Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 85865
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Knight Frank LLP


Q-B8.1: This policy does not need to be included in the SWLP given that the approach to development on agricultural land is already dealt with in the NPPF.

ID Ffurflen: 85866
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Knight Frank LLP


Strategic site allocations should form part of Part 1 to support the effective delivery of residential, commercial, and other necessary uses. Allocations forming the Part 1 Local Plan should not only meet the needs identified within South Warwickshire but identify sites to meet unmet needs arising within Coventry, Birmingham, and the Black Country. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a single document and to having a two-part document. In the former case, there will be certainty right from the start. The council should have a healthy housing land supply from adoption, prevailing into at least the medium term of the plan period. However, adopting such a plan generally takes a long time. The part 1 document of a two-part plan may take less time to adopt but would leave the council vulnerable to having an insufficient housing land supply. Therefore, it is essential that Part 1 of such a plan can demonstrate an adequate land supply allocated for housing along with the respective housing land supply numbers, to ensure the council maintains a healthy land supply into the medium term. Further to the previous Knight Frank response (ref. 2102), the strategic site at Copham’s Hill, Stratford-upon-Avon would provide a mixed-use scheme, including approximately 800 residential dwellings, shops, a primary school, open space and associated infrastructure that could be delivered in the early years of the Local Plan.

ID Ffurflen: 85867
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)
Asiant : Knight Frank LLP


As per option B1b, Policy CS.13 Areas of Restraint should be removed and considered by other means. Policy FW2 Sustainable Drainage to be addressed in Part 1, as it should provide the necessary guidance and requirements for proposals within strategic sites at this stage.

ID Ffurflen: 85868
Ymatebydd: Barratt David Wilson Homes (Mercia)

Knight Frank is instructed by Barratt David Wilson Trading Limited (the Landowners) (BDW) to submit these representations in response to the Issues and Options (Regulation 18) consultation to the South Warwickshire Local Plan. Through these representations reference is made to land at Copham’s Hill, west of the A46, Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire (site reference ID 385) as evidence about which policy approaches are deliverable. The 2021 Call for Sites identified that the site proposed a mixed-use scheme, the reference number 385. The Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment – Methodology (February 2022), which forms part of the council’s evidence base for the Regulation 18 consultation, sets out the methodology for the assessment of the sites submitted as part of the Call for Sites search. This representation and submission of the site supersedes any previous submission made via the Call for Sites process. In particular, the proposed uses of the site have changed, and the submission further reflects and aligns with landownership. This representation seeks to assist with positive discussions and encourages engagement between Knight Frank and South Warwickshire, particularly in relation to mutually beneficial opportunities the above-named site offers by way of accommodating a mixed-use development, ranging from residential including affordable housing, to local centre, hotel and associated infrastructure. A location plan and masterplan have been appended to this representation. Contents • The Site • Proposed development description • Local plan representations • Appendix A Site location plan • Appendix B Masterplan • Appendix C Connections plan • Appendix D Assessment of the site based on SA criteria • Appendix E Call for Sites The Site The site, measures approximately 37.36 hectares, is located to the north-west of Stratford-upon-Avon at Copham’s Hill, west of the A46 (see Appendix A). It currently comprises agricultural land, with two minor watercourses running north west to south east. The site benefits from direct access off the A46, with potential for direct public transport links to central Stratford-upon-Avon and pedestrian/cycle links (see Appendix C). Further, the site has direct access from The Ridgeway, a minor access road connecting to Alcester Road and into the town centre. The site is currently within the green belt. The Environment Agency’s flood risk map shows that the site is predominantly located within an area with a low risk of flooding (Flood Zone 1), with some areas along and around existing watercourses with a higher risk of flooding (Flood Zones 2 and 3). Proposed development description The proposed development of the site at Copham’s Hill offers potential for a mixed-use scheme with up to approximately 800 dwellings. A Vision Document will be submitted to the Council following the submission of these representations and will provide a comprehensive overview of the site’s potential for a mixed-use development in a highly sustainable location. The site is proposed to include the following (see Masterplan, Appendix B): • Residential development of up to approximately 800 dwellings (35-40 dpha) • Primary school • Hotel • Local centre • Alternative fuels / petrol station (including EV-charging) • Natural and semi natural green space • Formal play areas • Landscaping • Attenuation basin / SuDS • Pedestrian / cycle links • Bus services access

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