Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio Lapworth Parish Council
Chwilio o’r newydddewiswyd
It is very clear that there are considerable differences in the approach between the 2 Districts and that is will take a long time to harmonise the differences into a single strategy. Respondents are asked to choose between the 2 approaches with the caveat that choice will result in delays if issues are pushed to Part 2. It isn't really possible for a lay person faced with a 1000 page document to ensure a coherent choice all the way through. The consultation puts forward the need for a Green Belt review on the basis that much of Warwick DC is green belt and cannot accommodate unmet need for housing from other areas. Whilst not necessarily against a review it does seem odd that this is the reason given, There are no indications of the criteria, mechanisms or timetable that will be used; Lapworth Parish Council consider that it is essential to articulate clearly and set out for public agreement South Warwickshire's unique characteristics before any Green Belt review takes place to ensure that the proper function of the Green Belt is maintained. The plan, comprehensive as it, does not address the issue of improving existing settlements in terms of infrastructure. Lapworth Parish Council would like to be consulted with and involved with any proposals arising from the Consultation in relation to this chapter,
Heritage assets are a fundamental part of South Warwickshire's character and are the reason the area is renowned world wide. This area literally shaped the course of British history. We applaud the aspiration for a well designed and beautiful SW and would like to be consulted/involved in the ways that this is to be achieved.
The range of topics should be extended eg it would be sensible to recognise in the list that the public realm has to accommodate a wide variety of users and include aspects for each category eg gentle gradients, benches rails for the elderly, disabled parking; play areas for children; landscaping etc. Might it be appropriate to pedestrianise some areas?
The range of options set out should be ranked and details given of how proposals will deliver aspects such as "attractiveness. We suggest the following wording Comprehensive development - ensuring development and necessary infrastructure is designed and delivered in a timely coordinated way linked seamlessly to its surroundings; piecemeal schemes are avoided and emphasis is placed on contributing to rather than detracting from the surroundings Attractiveness – creating a pleasant environment to live and work for users of all ages and abilities. Sensitive to context – respects and enhances its surroundings using appropriate scale, massing and materials Distinctiveness – builds upon the unique characteristics of its surroundings without dominating and destroying them. In some cases it may be appropriate for a development to be "landmark" creating a unique sense of place in itself but this will be the exception. Connectedness (also tackles aspects of 'healthy') - weaves into existing networks of different scales Safety – ensures layout and orientation create spaces and overall environment that enables everyone young, old of all sexes and abilities to feel safe and secure. Environmental sustainability and adapting to climate change (links to policies in 'A climate resilient and Net Zero Carbon South Warwickshire' section) Mix and amount of development (links to D3 below) - getting the right range of complementary uses