Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation

Chwilio sylwadau

Canlyniadau chwilio Europa Way Consortium

Chwilio o’r newydd Chwilio o’r newydd


Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation

3 - DS14

ID sylw: 67232

Derbyniwyd: 16/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Europa Way Consortium

Asiant : AMEC

Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Heb nodi

Cadarn? Nac Ydi

Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Heb nodi

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Opposed to the proposal for a new Community Stadium and "associated uses" on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way. Whilst the District Council and other stakeholders may wish to see Leamington FC relocate their existing stadium, the Consortium is not aware of any detailed proposals for, or evidence base to support a new 'Community Stadium' at this location. The site for the stadium is not only in a location which we feel would raise amenity concerns for existing and future residents, due to visual impact, noise and traffic, but it is also proposed is in a location which is at odds with other policies in the Draft Local Plan, in particular Policy CT1 which encourages such facilities to be located in town centre locations.

Testun llawn:

Reference 3 (OBJECT)

Under Policy D14 the Publication Plan allocates land for a 'Community Hub' which we are informed would include a "community sports complex". Under paragraph 2.63 in the same version of the Plan we are also informed that the sports complex "...could include a small stadium with complementary uses, should such a scheme be viable". In written representations to Publication Draft Local Plan the Consortium also drew attention to the fact that in the officer's report on the Submission Draft Local Plan, which was presented to the Full Council & Executive Committees (23 April 2014), officer's stated that the stadium proposals are associated with the relocation of Leamington FC from their current site located on Harbury Lane approximately 2km beyond the urban edge of Whitnash; a site which the District Council has separately identified as one of their preferred sites for meeting Gypsy and Traveller needs. In the same committee report officers' also suggest that other 'complementary' uses include land to assist with parking problems currently experienced at Warwick Technology Park. From what is now proposed in the Focused Consultation document, it is clear that it is a football stadium which is, and always has been, central to the Community Hub idea.

Whilst the District Council and other stakeholders may wish to see Leamington FC relocate their existing stadium, the Consortium is not aware of any detailed proposals for, or evidence base to support a new 'Community Stadium' at this location. The site for the stadium is not only in a location which we feel would raise amenity concerns for existing and future residents, due to visual impact, noise and traffic, but it is also proposed is in a location which is at odds with other policies in the Draft Local Plan, in particular Policy CT1 which encourages such facilities to be located in town centre locations.

Finally with specific regard to the matter of viability we are unclear how such a facility would be funded as this item of infrastructure is not included in the Draft IDP. How big is a 'small stadium'?

For the aforementioned reasons the Consortium remains opposed to the Council's proposals for a new Community Stadium and "associated uses" on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site H01).

Reference 5 (SUPPORT)

The Europa Way Consortium supports the proposed amendment to Policies Map: 2 so that it reflects the removal of land allocated for employment in the Publication Draft version of the Local Plan.

It is our considered view that the southern part of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) should not be allocated for employment for the following reasons:

* Whilst the site does sit adjacent to Warwick Technology Park (WTP), there are no existing pedestrian or vehicular links between the two and, given existing development on WTP and local topography (WTP sits in a 'bowl'), there is no recognised prospect of any being established in the future. Therefore we strongly disagree with previous suggestions that having employment in this location would serve as a natural extension the existing Technology Park.
* Having regard to the existing employment land supply within the District we contend that there will not be the market for additional employment land in this part of the District, during the first phase of the Plan. An argument supported by the Council's recent decision to grant planning permission for housing on allocated employment sites, including a site located opposite off Heathcote Rd/ Harbury lane.
* If there were a delay in the take up of employment land on the Strategic Site it could have a detrimental impact on the wider proposed urban extension, in particular the delivery of new infrastructure including a proposed spine road which would link Gallows Hill (road) with Europa Way (A452). The spine road is not only proposed as a public transport (bus) route, but would provide convenient pedestrian and cycle access for those children from the Warwick Gates area who currently attend Myton School or would attend the School in the future.
* A major employment allocation at this location would also generate significant traffic movements and therefore would be detrimental to opportunities to secure safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to Myton School for children in the wider area, but in particular those from Warwick Gates and the planned urban extension south of Harbury Lane.
* A major employment allocation at this location is considered incompatible with residential proposed on the same site. In particular the amenity of residents is likely to be compromised in terms of visual impact, noise and traffic especially at peak periods.

* General Industrial (B2) employment is considered incompatible with B1 uses and clearly at odds with the Council's stated reason for allocating employment in this location (paragraph 2.32). Having B2 on the same site as B1 will dissuade most high-tech office based companies from investing in the site because they would be concerned over the type of neighbouring employment use which might come forward at a later stage.

