RS2- Local Green Spaces
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71789
Derbyniwyd: 19/06/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr Jonathan Westley Stoot
RS 2/1: It is imperative that the open fields surrounding the church are protected. This area forms a matrix of listed buildings around the church and provides arguably the key historic and visual pillar on which the village defines its identity. Any development on this site would have a serious, irreversible impact on the historic identity of the village and run counter to the requirement to ensure the security of listed heritage.
We support the remaining elements.
RS 2/1: It is imperative that the open fields surrounding the church are protected. This area forms a matrix of listed buildings around the church and provides arguably the key historic and visual pillar on which the village defines its identity. Any development on this site would have a serious, irreversible impact on the historic identity of the village and run counter to the requirement to ensure the security of listed heritage.
We support the remaining elements.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71804
Derbyniwyd: 11/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr G Wyatt
The village is very compact and has a very limited amount of green space within the boundary. It is important to protect these local green spaces as they are important to retain the rural nature of the village as well as helping it to retain its character. Without them, the iconic views of the church and surrounding old buildings would be lost, as would connections to the wider countryside for walkers and the valuable wildlife they support.
The village is very compact and has a very limited amount of green space within the boundary. It is important to protect these local green spaces as they are important to retain the rural nature of the village as well as helping it to retain its character. Without them, the iconic views of the church and surrounding old buildings would be lost, as would connections to the wider countryside for walkers and the valuable wildlife they support.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71826
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr EDWIN COOMBS
I am a village resident and agree that we must protect these Local green spaces for the sustainable future of the village.
I am a village resident and agree that we must protect these Local green spaces for the sustainable future of the village.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71827
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Radford Semele Parish Council
These are valued areas that contribute to the aesthetic character of the village
These are valued areas that contribute to the aesthetic character of the village
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71828
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Radford Semele Parish Council
These are vital to the character of Radford Semele and must be retained.
These are vital to the character of Radford Semele and must be retained.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71830
Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr David Carter
These open spaces are important elements of the village environment. Church Fields and Leigh Foss have been the subject of unsuccessful planning applications which underlines the importance of protecting these open spaces.
These open spaces are important elements of the village environment. Church Fields and Leigh Foss have been the subject of unsuccessful planning applications which underlines the importance of protecting these open spaces.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71838
Derbyniwyd: 04/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mrs
These are beautiful areas and have been widely used by the community during lockdown, proving the part they play in improving and maintaining mental health.
These are beautiful areas and have been widely used by the community during lockdown, proving the part they play in improving and maintaining mental health.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71846
Derbyniwyd: 05/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mrs Linda Simons
I totally support the case to protect our existing green spaces and to enhance other areas of the village for the recreational enjoyment of local people. Central government are quick to state the growing impact of public mental and physical health as a direct result of a lack of green open spaces and fresh unpolluted air. We are a rural community by definition (village) whereby future development opportunities should be given to increasing our green footprint, not to reduce it.
I totally support the case to protect our existing green spaces and to enhance other areas of the village for the recreational enjoyment of local people. Central government are quick to state the growing impact of public mental and physical health as a direct result of a lack of green open spaces and fresh unpolluted air. We are a rural community by definition (village) whereby future development opportunities should be given to increasing our green footprint, not to reduce it.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71859
Derbyniwyd: 05/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mrs Karen Price
I agree. Green spaces are vital especially in light of the recent IUCW Red List for British Mammals. Planting within the village would help too.
Recent housing developments and the building of the HS2 nearby will have significant effects on local green space.
I agree. Green spaces are vital especially in light of the recent IUCW Red List for British Mammals. Planting within the village would help too.
Recent housing developments and the building of the HS2 nearby will have significant effects on local green space.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71875
Derbyniwyd: 10/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Miss Louise Milling
It's imperative the green spaces remain to preserve the nature of the village
It's imperative the green spaces remain to preserve the nature of the village
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71890
Derbyniwyd: 11/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Stansgate Planning
These representations are made on behalf of the owners of the land referred to as Church Fields West & East. The owners object to the proposed designation as their land as a Local Green Space in Policy RS2. The proposed designation does not meet the criteria set down in paragraph 100 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) or the national Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). The owners of the land dispute the land is of particular importance to the local community and submit there is no justification for giving it special protection against development beyond normal development management considerations.
These representations are made on behalf of the owners of the land referred to as Church Fields West & East in the Radford Semele Regulation 16 Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (the draft NDP). The owners object to the proposed designation as their land as a Local Green Space in Policy RS2 of the draft NDP. The proposed designation does not meet the criteria set down in paragraph 100 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) or the national Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). The owners of the land dispute the land is of particular importance to the local community and submit there is no justification for giving it special protection against development beyond normal development management considerations.
Paragraph 100 of the NPPF states Local Green Space designation should only be used where the green space is:
(a) in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves;
(b) demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife; and
(c) local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.
There is no robust evidence in the draft NDP that the land is “demonstrably special” to the local community and holds a “particular local significance”.
Church Fields lies to the north of the settlement and comprises two parcels of land split by Church Lane. It is abutted to the south east by a ribbon of residential properties fronting Offchurch Lane, and to the south by a section of Offchurch Lane and the A425. To the north it is adjoined by St Nicholas Church and residential development. The eastern parcel, which constitutes the majority of the overall area is in active agricultural use. The western parcel is predominantly used for grazing purposes. There is streetlighting on Offchurch Lane, the A425 and Church Lane. There is a pelican crossing on the A425 just to the east of the junction with Church Lane. Development lines the southern side of the A425 opposite the land.
There are no public rights of way across the land nor other public access to it.
