Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Crest Strategic Projects
Chwilio o’r newyddGwrthwynebu
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Sites Review
ID sylw: 61306
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
-The land at Lodge Farm is one of the least constrained parcels south of Coventry and potentially suitable for release from the Green Belt (Coventry Joint Green Belt Review, July 2009).
-The SHLAA identifies that the land is suitable, achievable and deliverable. The site was not recognised as having a high landscape value and 18.5 hectares could be developed with satisfactory mitigation.
-The site has been intensely farmed for many years and there is little biodiversity interest within the land itself. Development would provide the opportunity to enhance biodiversity.
-HS2 would not restrict the development of the site.
-Site access can be obtained for the requisite standards to serve a development of up to 800 dwellings.
-There are no other technical or environmental issues that would prohibit the delivery of the site.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
1) Burrow Hill Nursery
ID sylw: 63365
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
The justification for the site is to better connect the village however it is unclear how this will be achieved with the proposed HS2 railway line running to the north and thus segregating the settlement. In such circumstances the justification for this allocation is flawed.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Sites Review
ID sylw: 63366
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
It is noted that land at Lodge Farm was discounted due to high landscape impact concerns and potential access difficulties. Both of these objections are incorrect as:
-Access can be achieved to the requisite standard to service the site.
-The County Council previously assessed the potential traffic impact and concluded that there would be no problems of traffic impact from a residential development of 880 dwellings.
-The SHLLA concluded that with satisfactory mitigation the site could be developed with no adverse impacts.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Duty to Co-operate
ID sylw: 63367
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
-Decisions about housing strategies are being taken without the entire necessary evidence base being in place. In order to comply with the Duty to Cooperate it can be presumed that Warwick District will have to accommodate a considerable percentage of Coventry City's housing provision and this has not been considered at this stage.
-The Consultation is therefore premature ahead of the outcome of the Joint Strategic Housing Market Assessment work. More land will need to be identified to accommodate this.
-If the Duty to Cooperate is not met the Local Plan will be found unsound as it fails to comply with the NPPF.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 63368
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
-The overall housing provision for the District will not meet the objectively assessed housing needs and part of Coventry's housing provision will need to be met on land within Warwick District.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Burton Green
ID sylw: 63369
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
Burton Green is a settlement capable of accommodating additional residential development.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Burton Green
ID sylw: 63370
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
-Burton Green should not be within the Secondary Service Category, capable of accommodating 70 - 90 dwellings. The settlement has a range of facilities including a primary school with spare capacity. It also has good public transport links both by bus and rail to larger centres.
see attached
Village Housing Options and Settlement Boundaries
Revised Development Strategy
ID sylw: 63371
Derbyniwyd: 17/01/2014
Ymatebydd: Crest Strategic Projects
Asiant : d2planning
-It is unclear from the evidence base exactly why Burton Green is identified as a Secondary Growth Centre and it is considered that a proper analysis of the evidence indicates that it should be a Primary Growth Cetnre.
-There has been a reduction in the housing numbers of 163 units with no apparent indication as to how or where additional housing numbers are to be met.
see attached