Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio Forward Group
Chwilio o’r newydddewiswyd
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Yes - all major new developments should achieve net carbon zero. it would be a failing of the SWLP if this were not to be achieved. The Henley-in-Arden Vision is not only to achieve net zero but to go on to provide for carbon sequestration. This is the inevitable direction of policy. Clearly, the SWLP should not be paying lip-service to sustainability, but delivering it. This means allocating viable and deliverable sites for achieving net zero and beyond through sustainable development. There is viable and deliverable scope to achieve this in Henley-in-Arden.
Achieving net zero/sequestration at the scale required will not happen by chance. It requires land use planning policies with teeth, setting out requirements for development. The SWLP should take advantage of the existence of viable and deliverable opportunities to achieve zero carbon/sequestration as part of comprehensive sustainable developments. One such opportunity exists in Henley-in-Arden, where there is a willing landowner, available land and a sustainable location for development.
Custom/Self-Build Housing. This is an important area, but one in which a simplistic approach would fail to deliver on. An inappropriate policy approach can result in no/under-delivery of self-build/custom housing, or where it does happen, in inappropriate development out of keeping with local character. The most successful approach involves planning for specific, large-enough sites within larger master-planned areas. Thus, the SWLP should focus on ensuring that Spatial Growth sites for up to 2500 homes include specific allocations for custom/self-build housing. This would not only ensure delivery, but can provide for viability and importantly, for areas of such housing to be fully and properly integrated into wider plans. This avoids projects appearing as inappropriate add-ons and ensures that all of the advantages of self-build/custom housing can be integrated into the sustainable development of a community.
The absolute focus should be on Spatial Growth and the approach set out in this regard, with a focus on existing settlements with railway stations, good access and deliverable/viable economic growth potential (eg, Henley-in-Arden) is the correct one. We strongly support the spatial development strategy which includes Henley-in-Arden within each of the five spatial growth options due to its location and ability to deliver significant employment and population growth. In respect of a "threshold" approach and a focus on development within settlement boundaries, care needs to be taken. In general terms, such an approach has resulted in very poor planning outcomes over recent decades. We have seen town cramming reduce the liveability of places. Simply building more densely to avoid building outside an arbitrary settlement boundary is not good planning - it is a binary "brownfield good, greenfield bad" approach that has resulted in very poor land use planning outcomes. Henley-in-Arden has suffered from the impacts of "ad hoc" planning in recent years. With piecemeal, poorly-planned in-fill development that contributes nothing to the vitality of the town or necessary new infrastructure. There is an urgent need to plan for beautiful development and to implement good planning that provides for re-investment into places. This requires planners to plan - to identify appropriate locations for new development. Accepting the need for development enables all attention to then be focused on building beautifully - the SWLP brings the opportunity to revitalise South Warwickshire's key settlements by integrating them with sustainable growth. Forward Group and Alderley Holding’s Trust has set out a vision for its landholdings that would meet not only Henley-in-Arden’s but Stratford’s economic and social needs for the next decade and beyond. Done in the right way, this will result in direct, ongoing re-investment into communities, biodiversity, heritage, recreation, employment, active movement and so on. In this regard, the emerging SWLP has identified an appropriate Spatial Growth-focused approach that we fully support.
The only way to significantly increase the supply of affordable housing across South Warwickshire is to allocate viable and deliverable housing land where policy-compliant levels of affordable housing will be delivered as part of a deliverable, agreed masterplan. The Henley-in-Arden Vision provides for the delivery of affordable housing to meet very significant demand in and around Henley and the wider region. In Henley, the Vision provides land in a single ownership where the landowner is committed to delivering comprehensive sustainable development. The SWLP needs to allocate this and several equally viable and deliverable sites which can be masterplanned to include up to 2,500 new homes over the plan period - noting that the delivery of new homes takes time and sustainable development requires homes to be delivered alongside infrastructure and all of the other ingredients required as part of good planning - including a set number of affordable homes, to be delivered in line with planning permissions and associated agreements - and in this way, the supply of affordable housing will be significantly increased over time. Any other approach will result in the failure to deliver the number of new affordable homes that are required. The Henley 2050 Vision demonstrates how a long-term growth plan, under the stewardship of a single landowner can deliver beautiful zero carbon homes in a beautiful neighbourhood.
In respect of older people, the SWLP should support the provision of land for elderly-focused accommodation. The most effective way to achieve this would be to identify specific areas or target numbers within Spatial Growth allocations for up to 2500 homes, ensuring a proportion of homes are available for older people - ranging from care and extra care facilities, through to bungalows and homes designed for adaptation.