Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Claverdon Parish Council

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 82545
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council



ID Ffurflen: 82548
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council


ID Ffurflen: 82549
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council

QE2 Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire. This should be addressed in Part 2. Q E 4.1 Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Option This issue should be addressed in Part 2 QE 7.1 Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Claverdon supports Option E7.1a as that provides opportunity for housing growth in areas with infrastructure to meet the needs of the increasing workforce without the necessity of using green belt land or viable farmland. QE 8.1 Do you agree that the existing employment allocations, including the revisions to Atherstone Airfield, should be carried over into the SWLP? Claverdon would need more time to consider this so, it’s a don’t know QE8.3 Do you agree that proposals seeking the loss of a business, commercial or community building or facility should be subject to marketing, viability and alternative use tests? Claverdon supports this proposal as essential to protect assets

ID Ffurflen: 82554
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council


Yes The HEDNA is a standard and tried and tested model so Claverdon accepts the general approach in the plan subject to infrastructure as set out earlier.

ID Ffurflen: 82556
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council

Subsidy from Homes England.




The comment in section H2.1 applies equally to the provision for elderly people.

ID Ffurflen: 82563
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Claverdon recognise that SWLP has a duty to collaborate with the neighbouring authorities. The demand and need which comes from Birmingham and the Black Country is mainly for affordable homes. The problem of providing affordable homes in high land and house price areas has proved intractable nationally so that affordable and social housing numbers have declined sharply. When the SWLP announces proposed targets it must indicate the level of subsidy Homes England will allocate to areas such as Claverdon.

The scale of homes which Claverdon can absorb is dependent on affordability problems being addressed. However, the scale is also dependent on adequate modern infrastructure being provided. Without a significant change to the approach to funding infrastructure none of the options will be adequate.

ID Ffurflen: 82567
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council




QH2.2 Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire: Claverdon supports option H2.2c Achieving a higher number of affordable homes, suitable for younger people and families in particular is a major challenge. No housing target should be ratified without a fully funded strategy for affordable homes in high price settlements. QH 3 Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire This policy should be dealt with in Part 2 QH5 Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Premature defer to Part 2 Q-H6: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Claverdon supports H6c but it should be deferred to Part 2

ID Ffurflen: 82571
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council




ID Ffurflen: 82573
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council

Claverdon is certain that there are such criteria but does not have the expertise to respond to this question.

ID Ffurflen: 82575
Ymatebydd: Claverdon Parish Council

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Claverdon does not have the expertise to comment.

QC.1.1 Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Claverdon supports the priority being given to climate change and option C1.1b. In particular it supports the monitoring of emissions and the proposals for retrofitting dwellings. QC2. Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire Claverdon does not have the expertise to respond to this question.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.