Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio Alscot Estate
Chwilio o’r newyddNi roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Issue E8 – Atherstone Airfield Industrial Estate Introduction The representations refer to the existing employment site at the Atherstone Airfield Industrial Estate which is the subject of Issue E8 in the current Issues and Options Consultation and is also the subject of Proposal SUA.4 in the adopted Core Strategy for Stratford-on-Avon District Council. The representations seek to; To make more efficient use of land by increasing the net to gross ratio commensurate with normal development industry standards. To remove the policy restrictions in the adopted Core Strategy which generally limit occupation to employers relocating from the Canal Quarter or from elsewhere in the District and which limit the occupiers to particular Use Classes of development. To increase the size of the employment allocation by the inclusion of land east of Shipston Road to provide greater choice and flexibility for potential occupiers to encourage greater investment and economic development in the District, consistent with the need for more employment land as stated in the evidence base. Supporting Text to Proposal SUA.4in the Site Allocations Plan Revised Preferred Options (June 2022) The explanation to the proposal (Paragraph 7.2.1) in the Site Allocations Plan Revised Preferred Options (June 2022) refers to the allocation of the site specifically for the relocation of businesses from the Canal Quarter in Stratford-upon-Avon and for businesses to relocate from elsewhere in the District. The text states that it is apparent that most industrial estates in the District are very well occupied with few vacant units. It adds that; ‘However, since the Core Strategy was adopted, it has become apparent that there is very little interest from businesses in the Canal Quarter to relocate to this site.’ The explanation adds that the location provides an opportunity for businesses in the District to relocate for operational reasons or to expand. It also states that some flexibility for businesses outside the District to move to the site may also be appropriate in order to facilitate implementation for its principal purpose stating that this is line with responding flexibly to changing circumstances as required by the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The explanation (Paragraph 7.2.3) also states that the Inspector who examined the Core Strategy found the site to be well located in relation to Stratford-upon-Avon with direct access on to the A road network and a frequent bus service that runs along Shipston Road. It also states that the Alscot Estate is an established business location with readily available infrastructure. Evidence Base The Coventry and Warwickshire Sub-Regional Employment Market Signals Study (Executive Summary and Main Report) were published in July 2019. The reports form part of the evidence base of the Site Allocations Plan. The broad conclusions set out in Paragraph 9.25 of the Main Report (Page 86) state that; ‘There is clear evidence of existing and future demand for both industrial land and premises in the Coventry and Warwickshire area, above and beyond existing levels of supply.’The opportunity exists to increase the site area of the employment allocation at Atherstone Airfield to contribute to meeting the shortfall in land supply which is set out in the report. Making more efficient use of land Government guidance is clear in the need to make more efficient use of land as set out in the NPPF (Paragraph 124) with which developing the site at a greater net to gross ratio i.e. developing at normal market densities for industrial development with substantial on-site landscaping. The Vision Document and the supporting landscape document prepared by Fpcr also show the commitment to deliver substantial and additional off-site landscaping. An increase in the developable net to gross ratio from 53% to 76% would continue to allow a significant area of land to remain open in character and provide an attractive landscape setting for future employment development. Increasing flexibility for occupiers Relaxing the policy restrictions on potential employment uses and potential occupiers on the site would encourage further economic development in the form of new investment and jobs. The relaxation of policy restrictions is required to enable the viable and fundable delivery of infrastructure necessary to provide serviced employment land available for development. Investment in highway, drainage and utilities infrastructure will be on a speculative basis and unjustified policy restrictions on potential occupiers is likely to increase the risk of such funding not being available. A modest proportion of the employment allocation at Atherstone Airfield Industrial Estate could be safeguarded to provide for the future relocation of existing businesses within the District such as the Canal Quarter for an agreed period. A larger employment allocation to provide more choice for occupiers The District Council accepts that the location is an appropriate one for further employment development. The proposal to extend the size of the employment allocation by 23 hectares would provide additional choice and flexibility for potential occupiers and make best and efficient use of the investment into the infrastructure. This would be consistent with Market Signals Study in the evidence base which refers to the unmet demand for employment land in Coventry and Warwickshire Conclusions The land at Atherstone Airfield Industrial Estate is acknowledged to be a well located employment site. The local plan policy restrictions have hindered the potential for more inward investment and economic development.The existing Core Strategy employment allocation at Atherstone Airfield Industrial Estate should be retained in the preparation of the South Warwickshire Local Plan, subject to a less prescriptive policy approach in relation to occupiers and a more efficient use of land, together with an increase in the size of the employment allocation. A less prescriptive planning policy approach which provides for a more efficient use of land, a more open approach to the types of employment development and allowing occupiers whether from inside or outside the District is more likely to encourage businesses to relocate to, invest in and expand at the site. As a well located employment site, the opportunity exists to increase the size of the employment allocation on land east of Shipston Road which would provide greater choice for potential occupiers and contribute to the unmet need for employment land in the local area. It is recommended that the current employment allocation planning policy context is amended as proposed in this letter and as supported by the accompanying consultation form and Vision Document.