Preferred Options
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Preferred Options
PO14: Transport
ID sylw: 47495
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
The transport strategy and provisions set out under Policy PO12 are broadly supported. However, we believe that the proposed P&R on land in the vicinity of the Harbury roundabout would be unsuccessful, and should instead be located where it has the best chance of being effective e.g. land close to the Greys Mallory roundabout.
The transport strategy and provisions set out under Policy PO12 are broadly supported. We agree with the importance of locating development in locations which both minimise the need to travel and help promote sustainable forms of transport (such as walking, cycling and public transport). Land north of Gallows Hill/west of Europa Way represents such a site. Not only is land at this location within easy walking distance of existing schools, shops, and employment opportunities but also lies adjacent cycle paths, bus-based public transport corridors and is within easy access of both Leamington and Warwick railway stations, and town centres.
The principle of park and rides are supported provided such schemes are well conceived and well designed. Unfortunately we do not believe that is the case with regards the proposed "virtual" P&R on land in the vicinity of the Harbury roundabout as graphically illustrated on Map 5. It is our considered view that a P&R in this general location would be unsuccessful. To have any chance of being effective, a P&R needs to be located either on the very periphery of the urban area/ or beyond it to capture 'customers' before they are caught in the very traffic they wish to avoid. During preparation of the current adopted District Local Plan, on technical grounds the County Council favoured land around Greys Mallory for a P&R site over land on north side of Heathcote roundabout and to the west of Europa Way. In his report on the Inquiry into the Plan, the Inspector endorsed this view agreeing that Greys Mallory had distinct advantages in transport terms over possible sites at Heathcote roundabout (Inspector's Report, paragraphs 10.7.13 to 16).
We reserve the right to comment on other identified '"possible transport infrastructure" proposals, as illustrated on Map 5 and presented in the accompanying Draft Infrastructure Plan, once these proposals have been further developed in line with the a refinement of development proposals in the emerging new Local Plan.
Preferred Options
PO15: Green Infrastructure
ID sylw: 47496
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
We broadly support Policy PO15 and are seeking to establish a new Green Infrastructure network as an integral part of the Myton Garden Suburbs development.
We broadly support Policy PO15 and recognise that positively designed Green Infrastructure can create habitat linkages and reduce habitat and species fragmentation and isolation. It can also lead to the provision of good quality, inclusive and sustainable open spaces offering a variety of functions including recreation within easy access of new and existing residents of the District.
As part of emerging development proposals on land north of Gallows Hill/west of Europa Way we have prepared a draft illustrative masterplan for the site which is based around a green open space framework that seeks to protect and enhance existing site assets including Myton Brook which currently lies partly in culvert and which has potential to be opened-up to form an open watercourse running across the site, with opportunities to also enhance its ecology.
Preferred Options
Green Wedges
ID sylw: 47497
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
In principle, we support the Council's intention to introduce green wedge designations through the new Local Plan but object to the inclusion of the playing fields to the rear of Myton and Warwick Schools; land which we do not consider meets the stated objectives of the policy designation.
SUPPORT in principle but OBJECT to specific proposed designation.
We acknowledge the Council's intention to identify and protect within the District a number of green wedges which are considered "important for their ecological, landscape and/or access functions in the setting of different urban areas and urban fringes". While we support this initiative, we do not believe that the existing playing fields associated with school's located off Myton Road accord with the stated purpose of designated 'Green Wedges" and instead represent a remnant of the former wider AOR designation in the area. For these reasons we believe that the playing fields should not be taken forward for possible consideration as a 'Green Wedge' in the next version of the Plan. Any proposed Green Wedge designation will, by the time of the examination in to the Plan, need to be justified and supported by an appropriate evidence base.
Preferred Options
Map 3: Preferred Options (Whole District)
ID sylw: 47498
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
Support the strategic allocation of land north of Gallows Hill/west of Europa Way for development (Myton Garden Suburb)
Support the strategic allocation of land north of Gallows Hill/west of Europa Way for development (Myton Garden Suburb)
Preferred Options
Map 3: Preferred Options (Whole District)
ID sylw: 47500
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
Support the strategic allocation of land north of Gallows Hill/west of Europa Way for development (Myton Garden Suburb)
Support the strategic allocation of land north of Gallows Hill/west of Europa Way for development (Myton Garden Suburb)
Preferred Options
Map 5: Possible Transport Infrastructure
ID sylw: 47501
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
Object to the proposed location of a P&R facility on land in the vicinity of the Harbury roundabout
Object to the proposed location of a P&R facility on land in the vicinity of the Harbury roundabout
Preferred Options
Map 6: Possible Green Infrastructure
ID sylw: 47502
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
The Green Wedge initiative is supported in principle. However, we do not believe that the existing playing fields associated with school's located off Myton Road accord with the stated purpose of designated Green Wedges and therefore the proposed designation of this land should be deleted from Map 6.
We acknowledge the Council's intention to identify and protect within the District a number of green wedges which are considered "important for their ecological, landscape and/or access functions in the setting of different urban areas and urban fringes". While we support this initiative, we do not believe that the existing playing fields associated with school's located off Myton Road accord with the stated purpose of designated 'Green Wedges" and instead represent a remnant of the former wider AOR designation in the area. For these reasons we believe that the playing fields should not be taken forward for possible consideration as a 'Green Wedge' in the next version of the Plan. Any proposed Green Wedge designation will, by the time of the examination in to the Plan, need to be justified and supported by an appropriate evidence base.
Preferred Options
4.11. Providing well-designed new developments that are in the right location and address climate change
ID sylw: 47503
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: The Europa Way Consortium and Warwickshire County Council (Physical Assets-Resources)
Asiant : AMEC
The Local Plan should include a specific tailored policy on the 'presumption in favour of sustainable development' will be addressed by WDC.
COMMENT - Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development
Whilst the Local Plan may be underpinned by the principles of sustainable development, this is not the same as a 'presumption in favour of sustainable development' which lies at the heart of the Government's National Planning Policy Framework. It clear from paragraph 15 of the NPPF that policies in Local Plans will be expected to provide guidance on how the presumption will be applied locally. A model policy has been drafted by the Planning Inspectorate which can be used by local authorities in their development plans. If the District Council chooses to use this policy we recommend it should be modified to address the applicability of the presumption locally.