Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio L&Q Estates

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 79313
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock


Q-D2: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire 6.1 L&Q Estates intend to engage with the local community and other stakeholders through public consultation events to help influence the design of the land east of Banbury Road, Southam development during the preparation of the outline planning application, following the adoption of the South Warwickshire Local Plan. A site-specific design code will be developed for the Site in accordance with NPPF Paragraph 129. 6.2 Therefore, L&Q Estates are supportive of Option D2c: Develop design guides/codes for strategic development sites/locations, particularly as the planned public engagement will ensure the design of spaces and buildings will be appropriate and will respond to local context and identified needs in terms of size, type and tenure. The Vision Document demonstrates that much work has already been undertaken into achieving a welldesigned neighbourhood. Q-D5: Should we continue with the approach to include a high-level strategic policy within the Part 1 plan and to utilise heritage assessments to inform the growth strategy, and delay detailed policies to Part 2? 6.3 L&Q Estates agree that a high-level strategic policy that seeks to protect and enhance existing heritage assets should be included within the Part 1 plan, in accordance with Paragraph 190 of the Framework. Detailed heritage policies should be deferred to Part 2. 6.4 The Site does not contain any Locally Listed or Statutorily Listed buildings, nor is it considered to be within the setting of a Conservation Area. The undulating topography of the area coupled with the obscuring effect of the intervening planted and built environment, has the effect of masking the historic core of the town and its listed buildings from the site. 6.5 Whilst the Grade I Listed Church of St. James is visible from parts of the Site, rising above modern development on the fringe of the settlement, it is not considered that the proposals would cause any heritage harm which would form a constraint to development on site.

ID Ffurflen: 79314
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock




ID Ffurflen: 79315
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire 7.1 Paragraph 110 of the Framework advises that in assessing sites that may be allocated for development in plans, it should be ensured that appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be taken up, and that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved from all users. Therefore, it is considered that Option T1b would be most appropriate. 7.2 The promotion site [land east of Banbury Road, Southam] immediately adjoins the built-up area boundary of Southam and would constitute sustainable development. Within a 10 minute walk of the site the following facilities are available: • Southam town centre (includes pubs, restaurants, bank, shops, coffee shops, takeaways, library and post office); • Petrol Station; • Tesco Superstore; • Southam Cricket Club; • Southam Football Club; • Happy Days Nursery; and • Bus Stops on Banbury Road 7.3 Primary, secondary and further education establishments and Southam Leisure Centre are all also available within a 19 minute walk. 7.4 It is considered, therefore, that the new homes at land east of Banbury Road will comply with the 20-minute neighbourhood concept, owing to the close proximity of the site to Southam’s services and facilities.

ID Ffurflen: 79316
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock



ID Ffurflen: 79317
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire 7.5 L&Q Estates are supportive of Option T2a as a hierarchical approach in terms of prioritising transport infrastructure for those living in rural areas and urban areas would be most appropriate. In particular, we are supportive of exploring opportunities to use existing green and blue infrastructure as potential active travel options. This approach is consistent with Paragraph 110 of the Framework, which advises that in assessing sites that may be allocated for development in plans, it should be ensured that appropriate opportunities to promote sustainable transport modes can be taken up, and that safe and suitable access to the site can be achieved from all users. 7.6 L&Q Estates’ site at land east of Banbury Road, Southam will include a series of new pedestrian and cycle routes within the development. An existing PRoW which runs along the northern site boundary is proposed to be retained within a green corridor. 7.7 The main vehicular access to the Site is proposed to be gained from Gardeners Way to the north, which provides access to the wider highway network via the existing roundabout junction of Banbury Road (A423) and the A425. The access would also afford pedestrian and cycle connections along the northern side of the carriageway. 7.8 The access road will provide vehicular access to both the promotion site and adjacent development to the west. Two access options have been identified whereby either site could be served as the minor arm from a T junction. 7.9 As part of the delivery of the site, a dedicated pedestrian footway will be delivered from its north western extent to link with the existing pedestrian infrastructure along Gardener Way and further afield to Southam.

ID Ffurflen: 79318
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Issue B9: Protecting Biodiversity and Geodiversity assets 8.1 Sites of national importance are protected by national planning policy. Duplication of that policy is not strictly necessary in the SWLP. However, L&Q Estates are supportive of a policy which seeks to require the safeguarding of such sites, unless the benefits of the proposal clearly outweigh the need to protect the site. 8.2 As noted in the Vision Document accompanying these written representations, an extended Phase 1 habitat survey and further desk and field-based surveys have been undertaken on land east of Banbury Road, Southam. These ecological surveys have identified that the majority of the Site is of limited ecological value. However, the Site does support: • Two small fields of semi-improved neutral grassland; • Two ponds; and • A series of hedgerows and treelines, that are all considered to be of local level value for nature conservation 8.3 These ecological features have previously been confirmed to support relatively common and widespread populations of breeding birds, bats and a small grass snake population. In addition, one of the ponds designated as a Local Wildlife Site (‘Southam Ponds Ecosite’), lies partially within the site boundary and immediately to the north east of the site, and has been found to support a small to medium population of great crested newts. 8.4 The retention of these valuable ecological habitats, protection of the species they support, and maintenance of wildlife corridors between them and the wider landscape, would be integral to the design evolution of the promotion site. In particular, retention and enhancement or restoration of the onsite hedgerow network, ponds, and semiimproved grassland fields will greatly assist in achieving net gains in biodiversity.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.