Preferred Options for Sites

Chwilio sylwadau

Canlyniadau chwilio G.F Moreton & Sons

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd


Preferred Options for Sites

GT15 Land east of Europa Way (green)

ID sylw: 64686

Derbyniwyd: 15/04/2014

Ymatebydd: G.F Moreton & Sons

Asiant : G.F Moreton & Sons

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Dangerous road already. More and towing vehicles will increase problems
No alternative but to access facilties by car
WCC as highway authority should carry out speed checks
Site covered in young trees. If these are removed there will be much more open view
With stream to other side, it would become valuable habitat
Farm irrigation pump/fishing lake pump 20m from site which is noisy and not ideal near residents
Risk of pollution to watercourse
No main sewer
Would reduce popularity of touring caravan site at farm
Facilities not close and public transport should not stop on Europa Way
Noise an issue

Testun llawn:

see attached


Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut I ddefnyddio’r system ac I wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.