Alternative Sites Consultation
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Highways England
Chwilio o’r newyddSylw
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
ID sylw: 44338
Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Highways England
The A46 runs along the eastern boundary of the site, however, access would be from the existing local road network.
The proximity of the A46 could make it an attractive place to live for people commuting to Coventry, Warwick and Leamington Spa by car. The closest points of access to the A46 are the Stoneleigh Road Junction and Thickthorn Interchange, which both currently suffer from congestion, which is expected to be exacerbated by this site. This is of concern particularly to public transport services and other sustainable transport infrastructure will, therefore, be required if developed.
The Highways Agency (HA) together with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is currently undertaking an assessment of the implications of the strategic housing and employment allocations proposed in the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options paper for both the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and the local road network. This work is expected to be completed by June 2010 and will help determing what, if any, measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed development options on the SRN will be requred. This work should also help to inform the development of the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will underping the Core Stretegy.
Given the uncertainty about which, if any, of the alternative sites are suitable for development, the HA has been unable to undertake any such detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of these sites at this time but would wish to do so when there is greater clarity. For the purposes of responding to this consultation, we have, therefore, undertaken a qualitative assesment of each of the sites focussing on the potential impacts of each site on the SRN and their suitabilty in terms of sustainability.
Sites 1a & b, which are proposed for housing are located to the East of, but adjacent to the boundary of the built up area of Kenilworth. The A46 runs along the eastern boundary of the sites, however, we understand that access would be from the exisitng local road network, via Glasshouse Lane.
The proximity of these sites to the A46 could make them attractive places to live for people commuting to Coventry, Warwick and Leamington Spa by private car. The closest points of access to the A46 are the Stoneleigh Road Junction and Thickthorn Interchange. Both of these junctions currently suffer from congestion, which is expected to be exacerbated by any traffic generated by these sites. This is of concern particularly to public transport services and other sustainable transport infrastructure will, therefore, be required if this site is brought forward for development.
All six of the proposed alternative sites are considered to have some impact upon the SRN. It is expected that Site 2 would have the least impact, due to the relative distance from the M40, and the number of local services, amenities, and employment sites within the neighbouring areas. The remaining sites would have a more noticeable impact upon the SRN. Site 6 in particular has the potential to severely impact upon some sensitive locations along the A46. As set out above, we would, of course, wish to undertake further detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of the sites on the SRN when there is greater clarity about which, if any, sites are considered to be suitable for development.
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Woodside Training Centre, Glasshouse Lane, Kenilworth?
ID sylw: 44339
Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Highways England
The A46 runs along the eastern boundary of the site, however, access would be from the existing local road network.
The proximity of the A46 could make it an attractive place to live for people commuting to Coventry, Warwick and Leamington Spa by car. The closest points of access to the A46 are the Stoneleigh Road Junction and Thickthorn Interchange, which both currently suffer from congestion, which is expected to be exacerbated by this site. This is of concern particularly to public transport services and other sustainable transport infrastructure will, therefore, be required if developed.
The Highways Agency (HA) together with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is currently undertaking an assessment of the implications of the strategic housing and employment allocations proposed in the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options paper for both the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and the local road network. This work is expected to be completed by June 2010 and will help determing what, if any, measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed development options on the SRN will be requred. This work should also help to inform the development of the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will underping the Core Stretegy.
Given the uncertainty about which, if any, of the alternative sites are suitable for development, the HA has been unable to undertake any such detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of these sites at this time but would wish to do so when there is greater clarity. For the purposes of responding to this consultation, we have, therefore, undertaken a qualitative assesment of each of the sites focussing on the potential impacts of each site on the SRN and their suitabilty in terms of sustainability.
Sites 1a & b, which are proposed for housing are located to the East of, but adjacent to the boundary of the built up area of Kenilworth. The A46 runs along the eastern boundary of the sites, however, we understand that access would be from the exisitng local road network, via Glasshouse Lane.
The proximity of these sites to the A46 could make them attractive places to live for people commuting to Coventry, Warwick and Leamington Spa by private car. The closest points of access to the A46 are the Stoneleigh Road Junction and Thickthorn Interchange. Both of these junctions currently suffer from congestion, which is expected to be exacerbated by any traffic generated by these sites. This is of concern particularly to public transport services and other sustainable transport infrastructure will, therefore, be required if this site is brought forward for development.
