Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation
Chwilio sylwadau
Canlyniadau chwilio H E Johnson
Chwilio o’r newyddCefnogi
Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation
ID sylw: 67245
Derbyniwyd: 11/12/2014
Ymatebydd: H E Johnson
Asiant : Bond Dickinson
Landscape and Visual Report attached to representation in support: The proposed extended allocation offers an excellent opportunity to accommodate approximately
12.4 ha of sustainable residential settlement expansion accommodating approximately 400 dwellings, comprehensively contained within a new Green Infrastructure framework of structural broadleaved woodland, wetland SUDS, and interconnecting cycleways and footpaths.
Working with the undulating topography of the area, and building upon the existing retained network of hedgerows, hedgerow trees and woodland, the new residential neighbourhood can be subdivided into discrete but interconnected parcels, each with accessible greenspace on their doorstep. Structural woodland planting along the higher south eastern and eastern slopes of the local landform will deliver effective filtering of views towards Lillington from the wider countryside beyond, whilst at the same time connecting The Runghills wood across to Newbold Comyn Park.
Combined with the planned demolition of the currently intrusive high rise developments set within
Lillington, there is potential to create a much more sympathetic urban/rural interface than currently exists.
see attached