* The southern end of Land West of Europa Way commands an elevated position compared to land to the north, west and south. It is therefore considered that the visual impact of large offices will be harder to mitigate than 2 to 3 storey houses which offer more flexibility in terms of mitigating their visual impact through the physical arrangement of units/ roof lines and tree planting throughout the site and other screen planting.

Finally with specific regard to the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) we consider that by simply providing residential development within this part of Warwick, the result will be a more sustainable pattern of development through the creation of a better mix of land uses. The strategic site is already surrounded by retail, education and employment opportunities which are within easy walking /cycling distance including. With regards to the latter opportunities are not limited to Warwick Technology Park (WTP) but also Tachbrook Park, Spa Business Park and Heathcote Industrial Estate.

Reference 6 (OBJECT)

Although it is inferred that the Proposed Modifications results in a change in the housing allocation depicted on Policies Map: 2, no such change has been made. Policies Map: 2, in both the Publication Draft and Focused Consultation versions of the Local Plan depicts all of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) as being allocated for residential, with other land use allocations overlapping, such as those for employment, community hub/stadium and/or education. The Policies Map should not have the same area of land allocated for different land uses unless a dedicated mixed-use scheme is proposed, which, in this case, it is not.

Recommendation: It is recommended that Policies Map: 2 is amended to only show Land at Myton/West of Europa Way allocated for housing and education.

Reference 7 (OBJECT)

For reasons set out in our response to Proposed Modification reference # 3, the Europa Way Consortium does not support the allocation of Land at Myton/West of Europa Way for a sports stadium and therefore requests that the allocation is deleted from Policies Map: 2.
Land at Myton/West of Europa Way

Reference 8 (OBJECT)

The Consortium wishes to take this opportunity to restate that boundary for the 'Major Education Allocation' (DS12) on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way is incorrect on Policies Map: 2 in both the Publication and this, the Focused Consultation, Draft versions of the Local Plan.

Historically the Consortium has been informed by WDC and Myton School that 9.18 hectares (22.3 acres) of land is needed south of the existing school boundary to deliver the proposed new Education Campus. To help facilitate this, the Consortium and WCC-Property (who own the adjacent site) have agreed to safeguard the following: 2.06 hectares (5.4 acres) on County Council held land with the balance 7.12ha (17.3acres) being safeguarded by the Consortium. These respective areas and proposed amendments to the policy boundary are shown on the attached plan and align with Illustrative Masterplan for outline planning applications Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076; approved 5/12/14) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).

Recommendation: Amend the Major Allocations (DS12) boundary on Policies Map: 2 so that it aligns with the land safeguarded for education on the Illustrative Masterplans for Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).



Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation

5 - Policies Map - E1

ID sylw: 67448

Derbyniwyd: 16/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Europa Way Consortium

Asiant : AMEC

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Supports removal of land allocated for employment in the Publication Draft at Land at Myton / West of Europa Way. Whilst the site does sit adjacent to Warwick Technology Park (WTP), there are no existing pedestrian or vehicular links between the two and, given existing development on WTP and local topography (WTP sits in a 'bowl'), there is no recognised prospect of any being established in the future. Therefore we strongly disagree with previous suggestions that having employment in this location would serve as a natural extension the existing Technology Park.
Contends that there will not be the market for additional employment land in this part of the District, during the first phase of the Plan. An argument supported by the Council's recent decision to grant planning permission for housing on allocated employment sites, including a site located opposite off Heathcote Rd/ Harbury lane.
A delay in the take up of employment land on the Strategic Site it could have a detrimental impact on the wider proposed urban extension, in particular the delivery of new infrastructure including a proposed spine road which would link Gallows Hill (road) with Europa Way (A452). The spine road is not only proposed as a public transport (bus) route, but would provide convenient pedestrian and cycle access for those children from the Warwick Gates area who currently attend Myton School or would attend the School in the future.
A major employment allocation at this location would also generate significant traffic movements and therefore would be detrimental to opportunities to secure safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to Myton School for children in the wider area, but in particular those from Warwick Gates and the planned urban extension south of Harbury Lane.
A major employment allocation at this location is considered incompatible with residential proposed on the same site. In particular the amenity of residents is likely to be compromised in terms of visual impact, noise and traffic especially at peak periods.

General Industrial (B2) employment is considered incompatible with B1 uses and clearly at odds with the Council's stated reason for allocating employment in this location (paragraph 2.32). Having B2 on the same site as B1 will dissuade most high-tech office based companies from investing in the site because they would be concerned over the type of neighbouring employment use which might come forward at a later stage.

The southern end of Land West of Europa Way commands an elevated position compared to land to the north, west and south. It is therefore considered that the visual impact of large offices will be harder to mitigate than 2 to 3 storey houses which offer more flexibility in terms of mitigating their visual impact through the physical arrangement of units/ roof lines and tree planting throughout the site and other screen planting.

