Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Mars Pension Trustees

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 81701
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees

Stoneleigh Park – SWLP Objectives Stoneleigh Park is a well-established and successful business park which has a number of long standing tenants present on it. It is a national hub for businesses with an emphasis on food production, equine and livestock husbandry, sustainability, renewable energy, and the wider rural economy, who all benefit from co-locating in one place. Running alongside the business park and its activities is a successful events business that covers a wide range of interests and specialisms. It attracts a large number of visitors to the site and into the local area, thus contributing to the local economy in terms of overnight stays and spend in the local area. Warwick District Council has supported the ongoing growth and expansion of the Park and its activities through the grant of an earlier outline masterplan planning permission (W12/0766) and the inclusion of a site specific policy in the current adopted Local Plan facilitating its development (MS2 – Major Sites in the Green Belt). The Park, however, remains in the Green Belt which presents its own challenges when looking at future options to achieve the planned growth. Furthermore, the construction and operation of HS2 through a significant proportion of the Park is impacting and will continue to impact on the Park’s attractiveness to rural business and its environment generally. Whilst the arrival of HS2 and its route has been known about for a number of years, the preparation of the SWLP now presents an opportunity to put in place policy guidance to assist in the re-organisation and reconfiguration of the Park to respond to the arrival of HS2 . It also provides the opportunity to put in place a positive policy to facilitate the evolution of the Park including identifying a range of appropriate uses. It is imperative that the SWLP should allow for a greater range of uses than previously supported to enable the Park to respond to the impacts of HS2 and the changes to the employment market. We are seeking to have the whole of the existing Park removed from the Green Belt and a new policy put in that clearly sets out the parameters and uses to guide the future growth and expansion of the site. HS2 are currently constructing a compound on land in the control of MPTL to the north of the existing Park, between the B4115 and the A46. Once HS2 is completed, in the early part of the Plan period, the compound area and land will be returned to MPTL. The compound constitutes previously developed land. The compound includes large areas of hard standing, roads and supporting infrastructure that can be repurposed once HS2 no longer require it. The improved A46 Stoneleigh junction alongside the roundabout access being constructed off the Stoneleigh Road create a high quality vehicular access to the site. Significantly, HS2 have also brought utilities into the site including water and power. It is substantially more sustainable to repurpose this site, taking advantage of its previously developed land status and infrastructure provision, rather than for it be ‘greened’ over. Particularly when it is inevitable that the SWLP is going to have to bring greenfield sites forward for development. There is also an implemented planning permission for the development of a 9,525 sqm building for use as a farmers market to the north east of the Stoneleigh Road in this location. MPTL are, therefore, also proposing that this land is released from the Green Belt and allocated for additional employment development to help meet the needs of the District and wider sub-region. Together, the compound land and site of the RFM are referred to as the Kingswood Business Park. The broad extent of this area is identified in orange on the masterplan provided at Appendix 2. The Kingswood Business Park will be a sustainability led development. It provides the opportunity to deliver significant biodiversity net gain, as well as encompassing innovative renewable energy provision. It is envisaged that it will be a hub for advanced manufacturing and life sciences. Furthermore, it provides the opportunity to create sustainable and good quality connections into existing highways infrastructure. This includes the potential for the development of a link road through the site that could continue across land in MPTL control to provide better access to Stoneleigh Park in the vicinity of Gate 3. This would significantly enhance the market appeal of Stoneleigh Park given that the current main site access is removed from the A46. The proposed highways improvements could also create a bypass to Stoneleigh village through the Kingswood Business Park and Stoneleigh Park removing significant amounts of traffic from the village. Finally, MPTL are also promoting an area of land adjacent to Stoneleigh Village for new housing, of approximately 100 – 150 dwellings. This matter has been addressed in the previous Call for Sites submission and consequently is not repeated in this submission. The proposed schemes also have the potential to link into a number of other local and significant developments that are already planned and in some cases already under way. The proposals, therefore, will not only deliver a range of benefits in their own right but will create wider sustainability benefits for the District, the South Warwickshire area and sub-region. Key to achieving this is how the developments will respond to the Climate Change agenda in order to deliver truly sustainable development. The main benefits that the sites can deliver are highlighted below and expanded upon in the respective Call for Sites submissions for the respective sites. They include: • Delivery of new high quality employment floorspace and accommodation that will meet a variety of needs across a range of different sectors, thus contributing to meeting the employment and economic growth objectives of the two authorities but also contributing to the wider sub-region. It is anticipated that the focus will be advanced manufacturing, life sciences, sustainability and research and development. • Delivery of a well-designed and attractive Business Park that will incorporate high levels of green infrastructure and areas for biodiversity net gain in a landscaped and treed environment, thus creating a pleasant environment for users of the Park and helping with their well-being and mental health. • Construction of new buildings that are energy efficient / carbon neutral which will have a direct impact on contributing to addressing climate change and reducing energy use. • Ability to deliver highly accessible business and employment development that is connected to new planned housing SUEs at Kings Hill and East of Kenilworth, thereby creating opportunities to move between them all by modes of transport other than the private car. • The potential for the creation of a link road from the Stoneleigh Road potentially using the roundabout that is being constructed by HS2 to serve The Kings Wood Business Park and create new and improved access to Stoneleigh Park, which will directly benefit the local highway and residents of Stoneleigh Village who will see a reduction in Park related traffic passing through the village as a result. • The opportunity to connect into wider local public transport schemes such as the new train station to serve the university and rapid rail transit system that has been mooted as an option. • Opportunities to create significant biodiversity net gain well beyond minimum standards on land within the control of MPTL, to help with nature conservation, climate change flood alleviation measures and potentially public access. • Facilitating public access to the wider estate, including the river corridor. The indicative Masterplan Provided at Appendix 2 includes large area of Green Infrastructure and semi natural open space that help create public access to the Green Belt and enhances its environmental quality, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 142 of the NPPF. • Delivery of new housing, including affordable housing to help meet the needs of the Districts.

