Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio L&Q Estates

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 84666
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock




ID Ffurflen: 84667
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock




Q-H2-2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire: We consider Option H2-2b; providing a separate affordable housing requirement for Stratford-on-Avon and Warwick Districts, would be appropriate in terms of reflecting local requirements and local viability calculations. However, it is considered that the tenure and type of affordable homes sought should be determined on a site-by-site basis, based on national planning policy and best available information regarding local housing needs, site surroundings and viability considerations. L&Q Estates support a collaborative approach to identifying site-specific affordable housing requirements, including tenure and type of affordable homes to be provided on-site. Q-H3: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire L&Q Estates have no objection to a requirement to meet optional Building Regulations M4(2)/M4(3) in principle (Option H3c). It is considered that this should be achieved by requiring a certain proportion of homes on sites in medium or higher value zones to meet the optional standards. However, we reserve the right to comment further at a later stage, once the specific requirements for sites have been clearly defined. Q-H5: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire Whilst it is considered that Option H5a would enable the South Warwickshire Authorities to group this type of housing together in small sites in various locations, such an approach would be dependent on landowners putting sites forward for this type of housing. Therefore, this approach may not provide sufficient suitable development permissions to meet the identified demand in accordance with the duties under sections 2 and 2A of the Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015. We consider Option H5b is appropriate for South Warwickshire, provided it can be demonstrated that there is currently a need for self-build and custom build plots identified in the self-build and custom build register for the local authority where the site is located. The proportion of self and custom-build plots to be made available within large sites should be sufficient to match the current number on the register. Such an approach would align with the aims of Paragraph 62 of the NPPF in terms of providing opportunities for people wishing to commission or build their own homes. It is considered that any policy under Option H5b should also include a fall-back option of reverting any unsold self-build plots to the developer to build, should any of these plots not be sold after an appropriate marketing period (of, say, 12 months, for example).

ID Ffurflen: 84668
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock






ID Ffurflen: 84669
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock




Q-C9.1: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire NPPF Paragraph 32 advises that local plans should address relevant environmental objectives, including opportunities for net gains. Where significant adverse impacts are unavoidable, suitable mitigation measures should be proposed (or, where this is not possible, compensatory measures should be considered). Further, Paragraph 174 advises that planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by minimising impacts on and providing net gains for biodiversity, including establishing coherent ecological network that are more resilient to current and future pressures. L&Q Estates are supportive of Option C9.1a: Include a policy requiring new development and changes to existing buildings to incorporate measures to increase biodiversity. The Site will seek to deliver a minimum 10% in biodiversity net gain, alongside other on-site habitat provision and enhancement, through the retention and enhancement of existing hedgerow within the site and supplementary planting to diversify the species mix,creation of natural areas surrounding the edge of the site to include wildflower meadow, scrub, tree and copse planting, in addition to the inclusion of sustainable drainage features comprising attenuation ponds, rain gardens and swales that are designed for ecological benefit.

ID Ffurflen: 84670
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock




Ni roddwyd ateb

Q-C4.1: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire We are generally supportive of Option C4.1c – a phased approach to net zero carbon -setting a future date by which all new development will need to achieve net zero standards. L&Q Estates are committed to responding to the climate crisis and are actively looking to deliver housing to standards above those set out in current building regulations in response to this challenge. Indeed, their most recent Corporate Strategy includes a commitment to setting an L&Q design standard in response to the emerging Future Homes Standard, as well as more broad investment in modern methods of construction. However, it is important to note that renewable and low carbon energy dwellings maynot always be practicable or viable in new developments. Therefore, we are supportive of Option C4.1c insofar as this option allows time for the cost of achieving these standards to come down, and may mean that more affordable housing and community benefits can be secured from development.