Testun llawn:

Reference 3 (OBJECT)

Under Policy D14 the Publication Plan allocates land for a 'Community Hub' which we are informed would include a "community sports complex". Under paragraph 2.63 in the same version of the Plan we are also informed that the sports complex "...could include a small stadium with complementary uses, should such a scheme be viable". In written representations to Publication Draft Local Plan the Consortium also drew attention to the fact that in the officer's report on the Submission Draft Local Plan, which was presented to the Full Council & Executive Committees (23 April 2014), officer's stated that the stadium proposals are associated with the relocation of Leamington FC from their current site located on Harbury Lane approximately 2km beyond the urban edge of Whitnash; a site which the District Council has separately identified as one of their preferred sites for meeting Gypsy and Traveller needs. In the same committee report officers' also suggest that other 'complementary' uses include land to assist with parking problems currently experienced at Warwick Technology Park. From what is now proposed in the Focused Consultation document, it is clear that it is a football stadium which is, and always has been, central to the Community Hub idea.

Whilst the District Council and other stakeholders may wish to see Leamington FC relocate their existing stadium, the Consortium is not aware of any detailed proposals for, or evidence base to support a new 'Community Stadium' at this location. The site for the stadium is not only in a location which we feel would raise amenity concerns for existing and future residents, due to visual impact, noise and traffic, but it is also proposed is in a location which is at odds with other policies in the Draft Local Plan, in particular Policy CT1 which encourages such facilities to be located in town centre locations.

Finally with specific regard to the matter of viability we are unclear how such a facility would be funded as this item of infrastructure is not included in the Draft IDP. How big is a 'small stadium'?

For the aforementioned reasons the Consortium remains opposed to the Council's proposals for a new Community Stadium and "associated uses" on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site H01).

Reference 5 (SUPPORT)

The Europa Way Consortium supports the proposed amendment to Policies Map: 2 so that it reflects the removal of land allocated for employment in the Publication Draft version of the Local Plan.

It is our considered view that the southern part of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) should not be allocated for employment for the following reasons:

* Whilst the site does sit adjacent to Warwick Technology Park (WTP), there are no existing pedestrian or vehicular links between the two and, given existing development on WTP and local topography (WTP sits in a 'bowl'), there is no recognised prospect of any being established in the future. Therefore we strongly disagree with previous suggestions that having employment in this location would serve as a natural extension the existing Technology Park.
* Having regard to the existing employment land supply within the District we contend that there will not be the market for additional employment land in this part of the District, during the first phase of the Plan. An argument supported by the Council's recent decision to grant planning permission for housing on allocated employment sites, including a site located opposite off Heathcote Rd/ Harbury lane.
* If there were a delay in the take up of employment land on the Strategic Site it could have a detrimental impact on the wider proposed urban extension, in particular the delivery of new infrastructure including a proposed spine road which would link Gallows Hill (road) with Europa Way (A452). The spine road is not only proposed as a public transport (bus) route, but would provide convenient pedestrian and cycle access for those children from the Warwick Gates area who currently attend Myton School or would attend the School in the future.
* A major employment allocation at this location would also generate significant traffic movements and therefore would be detrimental to opportunities to secure safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to Myton School for children in the wider area, but in particular those from Warwick Gates and the planned urban extension south of Harbury Lane.
* A major employment allocation at this location is considered incompatible with residential proposed on the same site. In particular the amenity of residents is likely to be compromised in terms of visual impact, noise and traffic especially at peak periods.

* General Industrial (B2) employment is considered incompatible with B1 uses and clearly at odds with the Council's stated reason for allocating employment in this location (paragraph 2.32). Having B2 on the same site as B1 will dissuade most high-tech office based companies from investing in the site because they would be concerned over the type of neighbouring employment use which might come forward at a later stage.

* The southern end of Land West of Europa Way commands an elevated position compared to land to the north, west and south. It is therefore considered that the visual impact of large offices will be harder to mitigate than 2 to 3 storey houses which offer more flexibility in terms of mitigating their visual impact through the physical arrangement of units/ roof lines and tree planting throughout the site and other screen planting.

Finally with specific regard to the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) we consider that by simply providing residential development within this part of Warwick, the result will be a more sustainable pattern of development through the creation of a better mix of land uses. The strategic site is already surrounded by retail, education and employment opportunities which are within easy walking /cycling distance including. With regards to the latter opportunities are not limited to Warwick Technology Park (WTP) but also Tachbrook Park, Spa Business Park and Heathcote Industrial Estate.

