton when considered the other reasonable alternatives (Land north of Hill Wootton Road), are effective in being deliverable in that the proposed number of dwellings can be accomodated without causing harm to the heritage assets and their setting, is sustainable development and consistent with national policy. Evidence base does support the residential allocation of land north of Hill Wootton Road - the landscape study confirms the land is free from environmental constraints and designations of of least environmental value compared with other options around the village. It also concludes development could be possible if the noise impact from the A46 could be reduced. Despite this the Council has concluded that the Hill Wootton Road site acts as an environmental buffer between the A46 and the village and an attractive landscape break before entering the village. This approach has not been applied to other sites adjacent to the A46. The Council also raises concern with regard to the width of the site however this is the same as the allocated sites. The Council should review its evidence base and reconsider allocating the Hill Wootton Road site.
see attached
Publication Draft
ID sylw: 67219
Derbyniwyd: 27/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Bloor Homes Midlands
Asiant : Marrons Planning
Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi
Cadarn? Nac Ydi
Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi
Interest in land adjoining Leek Wootton between village boundary to east and A46. Land is not currently allocated in DS11.
Historic settlement predominantly to west of village with listed buildings locally designated historic parkland and protected trees; the area being a Conservation Area. This half of the village has greater environmental value than more recently developed area. Surprising therefore that the new housing proposed in historic area.
DS11 allocated four sites three of which form part of historic area. Sites fall within setting of Grade II LB, the setting of the Conservation Area and locally listed park and garden.
The Landscape Sensitivity and Ecological & Geological Study confirms sites are constrained by Woodcote and Conservation Area, and that there are visual/functional links between sites and heritage assets. The sites would not be suitable for commercial development due to proximity to the Conservation Area and listed building. It is recognised that a commercial use of a building may be different from a residential use in terms of the nature of its use, however, the development itself will have a very similar physical impact on the heritage assets/setting in terms of changing the character/appearance of land, and the loss of important views.
The Village Sites Appraisal Matrix casts doubt as to whether these sites are suitable/deliverable, with references to the sites being 'potentially suitable', and 'achievable, subject to overcoming landscape heritage issues'. Evidence base does not support allocation of these sites for new housing. Moreover, having regard to paragraph 129 of the Framework, the Council are required to specifically identify and assess the particular significance of the asset that may be affected by a proposal (including by development affecting the setting of a heritage asset) taking account of the available evidence and any necessary expertise. They should take this assessment into account when considering the impact of a proposal on a heritage asset, to avoid/minimise conflict between the heritage asset's conservation and the proposal.
No such assessment has been published by the Council or therefore taken into account. The available evidence base is inconclusive and there is a lack of an adequate evidence base to justify the allocation. The draft Local Plan has failed to demonstrate that H34, H35 and H36 are justified as most appropriate strategy for Leek Wootton, when considered against alternatives outside the historic environment which is effective in being deliverable without causing harm to the heritage assets and their setting; and, sustainable, consistent with NPPF.
The Council's evidence base does support the residential allocation of land north of Hill Wootton Road to which Bloor Homes have an interest, and which is shown on the attached plan.
The Landscape Sensitivity and Ecological & Geological Study confirms the land is free from environmental constraints/designations, and identified of least environmental value compared to other options around the village. Concludes the site would be suitable for residential development, providing noise impact from adjacent A46 could be reduced. Evidence has been provided to the Council demonstrating that suitable mitigation could be incorporated into any detailed design to achieve satisfactory noise environment, and this evidence has not been challenged. Evidence has been provided to the Council to demonstrate development would be 'deliverable' as defined by the Framework.
Council has concluded within the Village Sites Appraisal Matrix that the site acts as an environmental buffer between the A46 and the village, and an attractive landscape break before entering the village. This is not a formal landscape or environmental designation referred to within the evidence base, and is a designation which is not applied by the Council to other settlements alongside the A46. Concern is also raised as to the width of the site, although it will be noted the site is the same width as other proposed allocations within the village and District.
see attached