Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio Braemar Midlands Ltd
Chwilio o’r newyddQ-H1-1 and H1-2 36. Whilst Braemar have reservations about the soundness of the methodological approach adopted in the Coventry and Warwickshire Housing and Economic Needs Assessment (HEDNA), we are supportive in principle of the higher levels of growth identified for Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon areas.
The best way to increase the supply of affordable housing is to increase the supply of viable and deliverable residential sites. The majority of affordable homes are delivered as part of housing schemes. Accordingly, the greater the level of housing to be provided across South Warwickshire the greater the prospect of delivering more affordable homes. 38. However, if the new settlement option is to be adopted than the concerns would be the viability of the scheme would inevitably squeeze the delivery of affordable homes. Similarly, the concerns about the costs of delivering housing schemes which have already been highlighted affect viability and have the potential to squeeze the delivery of affordable homes. 39. Braemar commend a specific affordable housing target based upon the two constituent authorities because each has different circumstances. However, if there is to be a single target then it may well be that a higher localised target is adopted in the ANOB given the affordability difficulties of purchasing homes in this particular area.
Braemar recommend that specific allocations are made to meet the specialist housing needs for older people.
Q-H3 41. The space and construction standards for new homes should accord with national policy and regulations rather than specific standards seeking to be imposed by this Local Plan with the attendant higher costs which would inevitably be incurred and affecting the affordability of the dwelling. Q-H5 43. Delivering custom homes, or self-build plots, has been awkward on general housing sites because those seeking to build their new home do not want to be on such developments. In most cases, the demand for these types of plots has been low. Such developments can have design constraints imposed through, for example, Design and Access Statements and Design Codes, which stifle the aspirations of the self-builder (e.g. their Grand Design). Instead, the more successful custom and self-build schemes have been smaller sites and it would, therefore, be appropriate for the Local Pan to establish a policy framework for the allocation of such sites in Part 2 Local Plans and Neighbourhood Plans.
Q-H4-1 to H4-3 Braemar supports the principle of unmet needs from the Birmingham and Black Country HMA being met within South Warwickshire.
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Ni roddwyd ateb
Q-C3.1 44. It would be appropriate for a carbon off-setting approach to be established in South Warwickshire as a whole. There is an advantage to this approach because the opportunity exists to improve biodiversity thereby reinforcing the green and blue infrastructure network which are being considered.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Q-C4.1 45. Net zero carbon and construction standards for new homes should accord with national policy and regulations rather than specific standards seeking to be imposed by this Local Plan with the attendant higher costs which would inevitably be incurred and affecting the affordability of the dwelling. Q-6.1 46. Achieving 100% reduction in embodied emissions for new developments is not an easy proposition for any developer or authority to establish. As is noted in the Issues and Options document, a number of the factors are outside the direct control of the developer, occupier and authority (e.g. decarbonisation of the national grid). As is also noted, there are significant cost considerations if this approach is adopted which will impact upon viability. The sorts of concerns do need to be taken into account if a viable and deliverable Local Plan is to be prepared. 47. If 100% reduction in embodied emissions is sought then there is a need for the wider technologies with the construction sector to fully adjust and it would be appropriate for a phased approach to be adopted if this type of policy is to be carried forward.
Q-C8 48. Standards concerning flooding and sustainable drainage for new homes should accord with national policy and regulations rather than specific standards seeking to be imposed by this Local Plan with the attendant higher costs which would inevitably be incurred and affecting the affordability of the dwelling. Q-C9.1 49. Braemar is supportive of new development including appropriate green and blue infrastructure which provides for sustainable drainage and biodiversity opportunities, alongside creating a scheme where people want to live. However, any biodiversity standards for housing schemes should accord with national policy rather than specific standards seeking to be imposed by this Local Plan with the attendant higher costs which would inevitably be incurred and affecting the affordability of the dwelling.
Q-C10.1 50. The inclusion of a climate change risk assessment based upon a clear and relevant checklist for some larger planning applications is appropriate but not for all schemes. A threshold of 50 dwellings is proposed.
Q-D1.1 51. Any policy concerning design needs to be proportionate to the scale of the development proposed. It would be reasonable for the Local Plan to include a comprehensive strategic design policy for large scale proposals but such a policy would not be as effective for house extensions.