Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Hayfield Homes

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 81987
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes


Yes, Hayfield consider the Vision and Strategic Objectives for the SWLP to be appropriate, in principle. Delivering homes that meet the needs of all our communities Hayfield support the ambition to deliver housing of a mixture of types, sizes and tenures, to cater for a range of needs. The proposed development at land North of Tailor’s Lane, Upper Quinton would deliver an inclusive range of affordable and private housing, as part of a landscape-led high-quality development. The allocation of the site for housing in the SWLP would also help to support the wider ambitions of the JLP to deliver attractive places which contribute towards reducing carbon emissions. Hayfield consider that caution should be taken in promoting self-build and custom-build housing on general housing sites, as such housing can complicate and delay the delivery of much needed market and affordable housing. There should be flexibility as to whether self-build or custom-build housing is provided on qualifying sites and should be a matter for detailed consideration between applicants and the Councils at the planning application stage. Contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets Hayfield strongly support the Objective of ‘contributing towards Net Zero Carbon targets’ and is demonstrated by Hayfield’s commitment of providing betterment to current Building Regulations as part of the proposed development at the site, in facilitating an EPC ‘A’ Energy Efficiency Rating – something which only 2% of all new homes in the UK currently achieve. Creating attractive places Strong support is provided for creating attractive places. Quality placemaking is embedded deeply into Hayfield’s approach to all developments, as set out further within the enclosed Vision Document and as evidenced in by our previous award-winning developments. A healthy, safe and inclusive South Warwickshire Hayfield support the promotion of healthy, safe and inclusive places and promotes active travel through the provision of enhancements to footpaths and cycle networks within high-quality public open space, which can provide for a range of health and well-being benefits. Hayfield consider that the integration of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) within areas of public open space, including as part of new residential developments, can provide a range of benefits to both wildlife and people. Multi-functional areas of open space can provide opportunities for play and recreation to support healthy lifestyles. These areas can also support new and enhanced wildlife habitats to promote biodiversity and access to nature and contribute towards the positive well-being of new and existing residents. This approach has been taken in the development of the draft Framework Plan for the proposed development at Land North of Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton (see enclosed Vision Document). We propose a generous allocation of greenspace to encourage play and recreation and social interaction of all residents, both existing and new. We propose to retain and integrate existing trees and hedgerows along the boundaries, to provide a landscape setting to the development, whilst also enhancing biodiversity. New pedestrian links will connect with the public footpath to the north/ north-east, integrating the development with the wider built-up area of Quinton. Protecting and enhancing our heritage and cultural assets We support the general principle of protecting and enhancing heritage assets. However, it should be recognised that the suitable approach for achieving this will vary dependent on the specifics of each case. In relation to land north of Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton, and as identified above, an appropriate level of assessment, mitigation and recording would be undertaken in liaison with the Council’s Planning Archaeologist to enhance collective understanding of the identified on-site ‘Non-designated Heritage Asset’. This would be proportionate to its level of significance. Providing infrastructure in the right place at the right time Hayfield support the timely provision of infrastructure to support new homes. This would be secured for the proposed development at Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton, through a Section 106 Agreement providing proportionate financial contributions towards relevant existing and new infrastructure, such as highway improvements and contributions towards local health and education provision.

Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81988
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes



Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81989
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes

Q-13: Hayfield consider that Option 13a is the correct approach, with different rates of CIL applicable in different parts of the South Warwickshire area, to reflect the varying market and viability conditions of each area. Q-I5: Hayfield consider it imperative that the South Warwickshire Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) takes into account the evidence submitted as part of these representations in relation to land north of Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton, with regards to the deliverability of the site. This evidence demonstrates that there are no substantial reasons preventing future development and allocation of the site (see Site Assessment section above).

Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81990
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Appropriate strategy

Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81991
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes



Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81992
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes

Q-S9: Hayfield consider that in identifying the appropriate Spatial Strategy for South Warwickshire, it will become apparent which settlement boundaries will require review. For the reasons outlined above in relation to Issue S7, it is Hayfield’s strong view that Growth Option 5 should be pursued, to support the vitality of South Warwickshire’s rural communities. The Part 1 SWLP should therefore identify the relevant growth villages which will require a boundary review through the Part 2 SWLP, including Quinton. To prevent delay to the delivery of housing within sustainable growth villages such as Quinton, Hayfield consider that the Part 2 SWLP should be progressed without delay. A mechanism should be secured within the Part 1 SWLP, to trigger the preparation of the Part 2 document immediately following the adoption of the Part 1 document. The submission of suitable deliverable sites through this consultation and the Call for Sites exercises, will facilitate the early identification of sites within the Part 2 SWLP, and will support the review of settlement boundaries, as well as the consideration of sites through the planning application process.

Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81993
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes




Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81994
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes

Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-T1: South Warwickshire is predominantly rural in character and as identified within the SWLP, the predominant form of transport is the private car. It would therefore be unrealistic to expect that all development will function as 20 minute neighbourhoods, as is more commonly seen in urban areas within other parts of the UK which benefit from significant public transport infrastructure. As recognised within the SWLP, in rural areas, a network of villages could collectively provide for the day-to-day needs of its residents, rather than a 20- minute neighbourhood approach. The SWLP should seek to identify sites for housing across the Plan area including in the rural areas, such as the site to the north of Tailor’s Lane in Upper Quinton. Policies should be developed which support new development in these areas which also enhance pedestrian and cycle connectivity and the provision of electric vehicle charging, to encourage more sustainable modes of travel. The proposed development at Tailor’s Lane would provide improved access to the PRoW network within Quinton, through new footpath connections within the site and connected to the public footpath to the north/ north-east. ‘Fast-charge’ electric vehicle charging points would also be provided to all new homes as standard, to promote more sustainable alternatives for private travel, to access facilities within the local villages to serve the daily needs of residents.

Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81995
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes




Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
ID Ffurflen: 81996
Ymatebydd: Hayfield Homes

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Q-B3: It is Hayfield’s strong view that Special Landscape Areas should be discarded within the SWLP, to bring it in line with the approach of the existing Warwick Local Plan. Q-B4: Hayfield strongly consider that the current policy approach with regards to the Cotswold AONB should be maintained, without the use of a buffer. The inclusion of a buffer around the periphery of the Cotswold AONB would not be consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), as is required of Local Plans. An AONB relates to land that is protected to conserve and enhance its natural beauty. It would therefore not be appropriate or justified for undesignated land to be afforded the same level of protection as an AONB. Q-B5: Hayfield consider that there is no justification for an Environmental Net Gain Policy requiring more onerous obligations to the minimum 10% net gain which will be required under the Environment Act. The delivery of a biodiversity net gain needs to be considered on a site-by-site basis, as the ability to deliver a net gain of greater than 10% will be dependent on the baseline habitat conditions. Pursuing more onerous environmental net gain requirements at the local level could jeopardise the delivery of South Warwickshire’s growth strategy and should therefore not be pursued. Q-B6: No, Hayfield consider that it would not be justified to designate areas of Wildbelt across the Local Plan Area. Wildbelt does not constitute a ‘protected area’ where development should be restricted within a plan area, as defined within the NPPF footnote 7. The Environment Act will in any event require all developments to deliver a minimum 10% net gain as of November 2023, which can be used to enhance wildlife habitats. The intentions of the Wildbelt designation can therefore be delivered through other means. Q-B8.1: No, Hayfield consider that a local policy relating to agricultural land is not necessary, as this is already provided for within the NPPF, and would result in repetition of national policy.

Ffeil: Location plan
Ffeil: Vision
Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.