All six of the proposed alternative sites are considered to have some impact upon the SRN. It is expected that Site 2 would have the least impact, due to the relative distance from the M40, and the number of local services, amenities, and employment sites within the neighbouring areas. The remaining sites would have a more noticeable impact upon the SRN. Site 6 in particular has the potential to severely impact upon some sensitive locations along the A46. As set out above, we would, of course, wish to undertake further detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of the sites on the SRN when there is greater clarity about which, if any, sites are considered to be suitable for development.
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Land at Campion School/south of Sydenham?
ID sylw: 44340
Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Highways England
Part of the site is identified in the Core Strategy Preferred Options document, so the transport impact of this part is currently being assessed by the HA and WCC.
The site is relatively remote from the SRN with the closest junctions (M40 Junctions 13 and 14) being some 6km to the south. Therefore, we do not expect that the direct traffic impact of this site on the SRN will be significant. However, we recommend that the site is provided with good access to public transport and other sustainable transport means to minimise the traffic impact.
The Highways Agency (HA) together with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is currently undertaking an assessment of the implications of the strategic housing and employment allocations proposed in the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options paper for both the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and the local road network. This work is expected to be completed by June 2010 and will help determing what, if any, measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed development options on the SRN will be requred. This work should also help to inform the development of the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will underping the Core Stretegy.
Given the uncertainty about which, if any, of the alternative sites are suitable for development, the HA has been unable to undertake any such detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of these sites at this time but would wish to do so when there is greater clarity. For the purposes of responding to this consultation, we have, therefore, undertaken a qualitative assesment of each of the sites focussing on the potential impacts of each site on the SRN and their suitabilty in terms of sustainability.
Site 2 lies immediately adjacent to the southern fringe of the Leamington Spa suburb of Sydenham. Part of the site is identified as a location suitable for housing in the District Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options document. As you know, the transport impact of this part of the site (together with the cumulative impact of the District Council's Preferred Options) is currently being assessed by the HA and WCC. However, the site included in the Alternative Sites consultation paper, compromised a much larger area of land than the Preferred Option site and we understand that the proposed development would include a replacement school in addition to housing.
The site is relatively remote from the SRN with the closest junctions (M40 Junctions 13 and 14) being some 6km to the south of the site. Therefore, we do not expect that the direct traffic impact of this site on the SRN will be significant. However, we would recommend that the site is provided with good access to public transport and other sustainable transport means to minimise the traffic impact of the site as far as possible.
All six of the proposed alternative sites are considered to have some impact upon the SRN. It is expected that Site 2 would have the least impact, due to the relative distance from the M40, and the number of local services, amenities, and employment sites within the neighbouring areas. The remaining sites would have a more noticeable impact upon the SRN. Site 6 in particular has the potential to severely impact upon some sensitive locations along the A46. As set out above, we would, of course, wish to undertake further detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of the sites on the SRN when there is greater clarity about which, if any, sites are considered to be suitable for development.
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?
ID sylw: 44341
Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Highways England
The site is located between Cubbington and Lillington to the north eats of Leamington Spa relatively close to the A46 Thickthorn Interchange; and with easy access to the A46 Toll Bar End junction some 11km away.
While the site is reasonably well located in terms of its proximity to existing public transport services and local facilities, the relatively straightforward access to the SRN from the site is of concern. Access to good public transport and other sustainable transport means will, therefore, be important if this site is brought forward for development.
The Highways Agency (HA) together with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is currently undertaking an assessment of the implications of the strategic housing and employment allocations proposed in the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options paper for both the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and the local road network. This work is expected to be completed by June 2010 and will help determing what, if any, measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed development options on the SRN will be requred. This work should also help to inform the development of the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will underping the Core Stretegy.
Given the uncertainty about which, if any, of the alternative sites are suitable for development, the HA has been unable to undertake any such detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of these sites at this time but would wish to do so when there is greater clarity. For the purposes of responding to this consultation, we have, therefore, undertaken a qualitative assesment of each of the sites focussing on the potential impacts of each site on the SRN and their suitabilty in terms of sustainability.
