Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Jaguar Land Rover

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 79347
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover

Option S2-B: Intensification 4. The focus of the discussion in the Consultation Paper relates to how intensification can be undertaken to increase housing delivery. However, it needs to be recognised that the same policy can support increase in employment floorspace and jobs. An ‘inprinciple’ policy support for intensification on key employment sites would be supported by Jaguar Land Rover.

ID Ffurflen: 79348
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover
Asiant : Marrons

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

5. The Settlement Analysis has understandably focussed on assisting with identifying locations for new housing. However, a similar exercise should be carried out for employment. It is noted that Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath falls within the spatial growth option, Economy Option (3). However, no analysis has been undertaken as to its ability to accommodate employment growth. This work should be undertaken to inform the next iteration of the Plan, and in particular take into consideration the opportunities to expand Jaguar Land Rover (sites 375 and 376).

ID Ffurflen: 79349
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover

Q-S7.2: Refined Spatial Growth Options 6. Jaguar Land Rover have the following comments on the Options. 7. Jaguar Land Rover query why employment growth at Gaydon does not appear in the Sustainable Travel (2) Option. The planned investment in bus corridors connecting Gaydon with nearby towns will result in this location being on a main bus corridor. 8. It is worth remembering that paragraph 73. a) requires Councils to consider the opportunities presented by existing or planned investment in infrastructure when deciding the location of new development. The Spatial Growth Option chosen within the Plan should therefore take into account the planned bus services at Gaydon. 9. Jaguar Land Rover support employment growth at Gaydon appearing in the Economy (3) Option and Hybrid (4) Option. However, employment growth at Gaydon does not appear within the Dispersed (5) Option diagram, and this anomaly should be addressed in the next iteration of the Plan. 10. Whichever option or combination of options is chosen, Jaguar Land Rover support a strategy that includes employment growth at Gaydon.

ID Ffurflen: 79350
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover
Asiant : Marrons

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

11. Whilst the overall figures as to future levels of employment need are not disputed, no recognition has been given to the specific employment land needs of Jaguar Land Rover to grow and expand its operations at Gaydon and Fen End as submitted through the call for sites. These needs should be reflected in the next iteration of the HEDNA as a separate, specific component of employment land need.

ID Ffurflen: 79351
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover
Asiant : Marrons



ID Ffurflen: 79352
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover
Asiant : Marrons

Option E6a: Include a policy which protects South Warwickshire’s economic assets. 12. Jaguar Land Rover would support a policy which protects it current use, and provides support for further investment within land under its control. Jaguar Land Rover would welcome the opportunity to work with the Councils to agree the wording of any policy for both Gaydon and Fen End. Such policy would need to be included within Part 1 of the Plan. Q-E7.1a: Core Opportunity Areas 13. Jaguar Land Rover support the inclusion of Gaydon within the Core Opportunity Area as a Major Investment Site. However, Jaguar Land Rover objects to the exclusion of Fen End which is equally important to the business, and this should be recognised and included within the Core Opportunity Area as a major investment site. Option E7.2a: Include a policy relating to additional economic growth at the major investment sites. 14. Jaguar Land Rover support a policy allocating additional land for specific employment uses at Gaydon and Fen End on sites identified as 375, 376 and 138 on the Interactive Map. Further evidence as to the suitability of the sites 375 and 376 for development for Jaguar Land Rover’s purposes has been submitted with these representations. Jaguar Land Rover would welcome the opportunity to work with the Councils to agree the wording of any policy for both Gaydon and Fen End. Such policy would need to be included within Part 1 of the Plan.

ID Ffurflen: 79353
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover
Asiant : Marrons





ID Ffurflen: 79354
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover
Asiant : Marrons


15. The adopted Core Strategy for Stratford-on-Avon allocates approximately 100ha of land for the expansion of Jaguar Land Rover (Proposal GLH). The Core Strategy is now nearly 7 years old, and Jaguar Land Rover as a business has evolved in that time in response to issues such as Covid-19, changes in the global economy, and the climate change agenda. In light of those issues, its employment land needs have changed in respect of Gaydon. First and foremost, it needs to retain the ability to expand its operations at Gaydon to respond to changing demands on the business. However, that expansion must be on land it controls and on land which is contiguous with its existing operations in order to maintain security and efficiency in how it operates. For that reason, sites 375 and 376 have been put forward through the call for sites process to the Councils as land on which it controls and wishes to utilise for the secure and efficient expansion of its operations at Gaydon over the lifetime of the Plan. 16. Should those sites be deemed by the Councils as suitable for the expansion of operations at Gaydon and allocated as such within the South Warwickshire Local Plan Part 1, then it no longer has a requirement for the 100ha of land at Proposal GLH within the Core Strategy. In that context, Jaguar Land Rover therefore would not object to the removal of the allocation as part of the South Warwickshire Plan process. 17. If the land at Proposal GLH was to be considered by the Councils for a new allocation, Jaguar Land Rover would support its allocation for employment development, particularly uses associated with the automotive industry and its supply chain.

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 79355
Ymatebydd: Jaguar Land Rover
Asiant : Marrons


18. No, Jaguar Land Rover request that policies related to the Core Opportunity Area and Major Investment Sites (their retention and expansion) be included within the list of policies to be included in the Part 1 plan. This is important to provide certainty for Jaguar Land Rover in moving forward, and reflects their strategic importance to the area.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.