Issue and Options 2023
Chwilio am ymatebion i ffurflenni
Canlyniadau chwilio Bishops Itchington Parish Council
Chwilio o’r newydddewiswyd
Ni roddwyd ateb
Option H2-2c: A more localised approach with separate affordable housing requirements for different localities across South Warwickshire Affordable housing requirements should be determined to suit the needs of the regions and the aspirations of the people wishing to move into those regions, however measures will be required to ensure that there are no deliberate manipulations to ‘fudge the system’. The consideration of it being more difficult for developers to anticipate their costs is the developer’s problem.
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
Ni roddwyd ateb
The parish council would also like to make several comments/observations: • The justification given in some cases for the blanket approach was that it would make it easier and more predictable for developers. Our view is that this policy document should be in the interests of the people living in those regions, not the developers, • Where is the proof that South Warwickshire require the number of houses quoted including affordable housing? Exactly how many affordable houses are required and where? • It is surprising that ‘Heritage’ is absent from part one of the plan so it is assumed it will be in part 2, particularly in that Warwick District Council (WDC) has so many listed building, designated heritage assets, and conservation areas, • ‘2017, Warwickshire District Council Local Plan identified which polices were considered strategic. 2016 Stratford District Council Core Strategy did not’ – the two district councils are like ‘chalk and cheese’ regarding strategic strategies. There appears to be no hard and fast definition as to what constitutes strategic policy and we feel there should be one, • Page 178 of the document, it is where the two sets of planning policies from the Core Strategy and the Local Plan are listed, and this is where CS8 is ‘Historic Environment – some elements are within part one’: they are not included at all. Even the main regional centres AS1, AS2, AS3 etc. Are all saved for part two and this is worrying. The reality of asking people to merge into one local plan two separate LPA’s that are so far different particularly in their planning policies. At the moment, Warwickshire District Council’s local plan seems to be taking precedence in part one. Disparity between the two and a concern that the approach that Warwick takes has been given greater weight and significance, • Green belt. WDC has an excessive amount of green belt which they protect rigorously and there is also confusion generated between something being washed over by the greenbelt as opposed to being actually in the greenbelt. SDC has very little green belt and it is located in the northwest were it bounds the West Midlands and a small amount by Snitterfield and the north side of Stratford itself. The view that SDC will have about green belt will be completely different to that of WDC which re-emphasises the disparity/incompatibility, • Built Up Area Boundaries (BUAB) is concerning as there is a proposal about changing these. If you are going to preserve a community which is of a manageable sustainable size, there is no logic in changing the boundaries. A change in BUAB would affect all the villages.