Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Mountpark Properties Limited

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 79842
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

It would be appropriate to include a policy which enables developers and businesses to deliver offsetting in an alternative way, where it is demonstrated that it is not possible to achieve net carbon requirements on site. It is positive to see that the Councils are taking a pragmatic approach to carbon offsetting which recognises that it is not always possible to achieve offsetting on-site. A specific threshold for developments to be considered should be applied to ensure that an unfair and unrealistic burden is not placed on smaller sites or developers. For larger schemes, an approach which enables flexibility in delivery will also encourage innovation in how to deliver offsetting, which could have benefits across the region and further afield.

Q-C2 Response: It is positive that the Councils are seeking to ensure that the most efficient energy systems are incorporated within new development. However, including a policy requiring decentralised energy systems where viable could have the unintended consequence of stifling ambition and innovation. The Plan period covers a long timeframe and it is possible that over the lifetime of the Local Plan new technologies or concepts are developed which are superior to the current systems. In this context, Option C2b would be the most appropriate option to take forward. It encourages decentralised heating systems to be used, where possible, whilst providing flexibility for better or alternative options to be used, as and when these are pioneered.

ID Ffurflen: 79853
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning






ID Ffurflen: 79860
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning




Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-C4.1 Response: New buildings are expected to meet building regulation standards and therefore option C4.1a would only reiterate what should occur anyway.If the Local Plan sets a higher local standard, then it should be ensured that this is not too prescriptive and does not discourage investment in the area. In this context, phasing in a higher local standard would be the best approach. Q-C4.2 Response: For viability purposes, to ensure that smaller developers are not dissuaded and that any developer is not discouraged from bringing forward smaller or more difficult sites, a size threshold should apply. Therefore, option C4.2b would be most appropriate.

ID Ffurflen: 79862
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

It is important that the design principles do not stifle innovation through prescriptive policies. The South Warwickshire Local Plan will deliver strategic allocations which, by their nature, will include large development sites. All development necessarily introduces change into the landscape. The Local Plan should consider what level of change is acceptable and where change can be appropriately accommodated. These are high level considerations and it is imperative for the success of the Plan that it does not become ‘bogged down’ in prescribing detailed design. Instead, it should set ambitions for innovation; designs which address the climate agenda; improving connectivity and movement; and respecting the individual sites’ context.

ID Ffurflen: 79863
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning

Ni roddwyd ateb

Encouraging connectivity can be achieved by choosing the right sites in the right locations which can deliver wider infrastructure improvements and/or which can incorporate connectivity to wider areas. The Red House Farm site is one such opportunity, which could not only be linked to the wider area through new footpath connections to existing Public Rights of Way and cycle routes, but which is ideally situated to link to a Park and Ride along Europa Way. The development would also facilitate the delivery of a new junction on the M40 to replace junctions 13 and 14. This would help resolve the existing problems with these junctions and opportunities could be taken to encourage sustainable refuelling around the new motorway junction.Through allocating sites which can demonstrably deliver solutions to existing problems and improve the existing context, the Councils can holistically address the need to encourage connectivity and deliver key infrastructure. Resolving existing issues and generally improving connectivity, whether that be through improvements to the Strategic Road Network, improvements to public transport connections, or other options, can help to reduce congestion, which delivers environmental benefits. In this regard, whilst active and sustainable travel should be prioritised, enhancing connectivity, in all forms is the best approach to ensuring that the Local Plan enables sustainable growth in relation to the environment, personal wellbeing and the economy.In this context, there are existing problems (both with regard to safety and congestion issues) surrounding junctions 13 and 14 of the M40. These problems should be addressed through the Local Plan. The Red House Farm site provides the opportunity to do this. As noted above, the development would facilitate the delivery of a new junction on the M40 to replace junctions 13 and 14, helping to resolve an existing problem.

ID Ffurflen: 79865
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning
ID Ffurflen: 79866
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-B8.1 Response: Whilst it is clearly demonstrably important to preserve some of the best and most versatile agricultural land, large swathes of South Warwickshire are covered by agricultural land which may be considered to be the best and most versatile. When added to the Green Belt constraint faced by the Local Plan area, it considerably narrows the opportunity to deliver new strategic development to capitalise on existing assets and attract new inward investment. In this context, any policy would need to be very carefully considered and balanced so that it does not stifle any development opportunity which is demonstrably beneficial.

ID Ffurflen: 79936
Ymatebydd: Mountpark Properties Limited
Asiant : Oxalis Planning

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Inappropriate strategy

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.