Preferred Options

Chwilio sylwadau

Canlyniadau chwilio Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd


Preferred Options

PO17: Culture & Tourism

ID sylw: 46958

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

"Inclusion of the words ""places of worship can enrich people's quality of life"" is substantiated and witnessed to in the existing community and is supported.
It is vital that this ""well being"" can be extended and made freely available throughout the whole community.
Every man has a resposibility to answer to God. ""Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve"" Luke ch 4 verse 8 .
Within PO17 there is a lack of policy provision and wording should be included showing how this will be delivered through policy."

Testun llawn:

"Inclusion of the words ""places of worship can enrich people's quality of life"" is substantiated and witnessed to in the existing community and is supported.
It is vital that this ""well being"" can be extended and made freely available throughout the whole community.
Every man has a resposibility to answer to God. ""Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve"" Luke ch 4 verse 8 .
Within PO17 there is a lack of policy provision and wording should be included showing how this will be delivered through policy."


Preferred Options

National Planning Policy Framework

ID sylw: 46959

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

"It is noted that the NPPF is quoted as justification for Preferred Options and that places of worship are specifically referred to.
It is submitted that these references being included at national level require specific inclusion at local level .
PO17 should include how that will be delivered through policy. "

Testun llawn:

"It is noted that the NPPF is quoted as justification for Preferred Options and that places of worship are specifically referred to.
It is submitted that these references being included at national level require specific inclusion at local level .
PO17 should include how that will be delivered through policy. "


Preferred Options


ID sylw: 46960

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Issues 4.8
Paragraph 4
"This paragraph acknowledges current and future needs and objection is made to the omission of Places of Worship.
Christians recognise that conditions are not improving in this ""present evil world"" (Galations ch 1 verse 4) and as persons ""seek the Lord"" and ""feel after him"" (Acts ch17 verse 27) future needs will increase.
This vital community need/service should be provided for, giving ease of access for all, aged,young and disabled within the district.
Existing communities change so that planning needs should provide for changing requirements ."

Testun llawn:

Issues 4.8
Paragraph 4
"This paragraph acknowledges current and future needs and objection is made to the omission of Places of Worship.
Christians recognise that conditions are not improving in this ""present evil world"" (Galations ch 1 verse 4) and as persons ""seek the Lord"" and ""feel after him"" (Acts ch17 verse 27) future needs will increase.
This vital community need/service should be provided for, giving ease of access for all, aged,young and disabled within the district.
Existing communities change so that planning needs should provide for changing requirements ."


Preferred Options

3. The Local Plan Process

ID sylw: 46961

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

"It is supported that new communities cannot prosper without infastructure requirements being planned for.
When the Infastructure Plan is formed it is submitted that the following extract from the NPPF should be taken into account.
NPPF item 72

Testun llawn:

"It is supported that new communities cannot prosper without infastructure requirements being planned for.
When the Infastructure Plan is formed it is submitted that the following extract from the NPPF should be taken into account.
""72. The Government attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient
choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new
communities. Local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and
collaborative approach to meeting this requirement, and to development that
will widen choice in education. They should:
● give great weight to the need to create, expand or alter schools; and
● work with schools promoters to identify and resolve key planning issues
before applications are submitted."""


Preferred Options

PO13: Inclusive, Safe & Healthy Communities

ID sylw: 46962

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

"Objection is made to the omission of a proactive,positive and collaborative approach to the development of schools.
Request the inclusion of a further paragraph to PO13 to include the following extract from the NPPF.
NPPF item 72

Testun llawn:

"Objection is made to the omission of a proactive,positive and collaborative approach to the development of schools.
Request the inclusion of a further paragraph to PO13 to include the following extract from the NPPF.
""72. The Government attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient
choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new
communities. Local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and
collaborative approach to meeting this requirement, and to development that
will widen choice in education. They should:
● give great weight to the need to create, expand or alter schools; and
● work with schools promoters to identify and resolve key planning issues
before applications are submitted."""


Preferred Options


ID sylw: 46963

Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

"Support for organisations to provide community infrastructure is good and particularly in respect to future schooling needs.
A supportive approach is taken by the current Government which ""attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities"".......""development that will widen choice in education"" (NPPF Item 72)
Can the wording ""including free schools"" be added after ""schools""

Testun llawn:

"Support for organisations to provide community infrastructure is good and particularly in respect to future schooling needs.
A supportive approach is taken by the current Government which ""attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities"".......""development that will widen choice in education"" (NPPF Item 72)
Can the wording ""including free schools"" be added after ""schools""


Preferred Options

PO2: Community Infrastructure Levy

ID sylw: 49334

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Infratsructure Plan makes reference to ensuring schools and educational facilities are provided for. However this make no mention of Free Schools (including Faith Schools). Yet the NPPF "attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities"......."development that will widen choice in education".

