Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio HG Hodges Ltd
Chwilio o’r newyddThis section makes reference to Chapter 7 of the SA ‘Evaluation of the Spatial Growth Options’. It is understood that the Growth Options included as part of this consultation are an amalgamation of the Growth Options considered in the previous consultation. This representation in principle supports growth relating to: • Rail Corridors (previously Growth Option A); • Sustainable Travel (previously Growth Options A and B); • Economy (previously Growth Options D and E); and • Sustainable Travel and Economy (previously Growth Options A, B, D and E). Table 7.1 in the SA demonstrates that these growth options are the most sustainable options for the delivery of development when compared to the remaining Growth Option ‘Dispersed’. We agree with the conclusions of the SA and support the principle of delivering growth concentrated around these options, which in turn supports the delivery of Long Marston Airfield and indeed the densification of the allocation.
The Stratford-upon-Avon South Western Relief Road (SWRR) is a key strategic road to help inform the delivery of development south of Stratford-upon-Avon. In part this will support the delivery of LMA and therefore it is considered appropriate a specific policy is included in the emerging Local Plan that continues to safeguard this road. That being said the delivery of some phases of LMA can continue and therefore such a policy should not prejudice its delivery. Similarly, the former railway line between Stratford-upon-Avon and LMA is safeguarded within Policy CS.26 of the existing Stratford-upon-Avon Core Strategy and should also be carried forward as part of the emerging Local Plan, tying into our support for development along Rail Corridors. Doing so will ensure that sustainable links are delivered to support the growth of LMA outside its current allocation. That being said, the same applies above insofar that the delivery of the additional development at LMA is not reliant on the former railway line coming into use.