Site 3 is located between Cubbington and Lillington to the north eats of Leamington Spa relatively close to the A46 Thickthorn Interchange; and with easy access to the A46 Toll Bar End junction some 11km away.
While the site is reasonably well located in terms of its proximity to existing public transport services and local facilities, the relatively straightforward access to the SRN from the site is of concern. Access to good public transport and other sustainable transport means will, therefore, be important if this site is brought forward for development.
All six of the proposed alternative sites are considered to have some impact upon the SRN. It is expected that Site 2 would have the least impact, due to the relative distance from the M40, and the number of local services, amenities, and employment sites within the neighbouring areas. The remaining sites would have a more noticeable impact upon the SRN. Site 6 in particular has the potential to severely impact upon some sensitive locations along the A46. As set out above, we would, of course, wish to undertake further detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of the sites on the SRN when there is greater clarity about which, if any, sites are considered to be suitable for development.
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Loes Farm, Guy's Cliffe, Warwick?
ID sylw: 44342
Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Highways England
Part of the site is a registered park and garden and we understand that if the site were developed, it would include low density housing and open space.
The plans for the site clearly show that it is bisected by the A46 and that any primary access would be directly from or close to the A46/B4115 junction. The A46 would create a physical barrier, reducing site permeability meaning that any development north of the A46 could not easily travel southwards without passing through the SRN junction. We consider that there is likely to be a significant impact on the roads.
The Highways Agency (HA) together with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is currently undertaking an assessment of the implications of the strategic housing and employment allocations proposed in the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options paper for both the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and the local road network. This work is expected to be completed by June 2010 and will help determing what, if any, measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed development options on the SRN will be requred. This work should also help to inform the development of the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will underping the Core Stretegy.
Given the uncertainty about which, if any, of the alternative sites are suitable for development, the HA has been unable to undertake any such detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of these sites at this time but would wish to do so when there is greater clarity. For the purposes of responding to this consultation, we have, therefore, undertaken a qualitative assesment of each of the sites focussing on the potential impacts of each site on the SRN and their suitabilty in terms of sustainability.
Site 4 lies to the North of, but adjacent to the northern fringe of Warwick. Part of the site is a registered park and garden for Guys Cliffe and we understand that if the site were to come forward for development, it would include low density housing and open space.
The plans for the site clearly show that it is bisected by the A46 and that any primary access would be directly from or close to the A46/B4115 Warwick Bypass junction. The A46 would create a physical barrier, which would reduce site permeability meaning that any development north of the A46 could not easily travel southwards without passing through the SRN junction. Given the potential size of the development, the proximity of the SRN and the lack of site permeability, we consider that there is likely to be a significant impact on the A46 and the A46/B4115 junction.
All six of the proposed alternative sites are considered to have some impact upon the SRN. It is expected that Site 2 would have the least impact, due to the relative distance from the M40, and the number of local services, amenities, and employment sites within the neighbouring areas. The remaining sites would have a more noticeable impact upon the SRN. Site 6 in particular has the potential to severely impact upon some sensitive locations along the A46. As set out above, we would, of course, wish to undertake further detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of the sites on the SRN when there is greater clarity about which, if any, sites are considered to be suitable for development.
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Hurst Farm South, Burton Green?
ID sylw: 44343
Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Highways England
It lies to the south of Westwood Business Park and to the east of Warwick University. It is relatively close to the A46 Stoneleigh Road junction and there is also the potential for traffic from the site to impact upon the Stivichall Interchange.
Both of these junctions and their links currently suffer from congestion which is expected to be excavated by any traffic generated by this site. Improvements to public transport services and other sustainable transport infrastructure will, therefore, be necessary to minimise the traffic impact of the site if this site is brought forward for development.
The Highways Agency (HA) together with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is currently undertaking an assessment of the implications of the strategic housing and employment allocations proposed in the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options paper for both the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and the local road network. This work is expected to be completed by June 2010 and will help determing what, if any, measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed development options on the SRN will be requred. This work should also help to inform the development of the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will underping the Core Stretegy.
Given the uncertainty about which, if any, of the alternative sites are suitable for development, the HA has been unable to undertake any such detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of these sites at this time but would wish to do so when there is greater clarity. For the purposes of responding to this consultation, we have, therefore, undertaken a qualitative assesment of each of the sites focussing on the potential impacts of each site on the SRN and their suitabilty in terms of sustainability.
