Publication Draft
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio West Midlands Regional Assembly
Chwilio o’r newyddGwrthwynebu
Publication Draft
Do you agree that the Council has identified all reasonable options for the location of new employment land?
ID sylw: 33888
Derbyniwyd: 17/12/2009
Ymatebydd: West Midlands Regional Assembly
The reference to the potential contribution of expansion of Warwick University to employment land should be deleted because the Examination into the RSS Phase 2 Review conceded that the University expansion would not contribute to B1, B2, B8 employment development.
The document merges high tech and offices which creates a conflict with PA13B of RSS2, PPS6 and draft PPS4 and could lead to out-of-centre office development. If 45,000 sqm is developed in and around Leamington Town Centre in line with emerging RSS PA13B, this would only account for 28% of total provision, well below target of 65% in RSS.
Publication Draft
Do you agree that the Council has identified all reasonable options for Town Centres?
ID sylw: 33895
Derbyniwyd: 17/12/2009
Ymatebydd: West Midlands Regional Assembly
Suggests that the Core Strategy should take forward the framework set out in RSS2 particularly in relation to Leamington.
Publication Draft
Do you agree with the preferred hierarchy and strategy for each of the District's town and local centres?
ID sylw: 33896
Derbyniwyd: 17/12/2009
Ymatebydd: West Midlands Regional Assembly
The District's Retail & Leisure Study indicates roughly the same amount of new retail floorspace up to 2026 as the RSS Phase2, although a higher amount of this is anticipated in the Core Strategy to be delivered before 2021. Draft Core Strategy should make clear what evidence there is to justify this.
Publication Draft
Do you support or object to the preferred option for Rural Communities, particularly in respect of rural housing?
ID sylw: 33897
Derbyniwyd: 17/12/2009
Ymatebydd: West Midlands Regional Assembly
There does not appear to be a limit on amount of rural housing. Para 9.10 states that the scale of housing is "likely to be significant". Although some of the housing will come from windfalls, there is concern that the policy will lead to an over-provision of housing. There is no firm policy for managing rural land supply as suggested in emerging RSS Phase 2 Policy CF10.