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan should plan postively for places of worship (as supported by para 70 of NPPF) as part of the facilities and services which he community needs.
Places of worship contribute postively to a prosperous rural economy

Testun llawn:

We wish to respond to the proposed Infrastructure Plan - Draft as follows:-

Section 4.2
Para 16

Preferred Options (Full Version) section 4.12 Par 11 is supported as enabling organisations to provide community infrastructure such as schools, and particularly in respect to future schooling needs.
NPPF Item 72 states regarding choice of schools that "Local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement" and "work with schools promoters".

NPPF Item 72 also states that The Government "attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities"......."development that will widen choice in education".
This is witnessed to in the Government's current support for Free Schools.

Such organisations clearly include "Faith schools".

A request is made to include a reference to "Free Schools" in this section.

Section 4.5

There are many items that could be included in the infrastructure and as an organisation responsible for the provision of Gospel Halls we are concerned that there is no reference to places of worship.
NPPF Item 70 shows that to deliver the social, recreational and cultural facilities and services the community needs, planning policies and decisions should: plan positively for the provision......(of)... places of worship.
NPPF Item 171 Under Health and well-being states that "Local planning authorities should work with public health leads and health organisations to understand and take account of the health status and needs of the local population (such as ........ and places of worship).
Places of worship included at national level should be sufficient warrant to require specific inclusion at local level.
It is vital that this spiritual "well being" can be extended and made freely available throughout the whole community.
Every man has a responsibility to answer to God. "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve" Luke ch 4 verse 8.

NPPF Item 38 addresses "larger scale residential developments" and the need for "key facilities" within walking distance.
Representation was made to include Places of Worship in The Warwick District Local Plan 1993 and the following wording was amended and included:-
"It is of great importance that new development is of the highest quality and makes proper provision for such elements as infrastructure and community facilities, including places of worship. To this end, detailed development briefs will be prepared for all major housing allocations, prior to Outline Planning Permission being granted. The brief will be adhered to closely throughout the process of development of each site"

NPPF Item 28 also shows that places of worship contribute to a prosperous rural economy.

Places of worship are a vital part of the infrastructure and should be specifically included; without which this document is incomplete .


Preferred Options

PO13: Inclusive, Safe & Healthy Communities

ID sylw: 49335

Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2012

Ymatebydd: Leamington Gospel Hall Trust

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The Infratsructure Plan makes reference to ensuring schools and educational facilities are provided for. However this make no mention of Free Schools (including Faith Schools). Yet the NPPF "attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities"......."development that will widen choice in education".

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan should plan postively for places of worship (as supported by para 70 of NPPF) as part of the facilities and services which he community needs.
Places of worship contribute postively to a prosperous rural economy

Testun llawn:

We wish to respond to the proposed Infrastructure Plan - Draft as follows:-

Section 4.2
Para 16

Preferred Options (Full Version) section 4.12 Par 11 is supported as enabling organisations to provide community infrastructure such as schools, and particularly in respect to future schooling needs.
NPPF Item 72 states regarding choice of schools that "Local planning authorities should take a proactive, positive and collaborative approach to meeting this requirement" and "work with schools promoters".

NPPF Item 72 also states that The Government "attaches great importance to ensuring that a sufficient choice of school places is available to meet the needs of existing and new communities"......."development that will widen choice in education".
This is witnessed to in the Government's current support for Free Schools.

Such organisations clearly include "Faith schools".

A request is made to include a reference to "Free Schools" in this section.

Section 4.5

There are many items that could be included in the infrastructure and as an organisation responsible for the provision of Gospel Halls we are concerned that there is no reference to places of worship.
NPPF Item 70 shows that to deliver the social, recreational and cultural facilities and services the community needs, planning policies and decisions should: plan positively for the provision......(of)... places of worship.
NPPF Item 171 Under Health and well-being states that "Local planning authorities should work with public health leads and health organisations to understand and take account of the health status and needs of the local population (such as ........ and places of worship).
Places of worship included at national level should be sufficient warrant to require specific inclusion at local level.
It is vital that this spiritual "well being" can be extended and made freely available throughout the whole community.
Every man has a responsibility to answer to God. "Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve" Luke ch 4 verse 8.

NPPF Item 38 addresses "larger scale residential developments" and the need for "key facilities" within walking distance.
Representation was made to include Places of Worship in The Warwick District Local Plan 1993 and the following wording was amended and included:-
"It is of great importance that new development is of the highest quality and makes proper provision for such elements as infrastructure and community facilities, including places of worship. To this end, detailed development briefs will be prepared for all major housing allocations, prior to Outline Planning Permission being granted. The brief will be adhered to closely throughout the process of development of each site"

NPPF Item 28 also shows that places of worship contribute to a prosperous rural economy.

Places of worship are a vital part of the infrastructure and should be specifically included; without which this document is incomplete .

Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.