Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio CEMEX UK Operations Ltd
Chwilio o’r newydddewiswyd
For detailed comments see Barton Willmore, now Stantec, letter dated 6 March 2023 and email dated 6 March 2023 with enclosures. Additional comments as follows: The strategic objectives are broadly supported, and we consider they will combine to promote sustainable development within South Warwickshire in line with the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). However, in our view there is a need for the SWLP to be more visionary and clearer in its objectives that relate to growth. For example, reference to ‘allowing for growth in new homes’ to meet needs should be strengthened to reflect Paragraph 60 of the NPPF which refers to the need to support the Government’s objective of ‘significantly boosting the supply of homes’.
For detailed comments see Barton Willmore, now Stantec, letter dated 6 March 2023 and email dated 6 March 2023 with enclosures. Additional comments as follows: The Settlement Analysis focuses on 3 key components: Connectivity, Accessibility and Density. Long Itchington is identified as an additional settlement for assessment. The site is allocated as area number 14, it is found to have a Connectivity Grade of B, where A is the best connectivity. The Connectivity Grade Analysis states that there are cycle routes to the south along the canal and track access from the road to towpath. A potential connection to cycle route and link along the canal and discussed railway to the south. No readings are given in terms of landform analysis, i.e. the site is not within Flood Zones 2 and 3 nor is it green infrastructure. In regards to Local Facilities within 800m of the site, it has access to all items identified: retail, jobs and economy; places to meet; open space, leisure, recreation – wellbeing; healthcare and education. This means it is one of the highest scoring sites, the only other being the CEMEX site to the south (area 15). This shows that the site is a positive development prospect at the edge of the settlement and has good prospect for growth in the context of connectivity and accessibility. The most recent SHLAA (September 2021) finds that the Long Itchington site (LONG.07) secures some ‘Amber’ issues and one ‘Red’ and concludes that the site can contribute 39 units in years 1 – 5. In order to support the promotion of the Site through the emerging Development Plan CEMEX has undertaken an exercise to update the evidence base and respond to the amber and red issues identified. An illustrative layout has also been prepared to demonstrate how development can be brought forward on the site (see Appendix 2). A Pre-Application request was submitted to agree to remove the technical impediments to delivery (see Appendix 2 for updated pack). The Case Officer’s Pre-application Response (see Appendix 3) suggested that further advice was required from County Officers in regard to Ecology, Landscape, Heritage, Transport, Minerals and Flooding. It should be noted that Stantec held pre-application discussions with Warwickshire County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority which informed the suggested illustrative masterplan. CEMEX has instructed the engagement with the remaining consultees and pre-application requests have been submitted seeking further advice. The consultant team has prepared a further update to their reports as part of the evidence base and this is submitted in support of the Call for Sites submission, it shows that there are no technical impediments to the site coming forward for development. We would therefore suggest that there is a need for the Council to undertake a further review through the HELAA.
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