Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Sport England

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 80169
Ymatebydd: Sport England


Sport England would encourage that the Design Policy should embed the principles set out Sport England’s Active Design Guidance, which is all about the how the design of our environment can help people to lead more physically active and healthy lifestyles. In helping to create an ‘Active Environment’ whereby spaces and places encourage an environment for people to be active. The environments should not just be focussed on delivering opportunities for sport and formal exercise. Instead, they seek to encourage physical activity – such as walking, cycling, sport, exercise, children’s play, outdoor leisure and anything else that maximises opportunities for people to be active. Physical activity can also improve mental health of adults and children. Where we live, work, travel and play have a major role in shaping our activity choices. By following Active Design principles in the design of our built environments, we can create Active Environments that will encourage people to be active through their everyday lives.

ID Ffurflen: 80170
Ymatebydd: Sport England


Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 80171
Ymatebydd: Sport England

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-D4.1: Do you agree that this is an appropriate range of topics for a policy on the design of safe and attractive streets? Sport England supports the topics set out for the policy and it considers that the Local Plan should embed Sport England’s Active Design Guidance principles, such as promoting active routes between origins and destinations that are safe, continuous, attractive to use and direct, which will encourage more people to consider and use them. For further details on the guidance please view the recent Active Design Guidance consultation document

ID Ffurflen: 80172
Ymatebydd: Sport England



ID Ffurflen: 80173
Ymatebydd: Sport England

Q-W3: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Sport England would strongly support the provision of an overall strategic policy on health. The provision of the policy should focus both on informal and formal activities, which would assist in promoting an active environment. The policy should also seek to maximise and make more effective use of sites that provide community services such as schools through community use agreements, where this would help to meet identified needs as identified within the Council’s strategic evidence base documents related to indoor and outdoor sports provision. Q-W4: Please add any comments you wish to make about a healthy, safe and inclusive South Warwickshire In line with National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 98 local plan policies should be based on robust and up-to-date assessments of the need for open space, sport and recreation facilities (including quantitative or qualitative deficits or surpluses) and opportunities for new provision. Information gained from the assessments should be used to determine what open space, sport and recreational provision is needed, which plans should then seek to accommodate. As such, Sport England would advocate that the SWLP (as per paragraph 1.8 of consultation document) is informed by an up to date Playing Pitch Strategy and Built Facilities Strategy which would consider current and future demand up to 2050. The findings of these Strategies should then be incorporated into the strategic policies contained within the plan i.e. informing playing pitch needs for strategic housing allocations or a sporting/recreation allocation. It should be noted that Sport England’s has planning tools and guidance’s related to the assessing the demand generated from development sites for indoor and outdoor sports provision, which together with the aforementioned strategies will help inform best way to meet the identified needs. Whilst noting the consultation document reasoning as to why Public Open Space is not considered to be a strategic issue to be addressed within part 1 of the Local Plan, Sport England considers that the provision of open spaces plays a key role in meeting a number of South Warwickshire’s Sustainable Development Needs objectives. Access to open spaces is highlighted in a number of sections within the consultation document as such it should be made clear how this will be achieved in the Local Plan as this will help to inform the strategic housing allocations.

ID Ffurflen: 80174
Ymatebydd: Sport England




ID Ffurflen: 80175
Ymatebydd: Sport England

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Sport England supports the principle of 20-minute neighbourhoods, with it being closely aligned to the principles set out in the Active Design Guidance. Sport England have also worked in partnership (amongst other bodies) with the TCPA in devising the 20-minute Neighbourhoods Guidance ( to help council’s and communities in developing this into their area. In developing a 20-minute neighbourhood principles for South Warwickshire it would be good to establish how this would be achieved (single policy or through a combination of policies). Sport England would also question how a 20-minute neighbourhood should be defined I.e. district wide or resident led? If the latter consultation within the community at a local level would be required (beyond standard Local Plan consultation stages) to help to create a vision and framework for a local area. An example of this would be the work undertaken by London Borough of Waltham Forest which draws on the existing strengths, character, heritage, assets, and priorities of each of its areas and develop hyper-local plans for improvement co-designed with local communities. Another example of work to support 20-minute neighbourhoods within the Local Plan is that undertaken by Leeds City Council

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.