Reference 6 (OBJECT)

Although it is inferred that the Proposed Modifications results in a change in the housing allocation depicted on Policies Map: 2, no such change has been made. Policies Map: 2, in both the Publication Draft and Focused Consultation versions of the Local Plan depicts all of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) as being allocated for residential, with other land use allocations overlapping, such as those for employment, community hub/stadium and/or education. The Policies Map should not have the same area of land allocated for different land uses unless a dedicated mixed-use scheme is proposed, which, in this case, it is not.

Recommendation: It is recommended that Policies Map: 2 is amended to only show Land at Myton/West of Europa Way allocated for housing and education.

Reference 7 (OBJECT)

For reasons set out in our response to Proposed Modification reference # 3, the Europa Way Consortium does not support the allocation of Land at Myton/West of Europa Way for a sports stadium and therefore requests that the allocation is deleted from Policies Map: 2.
Land at Myton/West of Europa Way

Reference 8 (OBJECT)

The Consortium wishes to take this opportunity to restate that boundary for the 'Major Education Allocation' (DS12) on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way is incorrect on Policies Map: 2 in both the Publication and this, the Focused Consultation, Draft versions of the Local Plan.

Historically the Consortium has been informed by WDC and Myton School that 9.18 hectares (22.3 acres) of land is needed south of the existing school boundary to deliver the proposed new Education Campus. To help facilitate this, the Consortium and WCC-Property (who own the adjacent site) have agreed to safeguard the following: 2.06 hectares (5.4 acres) on County Council held land with the balance 7.12ha (17.3acres) being safeguarded by the Consortium. These respective areas and proposed amendments to the policy boundary are shown on the attached plan and align with Illustrative Masterplan for outline planning applications Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076; approved 5/12/14) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).

Recommendation: Amend the Major Allocations (DS12) boundary on Policies Map: 2 so that it aligns with the land safeguarded for education on the Illustrative Masterplans for Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).



Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation

6 - Policies Map - H01

ID sylw: 67449

Derbyniwyd: 16/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Europa Way Consortium

Asiant : AMEC

Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi

Cadarn? Nac Ydi

Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No change has been made to the housing allocation at Land at Myton / West of Europa Way on Policy map 2. Policies Map: 2, in both the Publication Draft and Focused Consultation versions of the Local Plan depicts all of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) as being allocated for residential, with other land use allocations overlapping, such as those for employment, community hub/stadium and/or education. The Policies Map should not have the same area of land allocated for different land uses unless a dedicated mixed-use scheme is proposed, which, in this case, it is not.

Testun llawn:

Reference 3 (OBJECT)

Under Policy D14 the Publication Plan allocates land for a 'Community Hub' which we are informed would include a "community sports complex". Under paragraph 2.63 in the same version of the Plan we are also informed that the sports complex "...could include a small stadium with complementary uses, should such a scheme be viable". In written representations to Publication Draft Local Plan the Consortium also drew attention to the fact that in the officer's report on the Submission Draft Local Plan, which was presented to the Full Council & Executive Committees (23 April 2014), officer's stated that the stadium proposals are associated with the relocation of Leamington FC from their current site located on Harbury Lane approximately 2km beyond the urban edge of Whitnash; a site which the District Council has separately identified as one of their preferred sites for meeting Gypsy and Traveller needs. In the same committee report officers' also suggest that other 'complementary' uses include land to assist with parking problems currently experienced at Warwick Technology Park. From what is now proposed in the Focused Consultation document, it is clear that it is a football stadium which is, and always has been, central to the Community Hub idea.

Whilst the District Council and other stakeholders may wish to see Leamington FC relocate their existing stadium, the Consortium is not aware of any detailed proposals for, or evidence base to support a new 'Community Stadium' at this location. The site for the stadium is not only in a location which we feel would raise amenity concerns for existing and future residents, due to visual impact, noise and traffic, but it is also proposed is in a location which is at odds with other policies in the Draft Local Plan, in particular Policy CT1 which encourages such facilities to be located in town centre locations.

Finally with specific regard to the matter of viability we are unclear how such a facility would be funded as this item of infrastructure is not included in the Draft IDP. How big is a 'small stadium'?

For the aforementioned reasons the Consortium remains opposed to the Council's proposals for a new Community Stadium and "associated uses" on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site H01).

Reference 5 (SUPPORT)

The Europa Way Consortium supports the proposed amendment to Policies Map: 2 so that it reflects the removal of land allocated for employment in the Publication Draft version of the Local Plan.

