Issue and Options 2023

Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni

Canlyniadau chwilio Sir Thomas White's Charity & King Henry VIII Endowed Trust

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd
ID Ffurflen: 83948
Ymatebydd: Sir Thomas White's Charity & King Henry VIII Endowed Trust
Asiant : Stansgate Planning


Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 83949
Ymatebydd: Sir Thomas White's Charity & King Henry VIII Endowed Trust
Asiant : Stansgate Planning


Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Ni roddwyd ateb

ID Ffurflen: 83950
Ymatebydd: Sir Thomas White's Charity & King Henry VIII Endowed Trust
Asiant : Stansgate Planning

Inappropriate strategy

Inappropriate strategy

Inappropriate strategy

Inappropriate strategy

Appropriate strategy

ID Ffurflen: 83951
Ymatebydd: Sir Thomas White's Charity & King Henry VIII Endowed Trust
Asiant : Stansgate Planning



ID Ffurflen: 84709
Ymatebydd: Sir Thomas White's Charity & King Henry VIII Endowed Trust
Asiant : Stansgate Planning

Dim byd wedi’i ddewis

Sir Thomas White's Charity and The King Henry VIII Endowed Trust, Warwick control land between Lillington and Cubbington. The land has been put forward through the Call for Sites and given reference 97, Glebe Farm, Cubbington. Adjacent site 191 Land Adjacent Bungalow Farm, Cubbington, is also available. Detailed information was submitted as part of the Call for Sites which indicated the site was suitable for development within the next 5 years. Independently prepared highways and landscape reports confirmed the site had good connectivity and could be developed without harm to the wider landscape, the area effectively being screened from wider view by existing developments. The site is assessed in several of the background evidence document. The following considers the key points raised. The site does not contain any heritage assets and, subject to appropriate design, development would not cause harm to those heritage assets lying beyond the site; The site does not suffer from any flooding concerns; This site has good access to a full range of everyday services and facilities including shops, schools and employment opportunities; It scores 4 as a connectivity grade, but this can be improved through development with the provision of enhanced bus services associated with a 2000 dwelling development; Development has the potential to increase in GHG emissions, but this is no different to all other broad locations for development; The site fits well with the 20 minute neighbourhood concept which aims to reduce the need to travel and thus the impact on carbon footprint here would be lower than in many others; Development will not cause harm to any biodiversity, flora, fauna or geodiversity assets; The Council assessments indicate development may cause slight harm to the setting of Newbold Comyn Country Park, but concludes that this can be mitigated through the use of landscape led design practices. The same conclusion is drawn regarding public rights of way which cross the site where again this can be mitigated through careful design. The site is located in the Dunsmore Character Area and Council's report indicates that development could have a minor negative impact on the landscape. The owners own appraisal (submitted as part of the previous Call for Sites) does not agree with this and in any case any potential harm can be mitigated through the use of landscape led design; Development will not lead to coalescence of settlements - indeed this parcel of land is already viewed as part of the settlements; The Council identifies the land as being Grade 2 and 3 land whereas the owners appraisal indicates a mix of grade 3a and 3b. It is probable there will be some loss of higher grade agricultural land but this can be minimised by careful positioning of open spaces. Loss is inevitable to provide sufficient land for development to meet the needs arising during the Plan period. Taking these points together the site scores well in the sustainability appraisal and is an ideal location to accommodate development as an urban extension.

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.