Although there are views over part of the land from the A425, a section of Offchurch Lane and from Church Lane, the land is of no particular beauty or landscape value. A proportion of the land may provide a setting to St Nicholas Church but this does not apply to the whole of the land which the draft NDP seeks to designate as Local Green Space. Furthermore, neither the setting of the Church, nor indeed of any other local heritage asset is a sufficient justification for designation of any part of the land as Local Green Space. The impacts of any future development on the setting and significance of the Church and other local heritage matters, as well as landscape impact, would be matters taken into account as part of normal development management considerations in order to comply with planning law and practice.
Further the land itself is of no particular historic significance and, once again any role its plays in contributing to the significance of local heritage assets above or below ground would be assessed as part of normal development management considerations.
As stated, there is no public access to the land which is in active agricultural use. Accordingly, it is of no recreational value.
The owners of the land dispute that the site is particularly tranquil or dark compared with other land around the settlement. Bearing in mind that there is no public access to the land the relative ‘tranquillity’ and ‘darkness’ of the site cannot be judged from within the land, only from surrounding public highways which have streetlighting and traffic movements (as noted elsewhere in the draft NDP). The view from private property is not a planning justification for designation as Local Green Space. In this case tranquillity and darkness do not justify designation as Local Green Space.
The land is in active agricultural use and is not of special ecological value.
The land amounts to an extensive tract of land amounting to 8.59 hectares and the proposal represents a blanket designation of land to the north of the A425 contrary to the NPPF and PPG. The reasons given for the designation in Table A1a of the draft NDP do not justify any part of the land being designated and the conclusion is drawn, having regard to the PPG that the proposal is a ‘back-door’ way to achieve what would amount to a new area of Green Belt by another name.
In summary the site known as Church Fields West & East should be deleted from Policy RS2 (RS2/1) of the draft NDP with consequential changes including to Policy Map 1, Policy Map 2, and Appendix 1.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71892
Derbyniwyd: 12/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr Parvinder Singh Dhillon
As a fairly new resident to the area, one of the major attractions are the local green spaces, as they encourage exercise, provide spaces for socialising, decrease noise and air pollution.
As a fairly new resident to the area, one of the major attractions are the local green spaces, as they encourage exercise, provide spaces for socialising, decrease noise and air pollution.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71894
Derbyniwyd: 12/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr Roger W Munn
Local grren spaces are a vital part of the quality of life of the community and part of our national heritage. Preservation is vital.
Local grren spaces are a vital part of the quality of life of the community and part of our national heritage. Preservation is vital.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71903
Derbyniwyd: 14/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr Oliver Aries
Radford Semele has very few protected Green Spaces.
With forecast 35% increase in population in area Green spaces are very important to the community.
Proposed Green Spaces were chosen by community from a much larger list judged anainst NPPF Critera.
Proposed Green Spaces very important to community for wellness, openness, Community ID and atractiveness of village to passer bys. Also important to settings of listed buildings.
The Neighbourhood area has few open spaces (only the village recreational space). With project population forecast to grow by 35% the need for protected green spaces is even more important to the community. The green spaces provides the area with important breathing room and gives the area its identity and its community well being.
The spaces proposed are key areas within the village providing setting for important listed buildings, a feel of openness and at one with the countryside, recreational space and in keeping with the neighbouring area. The few green spaces proposed were carefully chosen by the community from a large number of candidates using special criteria outlined in NPPF. I am fully supportive of this Policy as these Green spaces are important to the wellness and health of our community and importance of our listed buildings.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71921
Derbyniwyd: 16/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Radford Semele Parish Council
The identified Green Spaces are important to the character of the Village
The identified Green Spaces are important to the character of the Village
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71942
Derbyniwyd: 18/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mr Richard Iredale
Agree that this is fundamental to the look and feel of the village. Loss of green spaces should not be allowed.
Agree that this is fundamental to the look and feel of the village. Loss of green spaces should not be allowed.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71953
Derbyniwyd: 18/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mrs Nicola Lomas
I fully support these objectives. Green spaces are much valued and needed by our community.
I fully support these objectives. Green spaces are much valued and needed by our community.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71981
Derbyniwyd: 06/07/2020
Ymatebydd: Montague Land Partners
Asiant : Cerda Planning
Cerda object to the proposed designation of the land at Church Fields in Policy RS2 on the grounds that the draft Neighbourhood Plan has not demonstrated that the site is special to the local community, and therefore fails to satisfy the criteria for designation of Local Green Space set out in in Paragraph 100 b of the NPPF.
Accordingly, the proposed Local Green Space designation at Church Fields should be deleted from Policy RS2. In order to be put to a referendum and then be ‘made’ a Neighbourhood Plan must first meet the basic conditions set out in Paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
Please see attached.
Radford Semele Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16 Submission
ID sylw: 71999
Derbyniwyd: 18/08/2020
Ymatebydd: Mike Jarrett
Asiant : Lambert Smith Hampton
Policy RS2 of the Submission Version of the Redford Semele Neighbourhood Development Plan seeks to designate the Land at Leigh Foss as Local Green Space. Policy RS2 does not meet the basic conditions under paragraph 8(2)(a), (d) and (e) of Schedule 4 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and should therefore be subject to modification, deleting this designation before the Plan can proceed to a referendum.
There are two grounds for this objection:
1.The proposed designation of the Site as Local Green Space does not satisfy the tests in Paragraph 100 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). In particular, because the Plan’s evidence base falls far below what is required by NPPF 100b. There are also related deficiencies in respect of NPPF 100a and 100c.
2.The Neighbourhood Development Plan is a highly restrictive document, which makes no housing allocations. The designation of the Site as Local Green Space in such a context would be contrary to NPPF 99 and related PPG 37-007, which requires that any such designation must be consistent with local planning for sustainable development in the area and the Plan must therefore make provision for sufficient housing needs. It would further conflict with the adopted development plan.
Please see attached.