Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Wootton Wawen Parish Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 73035
Ymatebydd: Wootton Wawen Parish Council


Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 83717
Ymatebydd: Wootton Wawen Parish Council

Wootton Wawen held a E.P.M. to discuss the SWLP concept at the beginning of February 2023. The discussion and public forum session set out to outline the SWLP publication and consider specifically it’s impact on Wootton Wawen as a village. Over 74% were in favour of numerous small developments (maximum to 15 homes per site). • The main concern raised were: • The impact and potential destruction of the Green Belt. • This was seconded by the lack of affordable housing, considered vital to bring back to the village the younger generation and particularly young families. • A distinct lack of infrastructure, speeding traffic, general concerns about highway safety (lack of safe road crossing points), an increase in traffic on village roads, lack of leisure and open recreational space were the other main concerns raised. Therefore we would wish to present to the SWLP team the following statement:- Wootton Wawen as a parish are broadly in support and accept that a degree of new housing is required. Indeed our own Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2031 clearly highlights there is a ‘local need for community driven new development’. Emphasis is being placed at the present time on trying to encourage the younger generations, particularly those with school aged children into the village. Our population is an aging one, with approaching 50% of our residents living in the Park Home estate that is Wootton Hall. Over 51% of those present indicated that it was felt acceptable to support the development of approx. 100 houses within the village over the span of the plan (i.e. to 2050). The Local Neighbourhood plan already highlights this need. Up to 100 homes over the span of the SWLP (to 2050) would it is felt be an acceptable number, providing that these decisions are able to be taken at a local (parish) level regarding the where, when, how many, housing mix, etc. This would ensure that the unique environment that is Wootton Wawen is preserved, and local knowledge and support maintained. Over 72% were in favour of using an area as identified (4) specifically as the basis for any development. There is very little brownfield in-fill land available within the parish, and it is bounded and protected on all sides by Green Belt land. Just because there is a railway station in the village should not immediately target Wootton Wawen for any form of large-scale development. The train station and the surrounding area cannot currently support any significant infrastructure development. At present it does not even have space for a car park. The infrastructure is simply not in place currently to support any meaningful expansion, and space to do so is very limited and restrictive. Wootton Wawen is surrounded and indeed protected by Green Belt and any incursion into this land should be very carefully considered. The village has a scheduled monument, considerable and varied listed buildings, as well as benefits from both woodland, canal, river and valley views. All need to be carefully considered around any potential future development, hence the need for local knowledge and local decision making being a priority. Wootton Wawen has an ambitious vision with a project designed to support and provide a new replacement school (the existing school is over 50 years old and in need of considerable work to maintain it). It is envisioned that this new building and surrounding recreational area, could become a community hub, with it is hoped a provision to support such services as a GP satellite surgery, and locally needed support services. There is a significant level of sustainability and most importantly a carbon-neutral setting. Our neighbourhood plan (2011-2031) already details the needs to greatly enhance provisions for the younger generations, and to actively support and welcome them back to Wootton Wawen. With it’s extensive (almost 300 units) park homes estate, the demographic of the village is skewed on its data as approaching 50% of the homes recorded are on this estate.This concept has been in place for some time, and it may well be that with the support and carefully considered development within the village, it will be possible for this to be supported by developers, as well as planners and provide real benefits and bring about a long term level of sustainability for both current and future village residents.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.