Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Mactaggart & Mickel

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 81779
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning






ID Ffurflen: 81780
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-D2: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Option D2d: None of these 2.74. While Design Guides can sometimes be helpful in providing clarity on the design approaches and standards that are likely to be acceptable in a local authority area, they are generally overly prescriptive and lack flexibility, which can do more harm than good from an urban design perspective since they can give rise to homogeny. 2.75. The Respondent would also caution against the preparation of design guides for numerous different areas, which would seem an overly complex approach. 2.76. If the Councils decide to proceed with the preparation of design guides or codes for specific places, then it is considered imperative that these are publicly consulted on. 2.77. If intended to be used as policy rather than flexible guides, then Design Guides must be brought forward as Development Plan Documents (DPD) and independently examined given the implications that they could have on the viability and delivery of development. Q-D3: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Option D3a: Include a policy which underlines the relevance and importance of density, but which does not identify an appropriate minimum density or range of densities across South Warwickshire. 2.78. The Respondent is not convinced that a policy that prescribes densities is entirely necessary and considers Options D3c and D3d to be unduly complex. However, it is acknowledged that density does need to be optimised in accordance with Paragraph 141 of the NPPF if Green Belt release is to be justified. Considering the options therefore, the Respondent would suggest the inclusion of a policy that is in line with Option D3a but which is perhaps supplemented with explanatory supporting text with regards to the sort of density ranges that developments should be aiming for depending on their location, accessibility and context.

ID Ffurflen: 81782
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning




ID Ffurflen: 81783
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning



ID Ffurflen: 81785
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Option T1b: Include reference to the principles of a 20-minute neighbourhood or other similar design approach (e.g. Building for a Healthy Life) within a broader overarching policy. 2.79. The Respondent is supportive of the maximisation of opportunities for people to meet their day-to-day needs near to where they live and are therefore supportive, in principle, of the 20-minute neighbourhood concept. Turning to Bishops Itchington, the Respondent’s site to the west of the village is compliant with the 20-minute neighbourhood principle and is considered to be a good candidate for allocation. Further information regarding this site is set out under Section 3.0 of this Statement and the accompanying Vision Document. 2.80. The main issue with the application of the 20-minute neighbourhood concept is the predominant rural nature of South Warwickshire, where 20-minute neighbourhood principles will be difficult to translate. As noted elsewhere in this Statement, the Councils have an obligation to consider the vitality of rural settlements in accordance with Paragraph 79 of the NPPF. To adopt a strategy that plans solely on the basis of the 20-minute neighbourhood concept therefore is to potentially ignore large swathes of the plan area to the disadvantage of the vitality and viability of those settlements located within the rural hinterlands. The Council will therefore need to allow for flexibility in the way that 20-minute neighbourhood principles are applied should they proceed with such an approach. The same goes for alternatives such as Building for Healthy Life, which in the Respondent’s view should be presented as best practice as opposed to a specific policy requirement. Q-T2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Option T2a: Include a policy which takes a hierarchical approach in terms of prioritising transport infrastructure. 2.81. The Respondent is supportive of the inclusion of a policy that seeks to maximise opportunities for sustainable transport by taking a hierarchical approach. However, it should be recognised that opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary between urban and rural areas as per Paragraph 105 of the NPPF. 2.82. The introduction of lower parking standards in areas that have good active/public transport links may be appropriate but only where there is robust evidence to suggest that such action is likely to achieve a change in travel habits. This will help to avoid issues related to insufficient parking provision once developments are occupied.

ID Ffurflen: 81787
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning




ID Ffurflen: 81788
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning




ID Ffurflen: 81789
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning



ID Ffurflen: 81790
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning




ID Ffurflen: 81792
Ymatebydd: Mactaggart & Mickel
Asiant : McLoughlin Planning


Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.