ID Ffurflen: 81702
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

The Plan Period We support the preparation of a plan that will run to 2050. Having an extended plan period will allow for the SWLP to properly respond to long term issues and support the allocations of larger, strategic sites that will deliver over an extended period of time. The SWLP will need to have a flexible and adaptive Vision and set of policies to respond to the fact that the local economy and market requirements are likely to change significantly during the course of the period 2050. Supporting Evidence Base It is noted that Part 1.8 of the Plan advises that in addition to the existing evidence base studies additional technical studies will be commissioned to inform the SWLP as required. One of the identified potential additional studies is a Green Belt study. Approximately one third of the SWLP area falls within the Green Belt. A large proportion of the major towns and sustainable villages are surrounded by or located within the Green Belt. The South of Coventry Area (SWLP page 68) that is being considered as an allocation for an economic growth hub, is within the Green Belt. The emerging plan should remove land from the Green Belt in order to meet its growth requirements. A Green Belt study is, therefore, essential in order to understand the sensitivity of the Green Belt for development so this matter can be considered alongside other evidence based documents to help establish the most appropriate locations for allocations.

ID Ffurflen: 81703
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb


The Vision MPTL support the Vision outlined in the Draft Plan. The objectives of providing homes and jobs to support the needs of South Warwickshire and neighbouring authorities is fully supported. We agree that this should be done in a sustainable way, responding to the climate emergency, and the five overarching objectives will help ensure that development is delivered in the right locations provided that they are reflected through SWLP’s policies and allocations. The Strategic Objective We support and have comments on a number of the Strategic Objectives identified by the Draft Plan. This includes: • Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time – New housing and employment allocations often require new infrastructure to support their development. However, in the case of Stoneleigh Park, and the Kings Wood Employment Site, significant amounts of infrastructure already existing. Stoneleigh Park is an established employment site. There is the opportunity to increase the amount of development on site making efficient use of the land, helping the park to evolve and attract new businesses. Kings Wood Business Park is proposed partly on the site of the HS2 compound. HS2 have created a roundabout access to the site of the Stoneleigh Road, create roads, areas of hard standing and buildings that could potentially be repurposed. There are utilities including water and power in the site. In addition, significantly improved roundabout access in to the A46 is under construction. This is a key benefit of MPTL proposals. There is the opportunity to include allocations in the SWLP that will deliver infrastructure that supports not just the proposed development, but also delivers facilities that can benefit the local area as a whole. For example, the Stoneleigh Park and Kings Wood Business Park developments provide the opportunity, in combination, to create a bypass. The bypass would extend from the Stoneleigh Road, though Kings Wood Business Park, to Stoneleigh Park Gate 3. It would than pass though the Park to the exiting main entrance removing traffic from Stoneleigh village. The scheme can also provide significant green infrastructure improvements. It can create pedestrian access to and along the River Avon within the extent of the wider ownership. Significant biodiversity net gain improvements can be implemented. • Developing opportunities for jobs – We fully support this objective. The draft Plan advises tat page 85 that there are a series of economic assets, including Stoneleigh Park. The HENDA establishes a requirement of at least 354 ha of employment land in the plan area, excluding B8 uses. There are a variety of high tech firms jobs in the plan area, the SWLP should include a strategy and allocations to realise this potential. • Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities – It is imperative that residential allocation of different sizes are made across the plan area to meet the housing needs of South Warwickshire and any unmet needs arising from neighbouring authorities. A range of housing allocations are required, from small scale sites that can deliver development promptly, to larger sites that can deliver significant amounts of housing over a longer period of time that will naturally have longer led in times. Allocations should be focused at sustainable locations, or locations that can be made sustainable through the introduction of new services and facilities as part of the development. MPTL control land at Stoneleigh village can deliver new housing to support the villages growth requirements and provide a workforce in an area of economic growth. • Contributing towards a net zero carbon target – Development opportunities that can provide significant amounts of green infrastructure and provide high quality energy efficient buildings should be supported. • Protecting and enhancing environmental assets – We support the objective of protecting and enhancing environmental assets. The SWLP should look to support allocations that can provide significant biodiversity net gain opportunities and high quality green infrastructure that will benefit not only the residents of development, but the environment as a whole. It should look to maximise the opportunity presented by brownfield sites. This includes Stoneleigh Park and the HS2 compound with the wider estate.