It is our considered view that the southern part of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) should not be allocated for employment for the following reasons:

* Whilst the site does sit adjacent to Warwick Technology Park (WTP), there are no existing pedestrian or vehicular links between the two and, given existing development on WTP and local topography (WTP sits in a 'bowl'), there is no recognised prospect of any being established in the future. Therefore we strongly disagree with previous suggestions that having employment in this location would serve as a natural extension the existing Technology Park.
* Having regard to the existing employment land supply within the District we contend that there will not be the market for additional employment land in this part of the District, during the first phase of the Plan. An argument supported by the Council's recent decision to grant planning permission for housing on allocated employment sites, including a site located opposite off Heathcote Rd/ Harbury lane.
* If there were a delay in the take up of employment land on the Strategic Site it could have a detrimental impact on the wider proposed urban extension, in particular the delivery of new infrastructure including a proposed spine road which would link Gallows Hill (road) with Europa Way (A452). The spine road is not only proposed as a public transport (bus) route, but would provide convenient pedestrian and cycle access for those children from the Warwick Gates area who currently attend Myton School or would attend the School in the future.
* A major employment allocation at this location would also generate significant traffic movements and therefore would be detrimental to opportunities to secure safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to Myton School for children in the wider area, but in particular those from Warwick Gates and the planned urban extension south of Harbury Lane.
* A major employment allocation at this location is considered incompatible with residential proposed on the same site. In particular the amenity of residents is likely to be compromised in terms of visual impact, noise and traffic especially at peak periods.

* General Industrial (B2) employment is considered incompatible with B1 uses and clearly at odds with the Council's stated reason for allocating employment in this location (paragraph 2.32). Having B2 on the same site as B1 will dissuade most high-tech office based companies from investing in the site because they would be concerned over the type of neighbouring employment use which might come forward at a later stage.

* The southern end of Land West of Europa Way commands an elevated position compared to land to the north, west and south. It is therefore considered that the visual impact of large offices will be harder to mitigate than 2 to 3 storey houses which offer more flexibility in terms of mitigating their visual impact through the physical arrangement of units/ roof lines and tree planting throughout the site and other screen planting.

Finally with specific regard to the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) we consider that by simply providing residential development within this part of Warwick, the result will be a more sustainable pattern of development through the creation of a better mix of land uses. The strategic site is already surrounded by retail, education and employment opportunities which are within easy walking /cycling distance including. With regards to the latter opportunities are not limited to Warwick Technology Park (WTP) but also Tachbrook Park, Spa Business Park and Heathcote Industrial Estate.

Reference 6 (OBJECT)

Although it is inferred that the Proposed Modifications results in a change in the housing allocation depicted on Policies Map: 2, no such change has been made. Policies Map: 2, in both the Publication Draft and Focused Consultation versions of the Local Plan depicts all of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) as being allocated for residential, with other land use allocations overlapping, such as those for employment, community hub/stadium and/or education. The Policies Map should not have the same area of land allocated for different land uses unless a dedicated mixed-use scheme is proposed, which, in this case, it is not.

Recommendation: It is recommended that Policies Map: 2 is amended to only show Land at Myton/West of Europa Way allocated for housing and education.

Reference 7 (OBJECT)

For reasons set out in our response to Proposed Modification reference # 3, the Europa Way Consortium does not support the allocation of Land at Myton/West of Europa Way for a sports stadium and therefore requests that the allocation is deleted from Policies Map: 2.
Land at Myton/West of Europa Way

Reference 8 (OBJECT)

The Consortium wishes to take this opportunity to restate that boundary for the 'Major Education Allocation' (DS12) on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way is incorrect on Policies Map: 2 in both the Publication and this, the Focused Consultation, Draft versions of the Local Plan.

Historically the Consortium has been informed by WDC and Myton School that 9.18 hectares (22.3 acres) of land is needed south of the existing school boundary to deliver the proposed new Education Campus. To help facilitate this, the Consortium and WCC-Property (who own the adjacent site) have agreed to safeguard the following: 2.06 hectares (5.4 acres) on County Council held land with the balance 7.12ha (17.3acres) being safeguarded by the Consortium. These respective areas and proposed amendments to the policy boundary are shown on the attached plan and align with Illustrative Masterplan for outline planning applications Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076; approved 5/12/14) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).

Recommendation: Amend the Major Allocations (DS12) boundary on Policies Map: 2 so that it aligns with the land safeguarded for education on the Illustrative Masterplans for Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).



Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation

7 - Policies Map - DS14

ID sylw: 67450

Derbyniwyd: 16/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Europa Way Consortium

Asiant : AMEC

Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi

Cadarn? Nac Ydi

Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

For reasons set out in our response to Proposed Modification reference # 3, the Europa Way Consortium does not support the allocation of Land at Myton/West of Europa Way for a sports stadium and therefore requests that the allocation is deleted from Policies Map: 2 Land at Myton/West of Europa Way

Testun llawn:

Reference 3 (OBJECT)

Under Policy D14 the Publication Plan allocates land for a 'Community Hub' which we are informed would include a "community sports complex". Under paragraph 2.63 in the same version of the Plan we are also informed that the sports complex "...could include a small stadium with complementary uses, should such a scheme be viable". In written representations to Publication Draft Local Plan the Consortium also drew attention to the fact that in the officer's report on the Submission Draft Local Plan, which was presented to the Full Council & Executive Committees (23 April 2014), officer's stated that the stadium proposals are associated with the relocation of Leamington FC from their current site located on Harbury Lane approximately 2km beyond the urban edge of Whitnash; a site which the District Council has separately identified as one of their preferred sites for meeting Gypsy and Traveller needs. In the same committee report officers' also suggest that other 'complementary' uses include land to assist with parking problems currently experienced at Warwick Technology Park. From what is now proposed in the Focused Consultation document, it is clear that it is a football stadium which is, and always has been, central to the Community Hub idea.

Whilst the District Council and other stakeholders may wish to see Leamington FC relocate their existing stadium, the Consortium is not aware of any detailed proposals for, or evidence base to support a new 'Community Stadium' at this location. The site for the stadium is not only in a location which we feel would raise amenity concerns for existing and future residents, due to visual impact, noise and traffic, but it is also proposed is in a location which is at odds with other policies in the Draft Local Plan, in particular Policy CT1 which encourages such facilities to be located in town centre locations.

Finally with specific regard to the matter of viability we are unclear how such a facility would be funded as this item of infrastructure is not included in the Draft IDP. How big is a 'small stadium'?

For the aforementioned reasons the Consortium remains opposed to the Council's proposals for a new Community Stadium and "associated uses" on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site H01).

Reference 5 (SUPPORT)

The Europa Way Consortium supports the proposed amendment to Policies Map: 2 so that it reflects the removal of land allocated for employment in the Publication Draft version of the Local Plan.

It is our considered view that the southern part of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) should not be allocated for employment for the following reasons:

* Whilst the site does sit adjacent to Warwick Technology Park (WTP), there are no existing pedestrian or vehicular links between the two and, given existing development on WTP and local topography (WTP sits in a 'bowl'), there is no recognised prospect of any being established in the future. Therefore we strongly disagree with previous suggestions that having employment in this location would serve as a natural extension the existing Technology Park.
* Having regard to the existing employment land supply within the District we contend that there will not be the market for additional employment land in this part of the District, during the first phase of the Plan. An argument supported by the Council's recent decision to grant planning permission for housing on allocated employment sites, including a site located opposite off Heathcote Rd/ Harbury lane.
* If there were a delay in the take up of employment land on the Strategic Site it could have a detrimental impact on the wider proposed urban extension, in particular the delivery of new infrastructure including a proposed spine road which would link Gallows Hill (road) with Europa Way (A452). The spine road is not only proposed as a public transport (bus) route, but would provide convenient pedestrian and cycle access for those children from the Warwick Gates area who currently attend Myton School or would attend the School in the future.
* A major employment allocation at this location would also generate significant traffic movements and therefore would be detrimental to opportunities to secure safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to Myton School for children in the wider area, but in particular those from Warwick Gates and the planned urban extension south of Harbury Lane.
* A major employment allocation at this location is considered incompatible with residential proposed on the same site. In particular the amenity of residents is likely to be compromised in terms of visual impact, noise and traffic especially at peak periods.

* General Industrial (B2) employment is considered incompatible with B1 uses and clearly at odds with the Council's stated reason for allocating employment in this location (paragraph 2.32). Having B2 on the same site as B1 will dissuade most high-tech office based companies from investing in the site because they would be concerned over the type of neighbouring employment use which might come forward at a later stage.

* The southern end of Land West of Europa Way commands an elevated position compared to land to the north, west and south. It is therefore considered that the visual impact of large offices will be harder to mitigate than 2 to 3 storey houses which offer more flexibility in terms of mitigating their visual impact through the physical arrangement of units/ roof lines and tree planting throughout the site and other screen planting.

Finally with specific regard to the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) we consider that by simply providing residential development within this part of Warwick, the result will be a more sustainable pattern of development through the creation of a better mix of land uses. The strategic site is already surrounded by retail, education and employment opportunities which are within easy walking /cycling distance including. With regards to the latter opportunities are not limited to Warwick Technology Park (WTP) but also Tachbrook Park, Spa Business Park and Heathcote Industrial Estate.

Reference 6 (OBJECT)

Although it is inferred that the Proposed Modifications results in a change in the housing allocation depicted on Policies Map: 2, no such change has been made. Policies Map: 2, in both the Publication Draft and Focused Consultation versions of the Local Plan depicts all of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) as being allocated for residential, with other land use allocations overlapping, such as those for employment, community hub/stadium and/or education. The Policies Map should not have the same area of land allocated for different land uses unless a dedicated mixed-use scheme is proposed, which, in this case, it is not.

