Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Barford Residents Association
Chwilio o’r newyddGwrthwynebu
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
GT20 Land at Junction 15 of M40
ID sylw: 56722
Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Barford Residents Association
Extensive area of land exceeds what is needed, therefore assume intend max 15 pitches.
Site is unsuitable, undeliverable and undevelopable. Landowner unwilling to sell or develop.
No convenient access to GP surgery, school and public transport.
Major parts of site flood and groundwater is high in winter with waterlogging.
Safe access not possible and no evidence can be provided. Heavily used road with slow moving vehicles giving unsafe situation.
Noise and disturbance from M40 (north), and A46 (east).
No utilities.
No ecology or biodiversity evidence. Contend unacceptable harm. Therefore contrary to policy.
Greenfield not capable of successful integration into landscape without material harm to character.
Adjacent to former landfill site with potential for gas; therefore unsuitable for occupation.
Site in Green Belt and unmet demand for G & T sites nor very special circumstances; therefore contrary to policy.
Does not accord with Planning Policy for Traveller Sites; does not promote peaceful integrated co-existence or avoid undue pressure on infrastructure and services
Urge no further consideration.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
Do you have any other suggestions for land within this district that you think would be suitable for use as a Gypsy and Traveller site?
ID sylw: 56724
Derbyniwyd: 28/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Barford Residents Association
Opportunity to include in major new housing developments on outskirts of Kenilworth, Leamington and Warwick that are suitable for the following:
Convenient access to GP surgeries, schools and public transport.
Avoid areas of high risk of flooding.
Can be designed with safe access and adequate parking, turning and servicing on site.
Can avoid potential for noise and other disturbance.
Will have all necessary services and utilities (ater, gas, electricity, drainage).
Can avoid or mitigate any potential advers impact on features of natural or historic environment.
Can be designed to integrate into the landscape without harm to the character.
Would comply with Planning Policy for Traveller Sites and promote peaceful integrated co-existence and avoid undue pressure on local infrastructure and services.
Such schemes have been successful elsewhere (near Watford and Milton Keynes).
see attached