1: Introduction
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 4
Derbyniwyd: 29/09/2008
Ymatebydd: Royal Leamington Spa Town Council
The Town Council endorse the document as a means of encouraging more sustainable construction and design in new developments.
The Council welcomes the document which provides useful guidance to both developers and the general public and hopes that following its adoption it will be widely distributed.
The Town Council endorse the document as a means of encouraging more sustainable construction and design in new developments.
The Council welcomes the document which provides useful guidance to both developers and the general public and hopes that following its adoption it will be widely distributed.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 5
Derbyniwyd: 02/10/2008
Ymatebydd: BLAST (Bringing Leamington Allotment Societies Together)
BLAST represents 350 allotment members in North Leamington. Future plans should make provision for local people to grow and enjoy healthy food by protecting existing allotments and the provision of more allotments. These spaces are a facility for people to socialise, exercise and grow food as well as a home to a broad biodiversity.
BLAST represents 350 allotment members in North Leamington. Future plans should make provision for local people to grow and enjoy healthy food by protecting existing allotments and the provision of more allotments. These spaces are a facility for people to socialise, exercise and grow food as well as a home to a broad biodiversity.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 7
Derbyniwyd: 18/09/2008
Ymatebydd: Highways England
No comments
No comments
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 11
Derbyniwyd: 06/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Coventry City Council
Good Practice guide detailing local innovation
The SPD could include:
More information on technologies and their relative suitability (e.g. through flowcharts outlining guidelines for site location of different technologies).
A list of useful contacts within the Council for advice and guidance in relation to sustainable buildings.
Structured step by step template sheet for developers to fill in and submit with their application, illustrating how the development meets the requirements set out in policy and the energy statement checklist.
Page 5 could mention the Nottingham Declaration, the Planning for a Sustainable Future White Paper and how the SPD compliments the Sustainable Communities Strategy.
Good Practice guide detailing local innovation
Sustainable Building Indicators to be monitored in the AMR.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 12
Derbyniwyd: 06/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Coventry City Council
The SPD could include a sentence to state that
Sustainable Building Indicators will be monitored in the AMR.
The SPD could include:
More information on technologies and their relative suitability (e.g. through flowcharts outlining guidelines for site location of different technologies).
A list of useful contacts within the Council for advice and guidance in relation to sustainable buildings.
Structured step by step template sheet for developers to fill in and submit with their application, illustrating how the development meets the requirements set out in policy and the energy statement checklist.
Page 5 could mention the Nottingham Declaration, the Planning for a Sustainable Future White Paper and how the SPD compliments the Sustainable Communities Strategy.
Good Practice guide detailing local innovation
Sustainable Building Indicators to be monitored in the AMR.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 16
Derbyniwyd: 07/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Friends of the Earth
In order to encourage cycling new developments should include safe cycle storage areas (for example in overlooked courtyards) to reduce bicycle theft.
Areas of maximum wind tend to be open spaces and wind turbines will be visible. The presumption should be that they are allowed in most places provided they will work efficiently. Warwick District Council recently approved the installation of photovoltaic panels on a conspicuous gable end wall of a Victorian House in a conservation area. Representatives of all the political parties decided that fighting climate change was more important than preserving architectural niceties.
10% rule - In the context of peak oil and climate change we need to maximise the efficiency of every new building as far as is reasonably possible. The 10% rule should be regarded as an absolute minimum. Most new buildings could have solar thermal and PV panels. All buildings should be passivehauses.
Water Conservation - Water Conservation should not just be encouraged but should become the norm.
In order to encourage cycling new developments should include safe cycle storage areas (for example in overlooked courtyards) to reduce bicycle theft.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 21
Derbyniwyd: 07/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Cubbington Parish Council
Prior to this consultation Cubbington Parish Council wanted their new community pavilion to meet the criteria of the SPD. A timber log construction with insulation properties higher than the current standard was chosen.
Prior to this consultation Cubbington Parish Council wanted their new community pavilion to meet the criteria of the SPD. A timber log construction with insulation properties higher than the current standard was chosen.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 22
Derbyniwyd: 01/09/2008
Ymatebydd: Warwickshire Rural Community Council
Congratulates the Council on its clear guidance and was pleased to see the regulations apply to extensions as well as new build and to non-residential and residential development.
Liked the use of examples and advice on how to acheive energy efficiency.
Congratulates the Council on its clear guidance and was pleased to see the regulations apply to extensions as well as new build and to non-residential and residential development.
Liked the use of examples and advice on how to acheive energy efficiency.
It is a bit draconian to expect 10% in all circumstances given that a really well built home may only need a very small input of energy. In general agree with demanding more energy efficiency.