Recommendation: It is recommended that Policies Map: 2 is amended to only show Land at Myton/West of Europa Way allocated for housing and education.

Reference 7 (OBJECT)

For reasons set out in our response to Proposed Modification reference # 3, the Europa Way Consortium does not support the allocation of Land at Myton/West of Europa Way for a sports stadium and therefore requests that the allocation is deleted from Policies Map: 2.
Land at Myton/West of Europa Way

Reference 8 (OBJECT)

The Consortium wishes to take this opportunity to restate that boundary for the 'Major Education Allocation' (DS12) on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way is incorrect on Policies Map: 2 in both the Publication and this, the Focused Consultation, Draft versions of the Local Plan.

Historically the Consortium has been informed by WDC and Myton School that 9.18 hectares (22.3 acres) of land is needed south of the existing school boundary to deliver the proposed new Education Campus. To help facilitate this, the Consortium and WCC-Property (who own the adjacent site) have agreed to safeguard the following: 2.06 hectares (5.4 acres) on County Council held land with the balance 7.12ha (17.3acres) being safeguarded by the Consortium. These respective areas and proposed amendments to the policy boundary are shown on the attached plan and align with Illustrative Masterplan for outline planning applications Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076; approved 5/12/14) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).

Recommendation: Amend the Major Allocations (DS12) boundary on Policies Map: 2 so that it aligns with the land safeguarded for education on the Illustrative Masterplans for Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).



Publication Draft Local Plan: Focused Consultation

8 - Policies Map - ED1

ID sylw: 67452

Derbyniwyd: 16/12/2014

Ymatebydd: Europa Way Consortium

Asiant : AMEC

Cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith? Nac Ydi

Cadarn? Nac Ydi

Dyletswydd i gydweithredu? Nac Ydi

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The boundary for the Major Education Allocation' (DS12) on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way is incorrect on Policies Map: 2 in both the Publication and this, the Focused Consultation, Draft versions of the Local Plan. Historically the Consortium has been informed by WDC and Myton School that 9.18 hectares (22.3 acres) of land is needed south of the existing school boundary to deliver the proposed new Education Campus. To help facilitate this, the Consortium and WCC-Property (who own the adjacent site) have agreed to safeguard the following: 2.06 hectares (5.4 acres) on County Council held land with the balance 7.12ha (17.3acres) being safeguarded by the Consortium. These respective areas and proposed amendments to the policy boundary are shown on the attached plan and align with Illustrative Masterplan for outline planning applications Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076; approved 5/12/14) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).

Testun llawn:

Reference 3 (OBJECT)

Under Policy D14 the Publication Plan allocates land for a 'Community Hub' which we are informed would include a "community sports complex". Under paragraph 2.63 in the same version of the Plan we are also informed that the sports complex "...could include a small stadium with complementary uses, should such a scheme be viable". In written representations to Publication Draft Local Plan the Consortium also drew attention to the fact that in the officer's report on the Submission Draft Local Plan, which was presented to the Full Council & Executive Committees (23 April 2014), officer's stated that the stadium proposals are associated with the relocation of Leamington FC from their current site located on Harbury Lane approximately 2km beyond the urban edge of Whitnash; a site which the District Council has separately identified as one of their preferred sites for meeting Gypsy and Traveller needs. In the same committee report officers' also suggest that other 'complementary' uses include land to assist with parking problems currently experienced at Warwick Technology Park. From what is now proposed in the Focused Consultation document, it is clear that it is a football stadium which is, and always has been, central to the Community Hub idea.

Whilst the District Council and other stakeholders may wish to see Leamington FC relocate their existing stadium, the Consortium is not aware of any detailed proposals for, or evidence base to support a new 'Community Stadium' at this location. The site for the stadium is not only in a location which we feel would raise amenity concerns for existing and future residents, due to visual impact, noise and traffic, but it is also proposed is in a location which is at odds with other policies in the Draft Local Plan, in particular Policy CT1 which encourages such facilities to be located in town centre locations.

Finally with specific regard to the matter of viability we are unclear how such a facility would be funded as this item of infrastructure is not included in the Draft IDP. How big is a 'small stadium'?

For the aforementioned reasons the Consortium remains opposed to the Council's proposals for a new Community Stadium and "associated uses" on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site H01).

Reference 5 (SUPPORT)

The Europa Way Consortium supports the proposed amendment to Policies Map: 2 so that it reflects the removal of land allocated for employment in the Publication Draft version of the Local Plan.

