Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Drayton Manor Farms Ltd

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 81971
Ymatebydd: Drayton Manor Farms Ltd
Asiant : Stansgate Planning


This response is made in respect of Stratford-upon-Avon. The Heritage and Settlement Sensitivity Assessment for Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon Local plan correctly includes land to the west of the BUAB within the “800m buffer of urban extent”. An extract from the report is below, with SWDP Ref ID 21 identified with a blue arrow. However, the settlement analysis as a whole is flawed because the Sustainability Appraisal has omitted to examine land (such as Ref ID 21) to the west of Built up Area Boundary of Stratford-upon-Avon. More specifically, Appendix B of the Sustainability Appraisal of the South Warwickshire Local Plan – Regulation 18: Issue and Options Stage is an “Assessment of Reasonable Alternative Broad Locations” at • B.25 Stratford-upon-Avon East • B.26 Stratford-upon-Avon Northeast • B.27. Stratford-upon-Avon Northwest • B.28. Stratford-upon-Avon South • B.29 Stratford-upon-Avon Southwest However, none of these broad locations examine land due west of the BUAB (eg adjacent to SUA2) which is capable of being a broad location for growth. In other words, there is land to the west of the BUAB that falls neither within B27 or B29. The knock-on effect of failing to examine land to the west of the BUAB is that SA Volume 2 - Main Report chapter 4.14 “Stratford-upon-Avon” is incomplete or unreliable. This omission is particularly unacceptable given there are many constraints of developing land at B25 to B29, such as: • B.27 Stratford-upon-Avon Northwest” is located in Green Belt. • B.28. Stratford-upon-Avon South contains an Area of Restraint and Grade 2 agricultural land. • B.29 Stratford-upon-Avon Southwest has potential impact on heritage assets. Whereas land due west of the BUAB has no such constraints to growth and therefore it should be examined by the Sustainability Appraisal.

ID Ffurflen: 81973
Ymatebydd: Drayton Manor Farms Ltd

Drayton Manor Farms Ltd responded to the call for sites in June 2021 with SWLP Ref ID 21 “Drayton Manor Farm, Alcester Road, Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9RQ”, Information to support SWDP Ref ID 21 is: It lies adjacent to the Built-up-Area Boundary of Stratford-upon-Avon. The land has no particular planning designation and is accessed via the A46 and the public road Drayton Manor Drive. To the east is land identified in the Core Strategy as a large-scale employment site (Policy SUA.2; IM Properties ref 19/01402/OUT, granted 12 Dec 2019). Construction will soon begin on the construction of a new roundabout at the junction with the A46. These highway works will improve accessibility to Stratford-upon-Avon by driving, cycling and public transport. The approved works include: i. new roundabout at the A46/Drayton Manor Drive junction; ii. pedestrian/cycle link between SUA.2 and Wildmoor roundabout; iii. pedestrian crossing facilities at Wildmoor roundabout; iv. extension of the X19 bus service into SUA.2 and an associated financial contribution. To the west is a business park measuring 6.9 hectares and including 24 buildings with a combined floorspace of 20,371m2. It currently sustains about 160 jobs and 10 businesses. It has its own electricity substation and emergency generator, weighbridge, self-contained water and foul drainage systems and storage tanks. Also to the west is a 50 mega watt solar farm, within the same ownership. There is scope for this proposed allocation to rely heavily upon renewable energy.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.