Alternative Sites Consultation
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
ID sylw: 45030
Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
BTPC support the development of these sites , in their entirety, for the provision of 500 homes and 7.2ha of employment during the second phase (2016-2021). They bridge between sites K01 at Thickthorn and K17 at Southcrest Farm. Although in the green belt, the joint review describes them as being of low landscape value owing to previous development usage.
Representations from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council including responses to the alternative sites and in addition a revised alternative option in response to the Warwick District Preferred Options. Full details of the Parish Council's Revised Alternative Option can be read in the paper version that WDC Planning hold at Council Offices. It may also be found on Bishop's Tachbrook's website:'s/100408_BishTachPC_CSPrefOpt_AltOpt[1].pdf
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Woodside Training Centre, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
ID sylw: 45031
Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
BTPC support the development of these sites , in their entirety, for the provision of 500 homes and 7.2ha of employment during the second phase (2016-2021). They bridge between sites K01 at Thickthorn and K17 at Southcrest Farm. Although in the green belt, the joint review describes them as being of low landscape value owing to previous development usage.
Representations from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council including responses to the alternative sites and in addition a revised alternative option in response to the Warwick District Preferred Options. Full details of the Parish Council's Revised Alternative Option can be read in the paper version that WDC Planning hold at Council Offices. It may also be found on Bishop's Tachbrook's website:'s/100408_BishTachPC_CSPrefOpt_AltOpt[1].pdf
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Land at Campion School/south of Sydenham?
ID sylw: 45032
Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
BTPC comment that the entire site is not appropriate for full development. It is bisected by the popular bridleway from Church Lane to Radford Semele. This forms the natural boundary to any extension of Sydenham. We consider the northern 7.5ha to be suitable for 320 homes as shown below [shown in full BTPC full submission], preserving the school playing fields. Access will be provided from the gap in the Sydenham road layout owing to the weight restriction on the Church Lane railway bridge.
Representations from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council including responses to the alternative sites and in addition a revised alternative option in response to the Warwick District Preferred Options. Full details of the Parish Council's Revised Alternative Option can be read in the paper version that WDC Planning hold at Council Offices. It may also be found on Bishop's Tachbrook's website:'s/100408_BishTachPC_CSPrefOpt_AltOpt[1].pdf
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?
ID sylw: 45033
Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
BTPC comment that the entire site is not appropriate for full development. The eastern part adjacent to Lillington is on a ridge. This forms the natural boundary to any extension of Lillington. However, a western extension to Cubbington is possible and will present minimal visual impact owing to the topography. We consider the north-eastern 10.3ha to be suitable for 325 homes as shown below [shown in full BTPC full submission]. Of course, any such development would be expect to provide flood alleviation measures as part of the S106 agreement.
Representations from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council including responses to the alternative sites and in addition a revised alternative option in response to the Warwick District Preferred Options. Full details of the Parish Council's Revised Alternative Option can be read in the paper version that WDC Planning hold at Council Offices. It may also be found on Bishop's Tachbrook's website:'s/100408_BishTachPC_CSPrefOpt_AltOpt[1].pdf
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Loes Farm, Guy's Cliffe, Warwick?
ID sylw: 45034
Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
BTPC comment that the entire site is not appropriate for full development. The A46 forms the natural north and west boundary to development. Woodloes Lane is on a ridge. Building from this line would be visually intrusive. However, north of the Nursery, development will present minimal visual impact owing to the falling topography. We consider 16.9ha to be suitable for 550 homes as shown below. [shown in full BTPC full submission]
Representations from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council including responses to the alternative sites and in addition a revised alternative option in response to the Warwick District Preferred Options. Full details of the Parish Council's Revised Alternative Option can be read in the paper version that WDC Planning hold at Council Offices. It may also be found on Bishop's Tachbrook's website:'s/100408_BishTachPC_CSPrefOpt_AltOpt[1].pdf
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Hurst Farm South, Burton Green?
ID sylw: 45035
Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
BTPC comment that the entire site is not appropriate for full development. The Joint Greenbelt Review identifies it as having high landscape value. However, taking into account the recent University of Warwick Masterplan, it would seem appropriate to permit a south-westerly extension of the University to increase their provision of halls of residence. This in turn might alleviate the pressure on housing wrought on the towns owing to insufficient student accommodation on campus.
Representations from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council including responses to the alternative sites and in addition a revised alternative option in response to the Warwick District Preferred Options. Full details of the Parish Council's Revised Alternative Option can be read in the paper version that WDC Planning hold at Council Offices. It may also be found on Bishop's Tachbrook's website:'s/100408_BishTachPC_CSPrefOpt_AltOpt[1].pdf
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Land at Baginton?
ID sylw: 45036
Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
BTPC comment that the entire site is not appropriate for full development. However, the Joint Greenbelt Review identifies the area as one of low landscape value, owing to the airport, business parks and previous development. It appears sensible to use this site to take pressure away from King's Hill with the provision of 1400 homes and 30ha of employment land. Development of this site would not be expected until the third phase (2021-26). Owing to its role in providing Coventry overflow, it would have to be demonstrated that no land at Coventry was available prior to development.
Representations from Bishop's Tachbrook Parish Council including responses to the alternative sites and in addition a revised alternative option in response to the Warwick District Preferred Options. Full details of the Parish Council's Revised Alternative Option can be read in the paper version that WDC Planning hold at Council Offices. It may also be found on Bishop's Tachbrook's website:'s/100408_BishTachPC_CSPrefOpt_AltOpt[1].pdf