Uttlesford requires that extensions should not add to the energy needs of a building.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 24
Derbyniwyd: 01/09/2008
Ymatebydd: Warwickshire Rural Community Council
Uttlesford requires that extensions should not add to the energy needs of a building.
Congratulates the Council on its clear guidance and was pleased to see the regulations apply to extensions as well as new build and to non-residential and residential development.
Liked the use of examples and advice on how to acheive energy efficiency.
It is a bit draconian to expect 10% in all circumstances given that a really well built home may only need a very small input of energy. In general agree with demanding more energy efficiency.
Uttlesford requires that extensions should not add to the energy needs of a building.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 25
Derbyniwyd: 28/08/2008
Ymatebydd: Cllr Elizabeth Higgins
I deplore the decision regarding St Margarets House, Whitnash where double glazing was refused. This should have been passed on the grounds of energy conservation.
I deplore the decision regarding St Margarets House, Whitnash where double glazing was refused. This should have been passed on the grounds of energy conservation.
If the 10% requirement had been in place when Chase Meadow was planned solar panels could have been built in from the inception. Surely at least 25% of energy could have been produced locally.
In Canada municipal buildings are heated and lit by the people inside, when will this technology be commonplace in buildings here?
Applauds the decision to use permeable paving on all drives.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 29
Derbyniwyd: 05/09/2008
Ymatebydd: E-on
Do not wish to influence strategy
Do not wish to influence strategy
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 30
Derbyniwyd: 08/09/2008
Ymatebydd: Mr Derek Turpin
No comment
No comment
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 58
Derbyniwyd: 10/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Coal Pension Properties Ltd
Asiant : Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners
Supports sustainable development and construction techniques as an important principle for the district and recognises the significance and wider implications of a commitment to reducing climate change through the planning system.
Supports sustainable development and construction techniques as an important principle for the district and recognises the significance and wider implications of a commitment to reducing climate change through the planning system.
Objects that the SPD will be applied to all development irrespective of the scale of development. This approach differs from emerging policy SR3 in the RSS (Preferred Options) which only requires 10% for developments of 10 dwellings or 1000 sqm and Policy DP13 which only requires 10% in appropriate residential and non residential developments. To accord with RSS and Local Plan policy paragraphs 1.4 and 4.2 should be amended to clarify that the SPD only applies to significant developments.
The submission of an Energy Statement should not be necessary for all planning applications and the format of each statement may vary as not all categories in paragraph 3.2 will be attainable. A uniform approach should not be adopted as the submission and format of the statement should be dependant on the scale and nature of the proposal.
Welcomes the use of preapplication discussions to help ensure certainty for the developer as well as the Council.
Welcome the recognition that meeting the 10% requirement may not be appropriate for all developments and supports that the SPD recognises the difficulties faced on constrained town centre locations.
Support the inclusion of para 4.6 which identifies the importance of maintaining financial viability and not undermining the the delivery of development.
Support the inclusion of para 4.4 which identifies the potential conflict between the provision of renewable technology and the preservation of the historic environment.
Supports the recognition that the installation of renewables can detract from the historic integrity of the building but appreciates that with careful consideration some installations may be appropriate with the historic environment.
Renewables toolkit should be attached as an appendix and consulted on separately prior to the adoption of the SPD.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 71
Derbyniwyd: 08/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Natural England
Recommends that an additional section is included on opportunities to promote biodiversity through buildings such as the inclusion of swift bricks, house sparrow and starling nest boxes and features to attract bats. These recommendations are supported by PPS9.
The SPD is an opportunity to provide guidance on how sustainable construction can help deliver Policy DAP3 Protecting Nature Conservation, Geology and Geomorphology. This could be acheived by including information in Section 6 on green infrastructure such as formal and informal green spaces around buildings which can fulfil many functions. These include opportunities for climate change adaptation through the provision of corridors for wildlife movement, cooling through tree shade and opportunities for recreation and leisure.
Recommends that British Standard 5837 Trees in Relation to Construction Recommendations (2005) are referred to.
Support Section 8 and suggest that the text is expanded to require that opportunities should be sought to integrate biodiversity benefits (delivery of wetland habitat) into SUDs schemes wherever possible.
Recommends that an additional section is included on opportunities to promote biodiversity through buildings such as the inclusion of swift bricks, house sparrow and starling nest boxes and features to attract bats. These recommendations are supported by PPS9.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 72
Derbyniwyd: 10/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Warwick Castle
Asiant : Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners
Supports sustainable development and construction techniques as an important principle for the district and recognises the significance and wider implications of a commitment to reducing climate change through the planning system.
