Publication Draft
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio CB Richard Ellis
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Publication Draft
Do you agree with the Preferred Vision for Warwick District to 2026?
ID sylw: 33637
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: CB Richard Ellis
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Agree with the preferred vision and support recognising Leamington Spa's rich heritage.
Also support ensuring Leamington becomes a destination for shopping and leisure with a strong sub-regional centre.
The desire to enhance the site at 11-15 The Parade will contribute to the vision.
Publication Draft
Do you agree with the Preferred Growth Strategy for Warwick District to 2026?
ID sylw: 33638
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: CB Richard Ellis
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Support the majority of new development being directed to the combined urban areas, including Leamington Spa, which includes focussing major retail and commercial developments within the town centre.
Publication Draft
Do you agree with the Strategic Objectives for Warwick District?
ID sylw: 33639
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: CB Richard Ellis
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Support for ensuring a sustainable, innvoative and productive economy and the role to support development of suitable land and buildings for retail within the town centres to meet future needs and ensure their continued vibrancy and vitality.
Publication Draft
Do you agree that the Council has identified all reasonable options for Town Centres?
ID sylw: 33640
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: CB Richard Ellis
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Agree all options have been identified. The role of Leamington as a strategic centre should be reflected in the Core Strategy and we support the need to promote and enhance the town centre through major retail growth. The Council should ensure that all existing retail opportunities are maximised in order to maintain and enhance the vibrancy and viability of the town centre.
Publication Draft
Do you agree with the preferred hierarchy and strategy for each of the District's town and local centres?
ID sylw: 33641
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: CB Richard Ellis
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Publication Draft
Do you agree that the Council has identified all reasonable options for the location of new housing?
ID sylw: 33642
Derbyniwyd: 25/09/2009
Ymatebydd: CB Richard Ellis
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Support the role of small windfall sites in providing homes over the period to 2026. Small town centre sites can present an important source of housing and it is important to recognise this and maintain flexibility to deliver such sites.