Publication Draft
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio Sir Thomas White's Charity
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Publication Draft
H25 Cubbington - Allotment Land, Rugby Road
ID sylw: 65322
Derbyniwyd: 25/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Sir Thomas White's Charity
Asiant : Keyhaven Consulting Limited
The Trustees wish to make both the land the subject of housing allocations H25 and H26, including the land for which planning permission has already been granted and the alternative allotment land, available as soon as practicable.
The proposed allocation of Sites H25 and H26 at Cubbington are supported as appropriate locations in this sustainable rural settlement.
In proposing the allocations, the District Council accepted a need to relocate the existing allotments within Site H25. Land within the ownership of the Charity fronting Coventry Road and adjoining Site H26 can be made available for the purpose, served from either Coventry Road or through the new development. The Charity's agents have discussed with the allotment association terms for the relocation of the allotments and have put forward outline terms for their consideration. The area of the proposed new allotments is 7.57 acres (3.06 hectares) or thereabouts, compared to the existing site which is stated within the Lease to be 5.52 acres (2.23 hectares).
Cubbington Parish Council have expressed concern at the Trustees' decision earlier this year to defer action to transfer to Orbit Housing Association land the subject of the grant of planning permission on 2 January 2014 for the erection of 7 affordable dwellings. The Trustees took the decision pending the outcome of the new Local Plan insofar as it affects the Charity's interests at Cubbington. On confirmation of the inclusion of Sites H25 and H26 in the adopted Local Plan it will be the Trustees intention to resume discussions with Orbit Housing Association with a view to transferring the land subject to the planning permission as soon as possible within the context of an overall strategy for the development of Sites H25 and H26. The strategy would include provision for access to the alternative allotments, for which an application for planning permission for change of use would be made on the conclusion of agreement with the allotment association on heads of terms for the Lease.
Publication Draft
H26 Cubbington - Opposite Willow Sheet Meadow
ID sylw: 65329
Derbyniwyd: 25/06/2014
Ymatebydd: Sir Thomas White's Charity
Asiant : Keyhaven Consulting Limited
The Trustees wish to make both the land the subject of housing allocations H25 and H26, including the land for which planning permission has already been granted and the alternative allotment land, available as soon as practicable.
The proposed allocation of Sites H25 and H26 at Cubbington are supported as appropriate locations in this sustainable rural settlement.
In proposing the allocations, the District Council accepted a need to relocate the existing allotments within Site H25. Land within the ownership of the Charity fronting Coventry Road and adjoining Site H26 can be made available for the purpose, served from either Coventry Road or through the new development. The Charity's agents have discussed with the allotment association terms for the relocation of the allotments and have put forward outline terms for their consideration. The area of the proposed new allotments is 7.57 acres (3.06 hectares) or thereabouts, compared to the existing site which is stated within the Lease to be 5.52 acres (2.23 hectares).
Cubbington Parish Council have expressed concern at the Trustees' decision earlier this year to defer action to transfer to Orbit Housing Association land the subject of the grant of planning permission on 2 January 2014 for the erection of 7 affordable dwellings. The Trustees took the decision pending the outcome of the new Local Plan insofar as it affects the Charity's interests at Cubbington. On confirmation of the inclusion of Sites H25 and H26 in the adopted Local Plan it will be the Trustees intention to resume discussions with Orbit Housing Association with a view to transferring the land subject to the planning permission as soon as possible within the context of an overall strategy for the development of Sites H25 and H26. The strategy would include provision for access to the alternative allotments, for which an application for planning permission for change of use would be made on the conclusion of agreement with the allotment association on heads of terms for the Lease.