ID Ffurflen: 81704
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb



ID Ffurflen: 81705
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb

Q-I2 – Please select the infrastructure delivery option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire As referred to earlier in our representations it is our view that it would be preferable to prepare a single Local Plan rather than a two part plan. Adopting this approach would remove any complications identified on page of the draft Plan regarding the way in which a two part plan would need secure appropriate infrastructure provision for new developments. However, if the Council decide to pursue a two part Local Plan we suggest that the policies guiding the development of the strategic allocations identify the infrastructure requirements for the developments. Given the nature of strategic allocations the infrastructure requirements can vary from site to site. We agree with the recognition that the infrastructure requirements for the development strategy are critical in ensuring that development is truly sustainable. That being the case, as part of the site selection process one of the critical considerations should be the onsite infrastructure that is already available to support the development. Q-I3 – Please select the CIL option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire This matter should be kept under review. It is possible that the CIL system will have been replaced by the time the plan is adopted. If the Councils do pursue a CIL its requirements must be considered as part of the plans viability assessment to ensure that the proposed allocations are viable and consequently deliverable. Q-I5 – Please provide any comments you wish to make about infrastructure, viability and deliverability We support the recognition that the development strategy needs to be deliverable and viable and that there needs to be confidence that the sites and locations that are allocated for development will come forward as expected. We note that all development proposals will be assessed through the South Warwickshire Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment and Infrastructure Delivery Strategy that are being prepared alongside a Viability Assessment to ensure that the proposals that are put forward are viable. In order to inform this process regard should be had to the site specific submissions put forward through the Call for Sites process. As detailed in MPTL Call for Sites submissions the proposals at Stoneleigh Park and Kingswood Business Park are readily deliverable.

ID Ffurflen: 81706
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb



ID Ffurflen: 81707
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees

Q-S1 – Please select the strategic green and blue infrastructure option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire We support the Local Plan including policies on the provision of strategic blue and green infrastructure. However, the preparation of the Plan should not be delayed by the production of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy. In addition, the Local Nature Recovery Strategy will not be tested in the same way development plan policies will through the examination process. It is, therefore, our view that the preferred approach should be Policy S1a, identification of strategic green and blue corridors in the SWLP in advance of the preparation of a Local Nature Recovery Strategy, so that this policy can be brought forward in a timely manner and tested through the examination process. The SWLP will need to remove land from the Green Belt to meet its employment and housing requirements. Paragraph 142 of the Framework advises that where it has been concluded it is necessary to release land from the Green Belt for development, plans should set out ways in which the impact of removing land from the Green Belt can be off set through compensatory improvements to the environmental quality and accessibility of remaining Green Belt land. This requirement can be combined with the SWLP’s green and blue infrastructure policies. Enhancing environmental quality of Green Belt land through the provision of green and blue infrastructure can help meet this requirement on Green Belt sites.

ID Ffurflen: 81708
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb





ID Ffurflen: 81710
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb



ID Ffurflen: 81711
Ymatebydd: Mars Pension Trustees
Asiant : Harris Lamb





Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.