Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Gladman Developments

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 82168
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments


hapter 3 of the consultation document considers the vision and strategic objectives of the SWLP. The vision and strategic objectives of the SWLP are noted as having been modified in light of responses to the previous Scoping Consultation, discussions with stakeholders, and other emerging evidence. We are supportive in principle of the draft vision and strategic objectives of the SWLP, which together seek to deliver socially, economically and environmentally sustainable growth. The recognition within the draft vision that meeting South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs sits at the heart of the plan is welcome, so too is the acknowledgement of the important role which jobs and economic growth plays in delivering sustainable development. Developing opportunities for jobs and accommodating the growth in employment opportunities that build upon the area’s strong and diverse economy is rightly included as an element of the strategic objective of ‘meeting South Warwickshire’s sustainable development needs’. We thus consider the draft vision and strategic objectives to be appropriate (Q-V3.1). As part of the plan-making process, we would, however, recommend that the Councils explore opportunities to link the vision and strategic objectives to tangible outcomes (e.g., delivery targets) to provide added clarity and meaning by which they can be measured.

ID Ffurflen: 82170
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments





ID Ffurflen: 82173
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments

It is reasonable to conclude from the 2022 HEDNA that there is a sizeable quantitative need for further employment land in South Warwickshire. In terms of how this need is captured in the SWLP, we would recommend that the plan include a single policy setting out the level of employment provision required over the plan period (Q-EQ: Option E3a). We also suggest that any figures relating to the provision of employment land are expressed as ‘minimum’ or ‘approximate’ to remove the risk of perceived ceilings on employment development. The use of ‘minimum’ or ‘approximate’ prefixes would provide flexibility so that the SWLP can adapt to any changes in the employment market and respond positively to inward investment opportunities, thus helping maximise the economic potential of South Warwickshire. The Councils’ stance on promoting employment and skills for local people as part of the development process is something we support. However, we do not feel it is necessary for the SWLP to include a policy that secures employment strategies by a planning obligation (Q-E3: Option E3c). It is in the Councils’ gift to request that a developer submit a scheme detailing arrangements to promote employment and skills development opportunities for local residents throughout the construction and/or operational phase of a development by way of an appropriately worded planning condition. We consider the use of a planning condition a more appropriate and proportionate basis in which to pursue this aim.

ID Ffurflen: 82174
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments





ID Ffurflen: 82176
Ymatebydd: Gladman Developments

Protecting and enhancing South Warwickshire’s economic assets There are a number of unique economic assets across South Warwickshire that together comprise the foundation of the local economy. We agree that the SWLP, along with the Economic Strategy, should seek to capitalise on these assets and maximise and enhance their economic potential. As noted in the consultation document, the Councils’ development plans do not include a policy which protects all these unique assets; however, there are several policies which refer to specific assets and look to protect them, e.g., Policy AS.9 of the Stratford-on-Avon District Council Core Strategy and Wellesbourne Airfield. Core Opportunity Area and Major Investment Sites The consultation document identifies an economic ‘Core Opportunity Area’, comprising the five main towns, the A46 Trans Midlands Trade Corridor, and the central section of the M40. It further notes that the Core Opportunity Area looks to attract inward investment to drive the South Warwickshire economy as well as encourage inward investment in the most accessible parts of South Warwickshire. In our view, the broad geographical extent of the Core Opportunity Area has been correctly identified. We, furthermore, endorse the Councils’ identification of Wellesbourne Airfield and the University of Warwick’s Wellesbourne Campus as major investment sites within the Core Opportunity Area. To reflect that status of Wellesbourne Airfield as a major investment site, we would suggest that the Councils amend future iterations of ‘Figure 21 – Core Opportunity Area’ to include reference to the airfield in the plan’s key. In terms of a policy approach, we are content for the Part 1 SWLP to include a policy which looks to direct employment growth to the Core Opportunity Area (Q-E7.1: Option E7.1a). We agree that the Core Opportunity Area is a highly accessible and sustainable geographical area for major employment development to occur, where it can attract significant inward investment to drive the South Warwickshire economy. We agree with option Q-E7.2A that the policy should allocate additional employment land within the Core Opportunity Area and consider this should include the Wellesbourne Mountford Airfield Site (with retained airfield). Allocating land for employment uses at the major investment sites would provide certainty for both the Councils and future developers and ultimate end users, as well as increase the potential of meeting the overall employment land needs of South Warwickshire. Any identification in policy of the specific employment uses considered permittable at the major sites must be reflective and relevant to each individual site. The establishment of development principles could provide a useful tool in guiding the preparation and implementation of proposals at the investment sites. It is important, however, that these principles are viewed and expressed as guiding criteria for development and not absolute requirements.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut I ddefnyddio’r system ac I wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.