It is our considered view that the southern part of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) should not be allocated for employment for the following reasons:

* Whilst the site does sit adjacent to Warwick Technology Park (WTP), there are no existing pedestrian or vehicular links between the two and, given existing development on WTP and local topography (WTP sits in a 'bowl'), there is no recognised prospect of any being established in the future. Therefore we strongly disagree with previous suggestions that having employment in this location would serve as a natural extension the existing Technology Park.
* Having regard to the existing employment land supply within the District we contend that there will not be the market for additional employment land in this part of the District, during the first phase of the Plan. An argument supported by the Council's recent decision to grant planning permission for housing on allocated employment sites, including a site located opposite off Heathcote Rd/ Harbury lane.
* If there were a delay in the take up of employment land on the Strategic Site it could have a detrimental impact on the wider proposed urban extension, in particular the delivery of new infrastructure including a proposed spine road which would link Gallows Hill (road) with Europa Way (A452). The spine road is not only proposed as a public transport (bus) route, but would provide convenient pedestrian and cycle access for those children from the Warwick Gates area who currently attend Myton School or would attend the School in the future.
* A major employment allocation at this location would also generate significant traffic movements and therefore would be detrimental to opportunities to secure safe and convenient pedestrian and cycle access to Myton School for children in the wider area, but in particular those from Warwick Gates and the planned urban extension south of Harbury Lane.
* A major employment allocation at this location is considered incompatible with residential proposed on the same site. In particular the amenity of residents is likely to be compromised in terms of visual impact, noise and traffic especially at peak periods.

* General Industrial (B2) employment is considered incompatible with B1 uses and clearly at odds with the Council's stated reason for allocating employment in this location (paragraph 2.32). Having B2 on the same site as B1 will dissuade most high-tech office based companies from investing in the site because they would be concerned over the type of neighbouring employment use which might come forward at a later stage.

* The southern end of Land West of Europa Way commands an elevated position compared to land to the north, west and south. It is therefore considered that the visual impact of large offices will be harder to mitigate than 2 to 3 storey houses which offer more flexibility in terms of mitigating their visual impact through the physical arrangement of units/ roof lines and tree planting throughout the site and other screen planting.

Finally with specific regard to the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) we consider that by simply providing residential development within this part of Warwick, the result will be a more sustainable pattern of development through the creation of a better mix of land uses. The strategic site is already surrounded by retail, education and employment opportunities which are within easy walking /cycling distance including. With regards to the latter opportunities are not limited to Warwick Technology Park (WTP) but also Tachbrook Park, Spa Business Park and Heathcote Industrial Estate.

Reference 6 (OBJECT)

Although it is inferred that the Proposed Modifications results in a change in the housing allocation depicted on Policies Map: 2, no such change has been made. Policies Map: 2, in both the Publication Draft and Focused Consultation versions of the Local Plan depicts all of the Land at Myton/West of Europa Way (Strategic Site) as being allocated for residential, with other land use allocations overlapping, such as those for employment, community hub/stadium and/or education. The Policies Map should not have the same area of land allocated for different land uses unless a dedicated mixed-use scheme is proposed, which, in this case, it is not.

Recommendation: It is recommended that Policies Map: 2 is amended to only show Land at Myton/West of Europa Way allocated for housing and education.

Reference 7 (OBJECT)

For reasons set out in our response to Proposed Modification reference # 3, the Europa Way Consortium does not support the allocation of Land at Myton/West of Europa Way for a sports stadium and therefore requests that the allocation is deleted from Policies Map: 2.
Land at Myton/West of Europa Way

Reference 8 (OBJECT)

The Consortium wishes to take this opportunity to restate that boundary for the 'Major Education Allocation' (DS12) on Land at Myton/West of Europa Way is incorrect on Policies Map: 2 in both the Publication and this, the Focused Consultation, Draft versions of the Local Plan.

Historically the Consortium has been informed by WDC and Myton School that 9.18 hectares (22.3 acres) of land is needed south of the existing school boundary to deliver the proposed new Education Campus. To help facilitate this, the Consortium and WCC-Property (who own the adjacent site) have agreed to safeguard the following: 2.06 hectares (5.4 acres) on County Council held land with the balance 7.12ha (17.3acres) being safeguarded by the Consortium. These respective areas and proposed amendments to the policy boundary are shown on the attached plan and align with Illustrative Masterplan for outline planning applications Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076; approved 5/12/14) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).

Recommendation: Amend the Major Allocations (DS12) boundary on Policies Map: 2 so that it aligns with the land safeguarded for education on the Illustrative Masterplans for Land at Myton (Application No. W/14/1076) and Land North of Gallows Hill (Application No. W/14/0967).


Am gyfarwyddiadau ar sut i ddefnyddio’r system ac i wneud sylwadau, gwelwch ein canllaw cymorth.