Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Bellway Strategic Land

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 81437
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills






ID Ffurflen: 81439
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-D2: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire (Design Codes and Design Guides) Bellway supports Option D2c: Develop design guides/codes for strategic development sites/locations. This is the preferred approach, however, Bellway consider that design guides / codes should be a high level / indicative document and should not be overly prescriptive, thus enabling the design of each site to be considered based on its own merits and in context of the specific site. Detailed design of a site should take into account the specific technical considerations of that location which will not be fully investigated at design guide / code stage. Q-D3: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire (Designing adaptable, diverse and flexible places) Bellway supports Option D3a: Include a policy which underlines the relevance and importance of density, but which does not identify an appropriate minimum density or range of densities across South Warwickshire and Option D3e: None of these. Proposed densities should be agreed on a site by site basis and reflective of market requirements at the time of an application and local context. A policy could encourage higher densities within urban areas but not all urban sites will be conducive to high densities so it should be flexibly worded. Q-D5: Should we continue with the approach to include a high-level strategic policy within the Part 1 plan and to utilise heritage assessments to inform the growth strategy, and delay detailed policies to Part 2? In support of this response, Bellway has instructed RP Heritage to review the Heritage and Settlement Sensitivity Assessment (HSSA) (September 2022) that has been published with the SWLP. Bellway strongly objects to the findings of the HSSA which recommends that development of the land to the south of Long Itchington should be avoided and development should be restricted to the north and eastern side of the settlement. A ‘Heritage Assessment of Long.09, Long.18 and Long.21’ (February 2023) has been submitted with this representation which responds to the HSSA in regards to its assessment of Bellway’s land (SHLAA references Long.09, Long.18 and Long.21) to the south of Long Itchington. As identified by RP Heritage, the HSSA’s RAG assessment of Bellway’s land shows inconsistencies and land to the north and east of Long Itchington has been assessed as having more significant impacts on heritage assets then Bellway’s land which have primarily been score as ‘green’. RP Heritage has concluded that the three proposed development options within Bellway’s Vision Document would have limited heritage harm that could be mitigated through the Masterplanning process at planning application stage. In contrast to the findings of the HSSA, which found that development of land to the south of Long Itchington should be avoided, RP Heritage has shown that there are no heritage related reasons why land to the south of Long Itchington could not be a focus for future housing growth. We request that the HSSA is reviewed and updated.

ID Ffurflen: 81445
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills




ID Ffurflen: 81446
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills



ID Ffurflen: 81448
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire (20-minute neighbourhoods) Bellway supports option T1b: Include reference to the principles of a 20-minute neighbourhood or other similar design approach (e.g. Building for a Healthy Life) within a broader overarching policy. Bellway’s northern two sites adjacent to Long Itchington (Long.9 and Long.18) are assessed as ‘connectivity grade B’ within the Settlement Design Analysis Appendix 3. Table 5 of the Settlement Design Analysis states that on Grade B sites – ‘any barriers are negligible or easily overcome”. It is considered that the development of Bellway’s sites adjacent to Long Itchington will be able to deliver the SWLP’s 20 minute neighbourhood aspirations. Q-T2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire (Sustainable transport accessibility across South Warwickshire) Bellway support Option T2b: Do not include a policy which takes a hierarchical approach. Bellway consider that the SWLP should just include a general policy encouraging schemes to deliver sustainable transport proposals. The site specific detail should be left to Transport Assessments and Travel Plans produced at the planning application stage.

ID Ffurflen: 81449
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills




ID Ffurflen: 81450
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills




ID Ffurflen: 81451
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills


ID Ffurflen: 81452
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills


ID Ffurflen: 81453
Ymatebydd: Bellway Strategic Land
Asiant : Savills


Ni roddwyd ateb

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.