Site 5 compromises approximately 100ha of land in the Burton Green area of the district. It lies to the south of Westwood Business Park and to the east of Warwick University. It is relatively close to the A46 Stoneleigh Road junction and there is also the potential for traffic from the site to impact upon the Stivichall Interchange.
Both of these junctions and their links currently suffer from congestion which is expected to be excavated by any traffic generated by this site. Improvements to public transport services and other sustainable transport infrastructure will, therefore, be necessary to minimise the traffic impact of the site if this site is brought forward for development.
All six of the proposed alternative sites are considered to have some impact upon the SRN. It is expected that Site 2 would have the least impact, due to the relative distance from the M40, and the number of local services, amenities, and employment sites within the neighbouring areas. The remaining sites would have a more noticeable impact upon the SRN. Site 6 in particular has the potential to severely impact upon some sensitive locations along the A46. As set out above, we would, of course, wish to undertake further detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of the sites on the SRN when there is greater clarity about which, if any, sites are considered to be suitable for development.
Alternative Sites Consultation
Do you support or object to the development of Land at Baginton?
ID sylw: 44344
Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2010
Ymatebydd: Highways England
The site lies within close proximity to three key SRN junctions: A45/A46 Toll Bar End; A45/A4114 Stivichall Interchange; and, Stoneleigh Road. The latter two currently suffer from congestion. The Toll Bar End roundabout is currently the subject of a HA improvement scheme to reduce congestion.
We are concerned that the additional traffic could impact on the Stivichall Interchange and the Stoneleigh Road junction. Also at the Toll Bar End junction it could potentially offset the capacity improvements.
Limited public transport services. The HA would expect to see it supported by a comprehensive package of public transport and other sustainable transport measures.
The Highways Agency (HA) together with Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is currently undertaking an assessment of the implications of the strategic housing and employment allocations proposed in the Council's Core Strategy Preferred Options paper for both the Strategic Road Network (SRN) and the local road network. This work is expected to be completed by June 2010 and will help determing what, if any, measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed development options on the SRN will be requred. This work should also help to inform the development of the Council's Infrastructure Delivery Plan, which will underping the Core Stretegy.
Given the uncertainty about which, if any, of the alternative sites are suitable for development, the HA has been unable to undertake any such detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of these sites at this time but would wish to do so when there is greater clarity. For the purposes of responding to this consultation, we have, therefore, undertaken a qualitative assesment of each of the sites focussing on the potential impacts of each site on the SRN and their suitabilty in terms of sustainability.
This site compromises approximately 97ha of land at Baginton. The site is located to the west of Coventry Airport and is bounded to the North by the A45 and to the west by the A46. We understand that if this site were to come forward for development it would compromise a mix of uses including residential, employment, airport uses and leisure.
The site lies within close proximity to three key SRN junctions: A45/A46 Toll Bar End; A45/A4114 Stivichall Interchange; and, Stoneleigh Road. As set out above, both the Stivichall Interchange and the Stonleigh Road junction and their links currently suffer from congestion. Additionally, the Toll Bar End roundabout is currently the subject of a HA improvement scheme aimed at reducing congestion at the junction.
We are concerned that the additional traffic generated by this site could adversely impact on the operation of both the Stivichall Interchange and the Stoneleigh Road junction and their links. We are also concerned that additional traffic passing through the Toll Bar End junction could potentially offset the capacity improvements brought about by the improvement scheme.
There are currently limited public transport services within the vicinity of the site, and the closest amenities and local services are located north of the A46 in southern Coventry. If the District Council were to consider this site suitable for development, the HA would expect to see it supported by a comprehensive package of public transport and other sustainable transport measures aimed at reducing private vehicle trips.
All six of the proposed alternative sites are considered to have some impact upon the SRN. It is expected that Site 2 would have the least impact, due to the relative distance from the M40, and the number of local services, amenities, and employment sites within the neighbouring areas. The remaining sites would have a more noticeable impact upon the SRN. Site 6 in particular has the potential to severely impact upon some sensitive locations along the A46. As set out above, we would, of course, wish to undertake further detailed assessment of the traffic impacts of the sites on the SRN when there is greater clarity about which, if any, sites are considered to be suitable for development.