Revised Development Strategy
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio One Hundred Percent Properties
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Revised Development Strategy
3 Strategic Vision
ID sylw: 55428
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: One Hundred Percent Properties
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Broadly support the aspirations that the District Council sets out for Warwick District to 2029 and consider that the land within client's ownership can play a significant role in assisting the Council in meeting their broad aims in relation to economic growth, meeting housing needs, and contributing to a more sustainable District in the future.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
RDS6: The Council is proposing to make provision for 22.5 hectares of new employment land
ID sylw: 56648
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: One Hundred Percent Properties
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Support the identification of a need for new employment land over the plan period and the acknowledgement at paragraph 4.5.3 that the Plan needs to be consistent with the objectives of the NPPF which seek to place significant weight on the need to support and encourage sustainable economic development as a driver of growth.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
RDS7: The location of new employment land is as follows:
ID sylw: 56649
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: One Hundred Percent Properties
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Welcomes the recognition in paragraph 4.5.11 that the sub-region has a particular strength in the automotive / vehicle manufacturing and advanced manufacturing and engineering sectors
The former Honiley Airfield plays a key role in delivering facilities for these uses within Warwick District.
In this respect, consider that it is key that the Council follow through on their proposal in the previous version the New Local Plan, at Policy PO8, to develop "a policy framework to support appropriate development at identified Major Developed Sites in the Green Belt which may include site specific policies for Stoneleigh Park, the University of Warwick, Coventry Airport and the Former Honiley Airfield".
A site specific policy for the former Honiley Airfield would support sub-regional objectives relating to economic development, in line with the Coventry and Warwickshire LEP Strategy 5 Year plan (2011-2016).
In addition to the clear economic benefits that could be delivered from future development at the site, attracting new investment would also result in a number of on-site environmental improvements, including re-laying the test track with a noise reducing surface and providing noise-attenuating bunds.
This would ensure future development is sympathetic to the Green Belt designation and reduce the harm to the amenity of surrounding residents.
In addition, whilst we support the Council's intention to continue to identify the former Honiley Airfield as an MDS, we consider that the development of a site specific policy should be accompanied by a review of the MDS designation.
As a minimum, the MDS should be extended so that it is, at the very least, consistent with the Fulcrum planning permission which approves the principle of development in an area of woodland currently excluded from the MDS.
It would be more appropriate, however, to extend the MDS designation to also cover the test track, conscious of the extensive areas of hardstanding associated with it, its previously developed character, and recognising that fact that it has an established pattern of continued use
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
RDS1: The Council is adopting an Interim Level of Growth of 12,300 homes between 2011 and 2029
ID sylw: 56650
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: One Hundred Percent Properties
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Do not consider that it is appropriate to comment on the Level of Growth proposed until such time as the results of the joint SHMA are available later this year.
Linked to this, it is essential that, as part of a sound and robust consultation strategy, there is ample opportunity for key stakeholders to comment on the results of this work and any impact this may have on the Level of Growth for the District.
In addition, we consider it important that the Council seeks to meet the requirements of paragraph 14 of the NPPF by progressing a strategy that meets the full, objectively assessed needs for market and affordable housing.
Further, the NPPF is one part of a broad pro-growth strategy that the coalition Government has implemented and continues to support. The NPPF itself states, at paragraph 19, that, "significant weight should be placed on the need to support economic growth through the planning system".
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
RDS5: The following sites will be allocated for development:
ID sylw: 56651
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: One Hundred Percent Properties
Asiant : Barton Willmore
In attempting to meet the levels of growth expected to be required the Council should adopt a flexible document that is "aspirational but realistic" (Paragraph 154, NPPF) and, in doing so, the Council should consider the role that MDSs, such as the former Honiley Airfield, can play in delivering both residential and employment development to meet the needs of the District.
The location and physical characteristics of the former Honiley Airfield present an opportunity to accommodate residential development of a modest scale which could help to meet the needs arising in the villages and other smaller settlements in the north and north west of the District, such as Honiley, Beausale and Wroxall.
This could be accommodated without prejudicing the primary use of the site as a vehicle testing facility, nor would it prejudice the delivery of the Fulcrum permission.
The development of a relatively small part of the site, adjacent to the northern boundary with Oldwich Lane East, could act as a catalyst for redevelopment of the wider site, consistent with the Fulcrum permission and assist in delivering the infrastructure required to service this, such as the new roundabout access and the enhancements to the test track, all of which have considerable costs associated with them.
see attached
Revised Development Strategy
RDS4: The broad location of development
ID sylw: 56653
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: One Hundred Percent Properties
Asiant : Barton Willmore
Part of the former Honiley Airfield has the potential to accommodate residential development of a modest scale.
This could assist the Council in delivering its preferred option for the broad location of development, and in particular in relation to the growth required in smaller villages and hamlets.
The location of the site in the north of the District would offer a suitable alternative location for residential development to meet the needs of the smaller villages and hamlets in that part of the District. Linked to this, consider that paragraph 4.47 of the Revised Development Strategy could support the use of the former Honiley Airfield for residential uses.
Notwithstanding the above, have some concerns about whether the preferred option for the broad location of growth is deliverable and, in particular, question the ability of a housing market, which is emerging from a recession, to deliver the required housing on sites in close proximity to one another.
Specifically, GVA consider that there are a relatively finite number of prospective purchasers for whom South Warwick would be a viable location and this will inevitably have a significant impact on the rates of delivery that can be achieved.
Also concerned that this will limit choice in the location of housing and have a detrimental cumulative impact on infrastructure in the south of the District.
see attached