ID Ffurflen: 84673
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock


Q-V3.1: Do you agree that the Vision and Strategic Objectives are appropriate? The Vision We support the vision in principle, which seeks to create a prosperous, stronger and sustainable South Warwickshire. The vision provides a positive framework for the Strategic Objectives and is generally aligned with the three overarching sustainability objectives set out in NPPF Paragraph 8. Strategic Objectives We are supportive of the Strategic Objectives, which will address the key strategic challenges and opportunities that have arisen since the Stratford on Avon Core Strategy was adopted in 2016. We consider that the Site, which has the potential to deliver 130new homes in Long Itchington as well as significant open space in a sustainable location, would assist the South Warwickshire Authorities in achieving these objectives.

ID Ffurflen: 84676
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock





ID Ffurflen: 84678
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock


Q-D2: Please select all options which are appropriate for South Warwickshire L&Q Estates intend to engage with the local community and other stakeholders through public consultation events to help influence the design of the land north of Leamington Road, Long Itchington development during the preparation of the outline planning application, following the adoption of the South Warwickshire Local Plan. A site-specific design code will be developed for the Site in accordance with NPPF Paragraph 129. Therefore, L&Q Estates are supportive of Option D2c: Develop design guides/codes for strategic development sites/locations, particularly as the planned public engagement will ensure the design of spaces and buildings will be appropriate and will respond to local context and identified needs in terms of size, type and tenure. The Vision Document demonstrates that much work has already been undertaken into achieving a welldesigned neighbourhood. Q-D5: Should we continue with the approach to include a high-level strategic policy within the Part 1 plan and to utilise heritage assessments to inform the growth strategy, and delay detailed policies to Part 2? L&Q Estates agree that a high-level strategic policy that seeks to protect and enhance existing heritage assets should be included within the Part 1 plan, in accordance with Paragraph 190 of the Framework. Detailed heritage policies should be deferred to Part 2. The Site does not contain any Locally Listed or Statutorily Listed Buildings, nor is it located within the Long Itchington Conservation Area. A Heritage Appraisal has been undertaken to inform the Concept Masterplan and Vision Document for land north of Leamington Road, Long Itchington. The deliverability of development on the site with reference to the historic environment constraints has been assessed. The Long Itchington Conservation Area, which contains 16 listed buildings, is located 95 metres to the south east of the Site at its nearest point. The Heritage Appraisal considers that the undulating topography of the area coupled with the screening provided by the intervening planted and built environment, has the effect of masking the historic core of the village and its listed buildings from the site. The one exception is the tower of the Grade II* Listed Church of the Holy Trinity, which is visible from parts of the Site. However, the Site cannot be experienced from this immediate setting and therefore none of these contributions would be affected by its development. Furthermore, the limited view of the church from the Site comprises obscured views to the upper elements of the tower. The Heritage Appraisal concludes that residential development at the Site would not adversely impact the Church of the Holy Trinity or any other designated heritage assets.

ID Ffurflen: 84684
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock



ID Ffurflen: 84685
Ymatebydd: L&Q Estates
Asiant : Mr Will Whitelock

Q-W2: Please select the option which is most appropriate for South Warwickshire We are supportive of Option W2a and consider a policy should be included on Health Impact Assessments. This option seeks to deliver appropriate local facilities to support residents and to enhance the sustainability of existing areas. The Vision Document prepared for the Site has been structured to follow Building for a Healthy Life (BHL) principles. BHL is one of the most widely used design tools in England for creating places that are better for people and nature. It was written in partnership with Homes England, NHS England and NHS Improvement and is structured to set clear expectations for new developments. Equally, and as BHL sets out, the COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the importance of designing for active travel. This is in recognition that design choices that help people feel disposed to walk or ride a bicycle in their neighbourhood are critical to supporting a sense of well-being from outdoor exercise. By following BHL, a critical aspect of the Vision for the Site is to design for active travel and access to green space. The Site has good accessibility to the existing footway and PRoW network, in addition to existing local cycle routes and public transport options. The ability to be able to walk and cycle within the new neighbourhood and the site’s good accessibility to the built-up area of Long Itchington, a town with many local services, is key in order to minimise traffic and mitigating climate change. It is considered that the healthcare requirements for strategic sites should be set out in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, once prepared. We note that work is ongoing in relation to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. We therefore reserve the right to comment further at a later stage, once the specific requirements for sites have been clearly defined.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.