Supports sustainable development and construction techniques as an important principle for the district and recognises the significance and wider implications of a commitment to reducing climate change through the planning system.
The submission of an Energy Statement should not be necessary for all planning applications and the format of each statement may vary as not all categories in paragraph 3.2 will be attainable. A uniform approach should not be adopted as the submission and format of the statement should be dependant on the scale and nature of the proposal.
Welcome the recognition that meeting the 10% requirement may not be appropriate for all developments.
Support the inclusion of para 4.4 which identifies the potential conflict between the provision of renewable technology and the preservation of the historic environment.
Supports the recognition that the installation of renewables can detract from the historic integrity of the building but appreciates that with careful consideration some installations may be appropriate with the historic environment
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 80
Derbyniwyd: 09/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
No comments
No comments
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 81
Derbyniwyd: 14/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Warwickshire County Council [Environment and Economy]
We are pleased to see that there is now proposed further guidance beyond the Local Plan policy which the County Council will be able to use in its own applications for the Warwick Area.
We are pleased to see that there is now proposed further guidance beyond the Local Plan policy which the County Council will be able to use in its own applications for the Warwick Area.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 82
Derbyniwyd: 14/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Cllr Ann Blacklock
Generally we welcome the document which clarifies how the Council will apply national targets and the requirements outlined in the Local Plan.
Generally we welcome the document which clarifies how the Council will apply national targets and the requirements outlined in the Local Plan.
The 10% requirement now seems very modest and unchallenging. We would like WDC to raise this to 20% or higher. Failing that it should be made explicit throughout the document that the 10% is a minimum requirement.
It is difficult to ascertain when certain targets are to be met. For example the SPD encourages all new housing to meet level three of the Code for Sustainable Homes. However if new housing is to meet zero carbon by 2016 then new development starting 2009/10 should be designed to level 4, 5 or ideally 6.
The section on sustainable water management should be more mandatory and less advisory. For example in para 8.9 if SUDs are not used this will result in the application being refused.
Planning Committee members will need guidance on how much weight to give to the provisions of the SPD and whether an application could be refused solely on the grounds of non compliance with sustainability requirements.
Some Councils have a policy of designing for health which encourages developers to provide gardens, adequate space for drying washing etc. If it is not possible to give each dwelling a garden WDC should insist on some communal open space. In developments of 20 or more dwellings there must be a requirement to provide allotment space adjacent or within 1km. An allocation of one allotment space per 10 dwellings would be acceptable.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 85
Derbyniwyd: 14/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Cllr Ann Blacklock
Some Councils have a policy of designing for health which encourages developers to provide gardens, adequate space for drying washing etc. If it is not possible to give each dwelling a garden WDC should insist on some communal open space. In developments of 20 or more dwellings there must be a requirement to provide allotment space adjacent or within 1km. An allocation of one allotment space per 10 dwellings would be acceptable.
Generally we welcome the document which clarifies how the Council will apply national targets and the requirements outlined in the Local Plan.
The 10% requirement now seems very modest and unchallenging. We would like WDC to raise this to 20% or higher. Failing that it should be made explicit throughout the document that the 10% is a minimum requirement.
It is difficult to ascertain when certain targets are to be met. For example the SPD encourages all new housing to meet level three of the Code for Sustainable Homes. However if new housing is to meet zero carbon by 2016 then new development starting 2009/10 should be designed to level 4, 5 or ideally 6.
The section on sustainable water management should be more mandatory and less advisory. For example in para 8.9 if SUDs are not used this will result in the application being refused.
Planning Committee members will need guidance on how much weight to give to the provisions of the SPD and whether an application could be refused solely on the grounds of non compliance with sustainability requirements.
Some Councils have a policy of designing for health which encourages developers to provide gardens, adequate space for drying washing etc. If it is not possible to give each dwelling a garden WDC should insist on some communal open space. In developments of 20 or more dwellings there must be a requirement to provide allotment space adjacent or within 1km. An allocation of one allotment space per 10 dwellings would be acceptable.
Sustainable Buildings SPD
ID sylw: 87
Derbyniwyd: 14/10/2008
Ymatebydd: Cllr Ann Blacklock
Planning Committee members will need guidance on how much weight to give to the provisions of the SPD and whether an application could be refused solely on the grounds of non compliance with sustainability requirements.
The section on sustainable water management should be more mandatory and less advisory. For example in para 8.9 if SUDs are not used this will result in the application being refused.
Planning Committee members will need guidance on how much weight to give to the provisions of the SPD and whether an application could be refused solely on the grounds of non compliance with sustainability requirements.